
Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm

In an alternate universe of the Naruto world, the Kyubi attack unfolds differently, leading to a significant shift in destiny. The Fourth Hokage chooses Konohamaru Sarutobi as the jinchuriki instead of Naruto. The attack claims the lives of Kushina Uzumaki and Naruto’s unborn sister, leaving Naruto to grow up unaware of his true heritage. Raised as an orphan, Naruto becomes a prodigy through sheer determination and hard work. Despite the hardships and bullying at the orphanage and the academy, he excels and graduates early, quickly rising to the rank of Chunin like Itachi. His remarkable talent catches the eye of the Third Hokage and Danzo, leading him to join the Anbu and work under Shisui Uchiha. During his time in Anbu, Naruto discovers his unique Storm Release bloodline, a powerful combination initially as a kekkei genkai, which he then develops into a full kekkei tota. Naruto’s journey is one of self-discovery and resilience. He navigates the complex politics of Konoha, making allies and avoiding conflicts with influential clans. His path takes a dark turn as he befriends Mizuki and becomes embroiled in Danzo’s schemes. As he unravels the secrets of his lineage, Naruto’s resolve strengthens, even as his loyalty to the village weakens. He becomes a beacon of hope and strength, embodying the spirit of the Uzumaki clan and the will of the whirlpool. With his newfound powers and the support of unexpected allies, Naruto prepares to face the ultimate challenges that threaten the peace of the ninja world. In "Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm," witness a reimagined tale of Naruto Uzumaki as he rises from the shadows of obscurity to become a legendary shinobi. Check my Patreon page patreon.com/ThirdFireTriden for exclusive chapter. Tags: Anbu Naruto, Prodigy Naruto, Bloodline Naruto, Lemons, Smut, Great Plot.

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Chapter 10: The Clash of Guardians

 Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm

Chapter 10: The Clash of Guardians

Author's Note:

Thank you for joining Naruto and his team on this intense mission in Chapter 10: The Clash of Guardians. This chapter is filled with suspense and action as Naruto and his comrades face a formidable internal conflict. The stakes are higher than ever, and the journey is far from over. Stay tuned for the next chapter to see how this thrilling encounter unfolds. Your support and feedback are greatly appreciated, and we hope you continue to enjoy the adventure.

Join ThirdFireTriden on !

Chapter 17- Shadows of Conspiracy is Out! in my Patren.

Chapter 18-Calm Before the Storm- Journey to Kiri is Out!

Chapter 19- Undercover in the Land of Water is Out!

Chapter 20- Life of a undercover agent is Out!

Happy reading!

As I stood atop the watchtower, overlooking the border we were patrolling, the chilly winter air nipped at my face. The landscape below was a patchwork of frosted forests and snow-dusted plains, with the distant mountains standing like silent guardians. The ticket for my chunin exam was in my hand, a tangible reminder of the challenge that awaited me. I felt a mixture of excitement and determination.

In the last four months, I put my full focus on kenjutsu, taijutsu, genjutsu, and fuinjutsu. It's not that I neglected ninjutsu—I used it extensively in the missions. I had built a substantial arsenal of water jutsus, including a few B-rank ones that I was particularly proud of. These ranged from defensive techniques like the Water Wall (Suiton: Suijinheki) to more offensive jutsus like the Water Searing Wave (Suiton: Suishōha) and Water Prison (Suirō no Jutsu). Each mission had honed my skills, pushing my mastery to new heights.

However, my real progress had been in blending these techniques with my kenjutsu. Kosuke and Hayate had been instrumental in this. I learned a few nin-kenjutsu amalgamations, merging the precision and discipline of kenjutsu with the fluidity and power of ninjutsu. One of the most significant additions to my skill set was the Leaf's famous Crescent Moon Dance (Kage Maihazuki), a technique that Kosuke had passed on to Hayate, and now, Kosuke had passed on to me as well. This move involved creating multiple illusions to confuse the enemy, then striking with swift, unpredictable sword attacks. It was both beautiful and deadly, and I had spent countless hours perfecting it.

