
Naruto: The game of gods

It is one of my first novel so I hope you can ignore some mistakes and you may have a good experience while reading the novel. In this story The MC Adi will be reborn into the world of Naruto and he is not alone. He will be accompanied by Our lovely humans of earth and yes they will have their respective wishes. So just sit back and enjoy how our MC will come out the situation and win this world competition Also in my story every reborn character will be under one condition and that is they can't interfere in the predefined plot of the Naruto world either directly or indirectly and if they did they will have to face the consequence. And the consequence can be much worse than dying. SO ENJOY!!!! I have taken the picture from pinintrest please inform me if the owner want the picture to be removed

The_lone_reader123 · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter 14 : Problem with Byakugan


A few months had passed since I started spending time with Sachiko and her friends, and it had turned out to be one of the most enjoyable phases of my life. Contrary to what I had believed, being an adult and indulging in childish activities weren't mutually exclusive. It felt like these two aspects of life were complementary, and I was slowly realizing that I had needlessly made my life more stringent than it needed to be.


I was making remarkable progress in my Yoga and Kundalini Awakening practices. Surprisingly, embracing my inner child and not suppressing my emotions had significantly boosted my control over IDA NADI. I was also making strides in awakening my PINGLA NADI. It had become evident that my mother's advice to play that day had not only lightened my life but also accelerated my training.


Yoga, as practiced in the Hindu Pantheon, seemed to teach the art of savoring one's emotions rather than shunning them. I had previously been suppressing my emotions, essentially defying my own will. I realized that in this world, an individual's willpower defined their character. If I continued to suppress my own will, how could I ever hope to control it? To truly master something, I had to experience it fully. My previous approach of negating my emotions was at odds with my aspiration to control my will.


I had learned this valuable lesson, and I was determined not to suppress my emotions any longer. Yes, I would train hard, harder than anyone, but I would also allow myself to play and embrace the love and warmth of my surroundings, rather than becoming an emotionless automaton.


With this newfound conviction, I began to indulge in activities I enjoyed. In a world torn by conflict, my decision to prioritize pleasure might have seemed exceptional. I couldn't say for certain whether my choice was correct, but it was undeniably yielding results in my Kundalini awakening. Though I had not yet fully awakened my PINGLA NADI, it was apparent that my realization had expedited the process. Just a few months ago, I hadn't made half as much progress in my IDA NADI awakening as I had now.


According to my estimation, it would take a few more months to awaken my Kundalini fully. Afterward, I would focus on awakening my SUSHUMNA NADI, marking the next step in my Kundalini journey.


The PINGLA NADI awakening represented the vitality of the body. Unlocking it would significantly enhance my vitality, granting me heightened tolerance and remarkable healing abilities. My lifespan would extend considerably, and my fundamental attributes like strength, agility, and stamina would undergo substantial augmentation.


As I ruminated on these matters, I found Sachiko and her friends waiting outside my home.


"Hey, Sachiko, why are you here?" I inquired.


"I was waiting for you. We're all heading to the training ground for some sparring. Will you come?" Sachiko asked.


"Nah, not right now. I have something to attend to. Let's meet later in the eve....," I began to say, but my mother interjected.


"He will go. Won't you, Adi?" she said with a smile like a devil.


"Ye.. yess.. , Maa," I replied, clearly stuttering unable to form words.


"Sachiko, if he's being dishonest, please let me know. I'll straighten him out," my mother turned to Sachiko.


"No, Aunty, he's great with us," Sachiko replied, suppressing her laughter.


I was feeling somewhat nervous during that Sachiko would mention some of my pranks, but thankfully she didn't and I managed to survive. It's thanks to Sachiko and I knew I owed her for this, and it seemed like my pocket money was about to take a hit.


A little while later, Sachiko, our friends and I headed to the clan training grounds, where we sparred and practiced. Whenever I wasn't actively sparring or enjoying myself, I meditated. The entire afternoon seemed to fly by, and it was soon time to return home Today was also a great day.


At the dinner table, my father had an important announcement. "Starting tomorrow, we will begin chakra training. Adi, your chakra control has reached a level where you can perform basic jutsu. Congratulations.". It seems there is more than one happy event today happening to me


Since awakening my IDA NADI, my mental energy had seen a constant increase, resulting in improved chakra control. I was now capable of performing the fundamental Leaf Sticking exercise, which I couldn't do in the beginning and it too me this much time to hac this requirement. It also meant that I could start learning the basic jutsu stored within our clan's scrolls.


