
Naruto: The game of gods

It is one of my first novel so I hope you can ignore some mistakes and you may have a good experience while reading the novel. In this story The MC Adi will be reborn into the world of Naruto and he is not alone. He will be accompanied by Our lovely humans of earth and yes they will have their respective wishes. So just sit back and enjoy how our MC will come out the situation and win this world competition Also in my story every reborn character will be under one condition and that is they can't interfere in the predefined plot of the Naruto world either directly or indirectly and if they did they will have to face the consequence. And the consequence can be much worse than dying. SO ENJOY!!!! I have taken the picture from pinintrest please inform me if the owner want the picture to be removed

The_lone_reader123 · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter 2 : DEATH

It had been a year since we arrived on this island, and life was both good and bad for us. We were required to work for six hours each day, but all of our daily necessities were taken care of, including food, water, and housing. We were each provided with a room that could be painted according to our preferences, and there were sex centres where we could satisfy our needs. Surprisingly, there was no typical slave treatment that you might expect from prisoners. Life was pretty good for 90% of the inhabitants on this island, and we had everything we needed, but at the same time, we had nothing.

It is true that individuals with wisdom are appreciated in every civilized society, but I belonged to the remaining 10% of the population who were not happy with the current situation. My freedom, which was partially given to me by my nation, had been completely restricted by this company, and I knew it would happen. That's why I was trying to impress that Magnus guy.

He had given me the position of boss in a certain part of the laboratory, and there was only one person between me and him in the hierarchy of the company. I knew that his position was essential in the organization. So, yeah, I was the boss, the second most influential person on the island, along with some others. The first was Dr. Carla Simon, who was the main head of the island and the boss of all the part bosses, like me. She was the person who passed our information to Magnus.

Dr. Carla was a one-in-a-million beauty with curly hair and lotus petal-shaped eyes. She had a mature appeal and could tempt even the saints. She was the epitome of sex appeal, and no man could dare to resist her. She was the boss of the island, and nothing could go unnoticed from her eyes. According to me, she was the problem solver of this Island. Anyone who intended to go against the island's rules would be met with her, and she would use her beauty and charm to resolve the issue.

We did not have access to the internet for obvious reasons, and Dr. Carla was the only person with access to the internet to report on the experiment to Magnus. I forgot to mention that we were not alone on this island; there were 47 other scientists on this experiment. We bonded well, as we had no one else, and along with Dr. Carla, there were 68 of us in total. The rest were our support staff, and Charles (mercenary leader) was also here.

It was evening, and my work had ended when Dr. Carla came to me and asked, "How was your day, Adi?" I responded by saying, "Nice, Dr. Carla. And yours?" "The same. Managing the whole island is not an easy task, Adi," Dr. Carla replied, folding her hands. "Yeah, you're right. You are the boss of the whole island. So what brings the boss to my humble abode?" I asked, looking into her eyes. "You know, Adi, you were the genius who completed his graduation in two years and then completed the doctorate in two fields in the next three years. It was because of you that the nation of Lotus was able to complete the cloning experiment that had been stalled for nearly four decades. And how many years did it take you to complete it? Only two years," she said.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked with a frown.

"You have not submitted any noteworthy report on any of our experiments and I don't believe you are capable of this much. You are hiding your findings," responded Dr. Carla.

"I am not able to settle here," I answered with ease on my face.

"Please work on your mental state fast, Dr. Adi. It determines your fate," said Dr. Carla.

"I will try," I responded with enthusiasm in my voice.

"Also, if you can submit anything noteworthy, you will have anything on this island... anything," Dr. Carla said, leaning against me and showing her cleavage.

Dr. Carla was a one-in-a-million beauty in terms of standards, and her beauty was enough to tempt even saints. It was a major test of my willpower to resist the urge to pounce on her. Any normal male would have been head over heels for her by now, but I resisted because there was one thing more important than her beside her.

I had been on this island for a year, and during the first month, I researched everything about it, from its geography to every other person available on the island, including how many ships had been parked there and the timings of their departure. From this, I could conclude that there was no way of physically leaving this island. So, in the next 11 months, I started to plan my ultimate escape.

