
Naruto The SENJU Saga

DisappointingMyBoy · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

'FEEL' you know

"Hiruzen" (Second Hokage)

"Yes Sensei" (Hiruzen)

"There is a high chance that I might die today , So I am giving you the Mantle of the Village so, you will be the Hokage after my Death" said Second Hokage shocking all six jonins.

Team Tobirama teamed up with Danzo shimura, Kagami Uchiha and Torifu Akimichi to carry out a mission as the Second Hokage's elite Escort unit

Tobirama Senju and his team found themselves surrounded by enemy forces with no way out. They were surrounded by the Hidden Cloud Village's Kinkaku Force.

As there was no way for all of them to escape without casualties, Tobirama decided to volunteer to act as a decoy allowing the rest of the team to escape.

"But Sensei We can provide Enemies Enough Distraction so at least you can escape" (hiruzen)

"So you want me , A Senju , The Second Hokage of Leaf to turn my back and run for my life leaving behind you all" (tobirama)

"I , I Just-" shuttered hiruzen as Tobiram cut him off and asked in authoriative tone

"Now you are Doubting my Decisions too?" (Tobirama)

"No sens-" (Hiruzen) words stucked in his throat as the Second Hokage released his chakra pressure .


"Yes Hokage Sama" (Hiruzen)

"I am not the Future of Konoha but Young Generations are , You all are the Future of Konoha . Now what kind of Hokage I would be If I Left Konoha's Future in Enemies hands and ran away to save my life" (tobirama)

"That's why I am leaving konoha in your hands

I want to you love konoha that we all created and protect its people. Nourish the younger generations , Pass on the 'will of fire' to the generations that will come after you and lead them to a great shinobi path " (Tobirama)

"Become great Shinobis so that I can brag about you all to Brother" said Tobirama to his team .

"Protect the Village and its people" (Tobirama)


"Lets kill them all" said Danzo to Hiruzen sitting on Hokage's chair holding a Smokepipe

"Danzo think before speaking. You are speaking about killing one of the oldest clan of Konoha."(Hiruzen)

{Why this Peace Obsessed Hypocrite is sitting on the place which is Rightfully mine , Why Lord Second chose him instead of me.} thought Danzo , irritated by the hypocrite who is sitting on his dream chair (basically position) .

"No Hiruzen ,It is you who should be thinking , What do you think will happen If other Villages got the News about Uchicha clan's Coup. Do you think they will sit where they are when we will be struggling against the Coup? NO they will move their asses to attack the Konoha with full Force when our village would be in Weaken state. That's why I am saying to uproot the Coup before it even starts . Eradicating Uchiha clan is the only remaining way we have now " said Danzo trying to convince his old Friend .

{I must convince Hiruzen for Uchiha Eradication so that I can gain enough Sharingans for my experiments} (Danzo)

"Danzo , Uchiha's thinking might be wrong but they want a Revolution without any Bloodshed and you want me to do what? Massacre them . How do you think I will face Sensei in Afterlife." (Hiruzen)

"But they-" (Danzo)

Before Danzo could finish Hiruzen said with no nonsense tone " Danzo enough , I am the Hokage not you."

Danzo clenched his jaw as Hokage started Applying his Chakra pressure reminding Danzo his place.

"We have already Ignited their coup by forcing them to move to the outskirts of village. I don't want to create more problems" spoke Hiruzen while Puffing out the smoke.

Rumours like 'Uchiha were responsible for Nine Tails attack' spreaded like fire and the one responsible for spreading rumours was Danzo himself , on his orders root anbu mixed within the civilians and framed Uchihas as culprits behind the Fox attack .

In the aftermath of the attack, the Uchiha clan were relocated to a compound along the Village's outskirts on the pretext of it being a necessary step in Konoha's reconstruction. 

"Uchiha might want to do the Coup but they also loves the village and If we gave them Enough time , They will also realize that what I did was for the sake of maintaining the peace in the village" (hiruzen)

"But at least we should put my root Anbu to surveil the Uchiha clan" (danzo)

"I will think about it , Dismissed" hiruzen released a tired sigh with the smoke.

Anime does not do any justice to konaha's Beauty. It looks a whole lot cool and Beautiful in real life .

Statues of previous and current Hokage looks more Grandoise and Intimidating in real life which clearly shows the pride and strength of the Hidden Leaf .

Bustling crowd can be seen at the iconic places of konoha like Yamanaka flower shop (not much crowd) , BBQ , Hot springs and Bath house (too much crowd) etc.

I Tried to memorised the location of some Famous places. That's how I spent my all day touring the village .

The only problem occured to me which I Didn't consider much before was my appearance .

Honestly , word 'Handsome' doesnt do any justice to my face .

My skin is Fair almost Pale White , Shoulder lenghth Hair tied in eren Yeager styled ponytail, My most striking Feature were my Vibrant Blue Eyes, They are a real show stopper. My jawline is not clearly visibe as I still have some Baby Fat but still my current looks are the deadly combination of Cuteness and Handsomness , I am pretty sure I will look Devilishly Handsome in my Teenage years . I am not Narcissist btw.

Aside from my Non-Narcisst review of my face which is totally accurate no exaggeration, Too much attention quickly became a pain as almost every woman was stopping me and asking about my name and other information and gifting me candy and shit .

Nearly Every girl of age to 7 to 10 were blushing like tomato and kept staring at me , I mean for god's sake you are just a kid , you are not supposed to blush like that at this early of an age .

Ninja kids are scary , They matures too fast.

Well I actively avoided some iconic places where there even tiny bit of chances to meeting major characters .

