
Naruto: The game of gods

It is one of my first novel so I hope you can ignore some mistakes and you may have a good experience while reading the novel. In this story The MC Adi will be reborn into the world of Naruto and he is not alone. He will be accompanied by Our lovely humans of earth and yes they will have their respective wishes. So just sit back and enjoy how our MC will come out the situation and win this world competition Also in my story every reborn character will be under one condition and that is they can't interfere in the predefined plot of the Naruto world either directly or indirectly and if they did they will have to face the consequence. And the consequence can be much worse than dying. SO ENJOY!!!! I have taken the picture from pinintrest please inform me if the owner want the picture to be removed

The_lone_reader123 · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs


Next day

On the next day, when I woke up from my bed, my eyes felt a little foggy. "It may be due to the sleep," I thought, and then I went to wash my eyes. But even after 10 minutes of washing, it doesn't have any effect on my eyes.

"Now this is bad," I thought and ran to tell my mom.

"Mom, something happened to my eyes; I can't see clearly," I yelled upon reaching my mother.

"What, you are joking, na ADI?" My mother asked, clearly panicking.

"Wait, I will call your father." After saying this, she went away to call my father.

My father was in the room reading some papers when he heard about my condition. He came to my direction anxiously, "What happened to you?"

"Father, last night I was having an itch in my eyes; I thought I was awakening Byakugan. But everything is foggy now; I can't see clearly." I explained the situation.

"I am calling the physician," my dad said, and he ran outside of the house.

"Everything will be fine, Adi." My mother consoled me.

After a few minutes, the physician arrived with my father and checked my situation. After checking, he shook his head a few times and went outside to talk with my father about something. "I have a bad feeling about this." I thought in my mind, understanding the gravity of the situation.

After a while, my father came into my house with a haggard look on his face. "Adi, you have to be ready; this will be hard for you." My father said it with some difficulty.

"You are having a disease known as glaucoma. It is a disease in which a person will become blind and die after 3–4 years." My father informed me about this devastating news.

"Hahahaha… wowo…" I laughed at first, then cried pathetically.

My father and mother consoled me, but I was not happy. I have read about this disease in clan history; there is a very low probability of someone catching it, and the individual who has it will have a 100% mortality rate. "So yeah, I am going to die."

My every effort and my every dream will become a waste. I had a perfect chance to become an omni being, but a simple disease will take this chance from me. I declined Destiny and Destiny declined to protect me.

The afternoons passed like that. My situation was announced to the whole clan, and like this, there were many people who came to console me. They were my friends, my elders, and even branch clan members. Everyone consoled me, but I was not having any of that. I was devastated beyond my limit. This was only yesterday when I was thinking that I would finally win this competition after awakening my PINGLA NADI, and today I am informed that I am going to die.

It seems not everything goes according to plan. I was taking this game too lightly, as it seems that at the very first moment when my soul was called to Alpha, all things were going according to my desires. 'top wish', 'great family', 'being powerful' etc., but at this moment I know how vulnerable I am. I was making fun of those protagonists, and now I am a laughing stock myself, dying from a disease.

At this moment, something broke in me. Something like a barrier. There was some barrier inside my mind—something I know doesn't exist—and the realisation dawned upon me.

'I am not some bigshot who can control his destiny. I am just an ordinary guy in this multitude of universes, just a speck of dust floating in the terrifying length of the cosmos that anyone can eliminate.'

I am calm now—too calm, actually—thinking about solving my predicament. There is only one way in my situation for this problem to be solved; the medicinal level of the Ninja world is not high, so there is no hope regarding that, which means the only hope is my personal cultivation level.

In the information I have deciphered from yoga, there is a way to solve my problem, and that is to raise my yoga to a BASE CHAKRA level. Where a practitioner can control all aspects of the body. It is the only way available and possible to me. I will also have to study medicine if that doesn't work.

