
Naruto The Cycle of Peace and Hatred

After successfully bringing back Sasuke before he goes rouge. Naruto still look for respect and approval from everyone around him and the villagers but receive hate and abuse. Filled with anger and hatred towards the Hidden Leaf Village, "I'll make them pay everything they did to me...." What lies at the end of the rouge path he decides to take.

R_Stark · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Chapter 3-Talk and Choices(Part-1)

"Because the world is cruel and selfish..." a mysterious figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere behind Naruto.

"W-who are you?" Naruto was surprised by the sudden voice and took a defensive stance, trying to figure out who the intruder was. *Wait, that black cloak and red cloud design, he's from...*

"You're from the Akatsuki, aren't you?" Naruto raised his weapon and tried to attack the Akatsuki member, but—

"Huh! What just happened?" Naruto's attack passed right through the Akatsuki member.

"Man, that was dangerous; you're pretty good for a kid," the Akatsuki member said in a weird, high-pitched voice, laughing.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Naruto asked, trying to find his motive, but when he didn't answer, Naruto tried to charge at the man with his kunai but passed right through him.

*It happened again. What's going on?* Naruto thought.

"Ahhh! You stabbed me. Just kidding, hehe!" the Akatsuki member said. His voice was still high-pitched and goofy.

*Damn it! What is his deal?* Naruto thought.

"Relax, kiddo, I'm here just to talk," the member said as he stood in front of Naruto.

"And why in the world would I want to talk to you?" Naruto asked.

"Come on, just hear me out on this, buddy." The masked man stopped talking and looked down at the village from the cliff.

"I've been watching you, Naruto Uzumaki," the masked man said. His voice suddenly became deeper, calmer, more confident, and above all, more dangerous. Naruto flinched at the sudden change in voice.

"So what? What do you want from me then?" Naruto continued to question him when suddenly a plant-like man appeared from the ground.

"Just tell the boy why we are here," the plant-like man said to the masked man.

"Alright, fine," the masked man sighed before saying, "Come join us at Akatsuki! It'll be far better than staying in this cursed village."

Naruto was freaked out by the sudden appearance of the plant-like man, but he chuckled at the masked man as if everything he said was a joke.

"Me? Join the Akatsuki? Yeah, right, as if I'm ever going to do that," Naruto said, trying to walk away, but—

"Like I said, we've been watching you. We know how the world and this village treat you as a monster," the masked man said, and Naruto suddenly stopped on hearing those words.

"Why would I join the Akatsuki? How are you guys any better?" Naruto asked. "Every time someone says your name, it's because of the harm you caused—the death and destruction you spread."

"The Akatsuki's goal isn't death, pain, or destruction. Our goal is to obtain the peace that was taken from us. Ultimately, the Akatsuki are a group of those who were abandoned by this world. For people like you and me," the masked man continued. "Let me say it again. We're not here to capture or kill you; we're here to recruit you. So come and join us, Naruto Uzumaki."

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