
Naruto: The game of gods

It is one of my first novel so I hope you can ignore some mistakes and you may have a good experience while reading the novel. In this story The MC Adi will be reborn into the world of Naruto and he is not alone. He will be accompanied by Our lovely humans of earth and yes they will have their respective wishes. So just sit back and enjoy how our MC will come out the situation and win this world competition Also in my story every reborn character will be under one condition and that is they can't interfere in the predefined plot of the Naruto world either directly or indirectly and if they did they will have to face the consequence. And the consequence can be much worse than dying. SO ENJOY!!!! I have taken the picture from pinintrest please inform me if the owner want the picture to be removed

The_lone_reader123 · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs


The sound of typing could be heard in the vicinity of a laboratory. The excited gazes and the maddening amount of stress could be seen from those present here. "It's done. Finally, we have done it," the one with the most authority said. "Yes, we have finally done it after 10 years of dedication," one of the senior scientists then said. "All of this is possible because of our youngest scientist," one of the scientists in the background said. "We are one step ahead of us and one step closer to catching up to nations such as the eagle, dragon, and bear."

The one with the oldest age said with tears in his eyes, "You are God's messenger, Adi." The last person pronounced. Our protagonist Adi just smiled in response.

This is the scene of the national level research laboratory in the nation of Lotus. They are trying to recreate the cloning experiment of Dolly's sheep in 1995. This experiment was considered both a success and a failure as they have succeeded in creating cloned sheep but failed to maintain the data. But this time, our nation's minds have enough research and data to recreate this experiment, and it will give them a major boost in the economy as the cloning technology has much use to make any country's economy boost by a large amount of margin.

It is said that the data of the cloning experiment was destroyed, and there was no evidence to prove it. Is it really the case? The once-in-a-century experiment was magically destroyed, and there was no evidence left. Is it not possible that any authoritative person has hold of the data and is unwilling to disclose it?

This is the technology that can 'disrupt the way of society' and especially war, and can be compared to the invention of gunpowder. We will find out about this case as the scene continues.

Suddenly, the fire alarm rang. The excited scene quieted down, and chaos erupted. Everyone was fleeing outside the hall. Our protagonist Adi, seeing the chaos, ran with the crowd. "What am I doing?" Adi thought. "Why do the things I have achieved in my life amount to this? My abilities were meant to be used for me and not for this dumb research. Why am I helping them in this experiment if society cannot benefit from it, as it will be used to make a weapon or to negotiate deals to satisfy human minority?"

Adi thought while recalling his past. He was the first son from a middle-class family. Different from his peers during his teens, his eyes were not lustrous nor ambitious. They were just full of void. He was not a genius, nor did he have any zeal to be one. He was just a person who had enough sense to use his resources and mind in the best way possible. He couldn't create any out-of-the-box ideas nor imagine riding a beam of light like Einstein did. He could just use his tools and resources to get the best possible results. He was titled a genius. But he knew he was not. He wanted to be different, different from all humans till present.

But "this era is the era of the collective society," no one can impose any one being's thinking process on all society members. Individuals need to change their way of thinking according to the way of society.

And to change societal thinking required massive fortune as well as time, which unfortunately, our Adi didn't have.

Adi wanted to be free. Free from any responsibility, free from any country's boundary, free from any societal pressure, free from his parents' expectations, and free from fearing his life mistakes.

But this world does not allow him to do so. He is mixed up in the myriad of events due to his title of genius. He has parental expectations which expect him to do something better, government pressure to contribute to society, and his inability to say no to most things (it's pretty funny, isn't it? He wants to do something, and he has the ability to do so. But he will not, "because he is a coward," a coward who does not want to face the consequences of his actions).

Suddenly, armed commandos surrounded them. The captain of the team ordered, "Follow me." They were the special national army that was sent to protect them. They made their way from the corridors to the roof. We were meant to be carried safely from this research centre to a secure base by means of air.

Unexpectedly, they were surrounded by some unknown armed men. The leader of those men said to get on all fours (meaning disarm ourselves). They had more men than us, so our captain seemed to have a tendency to listen to them and started to put down his weapons. "This is what Adi thought." But it seemed Adi was wrong as in the next instant, shots were fired from our side and the gunfight started.

The result of this fight was not in our favour as we were quickly overwhelmed and had many casualties. Casualties also included the captain and some of our scientists; even I was shot in the shoulder, and my wound was in a state of intensive bleeding. After finishing off our remaining resistance (army commandos), the mercenaries (enemy forces) quickly apprehended us, and then the leader sent some monologue using a device. After ten minutes, a chopper came, and we were forced into it.

"It was too easy," I thought, after being forced into the helicopter. It took those mercenaries nearly 20 minutes to complete this operation. And it seems that the enemy forces have all the information necessary to perform this operation, from where we were going to what weapons our commandos have. And now I am in this state, a captive at the mercy of others. "I hate this," a voice in my mind said. I truly hate this situation, a being who longed for freedom to have been captured and forced into this state. "I will return this favour."

In the chopper, the leader quickly bandaged his remaining men and then gestured for us to be bandaged. Then the leader quickly brought a laptop and opened a video chat. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you all liked my welcoming gift (the gun firing incident). And I would like to attribute this special gift to Charles, whom you have all met." A striking person with golden hair and a double chin said, "Stop it Magnus, we have work to do." Charles (mercenary leader) immediately said with a frown.

"Yes, yes, now let's get back on topic. As all of you have attended our welcoming party (the institute accident), and we are willing to receive you with our open arms. So, let's start with pleasantries first. My name is Magnus Wottom, and the one over there is Charles (mercenary leader). We are all happy that all of you happily (forcibly) joined our company," said the laptop guy named Magnus. Adi asked with a pained expression (due to the wounded shoulder), "Respected sir, what is the name of our new company?" "Oh, silly me, have I forgotten my introduction? Sorry, sorry, and I would like to thank and congratulate the famous Dr. Adi for joining our company so quickly."

Here's the corrected paragraph:

"Let's start with introductions. My name is Magnus Wottom, as already introduced, and I work for Obetiz International Limited. Are there any questions?" asked Magnus.

"No, sir," replied Adi. He knew that making a good first impression would be advantageous for him in the future, but he also didn't expect much information to be given during the meeting.

"Very smart, Mr. Adi. Now, let's discuss your positions. You will all be responsible for the technological advancement of the experiment you are currently working on. We expect results, and if you fail to present them within the specified time, we are not sure we can protect your loved ones. Please work hard, everyone," Magnus concluded.

It was an old but effective threat. The organization that could attack the national institute and take its scientists would have no problem attacking defenseless cities and killing innocent people. Everyone had loved ones they couldn't allow to be harmed, so they agreed to the terms. They were taken to an island and only allowed to move within a restricted area.

"Have all of you forgotten about the Nation of Lotus government's response to this?" Magnus chuckled. "How can they admit that someone has kidnapped their scientists and they failed to respond on time, resulting in the destruction of the institute? So the government formed a new lie that there was a leakage in some deadly container, which resulted in the destruction of the institute and the death of all the scientists and commandos. As I said, it is a collective society. A few lies and deaths that maintain the current social stability will be given preference over the truth."