
Naruto: Uchiha's Genjutsu Demon

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lazarus898 · Tranh châm biếm
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400 Chs

Journey to the Hidden Sand

Yami prepared everything he needed for 2 weeks and packed a few storage scrolls. He kept his sword in the storage scroll as well. Running for 2 and half days with a heavy metal sword on his back was not something Yami liked to do. He wasn't like Guy or Lee to strain his physical body to the extreme. He was already using the weight seals that he had bought on the 2nd level. This means it was double the weight he was used to carrying 2 years ago.

After getting everything he walked out of the Uchiha compound and a smile appeared on his face which he instantly hid 'Seems like Hiruzen had an Anbu squad protect the compound'

Yami didn't behave anything different that would indicate that he knew that Yugao and Tenzo's squad were there. A seven-year-old sensing them could do a lot of emotional damage to them.

Without wasting any time he reached the gates of the village. He saw that except him everyone was already there. He didn't start running as he knew he was before the assigned time. He maintained his cold and calm demeanor and stood with Kakashi.

"Why is everyone before the assigned time here? Even you are early today." Yami asked Kakashi and Guy couldn't help himself giggle.

Kakashi couldn't help but make a funny face and say "What do you mean by that? I am not always late."

"I really want to believe you Mr. Kakashi"

"This kid will haunt me for the next week." Kakashi sighed

"Let's get going everyone. Lee let's see who reaches Sand village first." Guy said making Lee excited for no reason.

Team Guy and Kakashi started their journey to the Sand Village. If the weather in the Land of Wind is good then they are expected to reach in 2 and a half days. The sand storms in the Land of wind can flare up anytime making the desert seem more like an unending genjutsu which is why even idiots like Might guy won't take the risk to travel during a sandstorm.


2 days later...

The journey until now had been smooth. Kakashi, Neji, and Yami were traveling together at a stable pace while Guy and Lee were having their own little races. Neji tried to stop them many times so they don't embarass the entire group but Kakashi said that He has been trying the same thing with Might Guy and it hasn't done any good.

"I couldn't stop Guy when he alone was doing all these antics, then what makes you think you can stop when now there are two of them?" Kakashi said.

Team Guy and Kakashi reached the edge of the desert. They could see where the forest ends and where the desert starts. Under a tree at the edge, they saw two Sand shinobis waiting. From their age and personality, one of them was a Jonin and another one was a chunin. As they saw Yami and the others they came in front of Team Guy and said

"Are you the leaf village Shinobis we are supposed to lead to our village?"

Kakashi nodded and took out a scroll passing it to the sand shinobi. He opened the scroll and after reading it gave it back to Kakashi.

"You guys are lucky the sandstorm just cleared up a few hours ago and now the weather seems good. Let's not waste much time and get going." the man said and Kakashi nodded and everyone followed them to the desert.

"They didn't even introduce themselves." Neji said looking at Yami.

"They aren't allies because they want to but because they have to. They are the weakest among the hidden villages and they depend on the Land of fire for food as it is hard to grow crops in the desert." Yami said. The Sand chunin heard what Yami said and turned back glaring at Yami.

"Kid, how dare you say that we the Sand Shinobis are the weakest?"

The Sand Jonin also heard what Yami said but he didn't react because he knew that what Yami said was the truth.

"Tao behave yourself." the Sand Jonin said in a stern voice.

"Hmph...kid don't anger me or you won't even know when you will d..." before Tao could complete his sentence he felt a sting on his neck. He blinked and saw Yami who was just standing in front of him was nowhere to be seen. He looked around and saw the leaf shinobis and the Sand Jonin all had their eyebrows raised.

He looked beside him and saw that Yami was looking at him with his blue eyes and had a kunai pressed to his throat.

"I dare you to complete that sentence." Yami said in a cold tone which send shivers to not just the Tao but also the Sand Jonin.

'What was that absurd speed. I couldn't even see a blur. It was like he just teleported in front of my eyes.' The Sand Jonin thought.

"Yami let it be. Don't blame him for protecting his village's honor." Kakashi tried to convince Yami but instead of retreating Yami stabbed the kunai a little further making a trail of blood flow from the stabbed point down.

"I-I am S-Sorry." Tao said and instantly he saw Yami standing in his previous place beside Neji as if nothing had happened.

'Seems like Gaara isn't the only monster of this generation' the sand Jonin thought.

*cough* "Let's get going before the climate starts acting up again." Kakashi said pulling Tao and the sand Jonin out of their stupor. Seeing all this Lee was even more motivated to train and then defeat Yami while Neji was feeling like the mountain he wanted to climb was getting more and more taller.

Neji knew that the only thing Yami displayed here was his speed but in time of battle speed plays a very important role as it gives you chances to strike the enemy without taking any damage.


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