Taijutsu had also been a major focus. Guy's rigorous training regimen had pushed my physical limits further than I thought possible. I incorporated his lessons into my daily routine, focusing on speed, strength, and endurance. My taijutsu had become more fluid and powerful, capable of holding its own against even seasoned fighters.

Genjutsu, too, had seen remarkable improvement. As my chakra control increased, so did my ability to cast and dispel illusions. Kosuke's teachings had shown me the subtleties of genjutsu, how to weave it into combat seamlessly. I could now create convincing illusions that could confuse and mislead my opponents, giving me the upper hand in battle.

Fuinjutsu, however, had become my true passion. The complexity and versatility of sealing techniques fascinated me. I spent hours in the library, poring over old scrolls and practicing intricate seals. My efforts paid off; I could now create advanced seals for various purposes, from trapping enemies to storing weapons and supplies. I even began experimenting with barrier seals, creating protective barriers that could absorb and deflect attacks.

With all this preparation, I felt a new level of confidence. The knowledge and skills I had gained were not just theoretical—they had been tested and proven in real missions. Each success, each challenge overcome, had forged me into a stronger, more capable shinobi. The upcoming chunin exam was another step, another opportunity to demonstrate my growth and prove my worth, especially since it was my chance to show the higher-ups and other shinobi my worth.

But luck is a fickle thing. I was ordered on a regular border patrol mission. The order was that I would be relieved from duty 20 days prior to the exam, around mid-January. As luck would have it, three days prior to the completion of my mission, a bloodied chunin staggered into our outpost. Our platoon consisted of ten shinobi: three chunin, one jonin, and six genin. We were severely understaffed due to a massive outbreak of flu in the nearby seven sectors, causing severe symptoms like blood vomiting. The affected sectors had to be immediately isolated and taken to healthcare facilities, leaving only our sector to cover the remaining seven until reinforcements and replacements arrived.

The bloodied chunin collapsed as he relayed his message: "Our Daimyo, Lord Una of the Land of Fire, his convoy is under attack."

We looked at him skeptically. One of our team members, a seasoned chunin, even contemplated the possibility that it was a ruse. "Why would the Daimyo venture anywhere near here with such a deadly flu outbreak nearby?" he asked.

One of the chunin, a seasoned warrior named Takashi, voiced his disbelief. "The Daimyo never travels with just a single chunin. He's always surrounded by platoons of samurai well-versed in chakra, elite jonin, chunin, and ANBU protecting him around the clock. Not to mention the monks from the Fire Temple and the Guardian Twelve. It's said this crop of Guardian Twelve is one of the best in the history of the order, capable of taking on S-rank shinobi if needed."

Another chunin, a tall woman named Aiko, nodded in agreement. "It doesn't make sense. Why would he be here with such minimal protection? And why haven't we received any prior intelligence about his movements?"

Tetsuo, our jonin leader, considered their words carefully before responding. "These are valid points, but we can't ignore the possibility that something unexpected has happened. We have to assume the worst and prepare accordingly. If the Daimyo is indeed in danger, we need to act quickly and decisively."

Another chunin, Sora, voiced a concern that had been on all our minds. "What if this is some sort of ruse? The Daimyo doesn't travel with just a single chunin. He has platoons of samurai well-versed in chakra, elite jonin, chunin, and ANBU protecting him. Not to mention the monks from the Fire Temple and the Guardian Twelve. Where are they, and why didn't we hear any sound or indication of battle?"

Tetsuo nodded, acknowledging the possibility. "You're right, Sora. This could very well be a trap to lure us away or into an ambush. But we can't afford to take that chance. If there's even a small possibility that the Daimyo is in danger, we must act. We'll proceed with extreme caution."

