
Naruto: The Hunting Dimension

After receiving the news of Jiraya's death, Naruto finds himself plunged into an existential crisis as he remembers a past life in which he knew the anime Naruto. Amidst sadness and confusion, when he wakes up, Naruto finds himself in an unfamiliar landscape and comes face to face with a giant and hostile rabbit that disintegrates after being attacked by a Rasengan, leaving only two red spheres. Recognizing the object as an item from the novel Pocket Hunting Dimension.

Smith_10 · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

Chapter 8: Red spheres

crushed the gray rabbit's neck. Then, he focused on his second prey.

The black rabbit was more agile and resistant, but Naruto was even faster. With two powerful punches to the neck, the rabbit fell defeated.

Naruto collected three red spheres, two from the big black rabbit and one from the gray rabbit. He realized he didn't need to use Rasengan to defeat them, learning more about the strength of these rabbits and the amount of force needed to face them.


Naruto was exhausted, but the smile on his face was evident. He felt like a true master rabbit hunter. In just an hour, he had eliminated 11 giant rabbits and 22 smaller rabbits, showcasing all his skill and prowess.

His methods may have seemed cruel and ruthless, but Naruto knew it was a matter of survival in this unknown and dangerous world.

And he had a lot to show for it. Adding the 8 orbs he already had, he now had a total of 63 orbs in his possession.


It was the last word Naruto managed to utter before his consciousness was engulfed by darkness.

He was ready to continue his search for rabbits in the Pocket Hunting Dimension, but his plans were abruptly interrupted by the sudden appearance of a colossal dragon flying over the plain.

The pressure emanating from the enormous creature was overwhelming, and Naruto found himself powerless in the face of its overpowering strength. The impact of the dragon's attack was so violent that Naruto felt his body being torn apart, and his consciousness faded away amidst the excruciating pain.

When he finally regained consciousness, Naruto writhed in pain. The sensation of being torn to pieces was unbearable, and he struggled to contain a scream of agony that seemed to want to escape his throat at all times.

He had not died, but the blow of the colossal dragon had left him with an excruciating pain that seemed to consume his entire being.

Naruto found himself in a terrible dilemma. He knew that, according to the original plot, he would have to return to the Pocket Hunting Dimension whenever he slept. It was almost inevitable unless he decided never to sleep again. But could he really live without sleep?

Even if it were possible, Naruto did not want to live like that. He did not want to experience the feeling of dying every day. But there was a positive side to this story. The benefits of going to the Pocket Hunting Dimension were undeniable.

Naruto pondered his situation and concluded that his only chance of survival was to hold on long enough until he was sent back to reality, without having to go through the torment of daily death in the Pocket Hunting Dimension.

He remembered clearly the only way to escape the dimension without having to die, but he knew it wouldn't be easy. After all, there were many dangers he could avoid sometimes, but not always.

Wanting to meditate and use the orbs, he made as little noise as possible as he left in his pajamas.

The nighttime scenery of Mount Myoboku was a stunning and magical sight. The darkness was illuminated by the sparkling stars in the sky and the light of the full moon that bathed the forest in its silvery glow. The fresh forest air enveloped everything in a gentle embrace, while the soft sounds of nature echoed around.

Naruto moved silently through the hills and valleys of the region, feeling the damp ground under his bare feet. The sound of crickets and owls echoed through the forest, creating a natural symphony that calmed his mind and spirit.

As he approached the small crystal clear lake, Naruto watched the surface of the water reflecting the stars above, creating a magical effect of shimmering lights dancing on the water. He knew he needed peace and tranquility to train and improve his strength.

Sitting on the ground, Naruto took a deep breath and a small weak red sphere appeared in his hands. He put the sphere in his mouth and began to cultivate it, feeling the intense heat emanating from the sphere as he devoured it.

The bright orb pulsated with intense energy as Naruto put it into his mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, trying to focus on the skin refinement process happening inside his body. The heat was almost unbearable, but Naruto knew it was a small price to pay for the power he was gaining.

After about an hour, Naruto finished devouring the first light orb and immediately took another. He continued the cultivation process, devouring the orbs with an insatiable hunger for more power. With each orb he consumed, Naruto felt his skin becoming increasingly tight and strong. Each cell seemed to emit a faint glow as if vibrating with new energy.

Finally, after devouring the third light orb, Naruto opened his eyes and looked at himself. He was covered in dirt and sweat, and the repugnant smell emanating from him made him want to vomit. Quickly, he got up and plunged into the crystal-clear lake. The cool water washed the dirt off his body, and Naruto could feel his new skin glowing with renewed energy.

Naruto knew his enhanced skin would attract the attention of everyone in his village, especially the girls who wouldn't fail to admire him. He couldn't deny that this was tempting, but he pushed these thoughts from his mind and focused on his cultivation.

The night was still young, and Naruto was determined to get stronger. He devoured the light orbs one after the other, feeling his endurance increase with each one.

As the scorching energy of the light orb began to flow through his blood and muscles, Naruto felt a piercing pain and a burning sensation, but he didn't move, continuing to refine his body.

The sun began to rise on the horizon, but Naruto hadn't noticed the time passing. He opened his eyes, spat out congealed air, and realized he had devoured 15 light orbs. Although his muscular refinement was still halfway there, Naruto was satisfied with his progress.

However, his body was covered in dirt, yellow oil, and grease, and he quickly plunged into the crystal-clear lake to clean himself up.

"I better go back..." Naruto murmured..