
Natasha's Revenge

"You know what?" Natasha asked. "It doesn't matter, whether you kill me or not, whether I die or live, I will find my way back back to take my revenge, no matter what it takes". Natasha said with gritted teeth. "Even if I have to exchange thousands of lives just to return and have my revenge, I will do it". "Take these words back to him and tell him that he will not live happily whether I live or die. "I will crawl my way out of hell if I have to just to get to him". Natasha said with a sadistic smile on her lips. Her blue eyes burned like flames. ****** Natasha a young woman who was hurt by her husband seeks revenge for the brutal murder of her family by her groom on their wedding night got the help of the Grim Reaper. They had an agreement that if he was willing to spare her and help her get that revenge that she sort she would give the lives of others in exchange for hers. The deal was made and Natasha began her quest for vengeance, killing all those who aided her husband in murdering her family... For more please read the novel. ***** WARNING! This book will contain mature content as the story progresses. Whoever cannot take a scare or stand a gory scene should refrain from reading. This is the only warning for this book. **** Join my discord server to chat with other readers https://discord.gg/gGBShbS3

Blessing_O · Kỳ huyễn
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137 Chs

This is for you

Two days went by in the blink of an eye. Throughout those two days, Reaper stayed away from her to give her the space that she needed. Right after the sun rose in the sky and picked through the curtains kissing Natasha's cheek and waking her to a new day.

Reaper appeared next to her bed.

The cloaked figure stood and loomed over her waiting for her to open her eyes. Finally, Natasha's eyes fluttered open. As soon as her eyes flew open she almost screamed her lungs out at the sight of him.

He had left her alone for two days and she had almost forgotten about this form of his. And why was he even in her bedroom in that form anyway? Was he planning to scare her to death? If so, then he almost achieved his aim.

Getting her breathing under control, she sat up and stared at him for a couple of seconds and looked away from him. She was still not used to seeing a walking and talking skeleton.

"Why are you here?" Natasha asked.

"It's the third day. I have come to remind you of our deal." reaper answered with his usual grim and lifeless voice that can send shivers down anyone's spine.

Resting her head on the headrest of the bed, Natasha closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. "You won't let me go if I say I change my mind now, would you?" she asked.

"No." Came his curt reply.

She opened her eyes and gave a glance at him before taking it away from him again. "A deal is a deal and I am not going back on my word either I want them to pay so, you won't have to force me into doing it. My mind is made up," she said while staring at nothing.

"What I want to know is, how are you going to help me?" she asked, mustering up a little courage to look him in the eyes as she asked and waited for his reply.

"What do you need help with?" Reaper asked instead of answering her question.

"I have never done anything sinister before, I need you to teach me how to go about it. I want my movements discreet, how can I do that? Do you have a way for me? And one more thing," She said and looked him up and down, "Please can you change this form of yours?" she asked.

Not saying a word, Reaper nodded and stretched his hand toward her, and an hourglass that looked almost exactly like the one she had seen before appeared on the palm of his hand and he transformed back into the man she had seen two days ago.

Natasha looked at the hourglass on his hand and asked, " What is that for?"

"This is for you," he said. "You can take this with you." Natasha looked at it not still understanding what it was meant for. She opened and closed her mouth not knowing what to say as she kept alternating her gaze between the hourglass and the sinfully handsome face.

Noticing her hesitation, Reaper spoke, "This can take you to wherever you want to go."

With his little words, Natasha has come to know that he doesn't talk much. She wondered if he was even used to talking until he met her. Now she understands that if she wants to get things straight and properly she has to ask several questions or risk brainstorming about them to understand what he means.

"How do I use it then?" she asked

Moving his hand to the top of the hourglass, he placed the hand on it. Natasha watched him closely knowing he was most likely not going to say anything to her while demonstrating it. Upon a closer look, Natasha saw that there was a hand on the top of the hourglass and Reaper placed his on it before he bent it a little to the side and disappeared.

Soon he appears right in the same spot where he was standing before.

He extended his hand to her handing her the hourglass which she took with a little hesitation. Right after she took it, Reaper turned to leave when she shouted, "Wait." He paused his steps and turned to face her.

"I don't know how to communicate with it, how do I tell it where I want to go?" Natasha asked.

"Just think about it," he told her. Natasha frowned after hearing his answer. Seeing the frown he knew he had to explain a little more. " Think about where you want to go, and it will take you there."

"Then how do I return?" she asked.

" The same way you left," he answered and was about to leave once again when Natasha stopped him again.

"What if I need help, how do I reach you?" she asked.

"Call me and I will be there," he said and disappeared immediately leaving Natasha frowning in confusion.

What did he mean by calling me? He did not give her his phone number, that is if he had a phone at all.

Natasha rose from the bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up. Coming out shortly after, she was already dressed for the day. Walking down the stairs, she went into the kitchen and took out some cereal, poured it into a bowl, poured milk on it, and started eating.

She didn't feel like cooking anything at all. Plus she was not that good at cooking. All her life, she was used to having servants attend to her. She is lucky that she learned culinary skills from the chefs at home even when her parents forbade her from doing so.

Rounding up her breakfast as soon as possible she washed the bowl that she had used and soon left for her room to get the hourglass to head out.

Following the instructions and demonstration of Reaper, she prayed that it worked on her as it did on Reaper. She disappeared and appeared inside her father's office. After confirming her location, she let out a sigh of relief.

Scrambling through the drawers of the brown working desk, she took out some documents from inside and sat down to read them and see if they were the ones she had come for.

While reading the documents, the door to the office slowly opened and the image of Nigel came into view.


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Love you all!!❤️