
Naruto : Trickery

The story : In the hidden village of Konoha, Naruto carries a monumental secret, a hidden intelligence lurking behind his mischievous grin. Yet, he bides his time, waiting for the perfect moment to change averything.

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119 Chs

Naruto : Chapter 84

Feathers fell down onto the arena. The three members of team seven nodded towards each other. Sasuke and Sakura had replenished their energy with the seals again and were fully charged to fight against the attackers.

They saw that in the kage booth a smoke bomb went off, but they knew that their sensei and the Sandaime would be more than up to fighting any opponent. Naruto took charge and they quickly tore through any ninja that bore a Suna or Oto forehead protector.

"Sakura, head over to the VIP lounge and make sure that none of the guests there is injured. We'll also direct any injured over there for treatment. Sasuke, you take command of the other genin here.

We need to secure certain locations in the village, most prominently the academy, the hospital and the routes to the shelters. We can only properly strike back at the invading forces once the civilians are safe," Naruto recited their orders.

"Understood," Sasuke replied and collected Shino, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Ino and Hinata.

Those of them that had fought had their injuries treated by now. Thankfully none of them was in really bad shape.

"We're going to help out securing important locations. Team ten, you'll cover the hospital and follow the orders of whichever superior ninja is in charge there. Team eight, you're with me to cover the academy and the routes to the shelters. We need to get all civilians to safety as quickly as possible," Sasuke repeated Naruto's orders and handed out jobs.

Naruto was already gone from the arena, off to the village to do his part. Sasuke knew that Naruto was part of a small group of people that had to take our as many opponents as possible. He had seen him rush off with Tenten Jakonato, a student of Gai Maito, his sensei's self-declared eternal rival.

The girl was great with thrown weapons and from what he knew, that was the perfect combination with the one jutsu that Naruto knew and that had made his father famous. The flying thundergod.


Naruto and Tenten raced over the roofs of the village. They had practiced for two hours each day over the last week to get their combination attacks perfected. Naruto had taught Tenten the shadow clone jutsu and given her a fully charged chakra storage seal to pull two clones off.

Each clone of her had a scroll with Naruto's special kunais. Death would rain onto the attackers from above. For now they would concentrate on groups of attackers that weren't in close proximity to any civilians.

While Konoha had started evacuating the civilians as soon as the finals had started in secret, they couldn't make it obvious. So they had concentrated on areas that weren't that important, but housed a lot of people.

"Targets in reach in ten seconds," Naruto said, using his sensor abilities to estimate the distance.

"Roger," the original Tenten replied. "Ready to fire."

The two clones jumped to the sides and went looking for their own groups with two Naruto clones each to repeat the attacks. Once they were close enough, Tenten unsealed the kunai from the scroll she had been given and started firing them at the enemies.

Naruto vanished in a yellow flash and below Tenten the opponents started falling like flies within seconds. She had read about this jutsu's devastating power, but seeing it used in front of her was something entirely else.

Naruto flashed back to the roof once he had killed the last attacker. He made two clones to collect his kunai for another use. They would deliver the filled scroll once they were done sealing them all up again.

"Target destroyed. Let's move on, Tenten," Naruto said.

She nodded and they continued their job.


Orochimaru had kidnapped the Sandaime Hokage and now shed his disguise as the Kazekage. Kimimaro had managed to distract Kakashi, so that he hadn't followed them.

His elite guard, the Sound Four, erected a barrier to keep all opponents out. Sadly they were not fast enough to get it up before Jiraiya, who had been closest to the Kage Box, entered.

"Oh, isn't it a nice team reunion?" Orochimaru asked, silently cursing. With both his sensei and Jiraiya as his opponents he would be hard pressed to win. But he had a trump card. He would just have to call back-up.

"We are just missing Tsunade, then we would be complete."

"Today this will end, Orochimaru. Today I will correct my old mistake!" The Sandaime said.

Jiraiya looked around and inspected the construction of the barrier. The only way would be to take out the pillars, the four ninja that held the barrier.

Sadly without somebody of Tsunade's strength it would be hard to destroy the roof to make them lose their hold. But he had a jutsu that would have a similar effect, even if not on her scale.

