
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Tranh châm biếm
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242 Chs

Chapter Ten: Snake and Bridge

"Take this!" Naruto shouted as he came down with an axe kick to Kurai's head. Said teen twisted his scythe so that the shaft of his weapon took the blow before spinning it around to repel the blond and charged him with an overhead slash. Naruto landed on his feet but quickly rolled to the side as he dodged the blade of his teammate's weapon. With a quick burst of chakra to his legs Naruto was behind Kurai and aiming a punch to the back of his head. The dark haired teen was knocked forward and stumbled on his feet before spinning around to block Naruto's follow up.

It had been two days since their return from the bandit mission and things had been progressing smoothly. Now that the younger two knew of Kurai's other personality they had begun trying even harder to get the boy to show emotions. They still failed granted but neither was going to give up. They didn't really like how one half of him was pretty much a living statue while the other was a psychotic and bloodthirsty zealot. They wanted to get him to strike a balance between the two. Kurai's loyalties and mind but with the emotions that Sin was fine with showing. Kurotsuchi found their attempts funny so she did nothing to stop them but also knew it just was how Kurai was so she did nothing to help them either.

Training had also been coming along the same as usual. Kurai and Naruto would spar while their sensei would help Hikari with her earth element training. Then after a while they would switch to something else that depended on Kurotsuchi's mood. Hikari also had clan training afterwards while Naruto would usually look up Deidara or Akatsuchi for some more training if he wanted it. Kurai would, as always, just head home to do whatever it was he did by himself.

While the boys were battling each other Kurotsuchi watched as she stood a few feet from Hikari who was panting to regain her breath. "Almost… almost done…" She gasped out while she gave a quick glance to her battling teammates.

"Not bad Hikari. Most genin take a year or more to get this far." Her sensei praised, which was true. She had Hikari working on refining her elemental control by doing the first step in mastering the earth element, eroding a small rock into dust and dirt. While she would start with a rock the size of her fist, after channeling her element to it the right way she would end up with a pebble the size of her little finger. Excellent progress for only a few months but still not complete. Still, it showed she truly was the prodigy her clan and Academy grades claimed her to be. "Once you've caught your breath we'll switch to team training alright?" The girl nodded to her sensei before an Anbu showed up nearby and walked over to Kurotsuchi.

"Kurotsuchi, Tsuchikage-sama has requested you and Naruto to immediately come to his office." The jonin kunoichi was confused but nodded her head.

"Alright, we'll be there momentarily." The Anbu nodded and then vanished to return to his duty as his task was done while Kurotsuchi turned to her genin. "Ok you two, that's enough." She called out to get Kurai and Naruto to stop fighting. Both faced her with slightly exhausted looks but waited to see what she called them for. "Tsuchikage-sama needs Naruto and I for something so I want you Kurai to do some sparring or stealth training with Hikari until we get back. Let's go Naruto." The blond nodded and gave his teammates a slight grin but then went after his adoptive mother while Kurai waited for Hikari to walk over before giving her a small nod as he got into his stance. Hikari slipped into her clan stance but then charged Kurai. The last thought in her mind being what Onoki wanted with the two while Kurai didn't care.

Earlier in the day…

"Welcome to Iwa." A jonin offered as he stood in front of a hooded man in a tan cloak with a music symbol over his heart while behind him was a white haired teen with two red dots on his forehead. The hooded man merely inclined his head as the jonin gave a slight bow. "Tsuchikage-sama has been expecting you and ordered me to escort you to his office. Please follow me." The man explained before turning to walk ahead of the two. While the hooded man gave no notice and merely followed quietly the teen behind him was constantly looking around as if watching for any threat to his leader. Eventually the two came to the office as the jonin left to return to his post while the Kage's secretary announced them and let them in. With a slight nod of the head the hooded man entered with his young protégé following.

"A pleasure to meet you Onoki-sama." The man spoke and the old Kage nodded.

"Before we begin any sort of talks I'd like for you to remove the hood and introduce yourself. I don't bother with people I can't put faces to." The teen looked like he was about to speak but the man raised a pale hand to stop him.

