
Dark Whispers

"Yes, Hokage-sama. Naruto said all of those things. I am worried about him. I looked all over for him with another teacher, but we couldn't find him. He's always been good at hiding, but never this good," Iruka replied.

The Sandaime Hokage released a tired sigh. He didn't tell anyone, but not even his crystal ball was locating Uzumaki Naruto and he didn't understand why. These behaviors were truly odd and the elderly leader of the village was growing concerned as well. "I see. Notify me of when Naruto-kun is in class next time. I will head there to speak with him," Hiruzen responded back.

The chunin academy teacher offered a bow before he opened the door and left. Once he was gone, Sarutobi placed his head in his hands. Honestly, first Naruto was almost killed, then the Red Dragon exploded killing and injuring many, Konoha's most notorious mob boss had gone missing, a mysterious murder of a civilian woman, and now Naruto's demeanor changes. What was happening?

"It's because, Jiji, I've had enough of your way and your excuses. You always told me to resist the names they called me. 'You're not a demon, Naruto.' , 'Just ignore them, Naruto.' , 'They will see eventually, Naruto.' I remember each and every single suggestion you gave me.

Well, they don't seem to be seeing anything. It's also kind of hard to ignore nearly dying. Happy Birthday to me, right?" Naruto asked.

Could...could all of this be connected? It...was a chilling thought.

"It's no longer what I will be, Jiji. It's what I am, a monster. More specifically, I am Konoha's monster. I can tell from the way your heart just skipped a beat that you're surprised. I don't blame you. Why would the lovable, gullible, stubborn, idiotic, dreamer Naruto want such a thing?" Naruto asked.

Perhaps the nicotine was getting to his nerves, but Hiruzen wasn't feeling confident that this was Naruto anymore. Yet, one of his best Anbu, Uzuki Yugao, was monitoring the boy and her daily reports had showcased that there was nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, he seemed to be returning to his normal self.

Perhaps he was just having a bad day and Hiruzen was letting his old age get to him. Then again, for shinobi, when instinct says that something is wrong, there is a reason for it. Sarutobi exhaled. "No, I'll trust in Neko's reports for the time being. If this continues then I will take affirmative steps," Hiruzen thought. He had to trust in his shinobi. They were his family.

The Sandaime turned to the picture of the Yondaime Hokage. "Was there truly no other way, Minato-kun?" Hiruzen asked. He went back to his work. For the rest of the day he remained rather melancholy.


Sasuke sat on his bed thinking about what he had done today. He had done as instructed and given the red card to Naruto. Granted, he didn't know what this was supposed to signify, but if the dobe had some stupid purpose to the organization which would give him strength and lead him to Itachi then the Uchiha didn't care.

Admittedly, the Uzumaki's outburst in front of the class had completely blindsided the raven-haired boy. Naruto was loud and boisterous sure, but he had never been that ruthless to anyone. Also Sasuke wouldn't admit it, but he did feel the same way, but...not as brutal as that.

The thing which annoyed Sasuke currently was that he was on his bed...doing nothing. Uchiha Sasuke hated doing nothing. Every second he was doing nothing was another second his brother was getting stronger than him. That was something he couldn't stand. How long was he supposed to wait until he received a reply? This was infuriating.

"Tch, what's taking them so long? I should have heard something by now! If that lady was playing tricks on me, then she's next after I take care of Itachi!" Sasuke grumbled in the corners of his own thoughts. He was ready to turn out the light to his house for bed when there came a knock at the front door. The Uchiha leaned up from his bed. Silence seemed to greet him before the knock came a bit harder.

His feet on his floor, Sasuke walked out of his bedroom and through the halls. He moved down a flight of stairs and then came to the front door. He frowned, but he unlocked the door and opened it. Sasuke would say one thing.

He was not expecting a Hyuuga to be in front of him at this hour. "Uchiha Sasuke, I am Jonin Kō Hyuuga. Get dressed. You will be coming with me," the Hyuuga ordered.

Sasuke tried to keep the nervousness from his voice. He hoped he wasn't going to be brought in for questioning. "On what grounds?" Sasuke asked. He did not know what he was going to do, but he knew he couldn't be a jonin. Much less a Hyuuga jonin.

"You'll find out. Now come on before I take you in your sleep attire," Kō replied. Sasuke growled, but he allowed the jonin inside his house. He then marched upstairs to his bedroom. The young academy student threw on some random clothes he had laying around and came back to meet his supposed courier.

"Good, follow me," Kō said. He then led the Uchiha outside and away from his home. Both entered the rather busy streets of Konoha's nightlife, but there was no time to admire the sights nor the sounds. Truth be told, neither was particularly interested.

Once Kō felt they were a relatively safe distance away, he held out a piece of cloth. "Put this on," he ordered. Sasuke quickly came to realize that whatever they were doing was not something done by Konoha personnel. No doubt this was the answer that the organization who was...recruiting him had come up with.

The Uchiha didn't bother asking why. He assumed that he wouldn't get an appropriate answer anyway. He took the blindfold and placed it over his eyes.

The next half an hour was spent in a series of confusing turns, shady greetings, blinking lights, loud music, and even more twists and turns. Finally, the only sound that Sasuke heard...was a tiny drip of water.


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