
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst...

Mystic_Verse · Tranh châm biếm
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75 Chs

Beneath the Surface of Smiles

Naruto entered the lower Administration's room of the Hokage Mansion. There, he spotted the secretary. Well, not really a secretary, but close enough. A chunin if he had recalled correctly. He smirked. Old Naruto would never have thought to do this, but this Naruto...oh, he was more than willing to try.

"Ohayo, Setsuna-chan!" Naruto beamed happily. The chunin glanced up from her work and scowled. She snorted before moving back to the paperwork that she needed to sign. This didn't put the blonde off. Such hard-working, loyal, devout women were so hard to find these days. He could appreciate those remaining studious. After all, he like to think he was hard-working as well.

"Ah, I see you're busy. Well, I won't keep you long. I was just wondering if you could pick me up some books on business management. You see, I'd get them myself, but...the librarians don't like me very much. Thank you can do that?" Naruto asked. The woman growled before she spared him a hateful gaze.

"I have more important matters to attend to than wasting my time on someone like you. Get someone else to get your books for you. Now get away from me. You're distracting me!" She said. Naruto scratched his cheek. He then held his head down with a dejected sigh and faced the door. Oh well, what was he expecting?

He pushed open the door and turned around. "By the way, Setsuna-chan. How is your husband Kentaro-san? I can't tell whether you guys like to roleplay or not, but if Kentaro-san is making you call him Takashi then I think you guys need some space.

Then again, there is also the Takashi who also lives right next to me. Is he making you into a singer or something? Because I remember hearing a lot of...sounds next door to me. I'll be sure to let Kentaro-san know about your new...music career," the blonde said and closed the door.

Setsuna's blood ran cold. No, Takashi had sworn he put up a seal for privacy. How could the brat have known?! No, she couldn't let her husband find out! Their marriage had been growing stale for awhile and, curse her weakness, Takashi had just rolled some sweet words on her.

And, the one who had to hear them was the...boy?! Ever since a mission a while back, Kentaro hadn't been able to...perform for awhile and she had gotten frustrated.

Horror spread across her face. She stood up from her chair and rushed out the door...to find Naruto leaning against the wall. "I knew you'd see things my way. Just drop them off at my house. Also, tell Kentaro-san I said hello!" Naruto said before stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking off.

"Wait! Is that all? I just have to do this for you and you'll leave me alone?" she asked. Naruto faced her. She felt a shiver run down at his smile. Then there was the snicker which escaped his lips.

He fully faced her. "Leave you alone? After only one chore? You mean like you left me alone after only one name-calling? Or one comment by my absent parents? Dear sweet Setsuna-chan, I would suggest you get comfortable. You and I are going to be very intimate friends from now one. That's just the first of many assignments I'll give you. I wonder what your husband would say if he could see you now," Naruto responded.

Setsuna scowled. "You damn brat. You really are a monster after all," she said. He did not respond to her. He only widened the smile on his face upon her statement. Oh yes, this was going to be an interesting time. But for now, he would go back to the academy next week. No point in giving Iruka some false sense of hope that what Naruto had said was a lie.

So, with that being done, he went back into the forest and trained with his ability for the next six to seven hours. Yes, many animals suffered, but they were definitely put to a good cause...well, his good cause anyway. He also exercised as much as he could. Out of curiosity, he had wanted to see how much blood he had obtained so far.

Needless to say, but that nearly gave him a headache and another death experience if he hadn't taken it all back. It was quite the quantity. Still, he would need more to practice with, but he couldn't go around just killing all the animals. Plus the rats which littered the apartments and homes of people wasn't nearly enough for him.

Now people was a different story, but he hadn't tried his abilities on a person just yet. But, there was no need to rush. He had created at least several weapons from books. Now, if only he could create them faster. He would need to if he was going to do battle with them efficiently.

He wrote this down in his notebook. Granted, he tried drawing illustrations, but even he could admit that his art skills were repulsive. Yet, he persisted regardless. Not like anyone else would be seeing this notebook anyway.


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