Each clan had its unique jutsu, tightly guarded secrets that were only shared with clan members who met certain criteria. Even as a descendant of the Clan Elder, I couldn't circumvent this rule. I had to demonstrate sufficient Chakra Control to access these specific jutsu. And despite having Chakra quantity close to a jonin I was still not able to perform any jutsus.


In the ensuing days, my father became my instructor, imparting essential jutsu techniques from our clan's repository. Among the skills he introduced were the "Palm Heel Strike," "The Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven," and the intricate knowledge of "Body Tenketsu and their applications." His masterful demonstrations and practical insights left me in awe, bestowing upon me a sense of the extraordinary. Thanks to his guidance, my comprehension of these techniques grew remarkably.


Additionally, I gained access to lower-level jutsu, which allowed me to explore a wide array of related techniques and delve into the intricate realm of nature changes.


I had a particular fascination with Tenketsu, the chakra points that set the Hyuga Clan apart from others. Tenketsu functioned somewhat like the mythical "Touch of Death," allowing a person to incapacitate or even kill with a single precise strike. Initially, I had neglected the study of Tenketsu, but the information I found in the clan scrolls and the insights shared by my father and friends were starting to pique my interest.


Tenketsu were tiny nodes, each no larger than a needle's tip, located along the chakra pathway system within the human body. Most ninja, including seasoned jōnin, could only release chakra from their tenketsu in their hands or feet for jutsu. Hyuga Clan members, on the other hand, possessed the unique ability to expel chakra from any or all of their tenketsu. This ability allowed us to develop techniques like the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, which capitalized on this advantage.


Tenketsu were so minuscule that even the Sharingan couldn't perceive them. Only the Byakugan could, enabling its users to attack tenketsu directly, disrupting chakra flow and rendering an opponent powerless—a key aspect of our Gentle Fist combat style.


However, without unlocking my Byakugan, I couldn't access these jutsu. Practice was crucial, even if it seemed like a distant goal. Everyone in the clan could start training in these jutsu after opening their chakra pathways. However, my struggle with chakra control had delayed my entry into this world of specialized techniques. Awakening the Byakugan was said to substantially enhance chakra control, and I wondered how my evolving eyes would factor into this equation.


Months passed, and nearly every one of my friends had successfully unlocked their Byakugan. In the Hyuga Compound, children typically awakened their Byakugan between the ages of four and ten. The earlier the Byakugan manifested, the greater the benefits it conferred. In a world where one's life could end abruptly, developing the Byakugan at a younger age was undoubtedly advantageous.


However, I had yet to unlock my eyes, and this had become a source of tension in our household. At almost eight years old, my inability to awaken my Byakugan meant that I received less attention and recognition than my peers. The stakes were high, but I was optimistic.


A peculiar phenomenon had begun to manifest. Though I couldn't fully unlock my Byakugan, I sensed that something extraordinary was happening with my eyes. They were evolving, slowly but surely. It appeared that my PINGLA NADI activation was somehow nourishing my eyes.


This change was occurring in brief intervals, and it felt like my eyes were transcending the conventional Byakugan. Based on my calculations, my Byakugan should have awakened when I was seven, but it seemed that the activation of my PINGLA NADI had extended this process indefinitely.


It dawned on me that unlocking my Byakugan might be contingent on awakening my PINGLA NADI first. Perhaps it was a consequence of a peculiar choice I made during my previous existence, where I had implored for the very best. It was conceivable that I had inherited the finest genes of the Hyuga Clan, which was now contributing to the evolution of my eyes.


I held a deep fascination for Tenketsu and regarded them as a treasure trove of untapped potential. I harbored ambitious ideas about developing my unique jutsu. However, due to my current limitations, I could only attempt to sense my Tenketsu rather than see them. With my moderate chakra control, it was becoming increasingly challenging, but I persisted in my efforts. My understanding of Tenketsu grew through clan scrolls and discussions with my father and friends, and I hoped to unlock their secrets fully.


My eighth birthday was just around the corner, a mere two months away. During this time, I intended to delve deeper into the study of Tenketsu and acquire proficiency in basic jutsu such as the Transformation Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu, Clone Technique, Body Flicker Jutsu, and many others. My average chakra control was adequate for learning these techniques, and my father had been inquiring about my Byakugan repeatedly. However, the truth about my evolving eyes remained my secret.