
Naruto: The misfit

How would you feel if you suddenly found yourself in the ninja world? That happened to me but contrary to most beliefs I don't really know what to do but, what is sure, I want to live a good life. Update schedule: two times the week

AllBullshit · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Training Partenairs

In one of the designated training sites for genin in the village of hidden leaf. Two figures could be seen moving at superhuman speed, fighting, no, It was more like sparing.

One of them with bowl-cut shiny black hair, thick eyebrows, and round eyes in a green jumpsuit, the other one, perfectly cut bright brown hair almost orange, a handsome face, and aqua blue eyes, in Blue Jog pants, white undershirt, and a blue hoodie. They were respectively Rock Lee and Ichigo Fumikage.

As they exchanged blows, they soon stopped for a while, observing each other, smiling, but a breath later they were at it again.

Hand for hand kick for kick, none wanted to back down, but suddenly, Lee decided to speed up, reappearing behind Ichigo, he punched him in the face causing blood to flow out his nose, but he tanked it, spitting out blood from his mouth, all Ichigo was thinking about was speed.

"Faster" he thought and involuntarily said out loud, he was not fast enough, he felt.

As all his will, and body prepared and contracted for such an endeavor, a mental message ringed

[Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) template: 0 ~ 1%]

His first template finally, after 5 months, went up, what then followed was just from Ichigo's perspective incredible.

The world seemed to suddenly slow down, as all his senses and perception went overdrive, He could feel his heartbeat accelerating, all his physical prowess being amplified, particularly his speed.

he felt like he was free and that gravity had no effect on it, be he also knew that was just a product of his imagination due to his sudden power up.

Deciding to try out his new conditions, he wiped the blood off his face, before rushing toward Lee, strangely enough, he could without a problem control his new speed, like it was second nature.

Lee, seeing Ichigo suddenly become much faster was first surprised, but then decided to go all out and stopped holding back.

Not wasting a single second, Lee kicked forward since Ichigo was already before him, but Ichigo crouched down, not losing his momentum, he tried to sweep Lee off his feet, but having already anticipated such a move from Ichigo, Lee jumped back.

Ichigo, however, wasn't done, as the world around him slowed down, even more, he accelerated once again, surpassing the speed of sound, jumping forward, he punched Lee in the face, creating Large air pressure, dust, and shock waves.

'ho shit! I think I went overboard' Immediately realizing what he had done, Ichigo's serious expression morphed and became one of worry and guilt.

"I think this is enough for today's sparring" Fortunately he heard a familiar voice between him and Lee, and as the dust settled he could make out a familiar face similar to Lee with the same jumpsuit.

"Guy sensei!" Ichigo Exclaimed, noting that Guy has blocked the blow that was meant for Lee.

but soon thinking back to what he did, he approached Lee with an embarrassed smile "Sorry for that, Lee, I was caught up in the adrenaline" he apologized.

"Adrenaline? what is that?" Lee didn't seem particularly angry nor even really concerned.

"Anyway, What was this sudden increase in speed? since when were you so fast?" not bothering himself with terms he doesn't understand, his face soon lit up with excitation as he asked his training partner what happened.

"I don't really know, I just wanted to go faster and faster, when then the world slowed down around me, and suddenly I felt like I could do it" I explained, hiding the truth from them.

"That is it, I know what happened!" Guy suddenly said with a serious face, which evoked even more admiration from Lee "Hooo, as expected of Guy sensei!"

'did he really? ...No probably not, this is probably one of his antics again' Ichigo didn't take it seriously at all as there was no way for anyone to know anything if he kept his mouth shut.

"It is undoubtedly..." Guy said before taking a pause, he then flashed his signature smile before shooting "THE POWER OF YOUTH!!!"

"YOUTH!!" and once again Lee seemed to have understood the secret of the universe as he excitedly shouted behind Guy as well.

'I knew it' Ichigo shook his head, he was already used to this kind of scene coming from them.

Looking at the setting sun, Ichigo estimated that it was already time for him to go back home or his father would worry.

"Guy sensei, I think it's time for me to make my way home" he said and turned to Lee " once again Lee I apologize, I went too far"

"Don't worry about it, It was so cool! It seems like I have to work even harder if I don't want to be surpassed" as Lee said there was so much passion in his eyes, that Ichigo saw them transform into fire.

