
Naruto: The Fool in Konoha

As one of the many first casualties of a devastating nuclear attack, he thought his life was over. Little did he know fate is not done chewing him yet, he would be reborn into the world of Naruto as an ordinary orphan during the aftermath of the Kyuubi's attack. With only the uncertain blessings bestowed upon him by a mysterious ROB, he must navigate this harsh and illogical world, and carved his place in the sun. He starts as a weak individual but gradually becomes stronger, focusing on seals as his main technique. AU.

Stalkah · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter XXVI

I cleared my throat as the smoke of transformation dispersed. Conquering my fear of him felt surreal, achieved simply by embracing the wave of hatred and killing intent that surrounded him. Strangely, it brought me a sense of peace and made me feel closer to him whenever he exuded such an aura.

It's like a gentle breeze in spring, adorned with blooming flowers and children running around, laughter on their faces while their parents smiled behind them.

A bee hovers near one of the blooming flowers, extracting its nectar and seeding its pollen in return. Maybe next year, I should take Izuna and Naruto somewhere.

I wonder if I can invite Itachi and Haguro too. Perhaps even Magoroku ojii-san with his family. It would be like a big picnic.

But no, now is not the time to think such thoughts while being near one of the feared big bad tailed beasts! I scratched my head. I mean, when you look past their hatred, they're just big balls of softies, right?

Well, that's what it seemed like to me, at least.

Hmm, I don't quite understand.

In any case, the smoke began to disperse, revealing the transformed figure of the Kyuubi. His voice boomed from within his sealed cage, proclaiming, "Behold, this is my transcendent form, nothing is more perfect than this!"

I squinted my eyes, unimpressed. "Lame. Is that supposed to be the Sage of Six Paths? The beard is all wrong, too long! He's too ripped, shoulders too broad, like a gym freak. And what's with that figure? The robe looks more like something worn by a wandering monk, with a splotched emblem on his back. Also, the horn! You forgot the horn. Can you really pull it off, Kurama?"

"Insolent!" Kurama retorted, brushing off my criticism. "This form is directly extracted from my visage of him!"

"That's just your fantasy, Kurama," I replied, sighing in exasperation.

"Do you doubt my memory?" he growled.

I ignored his question and moved on to another observation. "Also, he should be floating with mysterious black balls hovering behind him. At this rate, it's far from perfect, Kurama."

"Grrrr... I'll kill you, brat!" The cage rattled. Strangely, despite his smaller stature after transforming into Hagoromo, he couldn't break free, as if an invisible barrier held him back.

What was the purpose of the cage, anyway? Was it merely a visual representation? A reminder to the fox that he was, in fact, imprisoned?

That seemed rather cruel, didn't it? I wondered if I could change it, but since this was Naruto's consciousness, altering it directly without damaging his mind was doubtful.

At least the surroundings hadn't transformed into that dank and foul-smelling sewer where the fox had once dwelled. Instead, there was a vast green plain with an enormous metal cage in the center and a full moon hanging as the sole source of light.

This was likely a depiction of the night of his rampage from Naruto's first memory.

Ignoring his frustration, I couldn't help but tease, "So, by getting all worked up, you're admitting that I'm right, heh?"

The fox gnashed his teeth, and the wrinkles on his transformed elderly human face only made it funnier. "I swear..."

"Well, well, under my guidance, I'm sure you'll perfect it in no time," A hint of amusement bled out of my voice.

He huffed, harrumphing in defiance, choosing to ignore me. It reminded me of how pouty Izuna would act whenever she was feeling moody.

"Anyway, let me do it in your stead. Witness the work of a master," I declared, swiftly forming the necessary hand signs.

A poof of smoke later, I revealed my transformation in a dramatic manner. "How is it, Kurama?" I asked, my tone smug as I presented the visage of the Six Paths.

My memory of him might have been a bit blurry, but I managed to capture the essence of his silhouette. Balls of Truth hovered lazily behind me, and I sat cross-legged on the air, my feet not touching the ground.

"Does it bring back memories, Kurama?" I added, trying to match the voice of the Sage.

"Guh…" The fox turned away and hid his face from me, raising one hand to wipe something— an action I found odd but ignored. He turned back to me, saying, "Fine, you win this time."

I shook my head, smiling. "This isn't a competition, Kurama. Follow my lead again, alright?"

"Yes, bring it on!" he replied, surprisingly more motivated than before, and he even forgot his usual dismissive remarks toward me.

Well, I thought, it's a good thing, I suppose.


I let out a tired yawn.

Today seemed like a perfect day to indulge in more sleep.

Over the past six months, I had become quite skilled at ignoring people and filtering them out of my perception.

… But wait, shouldn't a competent shinobi be able to detect the presence of others?

What have I been doing all this time?

It's almost one and half anniversary since I woke up in this world, and I have yet to achieve any significant results.

Well, I'll leave the heavy stuff for my future self to worry about. I'm sure he'll be thrilled.

Yeah, let's dump it all on that guy.

I slid open the door to the classroom and noticed there were only a few students present. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I realized I had arrived too early.

Well, that's not so bad. It gives me a little more time to immerse myself in pleasant daydreams and annoy the hell out of the Fox.

I brought out my seal crafting supplies, a neat stack of warm paper, and rested my head upon it. This is the life. Closing my eyes, instead of the usual corridor...

