
Naruto : The Eternal flame

Rise of the Eternal flame Raymond sins an Archmage who distroyed his previous world with his eternal flames is reborn into the naruto world. You want to know what's the most powerful genjutsu? - Obviously the one that can bend the REALITY itself. #Noharem

zippzapp · Tranh châm biếm
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40 Chs

A dark world

Land of fire, in the village hidden in the leaves time slowly passed as the villagers and the ninja continued with their work.

The summer sun shone brightly during mid day as hot winds blew.

In a clearing near a lake a boy wearing a red t-shirt and white shorts ran while sweating.

On the back of his t-shirt he had a white symbol of the clan he belonged to, Kurama clan.

Tired and out of breath Rei stopped under a tree to take rest. The weights on his body clunk as he sat down tired from his physical training.

"Has it been around a month?"

Rei laid on his back under the shade of the tree as he thought about the time that had passed since he started training with Minato. Sunlight peeked through the leaves and shone on his face, he closed his eyes and his breathing relaxed.

He had been training for around a month with Minato they did various exercises together like walking around on trees, walking on water, weapon practice and sparring. Although he still hadn't managed to land a hit on Minato he could feel the progress that he made and was quite happy with it.

'It was a good thing that i chose a teacher the progress would have been quite slow otherwise.'

Rei smiled as he remembered the time he spent with Minato, he would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying it. He always had a fake smile on his face even before he came to this world but recently while he was with Minato he had started to smile for real.

'How long has it been since i relaxed like this.'

Rei thought of the time in his previous life when he was this relaxed, it felt like a faint memory now.

There was once a time when he was just a naive little brat who smiled with his friends, but the reality was too cruel his smile had slowly faded as he lost people close to him one by one, he drowned himself in search of magic that brought destruction upon the ones who took his smile away. He smiled as he watched his enemies burn but deep inside his heart there was only pain left.

'Is it because i am in a new body? That pain i don't feel it anymore.'

He smiled as his body relaxed and he fell into a deep sleep.


Rei didn't know where he was but there was only darkness everywhere.

No it wasn't plain darkness there was a blue flicker amidst the darkness and in those he could see some dark figures sprawled on the ground.

'Are those people?'

The dark figures seemed like they were in pain , they screamed and howled as they looked in his direction but Rei couldn't hear anything.

Rei stretched out his hand unconsciously, he tried to walk towards the dark figures but he couldn't it seemed there was some kind of barrier between them.

Suddenly he felt his feet getting wet

'Agh what now'

He lifted his leg up to see a dark red liquid sticking to his feet he touched it with his hand and brought his hand to his nose.

'I- is this blood?'

An unknown feeling started to gnaw at his heart as he looked around him, everywhere he turned he could only see the dark red liquid surrounding him. He stood alone in an ocean of dark red blood.

His heart started to hurt as the unknown feeling worsened.

"e up."

"Wake up Rei"

Rei woke up with a sudden jolt his hand reaching for his kunai.

"Hah you finally woke up, were you really sleeping in the middle of nowhere."

A childish voice came from before him Rei was confused for a while before he realised he had fallen asleep under the tree and was just dreaming.

He breathed out a sigh of relief as he slowly relaxed.

"I heard you were training here with a jonin so i came to watch but it's only you, haah what a waste of time." Kakashi sighed as he stood there with his mask on and his hands in his pocket. It seemed like he was quite disappointed that he couldn't meet Rei's jonin teacher.

"Anyway i won't disturb you further." Kakashi turned around to leave as Rei stood up.

"Hmm were you worried about me Kakashi."

Kakashi's body twitched at those words making Rei laugh.

"Hmph dream on" Kakashi started walking away after he turned to say those words.

"Haha i am just kidding." Rei ran and caught upto Kakashi as he put his hand his shoulder.

"Since you came all the way here for me, let me treat you to some ramen." Rei laughed as he walked together with Kakashi.

"Hmph" Kakashi only grunted but didn't refuse him as he tried to hide his red face beneath his cloth mask.

It's been a while since i wrote a chapter, enjoy.

zippzappcreators' thoughts