Tetsuo turned his attention back to the unconscious chunin, looking for further confirmation. "Does he have the mission scroll indicating he was part of the Daimyo's guard detail? It's protocol to keep it well hidden on their person."

Before the chunin could respond, he fainted from blood loss. Acting quickly, Tetsuo ordered a thorough search of his belongings. We moved swiftly but carefully, respecting the gravity of the situation. I felt a mix of anxiety and anticipation, knowing how critical it was to verify this information.

As we searched, I couldn't help but think about the various scenarios that could have led to this moment. If this was indeed a trap, who could be behind it? What were their motives? And if it wasn't, how could the Daimyo have ended up in such a precarious position?

Finally, in one of the pouches, we found what we were looking for—a mission scroll. Tetsuo unrolled it, his eyes scanning the contents quickly. "This confirms it," he said, looking up with a mixture of relief and determination. "He is part of the Daimyo's guard detail. This scroll is genuine."

The discovery added urgency to our mission, dispelling some doubts while raising the stakes even higher. The reality of the situation began to sink in. We were not just dealing with a potential threat to a high-profile figure; we were possibly on the verge of preventing a significant political disaster.

The room fell silent as we processed this information. The situation was more dire than any of us had anticipated.

Tetsuo paused, assessing the situation with a grave expression before addressing us with a firm and resolute tone. "We don't know if this is true or a deception, but we can't afford to leave this part of the border unguarded. The safety of the Land of Fire hinges on our vigilance."

His voice sliced through the tension in the air. "Alright, we move out immediately. Naruto, keep your sensing abilities on high alert. This could be the real deal, or it could be a trap. Either way, we need to be ready for anything."

Tetsuo then turned to Waji, one of our best short-range fighters. "Waji, you're coming with us. Out of the ten shinobi here, you, Naruto, and I will follow the trail to where this chunin came from." His intense gaze settled on me. "Naruto, you'll be our sensor. Remain hidden at all times and use your abilities to detect any threats before they catch us off guard."

He then faced Takeshi, another trusted chunin. "Takeshi, you will take command here. Send an urgent message to HQ ASAP. Inform them that I've handed over command to you and let them know of the developments. Under no circumstances are you to abandon this post. This is a situation where we can't afford a strategic retreat. If we leave this post, we give the enemy free access to the Land of Fire."

The weight of his words settled over us like a heavy fog. "We are tasked with defending this border, and we will do so until the last man or woman from this platoon is standing. This is our duty, and we will not falter. The security of our homeland relies on our actions today."

His determined gaze locked onto mine. "Naruto, you'll be our sensor. Stay concealed at all times, moving stealthily to avoid detection. Waji will lead the way, and I'll cover our rear. Use your sensing abilities to identify any threats before they become a problem. We must be vigilant, quick, and prepared for anything."

With his orders clear, we prepared to move out, each of us acutely aware of the immense responsibility we carried. The mission ahead was uncertain, but we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to protect our village and our land.

As we moved through the forest, the mood was tense, the weight of our mission pressing heavily on our shoulders. The trees were dense, their shadows casting an eerie darkness around us. My senses were on high alert, every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs sending a jolt through my nerves. Waji and Tetsuo communicated in hushed whispers, their movements careful and calculated.

"Naruto, keep your senses sharp," Tetsuo whispered, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "We don't know what we're walking into."

I nodded, focusing on the faint trail left by the injured chunin. My sensing abilities were in full gear, trying to pick up any chakra signatures or disturbances ahead. The forest was alive with subtle energies, but nothing yet stood out as a threat.

We followed the trail cautiously, each step bringing us closer to the cliff-like area described by the chunin. The terrain became more rugged, the ground uneven and covered in thick underbrush. Waji and Tetsuo moved with practiced ease, their eyes constantly darting around for any signs of danger.

As we neared the cliff, I sensed a cluster of powerful chakra signatures ahead. I signaled to Tetsuo and Waji, and we slowed our pace, blending into the shadows. From our vantage point, we could see a chaotic scene unfolding below.

