
Naruto: Youngest Hokage

A seven-year-old Naruto awakens with memories of another world. This world contained a manga named after him and told the story of his life. Read how he uses this knowledge to become the youngest Hokage ever. If you like my writing consider supporting on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

C4 bloodlines

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 0 chapters ahead, but there will be some soon. I'll probably be writing and posting some chapters for patrons today. Also my other story 'Second Chance: Summon System' is on the patreòn as well.


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Hand over your power stones. Here is another riddle for you guys. All the electricity was out in town and none of the street lights or traffic signals had power. A dark limousine was cruising down the newly paved blacktop, with its headlights off. A young boy dressed totally in black (with no reflectors) stepped out to cross the street. The moon wasn't out and the boy had no flashlight, yet the driver stopped to let the boy cross the street. How did the driver see the boy? Enjoy the chapter!)

When Naruto got home he let out a sigh of relief. Getting the memories of 200 clones that trained all day takes a lot out of you. He wanted nothing more than to climb in his bed and sleep. Before that, he still had a scroll to read. The scroll labeled bloodlines. In the show, it never showed if he had any bloodlines, but he also never looked into it, so he opened the scroll hoping he had a cool bloodline like the Sharingan. Sasuke was so lucky to have those overpowered eyes.

He read through the scroll and found out he had 2 bloodlines. At least he might have them, as he would have to test it out. The first was the Uzumaki clans bloodline which had a bunch of powers.

- Adamantine sealing chains: Mold chakra into chains that can be controlled freely. Chains have kunai like points at the end of them.

- Strong life force: Uzumaki naturally possess an incredibly strong life force. As such, they have very long lifespans and likewise seem to age slower.

- Healing chakra: Uzumaki also have the ability to quickly heal themselves and others through the consumption of their chakra. The scroll says that Naruto won't be able to heal others due to being a jinchuriki.

The second is the namikaze bloodline which apparently is a secret of the clan. It's weird because in order to unlock the bloodline you have to go through some sort of test. All it says is you have to do the jutsu that is in the scroll and think carefully before you speak. He didn't really get it, but Naruto did it and passed out on the floor.

In a grassy plain, he stood in front of a small hut. He looked around warily and all he saw was grass trees and the blue sky. Naruto walked up to the hut and knocked on the door. He heard some shifting inside and the door opened. He saw a white-haired old man with a beard. The man had blue eyes like him. The man smiled.

"Ohh aren't you a young one to be able to do the jutsu. It seems my Namikaze clan has a good successor."

"Umm hi, I'm Naruto where am I? What do you mean your Namikaze clan? Who are you?"

"First why don't we sit down and talk" He and naruto sat on a bench outside the hut. "My name is Koga Namikaze and I'm the founder of the Namikaze clan. You are in an illusion I made to test the future Namikaze."

"How are you alive? I don't know much about my clan, but it has to be old."

"I'm not alive. What you are talking to now is just part of the illusion. Before we finish our talk, its time for the test. In order for me to give you access to your Bloodline, you have to give me something in return. What will you give me?"

He was about to ask what Koga would want then he remembered what the scroll said. Think carefully before you speak. He thought of giving him some money from his toad wallet Gama-chan or giving him a piece of clothing. It had to be more complicated than that. What could he give him that would make him pass the test? Maybe it doesn't have to be a physical object. Naruto decided on his answer.

"I'll give you my hatred."

Koga started laughing hysterically. He fell off the bench and rolled on the floor. Naruto sweat dropped he couldn't tell if he did good or bad. Koga got up wiped the tears from his eyes and sat back on the bench.

"You're the first one to give me the right answer. Every other descendant would offer different things, but a child got it right. I'm sure all the others are rolling in their graves. In order to pass the test, a person has to choose to give up a dark emotion. By the way, I'm not actually taking your hatred."

"Why do I have to pass a test anyway? People are born with bloodlines, so why is the Namikaze different?"

"We are different because our bloodline is dangerous when used in the wrong hands. You see our bloodline is a dojutsu called the Sakushi(illusion eye). We have the power to cast genjutsu with just a look. You would have to master the genjutsu first before you could use them with your eyes."

"Isn't that the same as the Sharingan except the Sharingan lets you copy genjutsu?"