"Sensei, can you occupy him for a while? I will take care of the four that hold the barrier," Jiraiya said.

"Hurry up, Jiraiya!" The twice retired Hokage replied. "I am sure he has some nasty surprises planned."

"Of course, sensei," Jiraiya confirmed and ran towards the corner where the guy with the six arms sat holding the barrier.

"Oh no, you don't Jiraiya!" Orochimaru shouted, knowing that if Jiraiya wanted to destroy the barrier, he would find a way.

"Your fight is with me, Orochimaru!" The Sandaime Hokage exclaimed and went through handseals.

"Earth release: Mudflow river," He called out and unleashed a stream of mud from his mouth.

Orochimaru dodged the mud and countered the jutsu.

"Earth release: Earth encampment wall," He said and created a wall of earth to deflect his sensei's jutsu.

Jiraiya had reached the corner and concentrated chakra in his right hand. Soon he had a spinning ball and rammed it directly under the inner side of the barrier.

"Rasengan!" He shouted.

His attack took out a good part of the roof and the one holding the jutsu was had pressed to keep the barrier up, but he managed. Under him was now an opening, which Jiraiya immediately used.

"Summoning jutsu."

A green toad his height appeared.

"Hello, Gamakiri. Ready to show this upstart that works for Orochimaru how stupid that decision was?" Jiraiya asked the female toad.

"Oh, Jiraiya, you always have such a way with words," She answered chuckling.

"Combination jutsu: Toad water bullet," He stated and combined his chakra with that of Gamakiri.

The water from Gamakiri shot with enormous force into the hole Jiraiya had made with the rasengan and took out any tiles from the roof that were still whole. The water additionally forced the six armed guy to lose his balance and let the jutsu go.

The whole barrier fell down and the ANBU that waited outside and the Godaime Hokage, who had killed Kimimaro quicker than Orochimaru had expected, attacked. The Sound four now involved the ANBU in fights activating the second level of their curse seals.

Orochimaru was furious that his plan didn't work just because of that baka Jiraiya. He flew through a series of handseals to get one last attempt for victory.

"Impure world resurrection jutsu!" He called out and coffins began to rise with numbers on them.

The Sandaime flew through his own handseals to prevent them all from coming out.

"Shadow shuriken jutsu!" He exclaimed and shot a barrage of shuriken at Orochimaru.

The coffin with the kanji for 'fourth' was kept down, the first two were opening. Jiraiya went back to his sensei's side and Kakashi landed next to them.

"This is looking bad, sensei," Jiraiya commented.

"Not as bad as it could have been. I managed to prevent the third one. And with the barrier down back-up can help us when they have dealt with his guards," The Hokage commented.

Then they saw massive snakes destroying the village walls in the east.

"Now, don't you think you are needed out there, Jiraiya?" Orochimaru sneered.

"Nah, I can leave that part to my godson," Jiraiya confidently replied.

"Your godson?" Orochimaru asked surprised.

"Yes, I think you know of him. Messy, spiky blond hair, blue eyes, whisker marks on his cheeks and a talent and determination I only saw in his father before," Jiraiya commented.

"So, the fool that sacrificed his life made you godfather of his son. He must have been desperate to make a pervert like you godfather of his only son," Orochimaru mocked Jiraiya.

"Better a pervert than a paedophile," Jiraiya mocked back.

"You really think I wouldn't have prepared for anybody interfering with my plans? My men are already catching him and Sasuke. Once Konoha is destroyed I will mark Sasuke and turn Naruto to serve only me."

Jiraiya started laughing with Kakashi chuckling along.

"I hope you weren't overly fond of the men you sent after them, you won't see them again," Kakashi said. "Those two will take out any opponent that they encounter," He stated completely serious.

As if Naruto wanted to prove Jiraiya and Kakashi right a giant toad appeared directly where the snakes were.

"You said something, Orochi teme?" Jiraiya asked smugly.

"You will still not win against me," Orochimaru said and rammed kunai with controlling formulas into the necks of the Shodai and Nidaime Hokages which he had resurrected.


Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)


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