"Blap! Ouch!"

"Hey, what's the problem?" I looked up at the forceful intruder and was about to protest, but my face froze in shock.


"Good morning, Nobuyuki-kun..." Katou-sensei said calmly. "Do you know what day it is today?"

I stood up straight, my hands clenching between my thighs as I frantically scanned my memory to recall what day it was. "Um... Biology class?"


He smacked me on the head again, grinding his fist into it. The other students backed away in fear, whispering amongst themselves.

"Today is your class advancement exam!" He continued in the same calm tone. "You forgot, didn't you? Now stand up and walk. I'll kick your ass if I have to!"

"Hieee... Yes, Sensei!" I squeaked, obeying his command. He even kicked me when I started heading in the wrong direction. I mean, what can I do? I don't even know where I'm supposed to go.

This was turning out to be a terrible day for this undeserving Nobuyuki.


In the end, he herded me into an empty room with only three desks, one facing the other two. Itachi was already seated at one of them.

I took the seat next to him, and he nodded in acknowledgment. I mustered a pained smile in response.

"Since the examinees are present, let's get started with the explanation!" Katou-sensei announced. "This exam will consist of only two stages: a written test and a practical test. The first one is a simple textbook assessment. For the second stage, we have invited a few guests to evaluate your aptitude, and it's your job to impress them."

Itachi raised his hand and asked, "Sensei, what do you mean by 'impressing them'?"

"You'll understand once you see it. Don't worry; it's just another straightforward task for the two of you. As your homeroom teacher, I have the utmost confidence in both of you. Don't let me down, especially you, Nobuyuki!" Katou-sensei calmly added, "My reputation is on the line here!"

Geh, it always comes down to prestige in the end. I grumbled quietly to myself.

Katou-sensei handed out the exam papers, giving us an hour and a half to complete it.

Let's take a look...

The test seemed relatively short, only four pages with simple multiple-choice questions and typical essay prompts.

Not to boast, but this was definitely not challenging for me, nor for Itachi. Though some questions were tricky, not everything was a simple theory quiz or comprehension test.

Itachi and I finished in under thirty minutes. The most challenging part was probably writing all those words and making sure we didn't make any typos or errors.

"Are you sure you're finished?"

"Yes, sensei. We've double-checked everything," we nodded in agreement.

"Good. Now, head to the training ground. The next part of the test will take place there."


I walked alongside Itachi, curiosity getting the better of me. "What do you think the next test will be?" I asked him.

As we approached the field, the corridor came to an end, revealing the open space ahead. "It's not hard to guess. We're training to be shinobi," he replied.

"Hmm... so maybe it'll be a sparring match or a demonstration of our skills?" I suggested.

He nodded in agreement. "Could be both."

Shielding my eyes from the glare of the rising morning sunlight, I surveyed the field. "The second examination is about to begin!" Katou-sensei announced.

Our eyes were drawn to the guests he mentioned, positioned comfortably in the cool shade on the opposite side of the field. They were observing us intently.

There's the Third Hokage... and those elderly men in technical uniforms... I'm not sure who they are... and then... my gaze shifted nervously... Danzo...

Why did he have to be here? Are they all guests, or are they the Hokage's guards?

I guess it's understandable for Fugaku, the Uchiha patriarch, to be present since his son is participating.

Why did they make it so grand? Even our classmates are sneaking peeks from the windows to witness the commotion below. It's just a test between some snotty brats, right?

"With two examinees this year, the second test will be an official duel between Examinee Nobuyuki and Uchiha Itachi," Katou-sensei explained before passing the proceedings to the Hokage.

The Hokage cleared his throat, commanding everyone's attention. "More than a year has passed since a calamity struck our beloved village. Despite the successive disasters, Konoha stands strong. From the fallen leaves, two bright young men have emerged. This is a testament to our village's endurance. As shinobi of Konoha, I ask both of you to showcase your abilities, to fight and seize the opportunity with the youthful spirit befitting the future flame bearers. Uchiha Itachi and Nobuyuki."

That was a hell of speech. Thankfully, it wasn't too long. My legs ache, and I feel like I could melt into the ground under this intense scrutiny. I try my best to steady my trembling shoulders and legs as anxiety creeps within me.

Maybe I shouldn't have come to school today after all. I had a bad feeling before stepping outside, but I conveniently dismissed it, convincing myself it would be a good day.

Ugh... I hate being the center of attention. Maybe I should have brought my mask...

"I'll reiterate what Hokage-sama said. Give it your all and prove that you're deserving of advancement among your peers. The arena is limited to the training field. Any attempt to cause serious harm or kill your opponent will result in immediate disqualification!" Katou-sensei added.

As instructed, we took our positions on opposite sides. My eyes locked with Itachi's, thoughts racing through my mind.

We've sparred under Shisui's guidance for some time, so I'm familiar with his style, and he knows mine. Though our training was limited to martial arts, it should still give us an advantage.

We formed the confrontational seal, and a surge of tension made my body itch as we awaited the signal.


Just to make sure, did Itachi unlock his Sharingan at that age? Was it the three-tomoe Sharingan? I think he unlocked it for the first ime once he saw one of his teammates being slaughtered by Obito during an escort mission. Not sure if that's correct though.

Stalkahcreators' thoughts