"But of course Onoki-sama. I have no problems with that request. It's just that I'm quite sure most of your village would've attacked me had my identity been out in the open." He replied as he then took of the hood revealing long black hair and a pale white face with purple markings near the eyes.

"Orochimaru of the Sannin, formerly of Konoha. Yes, my shinobi would've slaughtered you for your part in the Second and Third wars." Onoki spoke with a slightly angered tone but nothing else. He noticed the jonin in the room with him tense but when he didn't give them the order to attack they stayed at his sides, though obviously wishing for the snake like ninja to slip up so they could have an excuse to attack. "Even if you've left Konoha behind, that only makes you slightly more tolerable than the rest of the tree-huggers and is the only reason I haven't ordered you killed where you stand." Orochimaru merely gave a small smirk to the diminutive Kage.

"So it seems. As you've by now realized I am the leader of the new village of Otogakure. Behind me is one of my top shinobi Kaguya Kimimaro, last and only survivor of the formerly great clan in Kiri."

"I had heard the Kaguya got themselves wiped out trying to take over Kiri. Seems like you took the spoils of their attempt."

"Kukuku…. Indeed I did. After all why would I want such a useful and mighty bloodline to simply fade from history? But this is not why I request this meeting Onoki-sama. I've come with a proposition for you and all of Iwa."

"Oh? And what can the mighty Hebi-sennin offer my village?" Onoki asked with a raised brow. He knew all about why Orochimaru had originally left Konoha. His spies had told him all about the man's experiments and how his sensei, the Sandaime Hokage, had cornered him before he somehow slipped from the old man's grasp. If Orochimaru wanted to experiment on Iwa shinobi or anything of the sort Onoki would shot him down and order him out on the spot under penalty of death. A threat he himself would carry out.

"How badly does Iwa wish to strike back at Konoha?" Orochimaru asked, again getting the jonin behind the short man to tense up. "Their belief in their 'Will of Fire' and their peace loving ways… for a while I was under the same belief and spell." Orochimaru mused. "But when it came time to pick the Yondaime all my great deeds for the village were ignored in favor of a young upstart with only two things to his name. Such humiliation I felt at how the village embraced a man that could simply teleport to set locations and hold a ball. But I endured and trained myself, knowing that soon the village would see its errors and I could simply take the spot once they removed the man from it. Then the Kyuubi attack occurred and the man died saving Konoha. I must admit that was the first time I had actually felt fear in so long that I had actually forgotten the feeling. It's also something that made me give my respect to the man, loathe as I am to admit it. But once it was over Sarutobi-sensei once more took office. I could see that it wouldn't last though, how could it when he had already given up the job to a younger shinobi. He had merely reclaimed it to put the village back together from the attack, then he would go over records and hand the title of Hokage to another once again. So I bid my time and waited for him to step down and give me what I rightfully deserved. And yet…"

"It never happened as Sarutobi is still Hokage." Onoki stated, getting Orochimaru to scowl but nod. "As interesting as this is, what's your point?"

"Impatient are we?" Orochimaru chuckled but then continued. "When it became clear to me that sensei was not going to give me the position I began experimenting for ways to improve myself and the shinobi I called comrades. How to maximize chakra reserves, how to become immune to poisons or pain, even jutsu so that we'd have more weapons to use to protect our home. And when it was discovered what happened? I was declared an inhumane monster and chased from the village!" The snake Sannin spat out. "I gave everything in my life for that village and when the one opportunity I've always wanted comes to me it's snatched away by someone who had no right to even look at it! And then when the same opportunity arrives I'm not even considered but rather exiled for trying to find ways to improve my home! So I decided that I would start my own village, one where my work could be appreciated. One that would eventually arrive in Konoha to show them how superior our forces are to there's thanks to my efforts. One that would raze Konoha to the ground and claim its place among the great five!" Orochimaru exclaimed. Onoki narrowed his eyes but couldn't help himself from being interested somewhat. "Now I feel as if the perfect time to do just that is soon arriving. However while my forces are superior in skill, they aren't yet so in number. As such I require allies to embark on my goal. I've managed to convince the Kazekage to lend me Suna's aid as their daimyo continues to cut their funding and instead send the money to Konoha. As such Suna is behind my plan to send a message to their leader and the world that they are not the weakest of the five but one of the best. I figured that with your village's history with Konoha, you'd relish the chance to join our plan and strike down your hated enemies."

