
Naruto: The Slaver

A man living in the 21st century got reincarnated as the son of Madara Uchiha and Hiyori Hyuga in the world of Naruto Having 2 Kekkei Genkai the Byakugan and Sharingan he decided to live a double life and conquer the shinobi world By day, he is an ordinary shinobi using his Byakugan. But when the night falls, the Slaving begins. ============================ Warning: R18+. Smut and Gore -The MC will steal other people's partners and wives Disclaimer:This is only a fan-fiction based on Naruto created by Masashi Kishimoto. Please support me at P@treon.com/Elvenhero

ElvenHero · Tranh châm biếm
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31 Chs

To the Land of Wind

The sun was just starting to peek through the trees as the group of Shinobi made their way silently through the forest. The mist that clung to the forest floor cast an eerie gloom over the scene

About 1000km West of Kohonogakure and 600km west of Tanzaku Quarters Mizuna, Hiyori, Kimi, Asami, and Hirabi are travelling at the Land of Rivers and behind them is a squad of Anbu with five members wearing black coats and white masks.

The anbus were ordered by Koharu Utatane to Infiltrate the Land of Wind together with Mizuna and his group

"I can't believe we need to follow this group for the duration of our mission"

"They were the ones that discovered what the land of wind shinobis are doing inside the land of rivers, don't treat them like the other amateur squads, I'm sure they know what you're doing"

"*tsk* why do I have to join you in this mission? I still can't understand why Lady Koharu assigned me to join you in this suicidal mission, I was doing my job perfectly fine at the Jonin headquarters"

"Do you think I volunteered to go with you?, seems like Lady Koharu picked all of us because we were stationed at the Jonin headquarters"

"Shut up all of you!" The Jonin leading the Anbu squad ordered, "We are short on Jonins to deploy, and this is an important mission, do you think they can assign this to just anyone?"

"Don't forget why we came here" The anbu leading the group looked at his companions seemingly trying to convey some words he couldn't speak out loud

Kimi who's leading Mizuna and his group stopped and said "Let's stop at that village and rest, we are now near the border of the Land of Rivers and Land of Wind we might need to fight once we enter the Land of Wind territory"

The Anbus looked at each other and nodded. And decided to separate themselves from Kimi and her group and look around the different houses to investigate

As they settled into the abandoned village, the group of Anbu couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

The once-thriving town was now a ghostly reminder of the destruction the land of wind shinobis had done. The air was thick with the scent of decay and neglect, and the only sounds were the creaks and groans of the old wooden structures. Despite the sense of foreboding, the group knew they had to make this place their new home, at least for a while.

The Anbus entered one of the abandoned houses

"Hey something feels off about them"

"Yeah, I agree with her" They then looked at the Anbu squad leader and asked "Should one of us keep an eye out for them"

The leader shook his head left and right and said "Don't make our mission too obvious"

"*tsk* are we just gonna follow the-.. ?"


Before Anbu finished what he was about to say the house they were staying at suddenly got hit by a massive fireball engulfing the structure in flames. The intense heat and light from the explosion ripped through the air, causing the wood to crackle and splinter, sending sparks flying in all directions.

The once-peaceful home was now a scene of utter devastation, with charred remains and smouldering embers scattered everywhere, leaving behind a trail of destruction

"Aurgh!" "My leg!"

The Anbus were sent flying towards different directions and standing on top of one of the houses was Mizuna, covered with blood-red chakra and seven tails could be seen behind his back

"what the hell? A jinjuriki!?"

"Seven tails!"

"Call Kimi and her squad! how did that thing manage to enter this village?"

"No look at that Jinjuriki's face! It's that kid from the Hyuga!"

"Fuck!" The Anbu squad leader looked at his men, one was gravely wounded and the other one was unconscious he then looked back at Mizuna

"Hey you two listen, go to different directions while I hold this thing off, report this to Lady Koharu and Lord Hokage tell them what happened here"


Mizuna's white eyes changed to blood red with pinwheels, the leader and one other who was staring at him froze in an instant

But the last one managed to look away before the Sharingan took effect "Fuck!" he then disappeared after saying it, seemingly to head back to Konohagakure

The sound of fighting and explosions from the distance echoes inside the abandoned village

"Eight trigrams 64 palms" "Eight trigrams 64 palms"

Asami and Hirabi appear beside Mizuna and started sealing the chakra points of the 4 Anbus. The other one who was severely injured tried to resist "You traitors!" but his injuries were too severe to struggle and just lay on the ground

"Don't worry, this won't hurt" Mizuna said while smiling "Asami and Hirabi, guard our surroundings and make sure no one sees us"

Not long after Hiyori, Kimi, Miss Jonin and Pakira arrived dragging a badly wounded anbu along with them

"Damn this anbu moves fast, it was hard to catch him"

"Mistress Hirabi, two of the anbu have red hairs, looks like they are from the Uzumaki clan," Miss Jonin said while looking at the 5 Anbu

Hiyori nodded while looking at her son who's currently enslaving the Jonins "You're right, Mizuna tasked Koharu Utatane to specifically pick Jonins close to Mito Uzumaki to accompany us on this mission"

"I'm glad you and Pakira managed to stay safe near the border while we were inside Kohonogakure" she added

"Thank you, mistress, only Hyugas can see through her mask, it wasn't that hard of a task," Miss Jonin stated while gently bowing, before proceeding to heal the Anbus enslaved by Mizuna.


[Title: The Slaver]

[Health: 100%]

[Chakra: 100%]

[Position: Chunin]

[Chakra Amount: 17 (+6.6) years]

[Rank: Middle B rank] [Slave: 119]

[Daily Health and Chakra reset 1/1]

Mizuna looked at the group after enslaving the 5 Anbu "Thank you all for capturing the last one" While smiling he then looked at Pakira " Now Pakira, tell me how can we enter the land of wind without fighting our way through it?" he asked

Pakira smiled and said "I know a path only Shinobis with special mission use"

Please help me by donating power stones! ^_^

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