"Yes, its similar, but of course that's not the dangerous part theirs a second ability called eikyo(influence). This ability allows you to hypnotize and command anyone you make eye contact with, but it can only be used once per person. If you use eikyo on a person and told them 'for the rest of your life you will be a snake' that person would lay on the ground and wiggle around like a snake until they die. That is why this power is dangerous. Oh and your immune to all genjutsu including that Tsukuyomi the Uchihas do. You should've seen the look on their faces when it didn't work on me."

Naruto looked shocked. If someone like Madara had this power they would be in deep shit. He completely understood the reason for the test now. He also knew that he had to use this power wisely. If he just hypnotized everyone including his friends that would be cruel. Just using it on enemies sounds good, but he won't rely on it.

"Ok, I understand the reason for the test. Every person from our clan having that would be bad."

"Yes, it would. Of course, theirs a few more downsides. Eiykyo will still work on the mangekyo Sharingan and its eternal counterpart, but they would notice the control and could break it if they're strong enough."

"Will it work on the rinnegan?"

"The rinnegan is a legend. Even if it's real I've never come across it before. I can't say for sure one way or another." Naruto took that as a no. He can always try but it probably won't work. Its the rinnegan after all.

"I will be careful, thank you. Can you tell me what my father offered you?"

"What's your father's name? Your very young, so it had to be someone recent. Was it Minato?"

"Yes, that's him."

"Hmm, he came here and offered me a jutsu he created. I think it was called Rasengan. Of course, he failed and had his memory erases of what the question was. I can't have people going back and telling others. I'm also going to erase the question and answer from your mind as well. You will remember everything else except the question and answer."

"I understand, thank you." Naruto bowed to his ancestor. Koga smiled and pat his head.

"Your welcome. When you get back, activate your new eyes and look at the back of the scroll that had the jutsu to get here. It will explain how to use those new eyes of yours. Now get out of here and show people the power of the Namikaze."

Naruto felt himself pass out again. This time he woke up on the floor of his apartment. He rubbed his eyes and checked the time. It was getting late. He pushed chakra into his eyes and read the back of the scroll. It said everything Koga told him plus how to use his eyes. After reading, he went to bed and slept like a baby. It was a long day.

The next morning he already learned henge which means he can send clones to the library without attracting attention to himself. He made 20 clones disguised them, and sent them there with the list of what to read. His real goal is to memorize everything in the library, but it's better to memorize the important things first. He then made 10 clones to read the books in the apartment and another 10 to study the edo Tensei, his apartment was getting cramped. Then he went to the training ground and made a ton of clones, split them up, and had them get to work.

Everything was the same as yesterday except he had extra groups working on shuriken and kunai throwing, kenjutsu, and seal formulas. After hours of training, he dispelled all the clones in groups of 5 again. Meditating as he went through the memories. Then he made the clones again and went to get lunch. As he was walking to get lunch it hit him. Everyone was staring at him whispering and pulling their children away and telling them to stay away from him. He had been so caught up in training that he had forgotten that the villagers still hate him.

It was sad. Everything was going so well now. He had forgotten his loneliness for a short time, but now he felt it again the pressure that these stares give off. They make you want to run and hide. He knows that in the future they will come to like him, but that's still the future. Now they look at him like he might eat their children. Naruto decided to treat himself to ichiraku today, as he hasn't had it in a week. He made his way there while doing his best to ignore everything around him.

"Naruto-Kun where have you been? We thought you got hurt or something." As Naruto sat down he was immediately hugged by Ayame. Teuchi her father was cooking ramen behind her.

"Sorry Ayame-nee chan I had a talk with gramps and we decided to limit how much ramen I eat. I don't want to be short because my diet is only ramen, but ramen is still the food of the gods and your ramen is the best."

"Hehe as long as you're ok. You don't just have to come here only to eat you know. You could just come and sit with us. We don't mind."

Teuchi nodded his head. "Yes even if you're not eating your always welcome Naruto. Now, what can I get you?"

Naruto stuffed his face with 4 bowls of miso ramen. When the day ended, he was even more exhausted then yesterday. He had the memories of 30 clones reading books, 10 clones studying edo Tensei, 50 clones water walking, 50 clones practicing ninjutsu, 50 clones practicing kenjutsu, 50 clones practicing taijutsu, 50 clones reading the art of fuinjutsu level 1, 50 clones practicing seal formulas, 50 clones practicing with shuriken and kunai. Altogether he had memories of 390 clones. He fell asleep with a huge headache.