"Interesting… very, very interesting." Onoki muttered. "I admit, when I read your request for a meeting I was expecting an alliance request of some sort but nothing of this magnitude. However you have no doubt caught my interest. Give me a basic idea of your plan though before I decide anything." Orochimaru grinned as Onoki gestured for him to continue.

"Surely you know the Chunin Exams are coming to Konoha in but a couple short months?" Onoki's eyes widened as most of the plan fell into place for him right there. "I will enter a team or two that will make it to the finals, as will Suna. Then when our genin make it to the finals, we use that as an excuse to bring a large portion of our forces claiming them to be our protection and that they wish to watch their promising younger generation and then during the finals we strike. In fact, Suna's jinchuriki is even a genin, and the boy is almost guaranteed to be in the finals as he's far more than most chunin to handle." Orochimaru was not expecting Onoki to begin laughing loudly. In fact he was actually confused as to what the man could be laughing about.

"Get me Kurotsuchi and Naruto in this office right now!" Onoki ordered to one of the jonin with him who left in a shunshin to give the message to an Anbu for them to retrieve the required shinobi. Onoki then turned back to Orochimaru with a grin. "I must thank you Orochimaru. I've been meaning to find a way to get Naruto into Konoha for some time to retrieve something for me and you've provided me with the perfect excuse for just that." Orochimaru gave a slightly confused look to Onoki but the old man just smirked.

"And who might these two be?"

"Kurotsuchi is my granddaughter. She's also sensei to Naruto. As for the boy himself, well once you see him I highly doubt any more will need to be said." Orochimaru still looked somewhat confused but nodded while they waited for the requested two to show up. It wasn't a long wait as three minutes later the door was opened and they walked in. Orochimaru eyed the young black haired woman with slight interest before turning to the blond boy with bright blue eyes and three whisker markings on each cheek.

"That's not possible…" He whispered as Onoki chuckled.

"Kurotsuchi, Naruto; meet Orochimaru of the Sannin and apparent leader of the new minor village of Otogakure. Naruto, please give Orochimaru your full introduction." Onoki chuckled as he looked at the disbelief written on the snake ninja's face. Kurotsuchi was instantly on guard once Orochimaru's name was mentioned while Naruto just shrugged and looked to the Sannin with a blank look.

"The name's Namikaze Naruto, jinchuriki to the Kyuubi no Yoko and one day the destroyer of Konoha." Orochimaru didn't bother looking at the boy once he finished but instead scowled towards Onoki.

"How? Sensei sent him to some civilian village on the border and I admit when I left Konoha I searched for the boy myself to train. How did you get him?"

"Oh? So you wanted Naruto?" Orochimaru nodded with a glance to the boy. "A team of my jonin was cutting through Hi no Kuni on their way back from a mission when they stumbled upon a small clearing that had apparently been used as a battlefield. Within this clearing were two Konoha Anbu as well as a jonin holding a blood soaked blanket. In that blanket was Naruto. With the jonin was a scroll that explained who and what he was so they brought him here and I decided to have Naruto raised and trained specifically to take out Konoha one day. He's been under Kurotsuchi's care ever since and is now one of the top genin in Iwa." Orochimaru let out a chuckle before turning to Naruto.

"So it seems Kakashi's love died to protect you from Danzo's men. Tell me boy, do you know your affinity? And are you any good with a sword?" Naruto raised one of his arms and channeled chakra into the gauntlet to bring out the blade while giving the man a blank look.

"Wind. What's it to you snake-face?"

"You will respect Orochimaru-sama!" Kimimaro snapped as he glared at Naruto who merely glared back. Orochimaru held a hand out to his subordinate as Onoki told Naruto to back off.

"That's enough Kimimaro." The Sannin scolded lightly before looking back to Naruto with a sickly grin. "Oh such missed opportunities. Had I gotten a hold of you before this village did I would've made you my apprentice." He mused before looking back to Onoki. "I can see why you thanked me earlier. You want the Uzumaki clan items as well as whatever Minato left for Naruto am I correct?" Onoki nodded with a grin that Orochimaru mirrored. "Well I can tell you that Sarutobi-sensei has them under his control and has been making sure that Danzo and the Konoha council doesn't touch them. He believes that one day Naruto here would someday be found and brought to Konoha where he will try to reverse his mistake from those years past. Meanwhile in the shadows under sensei's watch Danzo still has teams searching the continent for the boy."

