
naruto: this uchiha is a bit extreme

Uchiha is driven crazy. Time travel and become Uchiha. Watching the night of genocide getting closer and closer, he finally went to the extreme. Now that the Nine Tails Rebellion has been pinned on our heads, it will really trigger a Nine Tails Rebellion. "Uchiha Fugaku, I am not discussing with you, I am informing you that today either Uchiha will be exterminated, or Konoha's high-level people will be exterminated." Konoha suffered heavy losses, and all the major ninja villages were watching? "Cloud Shinobi Village declares war? Are you afraid of them? Declare war directly with the five major powers, no, declare war with the whole world. If you want to fight, fight them all." The internal fighting and war losses were considerable, and there was a lack of funds? "If you don't have money, let the daimyo pay. Otherwise, why keep them? If they don't give it to you, why don't you just take it yourself?" ps: The protagonist may be a little abnormal, normal people should not learn from it.

TFX9 · Tranh châm biếm
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64 Chs

Chapter 17: Uchiha Itachi Is The Illegitimate Son Of Shimura Danzō

That's what ninja fighting is like.

One moment, one moment of carelessness, and it was over.Looking at the body of Third Hokage on the ground, Uchiha Fugaku beside him was a little stunned.Originally, he was still nervous that it would be bad if the other party was sealed away by zombies and was taken away.Now, everything seems so ridiculous.Known as the strongest Hokage, the Hokage who has been in power for the longest time.He didn't know how many times he had endured such a Third Hokage before dying like this.It seems a little unreal.Now he was worried about this. Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly jumped up, as if everything was a joke.But looking at the way the other person's head and body were separated, it seemed impossible. .He seemed to really not understand Uchiha Yunduan at this time.Originally, it was acceptable for the other party to awaken Mangekyō.Considering the situation of the other party and the fact that it may go to extremes in recent years, it is possible.But this Flying Thunder God Technique is hidden too deeply.This must be the Flying Thunder God Technique."This is the Flying Thunder God Technique.""How could you?"The first sentence that came to mind, Uchiha Fugaku was this sentence.He didn't know whether the other party had discovered this ninjutsu himself or had stolen it from Konoha.Whatever it is, it's outrageous.This is what Shimura Danzō on the other side wants to ask.Except for Nine Tails, the battlefield briefly stopped.Anbu pulled away and looked at everything here complicatedly.Speaking of loyalty, it can be said that these Anbu are Sarutobi Hiruzen's most trusted guys.But now, I am also confused.Hokage, dead.Moreover, they now suffered heavy casualties.It seems that no one close to Sarutobi Hiruzen is gone now."Hiruzen.""Uchiha brat, you secretly learned the Konoha Forbidden Technique."Shimura Danzō felt a little uncomfortable and shouted ferociously.I didn't care that the dream tapir next to me was suppressed by Nine Tails, not because I felt sorry for Sarutobi Hiruzen.Mainly, there's no use watching Sarutobi Hiruzen die like this.I originally thought that the other party could take away Uchiha Fugaku, a big enemy.Now, there are more troubles. .But fortunately, the other party was exposed.If you don't expose him, you can trick him in the subsequent battle.Then his end will definitely not be much better."Flying Thunder God, guess what.""Is this what you should be concerned about right now?""Leave them behind, what are you waiting for?"Uchiha Yunduan looked at Uchiha Fugaku not far away.The other party obviously consumes a lot of money. After all, he keeps driving Susanoo, but now is obviously not the time for him to rest."good."Hearing this, Uchiha Fugaku didn't say much.He turned around and directly helped the Yashiro people he brought to deal with those Anbu.Now that Sarutobi Hiruzen is dead, Jōnin who was still there has chosen to run away, leaving only a few Anbu, and his combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.It was only a matter of time before they were all wiped