"That's the way Lee, You have to use the power of YOUTH!!" Guy, well once again was being Guy.

"and also, Ichigo, you can go on your way, but tomorrow, we will have to revise your training program" as Guy told him with a thumb up, his so-called nice guy pose, , Ichigo could feel a shiver run down his spice but he didn't back down, instead he also flashed a smile, hand in pockets, he said "bring it on"


From the training ground Ichigo ran home, although not at full speed, he arrived at the other side of the village where his home was, it took him merely 10 seconds, he wasn't even out of breath, it was like a casual Jog.

'the feeling I get while running really starts to become addicting' not that he didn't run before or something but since he the template went up, it just became a different feeling altogether.

Also, he discovered that by inheriting the character's powers, he didn't get his memories but just an instinctual sense of control over those powers and he found that perfect since he didn't really want to inherit their memories.

Memories are what make a person what he is, if you gain the memories of someone else would you still be the *You* you were before gaining them? He does not think so.

"Why are you just standing before the door rather than getting in? Daiki" seemingly appearing from nowhere, a brown-haired middle-aged woman asked, she was rather beautiful, with long hair and dark brown eyes.

She didn't wait for an answer and just took his right hand, dragging him inside.

"How was your training today? Did you get hurt? are you alright?" she started asking, worries clearly apparent in her tone.

"Masaki, let him breathe for a second, he seems totally fine to me, considering he is training to become a ninja, danger is something he would meet at every corner" a rather burly middle-aged man with black hair and the same eyes as Ichigo said, as he got in the house.

"Isshin, you should not-"

"Now, now, everyone calms down, I am fine, Look I am perfectly fine! just some bruises here and there" Not waiting for the discussion to escalate Ichigo decided to interfere, he knew that if he did nothing they would just start rambling on and on.

It is not that they don't love each other but that is just how their relationship works.

"Also mom, I have thought of a new cloth design I would like to show you after" Ichigo tried to change the subject by diverting his mother using her passion as a clothmaker.

"Really? you're not just trying to change the subject right? " his mother asked with clear curiosity, she, of course, understood what he was trying to do, he was her son, after all, she knew him better than anyone but still she knew he was not a liar.

"While that truth, I am also not joking, I do have something new to show you" Seeing that he has been caught, he didn't deny it.

"Now, all of you go take a shower, and get ready for diner, you smells!" she attacked father and son. Looking at each other, the corner of their lips got up as they couldn't help but smile at the familiarity of this scene.

"Okay, okay, we're going" said the family head; she was right after all, considering he work as a smith, a job that require a high amount of physicals prowess and the fact that he was constantly near the fire all day.


After washing himself and taking diner with his family, Ichigo was in his room, sitting next the window and looking out, admiring the sight of Konoha during night time.

"In a week will be our graduation ceremony, I really wonder who will be my teammate" out loud, he wondered.

He was not particularly worried about the graduation exam because although his specialty was taijutsu, he already mastered the tree basics academics jutsu to a good enough level.

'moreover I was finally able to move up the percentage of Quicksilver's template even if it took way longer than expected, and it sees like it would only get harder as time passes'

Anyway he was not counting solely on the template system to get strong, after all system or not he would train sweat and tear to grow stronger. His knowledge of the future seemed like a curse, he had no goal such as being a hero or saving the world, heck he would not even do anything to save the third since he believe what happened to him was his the result of his own incompetence.

All he wanted was enough strength to protect his family and close friends, anything else was none of his business but to do such he needed to be as strong if not stronger than the ninja Jesus and the little price version of Toshio Ozaki.

"really easier said than done" he sighed "but i guess i should not be the one to talk"

'current template' he thought and a miniature screen appeared before his eyes

[Current Template: Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)= 1%]

Merely 1% gave him such a boost, he wondered how strong he would be after maxing out the template. Just thinking about it made him excited.

'I am really looking forward to the future'

Unbeknown to Ichigo, as he thought such, a creepy smile made its way to his smile as his blue eyes, under the light pf the moon shined with unprecedented fervor.

This fic, as said before is back! Rejoice! and Gimme your stones!!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

AllBullshitcreators' thoughts