"Thanks for the warning and heads up." Naruto quipped as he put his blade away and walked over to Onoki's side. "Was there a specific reason sensei and I were needed Oji-sama or are you just showing me off?"

"Kurotsuchi, do you believe Naruto and his teammates are ready for the Chunin Exams coming up in Konoha?" Onoki asked getting Naruto to go wide-eyed before grinning. Said kunoichi was also grinning as she came to realize what her grandfather wanted.

"Definitely. Kurai and Hikari are just as ready as Naruto-kun is and I can guarantee they'd make the finals if not sweep the whole event." Onoki nodded and then turned back to Orochimaru.

"I'm not sure if I can devote anything to your plan yet Orochimaru but I will send a team to the Exams so that Iwa can partake if I decide to. None of us will alert Konoha either so if I find that I cannot aid your plan then I will make sure none of Iwa's shinobi hinder it either. You'll have my final answer by the time of the finals."

"Then I thank you for you time Onoki-sama and look forward to a positive answer." Orochimaru replied before placing his hood back up. With one final glance towards Naruto he left the room with Kimimaro trailing behind. Naruto and Kurotsuchi watched him leave before turning to Onoki, both silently asking for answers.

"He's planning an assault on Konoha during the finals of the Chunin Exams along with Suna and their jinchuriki. Whether Iwa decides to aid him or not, I need you Naruto to make it to the finals so that I have an excuse to go to the village and then force Sarutobi to hand over your inheritance. Once you have anything your Uzumaki mother left you, you will start learning fuinjutsu as that was the clan specialty. Anything of your fathers will also be a top priority for you to learn so that you can turn Konoha's greatest weapons against them. That will be the ultimate blow to their moral I believe. Watching the son of their hero use the fathers moves against them." Onoki concluded with a smile. Naruto grinned as did Kurotsuchi and the jonin behind the small Kage. "Now before you leave I have a mission for your team. It comes from a rich business man that needs something destroyed to keep his business afloat. His business has recently decided to invest in Iwa if we can accomplish this for him. Details are in the scroll so back your bags. You're headed to Nami no Kuni." Onoki ordered as he tossed a scroll to Kurotsuchi for both to give him a short bow before leaving to do as they were told.

'How very interesting… that Minato's child would end up in the hands of his most hated enemy. And not only that but the boy is a wind element with some blade skill. Oh yes, had I the chance he would've made the perfect apprentice.' Orochimaru mused to himself as they left for Otogakure. While Orochimaru was known mostly for his snake like ninjutsu thanks to his ties to the creatures, due to his holding of the summoning contract for them, he was a wind element of extreme skill as well. His first apprentice, Anko, was actually an earth element so he couldn't pass down most of his skills to the girl which is why he decided to instead test her in other ways such as the curse seal. She also never took to a sword very well which eliminated the best of the snake style of close combat he utilized. While he was still loyal he figured he would eventually take on a second apprentice when the girl hit jonin and this new one would hopefully be able to learn all of his legendary skills. After the Kyuubi attack he had wanted to take care of Naruto, believing he, like a few of the clans apparently could raise the boy into not only a loyal Konoha shinobi but a powerful one at that. After Sarutobi told them all of what he did the snake Sannin had sent a few of his summons out to try and locate the child to raise and train in secret so that when he became Hokage like he believed he would, he could reverse his sensei's decision and bring Naruto back home where he belonged. Yet they never found him just as he never became Hokage. When he was run out of the village for his deeds, he had spent the first half a year looking for Naruto before being approached by the Akatsuki with an offer of membership. Things had gone from there but he never expected to find Naruto. And in Iwa's hands no less. The man was positive that if his training was even half as good as what he himself would've given then Naruto was already at least Chunin level in skill.

