
Naruto: The Path of Control

"Can't master nature transformation? Fine, I don't need it!" Kai decided. With extreme chakra control, he would develop powerful non-elemental ninjutsu, create his own Six Styles of Combat, and even design a human-based Sage Mode. Who needed conventional ninja techniques when his path would be just as strong—if not stronger? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to support me and read chapters ahead, join my patreon : patreon.com/Adwitiyah_Daivik ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: 卖身葬节操 RAW NAME: 木叶:学不会忍术,只好自己研发

Adwitiyah_Daivik · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Chapter 7: Chakra Needle, Leading the Surgery

"With enhanced perception, the flow of chakra has become much clearer."

Slowing down his hand seals, Kai carefully executed each one, channeling his chakra within. Soon enough, he once again succeeded in activating the Chakra Scalpel technique. This time, it posed no difficulty.

However, instead of simply stopping there, he allowed the chakra to dissipate and began altering his hand seals, swapping out two of them. Then, with a little additional chakra control, something new began to take shape.

As his hand seals concluded, a needle-like formation of dense chakra materialized in his palm—its high density nearly giving it a tangible form.

He tested it against a kunai.


The needle easily deflected the blade.

"As expected, these altered seals assist with chakra condensation, making it easier to create the needle. Of course, it still requires strong chakra control—without that, it wouldn't be possible."

Kai took a moment to reflect on his progress, then opened his notebook and started writing down his observations.

Chakra Needle

Difficulty: A+

Effect: Can touch solid objects. Offensive potential still under review.

Optimization: Focus on refining, increasing quantity, improving durability, and reducing difficulty.

"At the moment, this isn't a technique that can be widely taught."

However, it wasn't without its uses.

The Chakra Scalpel was commonly utilized in surgeries but wasn't suitable for every procedure. In cases involving damaged muscles and bones, the scalpel's precision wasn't always enough. This was where the Chakra Needle could shine.

"It's time to test it in practice."

Kai stood up and headed towards the office. As a newcomer who hadn't even graduated yet, it was necessary to gain the approval and supervision of his mentor, Kitayama-sensei, to participate in surgeries.

Kitayama, thankfully, had already moved past her previous embarrassment involving Icha Icha Paradise. The medical corps was simply too busy for personal concerns. Even during peacetime, training, studying, and surgeries dominated their schedules, leaving little room for distractions.

When Kai entered the office, Kitayama couldn't help but be reminded of that awkward incident, but she quickly moved on.

Kai spoke first, "Sensei, I've been experimenting with the Chakra Scalpel, integrating it into a new technique I've been developing."


Kitayama looked at him, utterly bewildered. You've only just learned the Chakra Scalpel, right? Her mind reeled. Is this kid serious?

She took a moment to compose herself. "What kind of technique?"

"I'm calling it the Chakra Needle."

With swift hand seals, Kai raised his right hand, revealing the sharp, needle-like chakra. "I've enhanced its form, so it has a tangible effect now."

Kitayama's eyes widened. Although she hadn't been a medical ninja for long, her experience was sufficient to recognize the potential uses of such a technique in an instant. She immediately recalled a past case.

Flipping through some medical records, she pulled out a particular file.

"This is…"

"Maruhoshi Kosuke," she replied. "An elite-level shinobi disguised as a genin. On the battlefield, he sustained a severe fracture to his left leg. Although first aid was administered, the bone fragments were too numerous, and without Lady Tsunade's advanced skills, the medical corps was unable to treat him properly. He ended up losing the leg."

Kitayama sighed. "If we had a technique like this back then, there might have been a chance to save his leg."

"Are there any similar surgeries coming up?" Kai asked. "I'd like to help."

"Surgery like that comes around every now and then. You won't have to wait long."

As fate would have it, he didn't have to wait long at all. The next day, Kitayama brought him into the operating room. Though he wouldn't be taking the lead this time, she wanted him to acclimate to the environment and observe the process.

There was some resistance from other senior medics, particularly Hōpō, the head of the medical corps. He felt Kai, as an inexperienced student, had no place in such a high-stakes environment. However, Kitayama invoked the Hokage's authority, and he grudgingly agreed to let Kai observe.

After a few surgeries, even Hōpō's attitude softened. While Kai had initially been clumsy, by the second procedure, he was already helping out without disrupting the others. His respect for life and diligence in assisting the team became evident.

Half a month later, the surgery Kai had been waiting for finally arrived.

The patient was a Chunin from the Nara clan, also a member of the Anbu, whose left arm had been shattered by an enemy's explosive tag. His bones were in fragments, and debris from the blast had embedded itself in his flesh.

The surgery was extremely complex.

"The bone is severely fragmented…" Kitayama said. "We'll have to operate on him simultaneously. There isn't much time."

She glanced at Kai, hesitating for a moment.

"Sensei, I want to help with removing debris and aligning the bone fragments," Kai offered.

"You?" Hōpō frowned.

While he acknowledged Kai's talent, he wasn't sure if the boy was ready for such a demanding task.

Kitayama, however, made the call. "I'll assist you," she said. Hōpō gave her a look but ultimately relented.

Kai was assigned to work on the leg, and soon, he became absorbed in the task. He calmly performed his hand seals and conjured the Chakra Needle.

Hōpō watched in silence before returning to his own work. The situation was too critical to waste time debating.

With intense focus, Kai found that his enhanced perception allowed him to pinpoint the exact locations of the debris and bone fragments. Steady-handed and precise, he carefully removed fragments piece by piece.

Time flew by as he worked his way up from the foot to the waist. His Chakra Needle never faltered, and his left hand, maintaining the Chakra Scalpel, worked in perfect harmony.

Kitayama and Hōpō glanced at each other, shocked by the boy's speed and efficiency.

In silence, they gave him more space. Before long, Kai was leading the operation. The Chakra Needle deftly navigated through shattered bones and muscle tissue, removing debris while the others assisted by reassembling the broken bones.

By the time the bone fragments were fully reassembled and healed with medical ninjutsu, the surgery was nearing its end.

"It's done. Rest now, Kai," Hōpō said gently. "We'll handle the remaining work."

"Huh?" Kai blinked, realizing he had been in a near trance-like state. He suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion.

"You've done enough," Hōpō said, his tone now much more respectful. "You've already removed most of the debris and corrected the major fractures. We'll take care of the rest."

Kai nodded and stepped back, realizing just how much chakra he had expended. He was spent.

Hōpō watched him with admiration. If only he could master medical ninjutsu, he thought. This boy might become another Tsunade.


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