

Quiet_k1d · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

chapter 2: Infamous

Six years had passed since that day Natas' "defeat"  the young man, Aaran, was still praised as a hero now twenty-eight, his wife Annalise and their son Accel lived peacefully and happily in the village Millbrook. The story of their marriage was the most talked about and made into a festival called "A lover's request" and every year on that same day the people of the village would enter the forest and look for someone they loved and would ask for their hand in courtship or marriage. Aaran brought the village more visitors and more priests would come in search of Aaran and they would have a get-together and trade stories of their exploits Aaran would always appreciate the visit but would say "Why around this rock when I have the world with me and the sun that never sets!" And would tell them about his family and it was all good and fine but...At the back of his head, he was always on alert awaiting his return.

"Master Natas I've come back with a report"

Rhys, the man from the tree, said

Natas, sixteen, Slightly tall, fit and hair flowing was sitting shirtless in shorts legs crossed

"Yes?" He said

"It did, he's on his way as well speak, "Rhys said

"I see," Natas said

"Is it time master?" Rhys said

"It been six years if we don't move now they'll get suspicious most especially him," Natas said

As light shines brightly, Shadows spread quickly.

Accel, from as far as he can remember had been learning exorcism from his father it was the world to him and quickly caught up on it and would have a hand to hand fights with Aaran to test his strength and the extent to his training now fourteen Accel grew impatient at trying to surpass his father but instead of seething in anger he channelled it into his training and today like all the others felt would be when he would win. They were in the forest as usual Aaran stretched up while Accel jumped from side to side

"Ready?" Aaran asked

"Yes," Accel said

And they both stood hands clasped, filled their lungs with air and washed forward Aaran got the first hit with a palm strike to the chest Accel caught his hand and flipped on it to land a kick to the face and spun for another and was caught and flipped and was smacked away and rolled up into a ball and launcher himself off a tree to land a palm strike to the belly sending Aaran back a few feet

"You've gotten better," Aaran said wincing

"Let's start for real" Aaran said clasping his hands

This was where the problem was why Accel never won the exorcism part. Although it was used against demons it worked the same against everyone Aaran was covered in the familiar white aura that coated him thick and strong but this was no time to fear it was a time to act. Accel clasped his hands and gathered his

Then once again they dashed but this time to the normal eye they were invisible but to the spiritual eyes they were moving beyond imaginable palm for palm kick for a kick but the intriguing part was that their palms and kicks didn't touch each other the aura sent powerful shockwaves before the palm hit so it was more of a ranged attack between palms  enough to keep them apart with each collision creating explosions which shook the forest Aaran smiled and made a fist sending a wave of fire Accel twisted his palm sending a wave of water covering half the forest in vapour and both stopped

"The true power of exorcism is the spiritual connection allowing the unthinkable possible healing, prediction, alchemy even superpowers" Aaran smiled

"You've gotten better," Aaran said again

"But we have to stop here for now," Aaran said

"But why-" Accel stopped talking rather the world stopped moving

"You come at the most unpredictable times Bexley"

Aaran said turning to the man in a hoodie and jeans two years older than Accel light purple hair and  light blue eyes

"Well, it's been some time huh?"Bexley said

"For you, for me, it been six yearsAaran said

"I would have come sooner but I had something to do," Bexley said

"For six years?!?" Aaran said

"Calm down, I'm the one who directed you here six years ago," Bexley said

"I'm just happy I got here in time," Aaran said

"That boy from all those years he's a Natas"

"A?" Aaran questioned

"You don't know, do you? A Natas is not a name it's a title for people supposedly selected to host Lucifer himself but human hosts have failed over and over but there is something about this one..."

"You say you're a time traveller yet you don't know what's going to happen in history?"

"That's why I'm here because after you sealed him there was no future it was all black"

Aaran broke out a cold sweat

"What do you mean?"

"Natas and the next 40 years of history is unknown we had to give false accounts to people to make up those 40 years all we know is you beat Natas and history stops there this timeline is more unstable than a man on a tightrope"

"But how?"

"We got a lead the devils body you know anything on that?" Bexley asked

Aaran turned white

"That's the embodiment of evil itself only people with the most demons and the heaviest history of magic can form it even when dead they're corpses are alive controlled by demons to work for eternity new ones are appointed now and then but they're always far apart and seal them off or exorcise them with tanks of holy water and an excessive amount of spiritual energy and we make sure they're transported as far away from each other as possible the only way they could meet is if -" he stopped mid-sentence

"Natas must have gotten them together," Bexley said

"Then that means there's a traitor in the church," Aaran said

As they both let the chilling realisation wash over them they pondered on how to resolve the situation.

Natas got up and looked the exorcists in the eye

"Who are you?" One asked.

Natas carried his blade from the sand and flicked his wrist and they all turned to mincemeat and he approached the box they kept the same one he was in six years ago and touched it and it rotted to dust and inside was a black man with long dreads in a straight jacket and a mouth muzzle the man tore broke out of the jacket and took of the muzzle

"I've been silenced for a hundred years and covered them all in fears thank you for my freedom but I question your reason," The man said

"A man who talks in rhymes and bounds by mere words Asher the poet a devils finger I'll need you to help me become Natas"

"But that is unattainable the description for the host is inexplicable"

"But I know how" Natas took hishandheldlashed it and drank the blood. Asher pulled away from his hand

"The more sin you commit, the more magic you use, the more blood you drink brings you closer to being Natas so what if you drink of the devil's body blood? Don't worry I won't kill them I'll need them for the last bit so want to join me? Natas asked

Asher smiled self-explanatory answer