Bodies of samurai and monks littered the ground, a testament to the fierce battle that had taken place. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood and the acrid smell of burning wood. In the midst of the carnage, a large translucent barrier shimmered, its surface flickering with energy.

"What is that?" Waji whispered, his eyes wide with shock.

"It's a barrier," I replied, my voice low. "It erases sound and chakra presence completely. It's sophisticated, and it's not something I've encountered before."

Waji was about to step closer when I grabbed his arm. "Wait. This barrier also has proximity seals intertwined. If we cross it without disarming them, the caster will know someone has entered."

Waji's eyes narrowed as he studied the barrier. "Are the people standing at the corners the casters?"

I shook my head. "No, they're powering it, but they're not the casters. Give me some time to analyze it."

As I focused on the barrier, I could hear Tetsuo curse under his breath. "Shit! We are in trouble. This isn't a foreign power fighting. It's the Guardian Twelve fighting among themselves."

Waji looked at him, incredulous. "What? Why would they be fighting each other?"

Tetsuo pointed to the figures within the barrier. "I recognize a few of them. Asuma Sarutobi, Chiriku, Kitane, Nauma, Tōu, and Seito. They're part of the Twelve Guardian Ninja. They're fighting against another group. This isn't an external attack—it's an internal conflict."

I glanced up from my analysis, my interest piqued. "Who are they fighting?"

"The other banner is that of Lord Daimyo's oldest son," Tetsuo explained, his voice grim. "It looks like a usurpation attempt."

As I worked to decipher the barrier, the scene within unfolded like a brutal dance. Asuma Sarutobi and his comrades fought with precision and ferocity, their movements a testament to their elite status. They clashed with the opposing forces, the air crackling with chakra as powerful jutsus lit up the night.

Chiriku, a monk from the Fire Temple, unleashed devastating taijutsu techniques, his fists glowing with chakra as he struck down enemies with swift, controlled movements. Kitane and the other lightning users formed a coordinated defense, their combined efforts creating a web of electric energy that repelled attacks.

The battle inside the barrier was intense, each movement a blend of deadly precision and raw power. Asuma Sarutobi, wielding his signature trench knives infused with wind chakra, moved with unmatched agility. His Hien (Flying Swallow) technique extended the reach of his blades, creating a lethal edge that cut through the enemy's defenses effortlessly. "Hien!" Asuma's voice rang out as he dispatched foes with calculated strikes, his trench knives glowing with blue chakra.

Chiriku's movements were a blur of disciplined strikes. His abilities, honed through years of training at the Fire Temple, were showcased as he used his signature taijutsu techniques. "Sōryū Tenra!" (Twin Dragons of Heaven) Chiriku called, his fists enveloped in a bright aura as he delivered a powerful double punch that sent shockwaves through the enemy ranks. Each strike was precise, breaking bones and incapacitating foes with brutal efficiency.

Kitane, Nauma, Tōu, and Seito stood together, their synchronization impeccable. Kitane's command of lightning jutsu was on full display as he channeled his chakra to create a protective barrier. "Raiton: Jibashiri!" (Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder) he yelled, releasing a torrent of electricity that formed a crackling web around them. The electric net repelled attackers, electrocuting anyone who dared to come close.

Nauma, Tōu, and Seito complemented Kitane's defense with their own lightning attacks. "Raiton: Gian!" (Lightning Release: False Darkness) Nauma shouted, launching a spear of lightning that pierced through multiple enemies. Tōu and Seito used coordinated strikes to create an overwhelming assault, their combined lightning jutsu forming a blinding light that disoriented and destroyed their opponents.

From my vantage point, I could see the clash of titans unfolding. The rebels were equally fierce, their dark intentions clear in every move. Kazuma, leading the usurpers, fought with a ruthless edge, his sword glowing with ominous energy. "Raijin no Sura!" (slash of the Thunder God) he roared, his blade crackling with destructive power as he faced off against the loyalists.

