
Naruto with Pocket Hunting Dimension Cheat.

In the future of the ninja world... The greatest clan in the lower dimension, known as Horoyoma, was said to have been destroyed as a result of Naruto's actions and his family history. The parent clan of the Otsutsuki and the most feared clan in the lower dimension. Hence... The strongest warrior of their clan was sent to kill Naruto when he was at the beginning of his journey, but the time itself was a strange enigma and was saving Naruto from dying in that timeline, so the warrior had a little time to kill Naruto's child self. During that battle, Naruto's soul was shattered and the karma in that location was disintegrating when an enigma brought on by this distortion reemerged in the Naruto universe. It was the moment when this world was about to welcome a brand-new character. With the world Karma's wrath upon him, this youngster's destiny was set on raising this lower world and destroying the largest clan in order to usher in a new era.

Shubham_Gosai_2019 · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Changes and Naruto!

While Naruto was certain that he did not experience the excruciating pain of death or something, he quickly realized that he had been thrown out of that world as he felt sharp pain all over his body.

"Naruto! Finally, you are awake." It was Sakura's voice, and I turned to see her sitting on the edge of the bed and glaring at him anxiously.

"I am sorry; I made you worried." Naruto tried to sit, realizing that his body had no strength left and was starting to fall, when Sakura held his shoulder up and his bed fell on her lap.

"Don't move! It is alright."

Sakura was enraged, but she was forced to suppress it as she observed Naruto struggling to stand up while trembling.

For the first time, Naruto sensed Sakura's kindness toward him, and a calm, non-cheeky smile broke out on his face as he turned to face Sakura, wanting to express his gratitude.

"It is alright? Sakura-chan, I know you like Sasuke, and it will be bad if he sees you letting me lay my head on your lap." Naruto's words caused Sakura to notice that Naruto was acting strangely.

"You are being very obedient today!" She could not help but mutter as she placed his head on the pillow and pulled over the blanket to allow him to lie on the bed for a while.

"Haha! After all, this was the first time that you had treated me this kindly too." Naruto's words shook Sakura, who realized that the crux of their bad relationship stemmed from their childhood, when Naruto was exempted by others and became a target of scorn for everyone.

'Wait! Maybe this is how Naruto has been all this time, but we were the ones who were trying to make a bad example out of him for no reason.'

With those thoughts, Sakura was left in her thoughts as she walked out of the room, feeling that she had a lot to think about and giving the news of Naruto waking up to Kakashi-sensei too.

'Dad, that was awesome, man.' Boruto appeared again, but this time it was his soul only and he had no physical body like he had in the Pocket Dimension.

As soon as that happened, Naruto's expression of boredom changed into a smile.

He was finally given someone to talk to while lying on the bed, and he decided not to take those balls inside his mind because, according to the novel from that world, the host's body expelled the dirt, and he did not want to do that right now when he did not even have the strength to move.

"Naruto!" After a lengthy nap, Naruto discovered that his body was finally beginning to respond to his commands when Kakashi entered the room and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, seemingly trying to make sense of his hand.

"Kakashi-sensei..." In order to quench his throat's thirst, Naruto spoke in a low voice. Kakashi, who was walking alongside him, grabbed a stool and sat up on it before asking what had happened that evening.

After all, nobody was there; Naruto had been there for a long time with his coma suspended, and he had collapsed for an unknown reason with no indication of an attack or anything else.

"I really saw nothing! All I could feel was that someone was fighting there with strength beyond Kakashi-sensei itself." Kakashi's mind buzzed with sensations as a result of his development of a sixth sense, which allowed him to determine that Naruto was not telling lies.

'Don't worry, dad! I had send my Karma inside you, and they will find nothing even with the secret method of Konoha...' For this reason, before his soul crumbled, Boruto used the body of that warrior to transplant all the Karma his soul was carrying to merge with Naruto.

This is why the body of that warrior completely vanished from the sight and had no remains out there.

Boruto spoke from the side because he knew that what Naruto knew was not something that people of this timeline should know.

'Wait! Karma, isn't that dangerous stuff?' As Boruto laughed and explained that it was Boruto who sent that Karma inside Naruto, all the Karma that warrior carried was transferred to Naruto with Boruto's soul imprint, and he would never harm Naruto because it might alter the nature of his existence itself, Naruto became alarmed inside his head.

'But with this, your only weakness of having no do-jutsu will also come to an end, given you will inherit the bloodline of that dangerous clan itself.'

While Kakashi sat on the side and thought silently to himself, Boruto and Naruto conversed. Naruto's eyes never left Kakashi's side.

If that kind of enemy was present, the mission danger was now even S-grade, but after seeing Naruto unharmed, he was unsure whether the other party was their enemy or not.

"Hmm. You should rest, Naruto!" After reassuring Naruto about it, Kakashi grinned with a calm expression and left. He intended to see if he could return to his best form in the shortest amount of time possible.

Along with that, every significant event of the day had already occurred, save for Sakura, who had come to watch out for Naruto and had been smiling the entire time.

Sasuke came to watch over Naruto as well, though it was of no great significance to him. Inari's mother also came to take care of him.

Yuki revealed to Naruto her real name during their conversation, despite the fact that she lacked a surname because a woman who has lost her husband is not allowed to have one, according to an unwritten social code.

"That's awful, man." Naruto did retort against it, but Yuki laughed it off and told him not to mind small things like this.

After 2 days...

When it was time for dinner, Naruto joined the others and returned to his feet. He then informed them that he would be returning to the training grounds.

Making Inari sneer, remembering how he had been wasted once before like a toad, but he remained silent this time, only watching Naruto leave the house.

Nobody knew where Naruto was going to train, so he hurried to find a suitable location near the river and immediately thought to put a white candy in his mouth.

He swallowed it without letting it go, and a sweet sensation ran through his body as he became aware that his physical and spiritual abilities were developing.

After finishing all ten of them, Naruto noticed that morning was approaching and felt his body prespitating, just like in the book.

He dove into the river to wash both his body and the lower clothing he was wearing.

'Thank god, I took off the clothes before. This smell is horrible, but after getting washed out of dirt, it seems like my senses are getting much clearer.'

Although his senses were sharp, Naruto realized that his eyes were unable to see the person in the mist when he felt the water surface ripple and saw someone entering the water.

"Excuse me, I am still taking a bath right now." As he moved in the direction of the ripple's origin, Naruto wanted to make sure there were no misunderstandings.

"Eee!" Naruto's eyes widened as he observed Yuki with her mother, Inari, covering her upper body and dipping into the water to cover her lower part while blushing and looking at Naruto.

"Naruto-kun, what are you doing here?" When she turned to see Naruto standing tall and with nothing covering his body, she had just about shouted when she heard a voice from the side that seemed incredibly familiar.

Yuki attempted to suppress her feelings by convincing herself that she was still a child, but her lower body did not agree.

She was forced to close her eyes in response due to the size of it when facing him.