The week flew by quickly and naruto made sure to visit ichiraku every other day. He only ate their once a week though. Naruto mainly went there to hang out and talk to someone. He also visited the old man Hokage to talk about the future. After the realization that the villagers still hated him, it was hard to not notice anymore. He tried his best to ignore it though. The thing that helped him is knowing that Gaara has it worse than him. He's lucky they aren't trying to kill him as they did to Gaara.

Speaking of Gaara maybe Naruto can fix his seal. Shukakku never let him have any peace and that could've been a seal problem. Another reason why sealing is so badass with the right combination of seal formula you could do anything. He's still trying to memorize the level 1 book. He's had his clones reread it over and over. He wants to get to the point where he can remember everything down to what page and line in the book. Then he will move on to the next and repeat.

Enough about sealing today is the day Sasuke gets out of the hospital. Hiruzen had an anbu show Naruto where Sasuke was. After dropping him off the ANBU left. Naruto wasn't sure if he was still watching though. Sasuke was sitting on a pier looking out at the lake.

Naruto walked down and sat beside him looking out at the lake as well. Sasuke flinched he didn't know someone was there before they sat down.

"Hey, I'm Naruto. Your Sasuke right? I heard what happened to your family."

"Yeah, and you're here to tell me how sorry you are about what happened?" Sasuke said sarcastically.

"No, you've probably heard that enough." Naruto just sat there after saying that and looked at the water.

"Then go away"

"I'm going to explain to you how your life is going to be from now on."

"How would you know anything about my life?" He said his voice slightly elevated.

"Your life will consist of coming home to an empty house. Every time you open the door you will hope and wish someone anyone was behind it waiting for you. You will see children playing in the park get picked up by their parents and feel nothing but jealousy and envy. They have parents to pick them up. They have parents to cook for them. They have parents to just be there. Why can't I?"

"How would you know that?" Sasuke hasn't gone back to his house yet. But he had been hoping someone would be there. He also saw a child and his parents walk hand in hand earlier and felt exactly like Naruto said.

"Because that's how my life is except my life is a bit worse. Then again so is yours."

"What's so worse about yours?"

"Come with me and ill show you." He and Sasuke walked to a busy street and naruto stood still and waited. Sasuke looked at him funny how was this going to show how bad his life is? Then the whispers started. He heard grown adults call naruto a demon. Then some started pulling their children away and telling them to stay away from Naruto. One person even threw a rock at him. Naruto tilted his head dodging it, his training was already starting to show.

"Alright come on before an angry mob forms." He leads Sasuke back to his apartment. Naruto was planning on telling Sasuke some secrets so he activated a privacy seal tag gramps gave him. Sasuke was freaked out by the seal formulas that appeared on the walls. "Calm down its just a seal to keep our talk private. No one can see or hear us even if they have the byakugan or enhanced their hearing with chakra."

"What was that out there. Why does everyone hate you? They called you a demon."

"I'm willing to tell you everything but in exchange, you have to tell me about everything as well. Deal?"

"Deal." Sasuke nodded his head. He didn't want to talk about that night but he wanted to know why they acted like that.

"What I'm about to tell you is an S class secret and if you're caught telling anyone you could be killed. Only me and the Hokage can tell people."

"I understand and will keep it a secret."

"My full name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. I'm the son of the Yondaime and the jinchuriki of the nine-tailed fox."

"If your the son of the yondaime then why does everyone hate you and whats a jinchuriki?"

"No one except the Hokage some ANBU a few Jonin and my godfather Jiraiya the toad sage know. My father had many enemies, especially in Iwa. If they knew the Yondaime had a son they would send assassins. So the Hokage gave me my mother's last name instead. Jinchuriki means the power of human sacrifice. There are 9 jinchuriki in the world and I'm one of them. The jinchuriki are taken when they are born and used to seal tailed beasts into. I have the nine tails fox sealed in me."

"I thought the yondaime killed the fox?"

"Tailed beasts can't be killed. If you kill it, it will just reform given a certain amount of time. If my father killed the fox it would have reformed in Konoha again sometime later so he and my mother died sealing it in me. The reason everyone hates me is that they don't understand how sealing works. I'm just a jail for the Kyuubi and the seal on my stomach is his cell." Naruto lifted his shirt and showed his stomach. He poured chakra into the seal and it appeared.