Orochimaru let out a smirk hidden by his hood as he suppressed the need to laugh. Oh how he hoped Naruto made it to the finals of the Exams. Just so he could watch and see the true potential Minato's child had. Perhaps there would be a way to get the boy under his wing from Onoki if he proved worth it. Not as a vessel like Kimimaro or the last Uchiha were candidates for, but as the next legacy for the great Sannin's teachings.

"So were headed to the Chunin Exams after this mission?" Hikari asked as the three genin and one jonin left the village. Naruto grinned and nodded which was soon mirrored by the girl. "Sweet! Only half a year and I'm already heading for the Exams. If I actually succeed then that's a clan record for fastest promotion and youngest chunin. That oughta shut the bastards up." Hikari boasted as Naruto let out a sharp laugh. Kurai merely nodded as Kurotsuchi went over the mission details.

"Worry about the Exams I'm entering you three in after the mission." After a quick 'Hai sensei' she continued. "Alright apparently the employer is the business tycoon Gato of Gato Company. He apparently has a hold over Nami no Kuni and one of its people is building a bridge which would break it. He tried hiring someone to take out the head builder but they failed and were killed by Konoha ninja. Knowing our village has a grudge against them he decided to hire us to stop this bridge from being built. We'll be meeting with him first to discuss specifics but then we will make a plan and carry the mission out." The three genin nodded so she put the scroll away as they leapt off.

Five days later…

"So you're what I get from Iwa huh?" A short man in a business suit in a cane sneered as he looked over the genin and sent a hidden lustful look towards the jonin, though as shinobi all four saw it. They also noticed one of his hands was broken apparently. The four genin were in an office speaking with Gato about the mission he hired them for. The office was in a private mansion Gato had built hidden on a cliff that the people of the country didn't go towards so while he had run and holed himself up after his failure he was still safe since he had a few bandits left along with one of his ronin guards. "Well I guess since Zabuza failed against a man and his brats you could do the same to them."

"Just tell us what's going on and we'll get it done. My team has a perfect mission completion rating and we will not fail." Kurotsuchi told him. Gato looked them over again before scoffing and pulling out a small file.

"I have this country under my thumb since as a shipping country it requires the docks to send out goods. As I now control all the ships in those docks, I've pretty much become the man in charge rather than the daimyo. However this man, Tazuna, is building a bridge to Hi no Kuni. As you can guess, with a bridge they won't be forced to rely on my ships and will be able to break my control. I've tried intimidation but he and his workers didn't stop. I've sent an assassin against him; he hired Konoha ninja to protect him. I tried to remove the ninja but my assassin failed and died in the attempt. I even tried using some paid off bandits to kill of the exhausted ninja but that failed as well. I'm out of options so I figured Konoha's greatest enemies would be able to take care of this situation. It doesn't help that ever since my men failed against the ninja the people have gained hope and began partying every night in their honor." Gato explained. "What I want is for the bridge builder dead and the people's hope crushed so they'll never try this stunt again. Nami is mine now and that's final!"

"Do you have a description of the Konoha ninja?" Kurotsuchi asked.

"A tall man with white hair and one red eye, a young girl with pink hair and green eyes, a pale boy with black hair and eyes, and another boy with dark hair and eyes that've been both black one time and red another. He also has this symbol on his shirt that looks like a red and white fan. Why? Are you going to get rid of them to?"

"Would we get a bonus?" Naruto quipped as Kurotsuchi shook her head.

"No, I just want to know who we're possibly dealing with and from the sounds of things it's Hatake Kakashi, a couple no name genin and possibly the last of the Uchiha clan." Kurotsuchi mused before sending a look to Naruto. "You made sure to pack that hooded jacket right?" The boy nodded as he knew what she was getting at. "Then use it. It wouldn't do good for Iwa if they knew about you. As for the mission, this'll be simple once the Konoha ninja leave."

"But by then the bridge will be finished and everything ruined anyways!" Gato raged. "I don't want that thing done you hear me?"

"But you do want their hope crushed right?" Naruto spoke up, getting the midgets' attention as well as Kurotsuchi's. "Hear me out. Hatake Kakashi is not someone we want to go up against. Plus I'm pretty sure that both he and the people know that since you escaped alive you may try something again so they'll still be on guard. Plus, if we did somehow kill the bridge builder, it's likely his workers would finish it anyways in his name since from the looks of things, that thing was almost done already. We'd only have a couple days to kill him before it wouldn't matter. So rather than target the man, why not target the hope they all have?"

