
Naruto : Uchiha Clan

The story : "What if Naruto had been born into the same timeline as the legendary Sannin? Imagine if he were a member of the Uchiha clan, yet shunned by the entire village because he was Izuna Uchiha's son and Madara Uchiha's grandson. How might the story unfold as he carves his unique path, earning the village's respect and affection, ultimately ascending the ranks to achieve the unthinkable: becoming the Hokage, a feat no Uchiha had ever accomplished." Naruto X Tsunade ===================== Disclaimer : I don't own anything

sybife · Tranh châm biếm
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97 Chs

Naruto : Uchiha : Chapter 31

Trusting the man enough with this and himself wanting to make the boy into what he might be molded into one day.

"Alright I'll take him." he spoke confidently and Tobirama handed him the third file to study it thoroughly, while he flickered out in a swirl of flames and Tobirama got back into his job.


( One Week later )

Konoha Ninja Academy

All the graduating students from all batches sat in the classroom to await themselves being assigned to their new squads and be off for a new phase of their lives.

"I wish we could all be together…" Tsunade drawled out lazily, lying on the desk in a half asleep state.

"Yeah me too, it would be awesome right?" Sakumo said, his own feet placed on the table with his arms crossed by his head.

"Whoever gets assigned wherever, we'll still be friends no matter what." the soft voice of Naruto spoke making his two friends smirk and nod at their friend confidently. The door to the class slid open, causing everyone to hush up and look forward to their own squads being called out.

The instructor stood on his stand, looking at them all with a proud smile.

"All your efforts over the past few years come to fruition today, from today on you are all genin or first level ninjas.

You will all be assigned into squads of three under an elite jounin who will instruct you until you get yourself promoted to chunin and start taking on missions with higher ranks while leading your own teams.

The trials ahead will be difficult, but I'm sure all of you will do just fine. Now I'll be going through the squad names for this year so please hear it the first time and don't ask me to repeat them. Now squad one…" his voice drawled out several teams until he reached squad six.

"Now for Squad Six, under the leadership of Jounin Hiruzen Sarutobi will be Tsunade Senju…" he said and the blonde kunoichi perked up hearing her name.

"… Jiraiya, and Orochimaru." he said and a dark cloud loomed over her head at not being with either of her friends. She was pulled into a one armed hug by her best friend and leaned on his shoulder sadly.

"It's okay, I'm sure your new teammates will be great…" he whispered reassuringly when a loud voice drawled out the attention of everyone.

"Sensei why does an incredible shinobi like me have to be stuck with a flat chested board like her, don't you have any other beautiful kunoichis for my squad?"

The voice shouted making Naruto glance at the white haired boy with two red lines on his cheek and he felt a dark aura surround Tsunade and laughed nervously when he saw her glare at him.

"Come now, he seems fine. Just a bit… well…" he trailed off looking at Sakumo for help who looked away and whistled innocently. No help from him in this.

"You damned pervert who are you calling flat chested? I'm just thirteen for Kami's sake…" Tsunade shouted angrily, her face flushed in her legendary temper making the instructor sigh tiredly.

"Yeah keep telling yourself that ply-board." he said snidely making her bristle in anger and put her foot on the table whole rolling up her sleeves to sock him in the face before the teacher cut their rants out.

"Alright that's enough, Jiraiya the teams were set up by the Hokage himself and if you have any problem you take it up with him…" he said making the boy purse his lips and huff.

"Plus, Tsunade was the top kunoichi in her batch while you were the worst in yours. He merely put you together to balance you out." he explained wisely making the boy turn embarrassed when the whole class laughed at his expense and Tsunade stuck her tongue out proudly getting a laugh from Tsunade.

"Squad Seven, under the leadership of Sasuke sarutobi will be Naruto Uchiha…" he stated flatly making said boy perk up along with his two companions.

"…Sakumo Hatake…" he spoke, making the two boys grin and clap their hands in a high five while Tsunade had a scowl on her face.

"...and Might Duy." he finished making the two boys blink and look around for their third teammate. They kept their eyes peeled around before turning back to see a dazzling smile with a literal sparkle in his teeth along with a nice guy posed boy giving them a thumbs up.

"Yosh, I'm Might Duy my youthful teammates. Let's bask in the springtime of youth together and fan our eternal flames of youth to the brightest they can." he exclaimed proudly and Naruto and Sakumo were utterly and pathetically…speechless.

They couldn't believe this green monstrosity was their teammate when Naruto felt himself being hugged from the side.

"You and him are going to get along just fine, I'm sure…" Tsunade giggled and Naruto let out a soft sigh. Sakumo face palmed loudly when the teacher began going through the rest of his list and shook his head.

"Great another eccentric friend in place of Tsunade…" he whispered making said girl's eye twitch.

"Oi!, I take offense to that. I am nothing like… that…" she pointed a finger to the brilliantly smiling boy making the two boys sigh.

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that…" both said in unison getting bonks on their heads from the aggravated kunoichi. The teacher walked out, leaving the children to sort themselves out and wait for their senseis to go along with them.

Naruto saw three new people coming to them, two of them being their newly identified teammates while the third had yellow slitted eyes along with a pale complexion and long black hair.

He wore a white kimono with fishnet armor underneath along with the required holsters strapped on him.

"Yosh, I'm Might Duy. It's a pleasure to meet you my friend." the eccentric boy in a green spandex suit explained making Naruto smile, looking at the outstretched hand and shook it with a smile.

"I'm Naruto Uchiha, and this…" he pointed his thumb to the silver haired boy who waved simply with a smile.

"…is Sakumo Hatake, I hope we can be friends and become a good team." Naruto spoke politely getting yet another dazzling smile from the boy who couldn't help but feel happy to find such friendly teammates.

Naruto's eyes turned to the only boy he didn't recognize or know as of yet and he saw him scrutinizing him as if he was sizing him up, it made him feel quite nervous to feel such an intense stare directly onto him.

"Can I help you?" he asked, only to make the staring die down and the boy merely shook his head and smiled.

"I'm sorry, my name is Orochimaru. Nice to meet you." he said with an offer for a hand shake that Naruto took quite happily. He saw Tsunade in another heated debate with her other teammate and pulled her by her arm with a sigh.

"Go on introduce yourself…" he scolded her like a child, getting a pout from the girl who nodded and introduced herself to her new friends. Their chatting was broken off when they were called out from upfront.

"Alright Team Six and Team Seven, meet us at the back of Training Ground 42 in ten minutes." the man with a cigar in his mouth spoke before the two of their new senseis disappeared in a swirl of flames.

Sakumo looked at Naruto with a confused look, the blonde doing the same with him.

"Isn't that place like forty minutes away?" the silver haired boy finally asked getting a nod from Naruto.

"Yosh, then my youthful friends let's hurry up!" their overcharged teammate exclaimed and ran out, pulling the two behind him by their hands at blazing speeds.

Naruto and Sakumo struggled to keep up with the boy, who was leaving a dust trail behind him while he ran with them in his iron grip.

The two couldn't even breathe to get enough mind to pump chakra to their legs and ran solely on the strength of their muscles with their new overcharged teammate.


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 |● sybife