
Naruto : Uchiha Clan

The story : "What if Naruto had been born into the same timeline as the legendary Sannin? Imagine if he were a member of the Uchiha clan, yet shunned by the entire village because he was Izuna Uchiha's son and Madara Uchiha's grandson. How might the story unfold as he carves his unique path, earning the village's respect and affection, ultimately ascending the ranks to achieve the unthinkable: becoming the Hokage, a feat no Uchiha had ever accomplished." Naruto X Tsunade ===================== Disclaimer : I don't own anything

sybife · Tranh châm biếm
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99 Chs

Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 88

A feeling of pure sadness washed over Mito seeing her granddaughter like that. It was almost as if the girl was radiating an aura of pure sadness…

Not that couldn't be it…

Could it?!


For the Senju heiress herself, she was far too concerned about her friend to care about the world right now. Not even more than a few days ago he was watching over her. And now here he was looking like he had been thrown into a grinder of sorts, out like a light from the realms of consciousness.

Mito, for all that was holy, didn't want to disturb her little ones at that point of time. But that was just her heart speaking, her mind was still open to reason. However hard it was to focus, but that was besides the point…

"Sweetie…" Mito cooed the girl gently, and failed to get so much as a twitch of acknowledgment from the girl in her arms. "…we need to let him rest. Let's go." Mito almost gasped when Tsunade glanced back at her.

No not at her, it almost seemed as if the girl was seeing right through her!

Tsunade's eyes were downright murderous and unknowingly her killing intent washed over the room. The killing intent didn't even faze Mito in the slightest, it was the apparition of a vision she had just seen manifesting itself right by her little girl that had shook her to her very core.

Hashirama Senju.

She had seen that look before. It was the same look her husband had held on that accursed day, many decades ago. She had buried that godforsaken memory in the deepest recesses of her mind to forget about it altogether. But it had come back to haunt her full force yet again, in a matter she hadn't thought possible even in her wildest dreams.

The man had the same look in his eyes when she had lost her unborn son due to…

It still pained her heart to even remember it. But to see that dreaded look in her granddaughter's eyes - left her utterly speechless.

"I'll stay with him." her cold voice once more sent a tremor, straight to Mito's core. Wordlessly, the elder woman nodded.

She knew the girl wasn't in any state to listen, let alone obey what she might say or reason to her. But to think she was so furious right now, Mito knew the girl would fight even her to stay - if need be.

Tsunade turned her cold eyes back to her friend, and immediately they softened considerably while worry washed in them. She felt her hair being drifted off to her right shoulder from a soft touch on the back of her neck, no doubt by her grandmother. But she paid no heed to it and caressed Naruto's hand with her thumb as gently as she could.

However, she felt quite strange upon feeling a soft poke at the back of her neck. Before she could even try to turn her neck or comprehend what had actually happened, she felt a small jolt at the point of contact. Her honey colored orbs rolled back in their sockets while she slumped back in Mito's warm embrace completely unconscious.

It was marvelous what a small lightning technique could do in the hands of an expert medical kunoichi.

"I'm sorry honey, but he needs his rest." speaking more to herself than to the girl in her arms, Mito undid the grip her two children held with their hands as gently as she possibly could.

A moment later, the little slumped girl was scooped up in her arms while she walked out but not before throwing a worried glanced back at Naruto and then down at the sleeping Tsunade in her arms. She smiled warmly and closed the door behind her.

Her children were just such handfuls, she might just shave a few years if she had to put up with these troublesome ones like this any longer. Her giggle came out of it's own accord when she thought over her own thoughts.

Softly kissing her adorable munchkin's nose, Mito quite enjoyed the irritated scrunching of Tsunade's face while she nuzzled her face in her chest to hide from that annoying touch that disturbed her forced slumber so much.

A tired sigh slipped past Mito's lips seeing Sakumo and Duy waiting expectantly for her.

"He's fine now…" she spoke up swiftly when both boys opened their lips to say something. "…you cannot see him right now." the way they slumped in defeat without so much s a whisper made her giggle happily.

"Go home for today, come and see him tomorrow. I'll arrange for some visiting hours day after tomorrow when he is finally ready to wake up. Alright?" the two vigorous nods she got only served to widen her smile ever so slightly.

Walking out the hospital as gracefully as ever, even while holding her child she lost none of her ever present grace she exuded almost involuntarily now. She did feel as if she had lived for over a year what all had been occurring in the past of couple of weeks.

Time could be such a strange entity sometimes...


A couple of days later

Everyone in the hospital smiled. The source of said happiness in such a gloomy place one might ask? Well, a certain blonde kunoichi walking with a hop to her feet was the primary source of said reason.

The cheerful smile she was flashing almost made everyone around her cheer up, and when she greeted someone passing her by she earned a soft pat to her head from each of them.

It was of no doubt to anyone in the village that everyone did adore their princess way too much…

But everyone was eyeing the small serving pot in her hands a bit oddly.

It was clearly one used for serving food, which it quite obviously contained. But what was off was the strange smell it was letting out.

"Hah! Now he can never say again that I've never done anything for him." indeed her friend was quite blunt when it came to speaking his heart. And he had said so on more than one occasion, but she had never minded it in the least. She knew that he didn't ever mean it with that playful smile always on his face.

But it was still true;

And that had annoyed her to no end.

But today, even her grandmother had been pleased with what she was doing in the kitchen so early in the morning to prepare a home cooked meal for her recuperating friend.

But looking upwards to the ceiling, in all the innocence of the world - she couldn't quite comprehend the strange look her grandmother had given her when she had showed her the food she had made so diligently in the morning. But then, before she could ask her anything she was pushed out the house and it still left her baffled to no end.

These old people were just too strange for her to understand…

Seeing the room she had been looking for what felt like an eternity, a wide smile broke onto her face as she slid the door open enthusiastically. "Naruto! Look I brought you…" an imaginary breeze flew in the room when she saw it completely devoid of any sins of life.

" ... some food." she whispered to no one in particular with an innocent blink. Stepping in, she looked around in the bathroom, then under the bed, behind the flower vase by the corner…

Then she felt quite stupid.

She was looking for her friend, not some bug.

Only then did a look of enlightening realization dawned over her face;

And her face changed from one of honest confusion to one of righteous fury in no more than the blink of an eye…

"That annoying, no good idiot!" she hissed angrily when she realized what exactly must have happened. "I'm going to annihilate him this time I swear!" her snarl was accompanied by her slamming the door behind her.

Every patient on the floor glanced out their windows to see the chirpy girl they had seen a moment ago turn downright murderous. She started stomping her way out of the hospital while gritting her teeth in annoyance.

How the hell could she forget that damned idiot hated hospitals like the plague? He was infamous for escaping them just as soon as that annoying pest she considered her friend was able to get on his feet.

She didn't even need to ask the help desk for where he had gone off to after being released. She knew too damn well to know where he was off to right now.


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 |● sybife