
Naruto: The Hunting Dimension

After receiving the news of Jiraya's death, Naruto finds himself plunged into an existential crisis as he remembers a past life in which he knew the anime Naruto. Amidst sadness and confusion, when he wakes up, Naruto finds himself in an unfamiliar landscape and comes face to face with a giant and hostile rabbit that disintegrates after being attacked by a Rasengan, leaving only two red spheres. Recognizing the object as an item from the novel Pocket Hunting Dimension.

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23 Chs

Chapter 7: Nature Chakra

Naruto felt his body transform, but he opened his eyes for a different reason than Fukasaku thought.

Indeed, Naruto began to have aspects of a toad, but it was much smoother and less grotesque than he remembered seeing in the anime.

"When used by someone without experience in the art of controlling Nature Chakra, you begin to transform into a toad," Fukasaku said in a haunting tone.

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Naruto pretended to be surprised and scared as he went to see his reflection in the oil.

But he didn't want to dramatize, so he just looked surprised but didn't panic: "Grandpa Toad, how do I get back to normal?"

"It's simple," Fukasaku said, producing a stick and hitting Naruto right on the top of his head.

"Ow..." Naruto put his hand on his head and he rubbed it gently. But as he was rubbing, he pretended to be surprised to see that he had returned to normal.

"It's all about balance. You're used to turning your physical and mental energy into chakra for Ninjutsu, so you get a balance," Fukasaku explained. "But now, you need to add Nature Chakra to the mix. Finding the perfect balance is extremely difficult."

Fukasaku continued to explain the risks of absorbing too much Nature Chakra. Naruto listened attentively before returning to training.

'I'm surprised!' Fukasaku thought. 'Naruto-chan's talent is even greater than I thought. It's even greater than when Jiraya-chan started learning Senjutsu!'

Of course, he didn't want to say that out loud. He didn't want Naruto to become overly confident and think that it would be easy to learn and relax in training.


'Zen meditation…' In the middle of the night, before sleeping, Naruto thought about the meditation technique he learned from the toad sage.

It was a superior meditation technique compared to what he used to digest the energy of the red orbs. If he used it next time, would he have a better result?

It was viable to think so, Naruto then lay down while closing his eyes.

Suddenly, Naruto felt a shock in his brain and his consciousness sank into darkness.

When he regained consciousness, what came was the fresh smell of grass brushing against his face.

Naruto's heart beat fast and he opened his eyes.

When he saw the familiar grassy plain, he almost jumped with excitement.

He could return again, indeed!

Although he understood the original plot of the Pocket Hunting Dimension, it was different to experience it all. He still had his own doubts and uncertainties.

Naruto looked around, surprised by the sharpness of the environment. The colors were more vivid, and the texture of the grass was sharper as if he could feel each leaf with his bare toes. He felt the gentle breeze and closed his eyes again, absorbing the feeling of being there again.

Naruto couldn't let his guard down. He knew there were unknown dangers in that dimension. Even knowing the original plot, he couldn't avoid all the risks that place brought. Furthermore, Naruto was aware that there was something even scarier than the Bijus in that dimension.

While trying to stay alert, Naruto began to notice something strange about the seal of the Kyuubi. Although he could still feel it, the seal seemed different, as if it were even more powerful. Moreover, the Chakra of the Kyuubi seemed easier to use.

Naruto began to question if the Kyuubi had been put to sleep or if the frozen time in the dimension had affected the seal somehow. If that were the case, Naruto felt grateful for it.

Although Naruto knew he could establish a bond of friendship with Kurama, the nine-tailed fox, he knew it wasn't an easy task. It wasn't like he could just say "Hey Kurama, let's be friends!" and expect everything to magically resolve itself.

"Well, there's no point in thinking about it too much now," Naruto muttered to himself, putting the issue aside for the moment.

Despite this, he felt that the result could be even better if Kurama were in a different state than before.

However, Naruto knew he couldn't just stand there thinking about random things all the time. He had an important task to fulfill.

Creating shadow clones, Naruto prepared three powerful Rasengan, ready to be launched at any moment.

Rushing forward, Naruto's shadow clones detected the presence of three rabbits that he sensed with his sensory ability. Two of them were white, while the third was gray and slightly smaller than the others, but still almost 80 cm tall.

With a spirited shout, the shadow clones attacked with great speed and skill, launching their Rasengan toward the rabbits. The red eyes of the rabbits widened when they saw Naruto, showing the sharp teeth in their triangular mouths.

However, even with their quick reflexes, the three large rabbits couldn't dodge in time, being hit by Naruto's powerful Rasengan.

The impact was deafening, a sound of bang! accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, as the rabbits flew several meters forward before finally falling and kicking their legs a few times before becoming still.

In no time, the three large rabbits turned to dust, leaving behind only a few cherry-sized Red Orbs, emitting a weak glow.

Naruto cautiously approached but didn't pick up the orbs right away. He created a shadow clone to grab them and check if they had the same effect.

When the shadow clone's hand touched one of the red orbs, the orb disappeared and Naruto felt the same sensation as before.

"Haha, that's great, dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed in ecstasy.

It was a relief to know that shadow clones could hunt independently without him needing to come into contact with the orbs to go into the small mental dimension.

Naruto ran off in search of his next prey, determined to expand his stock of Red Orbs.

His sharp senses quickly led him to two rabbits: a black one as big as the huge white rabbit he had encountered before, and another gray one, which seemed to be a twin of the one he had just killed.

The rabbits' red eyes glowed with fury when they noticed Naruto's presence. They charged with determination, ready to attack.

But Naruto was prepared. He skillfully dodged the rabbits' claws and attacked with precision.


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