"What're you saying?" Gato asked so Naruto grinned.

"What I'm suggesting is we wait for the bridge to be finished and the Konoha ninja to leave. Then we swing in, grab the bridge builder and kill him while destroying the bridge at the same time. This will not only send the message that even their mighty bridge was actually useless to stop your reign but also that he one that gave them hope was just as powerless. That'll break their spirits so that they'll never try to oppose you again." Gato stared at the boy for a few seconds before looking to his jonin sensei to see she was grinning at his idea.

"Heh, you know what, that actually sounds better in the long run."

"And so long as you agree to invest in Iwa like you promised in the mission request afterwards, we'll make sure that's exactly what happens." Kurotsuchi then waved to her team to leave as Gato nodded with a sadistic smirk growing across his face. He actually liked these ninja compared to the last one he hired.

"Okay you three, keep yourselves hidden and spy on the town, bridge and kids with Hatake. I'll watch over than man myself since he's far above you. Also, remove your headbands so that if you're spotted, they won't trace us to Iwa and we can use some bullshit story about being travelers or something. Naruto, make sure to keep your face hidden at all times." The three nodded as they took off their headbands and sealed them away. At the same time Naruto took of his jacket and sealed it into a scroll while also pulling out an identical one with a large hood. He quickly pulled it one while also flipping up the hood, leaving only his mouth and the very edges of his whisker marks visible on his face. Kurotsuchi nodded and then pointed to a wooded area near the mansion. "That will be our rendezvous point. Return at sundown understood?"

'So these are considered Konoha genin?' Naruto muttered in his head as he was hiding on a rooftop looking down as a boy wearing a blue shirt and white shorts was walking around town with a girl in a red one peace following and talking to him. On the boy's back was an insignia of a paper fan, the top half being red while the bottom was white. The girls' bright pink hair was also an attention grabber but he ignored that since he found Hikari more beautiful anyways.

…Wait… Where'd that thought come from?

Shaking his head of the thought Naruto focused in on the two to see that the boy was walking with an annoyed scowl on his face and his hands in his pockets. The girl either knew him very well, didn't notice, or didn't care about his obvious annoyance as she continued to talk to him in a very loud and annoying voice talking about how romantic it was that they saved a country and how they should go on a date as well as other related subjects. Naruto actually had to hold back a grimace as he watched them. 'Oh dear Kami-sama she's a fangirl!'

Fangirls were not tolerated in Iwa's Academy. If after the second year of shinobi training they still persisted then they were forced into harder training until they both started taking their career choice seriously and dropped the act or they quit. Naruto himself actually had a couple fangirls for the first couple years. Which was surprising to him as at the time he was still trying to figure out how to act to get the haters to leave him alone so he was mostly a ball of energy that occasionally pranked people. And yet a few girls had thought he was hot and cute as well as funny and charming, which was another thing he thought was weird as he hadn't even spoken to these girls before so how would they know his personality? But after they were forced into the tougher training to literally beat the fangirl out of them so to speak, most had dropped it and instead became some silent admirers while taking their studies seriously. Only one had actually dropped out and she still tried hounding him for a couple months until he began developing his sadistic and sarcastic streak that seemed to drive her off and turn away a couple of the ones still wanting him in the Academy.

'Thank Kami-sama Hikari-chan was never a fangirl. In fact I remember her trying to maim them every time we had sparing practice. Screaming about how they were 'fucking disgraces to women everywhere' if I remember right.' Naruto thought to himself as the girl kept pestering the boy. 'He's either used to this or actually likes her. I'm guessing the former though.' The blond sighed as he turned his attention to trying to figure out their skills. 'From the way the guy carries himself he seems to have some skill. But his hunched over look and scowl just scream brooder and superiority complex even from this far back. So he's either one of the best in Konoha and as such thinks he's the best everywhere or he's just extremely overconfident. Either way, if it comes down to it I think I'd enjoy putting him down. As for the girl… I doubt one of our third year students would have trouble with her.' Satisfied with his assessment of the two genin Naruto gave a quick look around before running off the rooftop and heading towards the rendezvous point.

