
Naruto: The curse of Hatred

Lukas wasn't expecting his weird dream to turn into reality, now in a new world where he has an expiration date, he scrambles to gain as much power as he can to break through the curse of hatred and somehow appear on the other side with both his eyes intact. 'You never know with the Uchihas...' !Uchiha SI, 12 years before Canon! With 7 years to live, what could just one more Uchiha do to the timeline!!

Enri007 · Tranh châm biếm
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40 Chs

Perspective! Part 2

{Capital City, Land of Lightning}

It has been a week since the Hyuga incident, while Fujii tried to lay low and go back to training while regularly spying on Danzo the rest of the world soon learned about the now infamous Uchiha. The most extreme reaction could be seen from Kumo, they had closed their borders to any shinobi or civilians, and missions outside the land of lightning were refused.

In the capital of Lightning nation the Yondaime Raikage, A, sat in front of the Daimyo, the Daimyo was a dark-skinned man with a beard and silver-framed glasses, he was wearing a loose luxurious black kimono. A on the other hand had left his heavy weights behind, as a common courtesy.

"...so you are saying that you won't be taking any missions outside the Land of Lightning for an extended period of time, and on top of that, even merchants are not allowed to cross the borders, because of this brat that is barely out of his mother's womb?" Daimyo said as he looked at the photo of Fujii in the latest iteration of Kumo's bingo book. The face really did belong to a 9-year-old brat, a fully matured Sharingan was depicted in the picture.

"Yes, Fujii Uchiha has achieved the power to teleport to anywhere in the world thanks to his Dojutsu, along with that it grants him invincibility so he could walk right in front of anyone and do anything. Kumogakure has been put under martial order until some solution or counter to his abilities can be found, also in the meantime any actions against Konoha are prohibited, we can not afford to go to war with our backlines being so vulnerable." A explained.

"So all of the Uchiha's have something like this in their arsenal..." The Daimyo asked and A's grim face was all he got, A had seen many grim situations in his 6 years as Raikage, but this was the worst challenge he had ever faced. When he became Raikage, the war was raging in its full force, he fought 3 years on the frontlines against the Yondaime Hokage but even then he didn't feel as helpless as he watched his fist phase through the brat's head.

With the Yellow Flash, he could see that he missed and if he was a little faster or maybe did a surprise attack, then maybe he could get him, but with Fujii, he was fighting against a shinobi's reflexes, he had checked no matter how suddenly he attacked, as long as the brat could use his chakra, he won't be able to do anything to him.

The urge to smash the table was smothered as he listened to the Daimyo speak, "...it seems like this is bigger than we thought, I'll call a meeting with the rest of the Daimyo, we need to address this dangerous man before he could become a greater threat, to be able to walk anywh-" as the Daimyo started muttering, A sighed in relief, he got what he wanted, even if he knew that the Daimyo figured it out that he was being manipulated to deal with the threat, the powers of Fujii crossed the interests of all the Daimyo's, they normally hired skilled shinobi and samurai for their protection but if someone could just walk in their rooms at night and kill them than that would be a problem.

'Hopefully, this works, the brat would either be caught and executed or he would have to forever on the run and his potential would be wasted...' A thought as he stood up to leave, he had another idea on how to deal with the brat... at least a temporary stop-gap measure...


{Sasato Island, Land of Water}

A swirl appeared in mid-air as Obito appeared on the rooftop, he stared at the flourishing town beneath him, as he waited for Zetsu to appear with the news he looked at the laughter coming from the small town, it would stop soon, he had his plan ready, even if he would have to execute a part of the plan a little early to gain a new pawn.

He sensed Zetsu appear beside him, "What happened?" sometimes he hated his voice sounded so young if he didn't use chakra to moderate it, he had fought the famed Yellow Flash to a standstill when he was just 14, thinking back to his fight about his sensei made him think about the scene once again, a hand encased in pure lightning coming out of Rin's back, blood was evaporating as it came in contact with pure lightning, "Calm down, Obito..." Black Zetsu's voice spoke breaking through to him. Obito contained his bloodlust as he looked around to make sure that no one noticed.

"You know the plan already, they would get what they are due..." Black Zetsu spoke and Obiito nodded, "But, is it really necessary to jump-start the plan by a few years?"

"Yes, Fujii Uchiha, could be a great asset, he has enough power and potential that he could be groomed and when the time would come to take the Jinchuriki, his Sharingan would be a massive help. If left alone then he could be a massive hurdle in a few years too, his bonds aren't as attached to the village and with this attempt on his life those bonds are fragile, now all we need is a little push and he would have to leave Konoha, by the way, what about it, how did the meeting go?" Obito asked.

"As expected, the Raikage manipulated the Lightning Daimyo by exposing Fujii's abilities and presenting him as a threat to their lives, the rest of the Daimyo would feel the same threat and even the Fire Daimyo would press for his capture thus putting pressure on the young Uchiha..." Zetsu explained.

"So, now I just need to trap the Water Daimyo in a powerful Genjutsu so he attends the meeting and orders the third Mizukage to not place a bounty on the kid. Then he would escape to the Land of water, the only place where he won't have a kill on sight order, and after in a few years..." Obito clenched his fists as he stared at the people laughing all around him, his thoughts were once again filled with Rin's bruised face as blood leaked from her mouth, she still smile thinking she had saved her home...

'You manipulated Rin-chan into giving her life, I'll shower your whole country with the blood of a useless rebellion...' Obito's right eye changed into his Mangekyo form as he was sucked into his Kamui before he appeared over a sleeping Daimyo.

"Mangekyo Sharingan: Genjutsu..."


P.atreon Plug -Patreon.com/Enri007, 6 chapters ahead.

Chapter37 - The Purge! Part-2