
Naruto-The secret sage

Given a second chance by a R.O.B Kenzo traded his knowledge of the Naruto story in exchange for being born a sage. Keeping his power a secret Kenzo must make his way in the unforgiving and dangerous world he has found himself in.

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Wasted potential and Mimicry

After that it was life as usual for me though there was a new development that I had been working on after getting a firm handle on the academy taught taijutsu style. See the style was perfectly fine if you didn't rely on your physical body for fighting like I did. Not to say I couldn't use ninjutsu as that wasn't the case but no one in my class had been able to force me to use more than my overwhelming physical advantage during our spars. Even Neji and Hinata whose clan was taijutsu focused were sluggishly slow in my eyes and thus never landed any hits.-

Speaking of their clan it frankly boggled my mind how stupid they were in using their innate dojutsu, the Byakugan. The strange pupiless eyes had the unique ability to see the chakra in someone's body and even the air itself. The eyes also granted near three sixty vision and long range reconnaissance abilities. Despite this massive advantage the clan chose one of the worst ways I could think of to utilize their gifts by focusing on paralyzing their opponents chakra flow via a specialized taijutsu style called {gentle fist}. -

How the clan hadn't realized or if they had taken advantage of the uniquely gifted start in the medical ninjutsu field they had from birth was beyond me. They could literally see inside the bodies of the people they would be healing without using a single invasive method like drawing blood or cutting them open. Don't even get me started on how powerful they would be if they used genjutsu as well. Genjutsu was the art of crafting illusions using chakra to affect your opponents senses. From my understand the way it works was that you injected you chakra into your target and as it circulates through them use it to mess with what they sense.-

There were also two ways I knew of to get free of a genjutsu which is where their byakugan came in. the first was to disrupt your chakra flow somehow and the second was to inflict very real pain on your body as the pain signal rebooted your senses for a lack of a better term. With a byakugan that literally lets you see someone's chakra flow you can imagine how skilled at the art the clan could be but no if anything it was apparently frowned upon in the clan to use genjutsu.-

Anyways after seeing the Hyuga clans taijutsu in action I couldn't help but admit that compared to the style the academy taught it was practically godlike. The two couldn't even be mentioned together unless you were trying to show how good the gentle fist style was. The Uchiha style taijutsu was also pretty damn good but was specialized towards using ones full body unlike the Hyuga clans taijutsu that was all about the hands. The Inuzuka clan also had a type of taijutsu unique to them called {man beast} that involved imitating the ninken that they employed.-

This sparked inspiration in me, Why couldn't I do something similar? I was a sage whose body was perfectly in tune with nature itself so there was no reason why I shouldn't be able to mimic my own beasts to create my own taijutsu style. If I went a step further I could probably imitate the unique abilities of my beasts as well. Ren for example could convert the chakra in it's body into poison that was so highly toxic that point my parents collect it once a month to sell to other ninjas, it has had a one hundred percent fatality rate so far.-

The rest of my chakra beast had their own unique chakra based abilities as well that I could copy. My cat could blend into shadows, my hawk could whip up attacks made out of pure wind. My turtle could use it's chakra to breath under water. My lizard could turn invisible , my snake could create physical clones of itself and Kiba my wolf ninken could coat himself in lightning that made him hard to hit as his speed shot up drastically. With this knowledge I had been spending a bunch of my time training to mimic my beasts since we started classes again.-

It was slow going though since while my body was certainly capable of it like any form of fighting it took a stupid amount of practice and attention to detail. Right now I was still on my first beast, Ren. As a human I only had four limbs unlike Ren who had nine if you include the tail so I had to break down the mimicry to certain parts of Ren that I could mimic. At this exact moment I was focused on getting the attacks of Rens pincers down with my hands.-

A scorpions pincers served three purposes in battle, first they were powerful grabbers to hold things in place. Second they could be used as shields, finally they could tear things apart. The first and final parts I grasped easily enough as that was all muscle control but the second was proving tricky. I knew I needed to create a thin but sharp sort of chakra covering on my hands but I wasn't sure how to accomplish it and had to resort to trial and error. My parents were quite upset with the consistent injuries to my hands I had from my chakra exploding or cutting everything including myself.-

I only ever used a tiny amount of chakra though so the damage was nothing my strong body couldn't handle but damn if it didn't hurt. 

"What are you even doing to get injuries like this anyways?" my mom asked as she cleaned the many small cuts on my palm with an alcohol soaked cotton swab.

"I'm trying to imitate Rens pincers but I can't figure out how to turn the chakra into a cutting force without this happening." I complained in frustrating since this was fifth time in as many days I had to suffer the alcohol cleanings.

"Do you mean chakra flow?" she asked with a surprised look.

"Is that what that is called? Is it something common or have I been doing something stupid this whole time?" I asked curiously. 

"Well it is primarily used by the samurai of the land of iron but the idea was that you create a thin but fast moving edge of chakra along a blade of some sort to create a sort of extreme sharpness. In my opinion a wind release jutsu would just be simpler to learn." She explained and even added her own opinion on the matter.

"I see and would it be possible to create five such edges on ones palm at once like I have been attempting?" I asked hopefully.

"You are getting a bit ahead of yourself mister. Rather than trying to get five edges at once you should start with trying to master one before moving on to add more. You have more talent than I have ever seen but even geniuses like you need to learn step by step. I can't help you learn chakra flow though since I don't know how to do it myself but I can see about getting you a tutor to help you grasp it." she said with a warm smile.