'So this is where the bridge builder lives? Not much for the now proclaimed local hero of Nami' Hikari thought as she looked over the house. She was hiding in the trees a far distance from the building as she looked out for any signs of trouble that could come when it came time to pull of Naruto's plan. All she could see though were two boys on the porch, one being a brown haired child with a white bucket hat while the other was a very pale white boy around her age with black hair. The younger boy seemed to just be looking at the view with the occasional glance at the pale one who was just painting a picture on his lap. 'I'm guessing the kid is somehow related to the bridge guy, likely a grandson or something while the other would be one of the genin under Hatake's command. From how he looks I'd say he's either nothing or pretty good at hiding his skills. Though that tanto on his back is worth noting.' It was then that a tall woman with dark hair came out and spoke to them briefly before the two headed inside with smiles, though the ninja's was obviously fake to anyone that saw it. 'Huh, guess that's the little brats' mother. And what was up with that false grin? It was actually kind of creepy. Still, if this is where they're all staying then I don't think there should be much problem once the Konoha ninja leave. Oh well, back to Naruto-kun and the others.'

'I was right; it is Hatake Kakashi, the man with an implanted Sharingan eye.' Kurotsuchi scowled as she looked on a the jonin lazily reading an orange book while also keeping an eye on an old man with gray hair directing bridge workers. 'And apparently his perverted readings tastes weren't just rumors either. Not that it matters, I think I've seen oji-sama hiding one of those books in his office once. We really will have to wait until the Konoha ninja leave. I may be A-rank like Hatake but I know I can't exactly fight him on even ground thanks to his eye. Plus with all the water here he could counter my Yoton easily enough. He may have thought it up on the fly but Naruto-kun's plan looks like the best so far. Which is extremely surprising considering his planning ability is so poor.' Kurotsuchi made sure to memorize everything she could about the habits and mannerisms of Kakashi and Tazuna before glancing at the sky and seeing that the sun was starting to set and the bridge workers were starting to finish up for the day. 'Time to return to my students I guess.'

"So anything of interest?" Kurotsuchi asked as the team reconvened in the clearing and set themselves up for the night.

"One of the genin is nothing more than a fangirl and I checked the crest another has and yeah, it's the Uchiha clan meaning that one survivor apparently." Naruto then scowled slightly as he thought back to his spying on the town and genin. "The girl has bright pink hair, green eyes, and wears a red and white one piece but doesn't seem to be anything worth noting anyways. The Uchiha kid has dark hair, dark eyes, a blue shirt and white shorts. He seems like he may have some skill but from what I've gathered is either very confident or very arrogant about what he can do and who he is. I'm willing to be he'd be a challenge for one of our weaker or average genin but is spoiled in Konoha to the point he believes he's the best." Kurotsuchi nodded and then turned to her other two so Hikari spoke up.

"I checked out the bridge builders' home and found that there's a kid and woman living there, likely a daughter and grandson given the ages. The third Konoha genin was there and he's very pale, almost pure white, with black hair and eyes and black clothes. He was silent and just spent his time painting something on in a book on his lap as he kept watch on the others at the house. While I can't say anything about skills or personality, he had a tanto on his back so that's something."

"I scouted the town and while under henge as a traveler that just arrived inquired about the town and recent happenings." Kurai began once Hikari finished. "The town was completely under Gato's thumb after he killed a man a year ago by the name of Kaiza. It was only recently that this Tazuna seemed to get the idea and funds together to make a bridge. He was only a third of the way completed when Gato started threatening him to stop. And he did, only to sneak off to Konoha and use what money he had left to hire the team he currently has. When Gato discovered this he apparently hired a missing nin with a large sword from Kiri but the man and his helpers died fighting Hatake's group. Gato apparently tried using a small army of bandits but the genin and Hatake tore through them and the villagers, seeing that Gato wasn't truly invincible rallied and drove him out, though they are unaware he is merely hiding in his mansion. They believe he has fled for another country and took his belongings with him. Konoha is now revered as a village of saviors with Hatake's group being the personal heroes to the country. Tazuna is also being hailed as a local hero and the man that never let hope die in the country." Kurai concluded as Kurotsuchi nodded.

