
morning of the second day

July 11, 2042 After Shino and Miku went back to camp Kaneki prepared the promised first version of his Omurice and he reveal a secret ingredient that no one even those 3 would expect.

Everyone: EEEEHHHH! LOVE?!!!!

Kaneki: yup.

Keiko: so those that means you?

Kaneki: Gross not that kind of love dumbass! What i meant was the love for cooking.

Itsuki: hehe~ sorry man we were just surprised since you said "love"

Kaneki: well whatever.

A few minutes later*

Everyone: thank you for the food!

Kaneki: alright then I'll go wash the dishes.

Yuuka: wait a minute Higanbana-kun.

Kaneki: ?, What is it?

Yuuka: everyone I have an announcement!

???: what is it?

Yuuka: today we are going fishing!

???: really? But isn't it too early?

Yuuka: not now we can do fishing at 10 o'clock.

Ryueki: sounds fun!.

Miku: sounds fun

Shino: can I put a twist to it?

Yuuka's thoughts*

(What is it Shino don't tell me your backing out?)

Yuuka: what is it?

Shino: what about we make it a competition between all of us.

(Wait for real? Looks like She had an idea.)

Yuuka: great idea what are the rules?

Shino: each team will be a two person team whichever team gets the most fish wins. But you must release the fish you caught.

???: but how are we supposed to know who caught the most fish if we're supposed to release them?

Shino: we can use this.

Ryueki: what is that?

Chikao and Kaneki: wait isn't that a Announcer drone?!

Shino: yup, i bought this a while back it can record how many fish we caught.

Yuuka: amazing!

Shino: yeah! So you guys in?

No one even hesitated.

Everyone: I'm in!

Shino: great the winning pair I will personally treat some premium crepes.

Natsuki: premium crepes! (Those are so good! Dang I wish i could eat them with Kaneki and Miku-chan!)

Kaneki: how many crepes?

Shino: as many as you want.

Kaneki's thoughts*

(Maybe i should join I can bring some for Natsuki and probably Chi-chan and probably for my sister too.)

Shino: so are you joining?

Kaneki: yeah i think i would but I don't have a fishing rod.

Shino: wait really? (This isn't good! I can't go fishing with him if he doesn't have one.) Does anyone have any extra rods that they can lend to Higanbana-kun?

???: sorry i only brought one.

Miku: same here.

Natsuki: sorry I don't have any extra...

Chi-chan: nope sorry Kaneki.

???: nope.

Keita: sorry man but I don't have any extra.

Everyone didn't had any extra rods to lend to Kaneki.

Ryueki: so does that mean he can't Join?

Shino's thoughts*

(Not good not good! I can't be alone with him at this rate!)

Kaneki: eh its alright i can make my own rod.

Shino: wait really?

Kaneki: yeah I'll start making it once I wash the dishes.

Natsuki: do you need help?

Kaneki: nah, I can do it on my own well see I'm heading off, see ya guys later.

Kaneki left with the dishes.

Itsuki: i wonder how he is planning to make his own fishing rod?

Keiko: well he did say he was going to use his web gun but besides that how is he going to get the other parts?

Shino: well we just have to wait and see.

30 minutes later.

Kaneki: here's the dishes.

Shino: thanks I'll take it.

Kaneki: sure.

Kaneki have the newly cleaned dishes to Shino.

Kaneki: well time to make my fishing rod.


???: there goes again.

Shino: i think i should go help him.

???: really? Why?

Shino: well he did most of the cooking yesterday and he helped me a lot yesterday so i think i should repay him by helping him more.

Yuuka: knock yourself out!

Shino: well I'll be off!

Shino ran to Kaneki's direction.

???: Yuuka-san is really trying to eliminate one of her rivals!

???: yeah it almost looks like its working.

Some of the girls were talking the same thing about Yuuka wanting to eliminate one of her rivals.

Natsuki's thoughts*

(Looks like Tanaka-san is trying to get closer to Kaneki by helping him. That's great! If she continues being nice to him she'll become his friend in no time!... But if she does should we tell her? About... Kaneki and Miku-chan? Oh no I didn't think this through! Oh well i guess its too late to do something about it now.)

5 minutes later near a big rock.

Shino: Hey Higanbana-kun!

Kaneki: Tanaka-san? What are you doing here?

Shino: I'm here to help you make your fishing rod.

Kaneki: but i don't need he-

Shino: I'm not going to leave you alone if you don't let me help!

Kaneki: !!!

"I'm not going to leave you alone if you don't let me help!"

Kaneki: fine I'll let you help.

He that while looking away from Shino.

Shino: great!