out, and with Uchiha Fugaku going all out, these people would die faster.The reason why Uchiha Fugaku acted so fast.In addition to Uchiha Yunduan's instructions, Uchiha Fugaku is also worried about what will happen to Uchiha Itachi.He did not expect that Uchiha Itachi would appear at this time, or as Shimura Danzō's helper.I don't know why this guy is crazy, but he actually helps Shimura Danzō deal with one of their own people.Now he needs to deal with these guys to stop Itachi.Otherwise, Itachi would definitely be dead.Uchiha Yunduan will definitely not let him go.Thinking about it like this makes him even crazier when he fights.Two days later, there was a fierce battle over there.This way."Old guy, it's you next.""Hey, Konoha Forbidden Technique, of course it belongs to Uchiha.""Even Konoha is an Uchiha, there's no way to learn from it secretly."Uchiha Yunduan turned to look at Shimura Danzō, his scarlet eyes eager to devour this thing.To say that he has the greatest enmity with the village, Shimura Danzō is second and Sarutobi Hiruzen dare not say that he is first.Killing Sarutobi Hiruzen first is just because this guy is showing up and must be killed.Now, he can't wait to cut the other person into pieces with a thousand knives."Uchiha's Konoha, that's not necessarily the case.""The evil Uchiha is nothing more than a tool after all."Shimura Danzō had a gloomy face and was looked down upon.Do you think that taking care of Sarutobi Hiruzen will end the battle?"Then we'll see."Uchiha Yunduan said, his scarlet eyes flashed.Sharingan illusion has been activated. He was good at using illusion before, let alone after being disabled. All his strength is here.Coupled with the awakening of Mangekyō, it is not a problem to deal with a Shimura Danzō. After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen will be controlled by him if he is not careful.At the same time, the rioting Nine Tails continued to sweep away. Now Nine Tails' injuries are not light, and the strength of various people at the root is not weak.In addition, there was also the white-eyed wolf Uchiha Itachi, who indeed caused some injuries to Nine Tails. Fortunately, the opponent was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and was controlled by Uchiha Yunduan, otherwise he might have been taken down first.After all, Uchiha Itachi, too, has Mangekyō."Roar."Nine Tails' claws were manipulated to hit Shimura Danzō's position hard.Meng Tapir hugged Nine Tails forcefully, trying to defend himself from the attack.But he was forcibly taken away by a terrifying force.In the contest between the two giant beasts, it was obvious that the Meng Tapir was more than a step weaker.If Shimura Danzō is accidentally confused by the illusion, he will be knocked over for a long time.After successfully knocking it away, Uchiha Yunduan unceremoniously pulled out the Amaterasu Blade and struck it out quickly.Black flames spurted out like sword energy, trying to kill the opponent with one strike.Although he wanted to cut the opponent into pieces with a thousand cuts, he didn't mind if he could get rid of the opponent first."Die."Shimura Danzō was hit directly before he could react.The slash was engulfed in eternal flames, instantly seriously injuring Shimura Danzō."damn it."Shimura Danzō looked ferocious.Pulling off the blindfold, what was revealed was a Mangekyō Sharingan.Uchiha Shisui's eyes, he was afraid that he would fall into a genjutsu again.You really can't be careless for a moment.This little devil is very insidious.I used to be very gloomy on the battlefield."Uchiha Itachi..."Anger filled Shimura Danzō's face.The old face was distorted and extremely ugly.After he shouted.Uchiha Itachi immediately took action.The red Susanoo appeared instantly.He quickly passed through the first form and went directly to the second form, taking the dream tapir and directly knocking Nine Tails down.This made Uchiha Fugaku not far away widen his eyes, this guy really didn't want his life.Working so hard for Shimura Danzō.Are you Uchiha?Are you crazy?Uchiha Fugaku can't handle this directly. Is it possible that Uchiha Itachi is not his son, but Shimura Danzō's illegitimate son?That shouldn't be the case, right? According to Itachi's character, this shouldn't be the case.