As I continued to work on deciphering the barrier, I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and insignificance. These were some of the most powerful shinobi and monks in the Land of Fire, their abilities far surpassing anything I had encountered before. Each move, each jutsu was executed with a level of skill and precision that highlighted the vast gulf between my current abilities and theirs.

Chiriku's fists glowed with an intense chakra as he launched into another attack. "Raigō: Senjusatsu!" (Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder) he cried, summoning a thousand phantom arms that struck down enemies in a whirlwind of destruction. Kitane, Nauma, Tōu, and Seito's combined lightning jutsu formed a near-impenetrable barrier, their relentless assault pushing back the rebels with each coordinated strike.

As I worked to unravel the seals, I caught glimpses of the loyalists' strategy. It was the old man in loyalist who was the strategist, it was evident as he coordinated with Chiriku and the others, creating openings and exploiting weaknesses with deadly efficiency. His Hien technique was a blur, cutting through enemy defenses with surgical precision.

The rebels fought back with equal ferocity, Kazuma's presence a dark and commanding force. His jutsu Fujin and Raijin no Sura cleaved through the battlefield, each swing of his blade a testament to his determination to seize power. The loyalists and rebels were locked in a deadly dance, their every move a struggle for dominance and survival.

I focused intently on the barrier, my hands moving in a precise pattern as I channeled my chakra into the seals. The complexity of the barrier was daunting, but I could feel the energy shifting as I made progress. The translucent barrier shimmered and pulsed, a visual representation of the intricate web of chakra that held it together.

Waji and Tetsuo exchanged whispered conversations, their eyes never leaving the battlefield. They used hand signals to communicate, their movements precise and practiced. Tetsuo's gaze was sharp as he assessed the situation, his mind calculating the best course of action. Waji's expression was focused, his readiness to engage evident in every taut muscle.

As I continued to work, the barrier began to yield under my efforts. The seals responded to my chakra, their energy shifting as I manipulated them. The process required intense concentration, each adjustment bringing me closer to breaching the barrier safely.

Tetsuo's voice broke through my focus, low and urgent. "Naruto, how close are you?"

"Almost there," I replied, my hands moving quickly as I made the final adjustments. The barrier shimmered, its energy shifting in response to my manipulations.

Waji's eyes were fixed on the battle, his body tense and ready. "We need to be ready. Once we get in, we'll be in the middle of a war zone."

I nodded, my focus unwavering. The barrier yielded under my efforts, its energy parting to create a safe breach. "Done. I've created a safe breach. We can move in now."

Tetsuo nodded, his face set with determination. "Alright, let's go. Stay sharp and stick together. We're walking into a war zone." He paused for a moment, his gaze intense. "First, everyone put on these masks."

He unsealed a set of masks, handing them out to each of us. The masks were blank, featureless, designed to obscure our identities. "They may know who we are, but they won't know our abilities from the bingo book. This is a measure we take when going into hostile territory."

As we donned the masks, a sense of anonymity settled over us. Our identities were hidden, but our mission was clear. Tetsuo continued, "Waji, give assistance to Asuma Sarutobi. Don't lose the element of surprise. I'll break the formation of the trio of lightning users and their collaborative ninjutsu. Naruto, keep your cover and provide support from the shadows. If things go south, take the Daimyo and flee to sector 72. It's the nearest safe zone, at two o'clock south."

The tension was palpable as Tetsuo's countdown began. "Three... Two... One... Now!"

"Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Naruto- The Last Harbinger of Storm".

Join ThirdFireTriden on !

Chapter 17- Shadows of Conspiracy is Out! in my Patren.

Chapter 18- Calm Before the Storm- Journey to Kiri is Out!

Finally Chapter 19- Undercover in the Land of Water is Out!!

Chapter 20- Life of a undercover agent is Out!


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I will post every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Today I will post a large chapter that's a prologue.