I have yet to decide how much I want to change the original storyline

I have already changed some of it by interacting the Hokage himself but that was not in my control as I was just an Infant you know.

I dont intend to hide or calculate my every move so that plotline remains same, I am going to be just me , Though there are some parts that I want to change such as uchiha Massacre .

Although I interact with some uchihas who were patrolling the village , they seem Nice guys though some superior complex and arrogance was there , But not much to actually massacre them .

I am not going to actively try to help them though , as I dont feel any strong attachments to them . I am doing this just for konoha's sake as in future konoha need uchiha force to survive 4th great ninja war and with their help konoha would be in much better state . Although Madra , Itachi and shisui were the only uchihas I ever liked maybe Fugaku too . I dont particularly like or hate Sasuke but its just Emo type of guys Irritates me .

Currently I was sitting near the Hokage statues on the hokage rock (mountain on which Hokage faces are carved) enjoying the sun set . Setting sun painted the sky yellowish orange and dived down the horizon thats how my Tour ended .

-(Timeskip = 1 month)-

It took hokage one month to remember our BBQ promise and I Didn't minded it as I also was busy with my training .

I am doing 3 times the Saitama Routiene .

Hokage also provided me basic Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu scrolls . (still not giving me ninjutsu scrolls)

I learned the basic taijutsu forms but I dont know how efficient I am in Taijutsu as I dont have someone to taught me or any sparring partner to test my skills on.

My shuriken jutsu is the one which took a huge leap , mostly the benifit of having the best chakra control in the world , such level of chakra control provided me perfect control over my Muscles which improved my accuracy . Although my chakra in Base form (without moving the chakra) can not provide Speed and Strength but it can help in Accuracy and effeciency .

To increase Strength or Speed of my Body , I need to Rotate (focus) my chakra at the given parts .

I need someone to spar with me otherwise my Taijutsu progress will Stagnate .

I dont think making my training more intense will do me any good aa my body need to grow more to increase my physical limits. i also need more hand to hand experience to further improve my progress .

I should aak Old man about it .

As for old man I think it is time I should talk to him about Uchiha matter. Old man needs a wake up call from his peace fantasies .

Taking a bath , Putting Black Tshirt and Blue Pants on , I start heading out , But found the old man at the senju compound's main gate standing there Lost in Deep thought .

"Yo , old man" (Akira)

"Oh !!! Akira" (Hiruzen)

"What is distracting you so much that you didnt even notice me , Your Senses are getting dull , You should decrease your workload as you are getting old you know" (Akira)

"I am not that Old , i am just in my forties and dont call me Old man , at least call me Grandpa" (hiruzen)

{'Oy oy oy , Dont Sulk like a Little Girl , You are Creeping me out here' though I didnt show any emotion on my face } (Akira)

"Yeah yeah , whaterver you say old man , so why are looking so stressed" asked Akira

"Nothing just regular Hokage problems"(Hiruzen)

{lets test the waters} (Akira)

"So Is It Regular that Hokage of Konoha Discriminates againat a whole clan?" asked Akira, in a mocking tone .

"____" Hokage ignoring the mocking tone raised an eyebrow in surprised but continue walking .

{lets spice it up} (Akira)

"You know If a House is on fire and a person with matchstick is nearby does not necessarily means that he or she started the fire" said Akira as he continued walking in front of the Hokage.

"____" Hiruzen tried but failed to find any words to Retaliate.

"I am sure you know the meaning behind my lines more than anyone old man" (Akira)


"Lord First , What Meaning does 'Will of Fire' holds for you?" (hiruzen)

"Hmmm , 'Will of Fire' huh...First of all the 'Will of fire' Speech I Always give is just a bunch of crap" Hashirama dropped the bomb without any warning .

"Huh" Hiruzen looks at Hashirama with an expression which shows 'mindblank"

"Hahahahaha" laughs Hashirama at the expressions of his Brother's student .

After laughing contently Lord First says ,

" 'Will Of Fire' for me is a Fire which Warms and Protect our People an Burnt down our Enemies" (Hashirama)

"What !!! just that ?" (Hiruzen)

"Hahaha, just that" (Hashirama)

"But logically , Isn't the 'will of fire' an oath to protect the peace of konoha" (Hiruzen)

Tobirama standing nearby saw his brother's antics sighed and said ,

"Dont always think logically Hiruzen , Sometimes what we see is not the complete truth but what what we feel is" (Tobirama)

{FEEL, huh} (Hiruzen)


"So do you also feel the same way as the villagers? , Do you also think that that Uchihas were the ones who were controlling the Fox?" asked Akira.

"____" (Hiruzen)

"I dont know much about Uchichas as I only get to observe them for only a day , Today only to be Exact" (Akira) continue talking

"From my Observation Uchihas are too arrogant for their own good but their loyality to konoha is to be unwavering. At least that what I think , You should know better than me about their Loyality"

Their plans for coup without bloodshed is an exmple enough to show their intentions that they dont want to harm the village


"So What should I do If Logic does not work" asked Hiruzen to both Hashirama and Tobirama

Hashirama and Tobirama both smiled after listening Hiruzen's question . They both looked at each other and said with a huge smile on their faces .

"See with your Eyes , Judge with your Brain and Feel from your Heart" (Hashirama and Tobirama)


"(See with your Eyes , Judge with your Brain and Feel from your Heart ) these are the Respective steps for making a good decision" said Akira taking out an scroll and throwing it towards the hokage and said.

"Read it before entering" said akira and Enters the BBQ leaving the stunned hokage.

hiruzen who was surprised to see to the tittle of the scroll spoke tenderly

"To our Successors"