
waking up

"crunch". the sound of rocks being crushed under the weight of the tomb opening up. "hey what do you think is in here" says a young woman of around twenty-four.

"I don't know maybe it's just another empty ruin" says another person who looks to be a young man around twenty-six. "hey do you think I can get a light in here Amanda gosh you can be sooooo slow sometimes I wonder why we even brought you" says the young woman. "it's cause I can use magic" you hear a small timid voice say from the other side of the door. then in comes a small woman of about five foot three with long brown hair that goes down to her mid back. wearing what appears to be a long robe with a leather chest plate and long pants made of pure cotton. "I'll light the room up hold on" says Amanda, then you hear what sounds like ancient words that sound like gibberish. "whoosh" a ball of light appears from the tip of Amanda's staff that look like it came from nowhere when in actuality she just increased the size of the small stick that was in her hand when she got to the tombs room. the ball of light gets brighter and brighter till it's like a mini sun in a little room "woooooooow this place is bigger than I thought the ceiling has to be at least 12 meters tall" says the young man "yea plus the columns are huge and it looks like there are writings all over them" says the young woman who looks at the man walking further into the room. "hey wait up for me" says Amanda as she works her way over to them "well if you weren't so slow maybe we could move faster" sneered the young woman to Amanda "hey girls what's that in the middle right there" the young man points to what he means. both the girls look and the young woman says "it looks like a stone sarcophagus, this place looks ancient so I bet there is some relics in there" so she made her way over to the sarcophagus that looks like the stone is about to fall apart but looks sturdy in a way.along the lid was a bunch of letters going around the rim that looked like the had some amount of magic pulsing in them but went away when the woman got near it and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge "hey do you think you could help me" says young woman the young man runs over to the sarcophagus and tries to push open the lid but nothing works then a idea popped into his head. he looks to Amanda and says "hey do you think you could strengthen us" Amanda nods the starts her chant then a light rushes over to them and covers there body and a little bit of the sarcophagus which turns the Letters back on to there magic pulsing then the lid opened the young man says "hey why did it open we didn't even push yet" "AHHHHHHHH" the young man looks to his left and sees the woman screaming which gave him chills then he starts seeing her get older and older while the scream was losing its sound the older she got till she became nothing but skin and bones "hey wh-- AHHHHHHHH IT HURTS " says the young man who is now realizing he is experiencing what the woman just did he can only describe it as your soul being ripped apart then being sucked out into the sarcophagus. Amanda who was a little bit away from them saw everything that happened to them and she fell to her knees in fear, as she was trembling the entire tomb started to shake. the columns were moving but looked like they would hold then a magic energy hit her and it knocked her down she looked back to the sarcophagus and saw a huge hand holding the edge while another one pushed the lid up and off like it was made of paper instead of stone that was about two feet thick. then she just realized how huge the sarcophagus was as she was now alittle more further away. it looked to be at least five meters long then she hears and ancient voice " hey do you think you could help me real quick my back is killing me" she looks toward the front of the sarcophagus and sees the most handsome and beautiful but still masculine man looking at her the she passes out "hey now why did you have to do that I was just asking for help" he says as imaginary tears go down his face "I wonder how long it's been now that I woke up, I can still feel that nature is present but the amount of Mana is appalling I need to find out why, but first I think my back just gave out I knew I should have put a moss bed in here this shit is killing me" *CRACK* "AHHH dammit that hurt well at least I can move now but what am I going to do with her"

just thought I'd start alittle novel

smushycreators' thoughts