"Alright then, well make sure to keep an eye on the Konoha ninja to ensure our location isn't discovered while also developing a plan to bring down the bridge. Then once they leave we'll spring our trap and kill Tazuna while destroying the bridge to the point it can't be rebuilt." Naruto grinned as they had decided to go with his plan. He had really just thrown it out there and was actually surprised they put so much faith into it. 'Maybe my tactics really are improving?' He thought to himself.

"Nope, you just got lucky." Kyuubi shot out, breaking his good mood. "I think that's your one good idea for the year and I'll be stuck bailing your ass out for the rest of it."

'Oh fuck off furball. You couldn't let me have one little moment?'

"No, because then you'd start strutting around like you're the best and I don't feel like healing all your injuries when someone beats the shit out of you to prove you're not." Naruto sighed but didn't comment. Kyuubi never let him have any sort of accomplishment without shooting either it or him down.

The next few days passed slowly as the Iwa shinobi waited for their chance to complete their mission and deal a proverbial slap to Konoha. During the time they watched the Konoha group as well as the bridge Kurotsuchi had devised a way to take out the bridge. She had decided then that she would be the one actually doing that part with the help of some explosive tags from her genin. Meanwhile Naruto, Hikari and Kurai would be in charge of grabbing the bridge builder and ending his life in a public area in a demeaning way so as to ensure that the message from Gato was sent; he rules Nami and nothing will change that. So when the day for the bridge to be finished finally came, the whole Iwa group was giddy with excitement. They saw as all the villagers gathered at the bridge to wish a fond farewell to their shinobi saviors and from their hiding spot under the bridge they could hear cheers for them and well wishes all for them as well. It was when they peaked out and saw that the Konoha shinobi were almost the entire way across the bridge and the villagers getting ready to disperse that they struck. Making sure his hood was still in place just in case Konoha turned around, Naruto rushed out.

"The Mighty Leaf Bridge… It has a sort of ring to it doesn't it?" Tazuna asked as the villagers let out cheers for the name choice. They happily watched their saviors leave and were going to head back to their homes when a voice rang out from seemingly nowhere.

"Don't leave yet, the part hasn't finished." Everyone spun around to see three teens around the same age as the Konoha kids, save for one being a couple years older, standing side to side a few feet away where the Konoha ninjas had been mere minutes ago. Even more shocking though was that Tazuna was on his knees in front of them with a kunai to his throat when he had been next to them just moments before. The two with their faces visible had on headbands with a rock symbol, signifying their allegiance to Iwagakure. The one on the right was a girl wearing mostly black clothes with purple hair. The one on the right was the older one and he had black hair and black gray eyes. The one in the center though was wearing a hood that covered his face, save for a sadistic grin as he was the one holding the blade to Tazuna's neck from behind as the old man was wide-eyed and kneeling before him. The hooded boy whistled as he looked around at the bridge they were one, seemingly admiring it and ignoring the shouting of the villagers to let Tazuna go or cries for the Konoha ninja to come back, not that their voices could reach that far. "Wow, this is some bridge. You know, Gato actually said something about it being a work of art if I remember." Naruto casually commented. While Gato said no such thing, instead referring to it as an abomination, it helped set the mood by telling them who they were working for as well as lowering their hopes in that their troubles were over.

"Let Tazuna go you bastard! Gato's gone now and can't do anything now that the bridge is done!" One of the villagers yelled though none made any move to save the man since they knew Tazuna's life was currently in the balance. Naruto glanced at him before looking to his teammates and shrugging.

"True this wonderful piece of art is finished but false about Gato being unable to do anything. You see, Gato hired us to tell you all a message, and a message we shall tell." Naruto started as Hikari picked up where he stopped.

"Nami is his country to do with as he pleases. If you don't like it, he'd be happy to provide you with a VIP ticket to the afterlife like Kaiza and the others who opposed him."

"His rule over this land is not over merely because of this construct of stone and metal." Kurai added as Naruto grinned and made a half ram seal with his free hand.

"As Gato said this bridge is something of a piece of art. Well in the immortal words of my nii-san; Art is a bang!"

A large explosion went off, the sound carrying for miles. As did the cries of Nami's people.