
Natural Disaster (Paused)

It is the year 2764. Russians have established a lab in London. The four elements, fire, water, earth, and wind we're their desires. The elements were placed in four teenagers, they we're created to rehabilitate the world. A doctor named Lucas Henricks has the secrets to their plans. Emma, Noah, Lily, and Troy must find this doctor and figure out a way to stop Ballestin, the name of the laboratory. The group of elements have never meet before but they can feel that they are connected in some way, and they are correct. Noah is the only one who knows what lies inside the lab and he will need to be the one to lead the group through their quest.

RudyGasparrini · Khoa huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 4 part 1

"Well let's go in," Lily said as she started walking towards the house. Noah stopped her suddenly by grabbing onto the back of her shirt. She looked at him, displeased.

"What's your problem? Don't you want to see this doctor guy?"

"Of course I do, but we must take precautions. You all still know how to use your abilities, right" The group nodded in agreement. Emma made a small amount of water trickle down her fingers.

"Good, and don't hesitate to use those if things go south." Noah finally started his way to the house. The house and lawn were neat and well organized. All the plants offered more privacy for the residence. But they also provided more support for Troy if they needed to execute plan B. Plan B was an escape plan, but if the person in this house turned hostile, running away might result in something a little more tragic.

Noah was the first to step onto the path that led to the front door of the house. The rest of them followed in a neat row, Lily, Troy, then Emma. From the outside it didn't look like anyone was home but they still had to check anyways. They soon got to the front door. Troy, Lily, and Emma stared at Noah, waiting for him to either ring the bell or knock. He slowly brought his hand to the door knocking politely on the wood.

There was no response. He knocked a second time and waited a few seconds. But there was still no response. Lily made her way next to Noah and examined the doorknob. It was unlocked. She turned it, ready to go inside.

"Hay, what are you doing?" Noah asked, grabbing her hand off the doorknob.

"Going inside. Are you coming or not?" Noah let go knowing that this was wrong but still allowed Lily to continue with her idea. She slowly opened the door, hearing the sound of the wood squeak as it opened fully. The group peered into the building. No lights were on but it was obvious someone lived here.

"Isn't this breaking and entering?" Emma asked.

"Yeah but we're already wanted by psychotic Russian scientists so I think it's mildly acceptable," Troy responded.

Lily was the first to enter the house and Noah followed right besides her. In fear of being left out, Troy and Emma entered as well.

"Hello?" Noah yelled. No one responded. The four of them split up, they searched the house of anything that could be of use to them. Lily entered the kitchen. It was small and very under furnished but one thing stood out to her. There was a trap door in the far right corner of the room. She walked closer to it and gently lifted the hatch. It was another room. A basement, she presumed. She closed the door in case anyone was down there she didn't want to let them know they were here.

"I found something!" She informed. Noah and the other two met back up with her. They all decided to go investigate the basement. Troy opened the hatch as the rest walked down the wooden stairs.

"Hello?" Noah asked again. At that moment they heard something drop from inside the basement. They quickly ran down the stairs. As they reached the bottom of the steps they were met with the face of the confused reporter.

He was shocked and didn't say a word. He just stood by a clean wooden desk with a notebook in his hand and a pencil by his feet.

"Sorry we don't mean to intrude," Noah said as he was now met with the fact that this was not Dr. Henricks. Noah began walking back up the steps. He didn't want to appear rude to this man but he didn't have anything else to say. Dr. Henricks wasn't here. It was not back to the drawing board, the problem was that they didn't have anywhere else to go.

"Wait!" Philip yelled as he watched the group go back up the steps. They all turned around to face him as he reached the end of the steps.

"Who are you?"

"I promise we will get out of your house," Lily responded.

"That's not answering my question," replied Philip. Emma walked back down the stairs a bit until she was one step above Philip.

"That's Noah, Lily, and Troy. My name is Emma," she said as she reached out her hand for Philip to shake.

"I'm Philip. Reporter for the BBC." He warmly shook Emma's hand as he gazed into her beautiful brown eyes for a bit too long. Emma took her hand back and walked up, next to her brother as she started to feel a bit uncomfortable. Philip snapped back into reality as he realized he had made a very bad first impression.

"You write for the BBC?" Lily asked.


"Philip Henricks?" Lily turned around to see Noah's reaction to all of this. He was staring inattentively at Philip, awaiting his answer.


"Wait, what?" Noah said, hoping this was true. He smiled and quickly ran back down the steps. All the others followed him once again.

"Are you related to Dr. Henricks?"

"Lucas Henricks? Yeah, he's my father. Noah celebrated to himself and had to stop the sudden urge from hugging Philip. Philip seemed more confused than before. Not only did he not know who these people were that just broke into his house, he also didn't know what business they had with his father.

"Where is he?" asked Noah.

"He's not here."

"Take me to him."

"Excuse me?" Philip needed answers but this child kept demanding to see someone that he promised to not speak of.

"I don't even know who you people are or why you're in my house. I was told not to speak of that man so do me a favor and get out." Noah took a step back from Philip. It was at this moment that he snapped back into reality and realized what he had done.

"My apologies, Philip. I believe we have gotten off on the wrong foot. See, we are the four elements of the planet. And we are wanted by that laboratory that your father formerly worked in. Without his help, there is no hope for anyone. He possesses technology into another world. We need your help to find him. Please, will you show us where he is?" Philip sighed, he refused to make eye contact with Noah and instead locked eyes with Emma.

"I will show you where he is, though I do not trust the majority of you. He told me he was heading towards Downtown. We'll take my car."