I made a computer virus that had the ability to continuously post any information for a year from different accounts. It just needed a single account, and using this account, it would spread to various accounts and post the same information from those accounts. It would also post the data of its host accounts. So, if I managed to pass the data to the company servers, it would expose all their data.

I couldn't upload this virus directly to the main server as it would be found and destroyed. So, I made parts of this virus, with each part consisting of 8 bits. During each day's reports, I sent this part to Dr. Carla's computer, and from there, using the internet, it would be spread to the whole world. It also contained my video of giving this information to the whole world.

Today, I gave the last segment of the virus, and by tomorrow afternoon, it would be on the world's internet. Everything about this company would be exposed, from its research to the people involved in the attacks. Today, I would sleep with ease, as tomorrow was the day of my freedom.

The night was over, and the day began, and everything was normal. I had taken leave from today's work as it was going to be my last day on this island. I would enjoy everything today.

As I was enjoying my day, the time for the event came, and suddenly, the siren started blaring on the whole island. Everyone started running towards the safety bunker, and I was alone at the epicenter of the whole ordeal.

Suddenly, Dr. Carla, along with Charles and some others, came running towards me.

"She knows," I thought.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Carla. What might bring you here?" I asked.

"Stop this madness, Adi, and there might be a chance that we can go back and pretend like nothing happened," Dr. Carla said while gasping.

"You know, Dr. Carla, it is too late. Within a few minutes, this whole island will BOOM!!" Yes, it was my ultimate escape. If I could not leave physically, then my soul would leave this island. No one could take my freedom from me, no one.

"Sorry to inform you Adi but I was already having a contingency plans for this type of situation, so you would not be able to complete your plan" Dr. Carla said

"You should have listened to me, Adi," Dr Carla said again but with a stern voice. "Now, you'll have to face the consequences of your actions."

"I knew this would happen," I said with a sigh. "But I had to try."

Charle looked at me with a cold expression. "You put us all in danger, Adi. You could have caused a disaster."

"I'm sorry," I said, feeling remorseful. "I just couldn't stand by and watch this company destroy lives and the environment."

Dr Carla shook her head. "You don't understand the bigger picture, Adi. We're doing this for the greater good."

"The greater good?" I scoffed. "You call experimenting on innocent people and polluting the earth for profit the greater good?"

"That's enough," Charle said, his voice laced with anger. "Take him away."

The guards grabbed me and dragged me out of the room. As I walked down the hallway, I couldn't help but think about what I had just done. I knew I had put myself in danger, but I had to take a stand. I just hoped that my plan would work and that the world would finally know the truth about this company.

"You have made a big mistake, Adi," Charle said.

"I know," I replied with a smile, and then BOOM!!! I exploded. As you might have guessed, I took out the surrounding guards, Dr. Carla, and even Charle himself. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought that I was a bomb myself. She may have had a contingency plan for the island, but not for me. And I had already decided that today, I would be free, whether this world wanted it or not.

In the last moments before my eyes closed forever, I thought, "The virus has done its job. The whole company's research and illegal activities have been exposed to the world. They can't delete this information, as it will be continuously uploaded with different accounts every second. I have gotten my revenge."

As planned, the government seized the entire island and all of the company's research. The scientists and workers were sent home safely. The company was forced to shut down, and its executives were arrested and hanged. This marked the end of the company's once-glorious record. As I said before, this is the era of collective society, and no individual can oppose the decisions made by society.

Adi's parents wept with joy after seeing their son's video, proud that their child had done such a heroic deed. The government called out their names, and they received the highest social award of the nation. Adi had repaid his parents in a sense by giving them this honour, and they could provide a better future for his siblings using his name.

In doing all of this, Adi had paid all of his debts to the world. He gave his parents honour, leaked the data to increase the development rate of his species, and reduced pollution through his doctorate report paper that was applied to the whole earth. Yes, he was now debt-free and ready to embark on his next journe