
Naruto: The Path of Control

"Can't master nature transformation? Fine, I don't need it!" Kai decided. With extreme chakra control, he would develop powerful non-elemental ninjutsu, create his own Six Styles of Combat, and even design a human-based Sage Mode. Who needed conventional ninja techniques when his path would be just as strong—if not stronger? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to support me and read chapters ahead, join my patreon : patreon.com/Adwitiyah_Daivik ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: 卖身葬节操 RAW NAME: 木叶:学不会忍术,只好自己研发

Adwitiyah_Daivik · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Chapter 3: Early Graduation - I Want to Study Medicine!

The Genin-level exam wasn't just a test of the Three Basic Techniques or academic knowledge; it also included the interpretation of duties during missions and situational judgment. The cultural knowledge tested was even more in-depth.

Additionally, there was taijutsu and actual combat to be assessed. This was where things became interesting—Kai had thought the Third Hokage might assign a chunin to evaluate him, but to his surprise, the Third Hokage created a shadow clone instead.

"For your strength assessment, I'll personally oversee it. If you can force me to use any technique beyond taijutsu, I'll consider it a success," said the Third Hokage's shadow clone with a smile. The real Hokage held a pipe in his hand but refrained from lighting it, out of respect for the academy setting.

"Don't we need to go outside?" Kai asked.

"No need, this room will suffice," the Third Hokage replied with a slight smile.

Kai bowed lightly in acknowledgment and then, together with the shadow clone, performed a seal to initiate the match.

In an instant—*Bang!*

Kai concentrated chakra into his fist and punched forward. The Hokage's shadow clone didn't use ninjutsu but reinforced his body with chakra to block the strike barehanded. However, the moment he deflected the punch, the chakra around Kai's fist exploded outward.

Immediately after, Kai closed in with another attack. This time, while his left hand delivered a blow, his right hand discreetly began forming a Rasengan, ready to strike the shadow clone.

After all, it was just a shadow clone—no need to hold back.

The Third Hokage's shadow clone was taken aback.

This kid has remarkable control, he thought. Not only can he manipulate chakra explosions with precision and avoid injuring himself, but he can also quickly form a Rasengan with one hand.

Such mastery over chakra control is beyond many jonin. What a terrifying talent!

The shadow clone skillfully blocked both of Kai's attacks, then swiftly moved behind him, aiming a kick at his legs. Kai, however, reacted just as quickly, evading with a body flicker technique. His speed was nearly on par with the Hokage's shadow clone.

The Third Hokage was silently impressed.

Despite his age, which had diminished his speed, strength, and stamina compared to his prime, his taijutsu still rivaled that of an elite chunin. For this boy to keep up with him in pure taijutsu… Guy wasn't exaggerating in the slightest.

After several exchanges, the shadow clone found it impossible to take down Kai using taijutsu alone.

As the shadow clone backed away, Kai hurled four or five kunai at him.

The shadow clone immediately noticed—

These kunai were connected by incredibly fine chakra threads!

The Hokage's shadow clone's eyes lit up as he drew a kunai to slice through the threads. He managed to sever three of them, but the remaining threads twisted and weaved around, guiding the kunai toward him with chaotic yet calculated precision.

*Thunk, thunk!*

The shadow clone transformed into a log—a substitution technique. Two kunai were embedded in the log.

"You've mastered chakra threads and can even use them effectively in combat. Impressive, very impressive," the Third Hokage said, his eyes gleaming.

As the "Professor of Ninjutsu," he understood the depth of Kai's research into chakra threads. His threads were thinner and stronger than most ninja could manage, making them hard to detect at first glance.

Moreover, Kai's clever maneuvering of the threads to avoid attacks showed great skill.

Right now, it was only kunai.

But what if those kunai had been rigged with explosive tags?

Based solely on Kai's demonstrated techniques and his mastery of taijutsu, the Third Hokage was convinced. Kai had the ability of a full-fledged genin, perhaps even surpassing many others.


Though he couldn't grasp nature transformation, as Kai had said, there was indeed significant potential in further exploring shape transformation.

"Lord Third, does this mean I passed?" Kai asked.

"You did. From now on, you'll only need to submit a weekly progress report to both the medical corps and the academy. You're no longer required to attend regular classes," the Third Hokage said with a smile.

While he wasn't prepared to reinstate early graduation entirely, he was willing to make exceptions like this.

"Thank you very much."

Kai let out a sigh of relief.

Gaining entry into the medical corps for study was crucial for him. On one hand, understanding medical knowledge was vital for maintaining his health and training. On the other hand, mastering various medical techniques would aid him in developing new taijutsu techniques.

For instance, take the "Strength of a Hundred Seal"—without a proper understanding, attempting to replicate it could be more suicidal than innovative!

"You've earned my approval through your own efforts, so there's no need to thank me. If you must, thank yourself," the Third Hokage said with a gentle nod and a smile. "How did you come to practice chakra threads?"

"I didn't originally set out to practice chakra threads," Kai explained his thought process.

His goal was to condense chakra to the point where it could shatter objects and then integrate that power into his taijutsu for combat purposes.

No wonder he wants to learn the Chakra Scalpel, the Third Hokage realized.

He's trying to supplement his techniques by learning from others with similar abilities.

His approach was clear and deliberate.

The Hokage's thoughts became conflicted.

In Kai, he could see shades of his once-prized student. But now, that former student had become a rogue ninja of Konoha.

The Third Hokage fell silent for a while, his mood suddenly dampened. Finally, he waved a hand, signaling for Kai to leave.

Kai had no idea what was going through the Third Hokage's mind.

So, he simply bowed respectfully and exited the room.

Outside, Kai exhaled a breath of relief.

Facing off against the Third Hokage's shadow clone—no matter how composed he appeared—was definitely stressful. He could have reached the Hokage's requirements more easily if he wanted.

For example, by unleashing a faster Rasengan.

He had already optimized the technique to the point where, with his chakra control, he could release it within two breaths.

But if that was all he showed, it would have wasted the opportunity he had so painstakingly created.

Kai needed to demonstrate his full range of abilities to ensure that the Third Hokage took special notice of him. That way, he'd have a chance to gain access to the Third's personal library of books—something far more valuable than simply proving his strength.

Even in the world of shinobi, books and scrolls were often worth far more to civilians than money.

Kai returned to his classroom as if nothing had happened, continuing to pay attention in class. His teacher seemed unaware of what had transpired and made no announcement.

After class, as usual, Kai ran laps around the village for training.

A little while later.

"So, the Hokage came to your school?" Guy asked.

"Yes, he sought me out and granted me permission to study with the medical corps," Kai responded sincerely. "Guy-sensei, I'm truly grateful to you. I won't forget your kindness!"

"Hahaha, what are you thanking me for? You earned it yourself!" Guy laughed heartily before frowning in confusion. "Wait, why are you going to the medical corps? To learn medical ninjutsu?"

"I can't even master basic nature transformations, so medical ninjutsu is probably beyond me. I'm doing it to gain broader and deeper knowledge."


Guy was perplexed.

Why go to the medical corps if you can't learn medical ninjutsu?

He scratched his head but soon burst out laughing. "Well, I don't get it, but you're a smart guy. No need for me to worry about it. Come on, the flames of youth are burning bright! Let's go find Lee!"


The two of them ran through the village together, their silhouettes glowing in the sunset.