"So all of those people hate you when your the one keeping them safe. They also praise your father for saving them and condemn you."

"Exactly right. Some of them think I'm the demon himself or I'm being controlled by the fox. Some understand that its a seal and still hate me anyway. Many people in the village wish for my death, but little do they know if I die the fox will be released. Like I said I'm a jail if the jail is destroyed the prisoners will flee."

"Those people are so stupid. If anything they should be thanking you."

"People fear what they don't understand and even seasoned Ninja find it hard to understand sealing. I'm actually treated fairly well compared to the other villages. Most villages see us as weapons because we can use some of the power of the tailed beasts. The only reason I have some semblance of a normal life is thanks to the Hokage. Now it's your turn."

Sasuke took a deep breath. "I was on my way back to the district and when I got to the gate I saw blood and dead bodies everywhere. My cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Everyone was dead. As I got closer to my house there was more blood and body's piled up." Sasuke started shaking and crying.

"When I got to my house I looked for my family. I found my parents dead with my brother Itachi standing over them. He told me he did it to test himself and that I wasn't worth killing. Then he said I had to hate him and use that hate to grow stronger. Strong enough to get the same eyes as him and kill him." By the time Sasuke was finished he was gnashing his teeth with his fists clenched. Tears still streaming down his face and he tried his best to calm down.

"It sounds to me like your brother is lying to you." Naruto wanted to tell him the truth now but he was too young and he wasn't stable enough.

"What do you mean he's lying?" Sasuke asked almost yelling.

"Well, let's start with his claim of testing himself. If the test was to kill his entire family then he failed by leaving you alive."

"But he said I wasn't worth killing. I was too weak and wasn't a challenge to him." Sasuke said sure of himself.

"How many children and babies were there in your clan? Many would have been weaker than you and yet he killed them. He only spared you. He even told you himself to become strong enough to kill him. My guess is theirs a reason behind what he did and he wants you to hate and kill him so he can atone for what he's done. Has he ever showed signs that he would do something like this?"

It was like realization hit Sasuke in the face. "No before that night he was always kind and caring. Even when our father would ignore me in favor of him I couldn't be mad at Itachi. I've always seen Itachi as my hero, and I wanted to be like him maybe even surpass him. The only thing that changed is he was really busy with missions. He would always tell me he didn't have time or that he would make it up to me later."

"That's a place to start then. We should get his mission files and look for anything strange."

"Yes, but how are we going to get it. We aren't even ninja yet you would have to be a high rank to view a file like Itachi's."

"I plan on becoming the youngest Hokage ever. When I become Hokage, we will look through his file and question people on what happened. We will find out why your brother did what he did even if we have to ask him. I'm sure he won't talk easily we may have to capture him."

"You do know it's not easy to be Hokage. You have to be one of the strongest in the village, and the villagers all hate you already. How will you become Hokage?"

"Through hard work and changing people's hearts and minds. A dream is only a dream until you make it a reality. I will be Hokage." Sasuke saw the unyielding resolve in his eyes and couldn't help but believe him.

Sasuke got an amused smiled "hai Hokage-sama"

"Hehe, I like the sound of that. What was your dream before all of this happened?"

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"Just humor me." Naruto smiled.

"Before that night I wanted to be an ANBU Captain like Itachi."

Naruto nodded "Since I will become Hokage you should become my ANBU Commander."

"What does the ANBU Commander do?"

"Instead of being a captain of an ANBU team, you would be in charge of the entire ANBU division. You said that you wanted to surpass Itachi then aim higher than him."

Sasuke smiled. "I like the way you think. From now on I will work hard to become the youngest ANBU Commander ever, find the truth behind Itachi, and rebuild the Uchiha clan." He declared with conviction.

"Good, from now on we will train together. I can't have my ANBU Commander being weak. It's getting late you can sleep on my couch tonight. I'm gonna make some dinner is there anything you want to eat?."

"Do you have tomatoes?"

"Yeah, I think I have a few. I'll make a salad with them or something."

After dinner, they went to sleep and Sasuke was relieved he didn't have to go home. He didn't want to go into that empty house.

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 0 chapters ahead, but there will be some soon. I'll probably be writing and posting some chapters for patrons today. Also my other story 'Second Chance: Summon System' is on the patreòn as well.


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