
Naruto: Untapped potential

Naruto A depressed girl, with a nihilistic view on life wins the ROBs lottery getting the untapped potential system. With this power she will quickly rise to the top! Set after The twin brothers seal their mother... There will be omniverse traveling... Just later on.

Lily0_0 · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Reunion... Broken family... Regrets and guilt...

"Kagy-chan do you want to meet your sons?" At the mention of her sons, Kaguya froze... She knew she can't keep putting it off... After all, both are at the end of their life from old age.

"I'll think about it..."

"Girl, who do you think you're trying to fool? You obviously want to but something is holding you back!" Rolling her eyes Yue gets up from her cuddling position and kisses Kaguya... *Sigh*

"You're correct... I'm just afraid... Afraid of not being forgiven by my only real famil- ouch." After pinching Kaguya, Yue yells in mock anger. "I thought I was part of your real family too?!"

"Yes yes... You are..." Patting Yue's head to placate her Kaguya continues... "I'm afraid I won't be forgiven by my sons... I... I shouldn't have hurt them... *Sniff* it's all the ten tails fault..."

Yue hugged her easing her worries... "Would you want me to come with you to see them? If they don't accept you they got another thing coming!"

Weakly laughing Kaguya makes a decision... "Well... Why not? They should meet my girlfriend..." Embracing Yue in her breast she felt warm in her heart...


"So who do you want to meet first Kagy-Chan?"

"Hamura... In my foolishness, I had controlled him..."

"Ok!" A portal appeared between the two... Kaguya hesitated for a second before stepping through...


Hamura watched in shock as a portal appeared in front of him... One much like his mother's power... Two women walked through one short and the other tall... Both were familiar faces he hadn't seen in a long time...

His mother... And Yue Asanagi? "Hamura..." His mother silently cried, which caused Yue to hold her hand firmly to tell her she was not alone...

"Mother?..." His deepest regret is not being able to help his mother... After being controlled by his mother he knew... It wasn't truly her... Hagoromo believed he was just naive for thinking that...

Kaguya slowly floated towards him before arriving at his side... He was on his deathbed frail and old... His mother still looked the same as she was thousands of years ago... Stroking his head Kaguya introduced the second woman...

"This is Yue Asanagi... My girlfriend..." Hamura felt like this was his true mother's personality... Looking toward Yue, he felt a sense of gratitude knowing she had something to do with it...

His mother let it out on how she hated herself for what she did and that even though she was controlled she still was guilty... Hamura felt at peace as he talked to his mother, before passing with the burden lifted knowing she was free...


A portal appeared in a house on Earth... An old man lay there seemingly becoming alert as he felt a familiar presence... "Mother..."

"Hagoromo..." The silence continued before Kaguya said... "I always loved you... If only... I wasn't controlled by the ten tails... We could've lived happily..."

"Mother... You expect me to believe you? After everything you did... Making me kill my brother... Killing my past lover... Everything you did... Was you..."

"Listen here you little shit! She's trying to say she regrets everything she did and that she's changed-"

"Yue! Stop..." Hagoromo heard his mother crying but he said what he believed in... She truly in his heart is evil... He vowed to watch the Earth even when he passes because of her... He'll pass the task to his descendants and get rid of the evil incarnate... Only once she's gone... He can rest...


After hearing her son and how he would never forgive her... Kaguya felt depressed which was noticed by Yue causing them to be snuggle buds...

"Honestly Hagoromo is an asshole you shouldn't listen to him! Sage of Six Paths my ass..."

"Em..." Closing her eyes, Kaguya felt tired but couldn't sleep... Endless guilt gnawed at her heart... Her baby didn't forgive her... She knew she was in the wrong... So why did she even try to seek forgiveness for actions she 'did'?...


Days later Hagoromo passed which Yue watched in satisfaction, the little shit was dead... Her Kagy-chan wasn't the same after he said those hateful words making her depressed... But still, she felt the old bastard watching her somewhere...

Making her set up anti-prying shields on her planet. She wondered if she should help the future Indra's reincarnates kill the future Asura's just to sate her anger...