Now about the vision problem. There is only one way I can 'see' again, according to my knowledge, and that is chakra sensing. In anime, Chakra-sensing jutsu was a second option after Byakugan in terms of investigation. Its range is a fraction of Byakugan, but it can work.

So with this plan in mind, I went to see my father. I required him to teach me the advanced chakra control required for this jutsu. I will also ask him to hit my tenketsu point regularly from tomorrow on. So that I can remember these points and project chakra from them. I have an idea: by trying to combine tenketsu with chakra sensing to form a dome of omnipotence, similar to Byakugan but in a range of 10–20 metres. It is the only way for me to have an advantage over others now.

I asked about the survivability of this method with my father in the night, and he looked at me with a new light and said, "You know, Adi, you don't have to do anything. Just rest, Adi, and live well in your limited time."

"I want to try, father," I replied with conviction in my voice, not intending to sound weak.

My father heard this and started laughing and said, "Good, good; that's my son. So be ready from tomorrow, Adi." And then he instructed me to sleep.

Father P.O.V

Watching my son leave my room, I had a simple smile on my face. He has overcome his burden, and his idea to renovate his dire situation into this awesome jutsu really moves me. He can rest in his remaining time and curse fate, but no, he chooses to fight. Fight with his destiny. I am happy to have a son like him.



The next few days were hard for me. My father has gone all out to train me. He taught me various exercises of advanced chakra control and beat me at Tenketsu points, making me remember their position. I have photographic memory; this is the reason I am even attempting this exercise; otherwise, remembering all the 361 points in different positions in different movements and situations is enough to make anyone mad.

But as the days continued, I adapted; I adapted to his beating, his scolding, and his strict training. I am now covering my eyes with a white cloth, as I am totally blind without any sight to see. I was just relying on bursts of chakra to sense my surroundings. My new Jutsu is being created by me; it will take time, but I believe it is possible.

One month later.

It is time; I have finally learned the prerequisite technique to form my own jutsu. I have learned advanced chakra control by manipulating chakra threads and releasing them out of my Tenketsu points. By creating a 360-degree barrier around me, I can increase and decrease the range of this jutsu, with the maximum being 10 metres.

According to my father, it is nothing but a miracle itself. I can also feel that I can make this technique into an attacking technique if I want. It can be used in multiple ways and is 80% similar to "The Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven," so my father was able to help me.

With time, I fine-tuned this jutsu and adapted it to various situations, ensuring I was never caught off-guard. My heightened chakra levels, thanks to my Jonin-level capabilities, facilitated this mastery. Additionally, my sharpened physique and the constant struggle with my father further augmented my progress.

Also, the realisation one month ago has helped me tremendously in my yogic practice. My both NADI's have fully saturated, and now I can try to combine them to activate my SUSHUMNA NADI. And after that, I will be able to start awakening my chakras in my spine.

Now that I think about it, my eyes are degenerated because of the awakening of PINGLA NADI. Also, there is constant pain in my eyes since it's awakening. But there is also a boost of physical and mental energy from their awakening. Which means they are not harmful for me. So why are my eyes degenerated?

It can be possible that there is a slight possibility of the evolution of my eyes, but there is also a possibility that my eyes have already evolved, but my body can't bear this load, so it is sealed, like in the Kakashi case. It may also be the reason that all previous users have died, and it is called disease because their bodies can't bear the load of evolution. Rather than believing it is a disease, I would like to believe it is the evolution of eyes, and from the constant pain I am feeling, I could tell that it is the process of evolution.

"I just have to wait; with my 10 times mental and physical energy, I believe I will be able to evolve my eyes. And to hasten the process, I will be sending physical and mental energy through my IDA and PINGLA NADI. And I will try to awaken SHUSMNA NADI to complete the circuits of NADI's." I thought to myself.

Let's see whether I am right or wrong. This is a gamble, and the possibility of losing is greater than the possibility of winning, but at least there is a possibility of winning. Not the despair I felt while losing my eyes. And if there is a chance, I will give it my all.