
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Tranh châm biếm
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242 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: Prelude to Pain and Fear

"Thanks for your help." Kabuto stated as Sasuke, Sakura and Sai walked into the tower with him right behind them. The Oto spy had met up with the Uchiha's team and offered them their scroll in exchange for safety through the forest. Or at least that was the story he was using. In reality he was just earning the team's trust so that he could take notes on their abilities. He had quickly noticed the curse seal on Sasuke and had to hide his grin at how Orochimaru's plans were going perfectly so far. He also told them how his teammates had been killed by Naruto just to see their reactions. Sai had scowled and remarked how it would be prudent to avoid them and complete the test immediately, as expected of the Root agent Kabuto knew him to be. Sakura had gasped and offered him condolences before asking Sasuke to reconsider his little revenge against them as she didn't want him to be hurt. Sasuke however had growled and said that he would get vengeance for them then as he already had a grudge to pick with that team. While he didn't care about Kabuto's teammates in the slightest, any reason to hate the Iwa team more was one he was willingly taking.

"Don't worry about it." Sasuke muttered as they entered a chamber with a poem on it. Sakura figured out that they had to open the scrolls so they did and Iruka came out. The chunin explained to them the meaning of the poem before sending Kabuto off to an area to wait as they contacted his sensei while the chunin himself led the three members of Team Seven to another room. Inside was a large statue of two hands in the ram seal while the Hokage and many jonin were waiting, likely the sensei's to the various genin lined up in rows by team. At the front was Anko who was staring at her watch before nodding as it struck noon, just as Team Seven took their places.

"Well that's it. Congratulations to all of you here since you passed the second test!" She called out. Sakura let out a sigh of relief that they made it in time while Sasuke smirked. Off to the side Naruto chuckled though Hikari threw him a small glare. The boy had gotten back at her for teasing him in the forest by tying her up and bringing her close to release before quitting and going to sleep. And then he did it again after waking up before finally untying her and heading to breakfast. She had tried to beat him up for it but the boy had dodged every attempt since he was faster than her. Gaara stood stoically waiting while Temari and Kankuro exchanged nervous glances. Waiting had never been a good point of Gaara's. The other teams to make it were the Oto team, Kiba's team, Lee's team, and Ino's team. "Hokage-sama has a few words for all of you now!" Anko called out as she stepped aside and the man stepped forward.

"Thank you Anko." He commented before turning his attention on the genin. "Once more, congratulations to all of you for passing. Now I shall explain the true reason behind these exams. Are they for deciding who among you is to be a chunin? Yes of course they are. Yet we also preach they are to extend and build friendship and camaraderie among the Nations. Again it is true, but they aren't the only reasons we hold them. The true reasoning behind these is that they are a replacement for war between the countries." He declared getting a few to gasp or mumble in confusion.

"Then why do you talk about friendship?" Tenten shouted out. Sarutobi took a small drag on his pipe before answering.

"Do not misunderstand me. To a Shinobi, risking one's life on the battlefield and testing themselves against one another is friendship." He commented.

"Then if I tossed a kunai at you right now would that mean I'm saying hello?" Naruto called out as Hikari started chuckling behind him. Even Kurotsuchi cracked a grin at his joke from where she was standing with the other jonin sensei. The Konoha jonin though scowled at the remark as a couple of the genin looked disturbed he would joke about attacking their leader.

"In a way yes. However I would advise against it genin." Sarutobi answered. He knew they were the team Kakashi had run into as the man had come to him during the five days of the second test and alerted him about it as he had learned of it from talking to Kurotsuchi. The old Hokage had instantly pulled up the files on the genin and while two of them checked out perfectly fine it was his that nearly gave him a heart-attack. It was under a name that shouldn't be possible from Iwa. The old Kage instantly knew what the warning had meant in regards to the 'prodigal son' and was already trying to plan a way to deny it. He was also hoping that it wasn't true as that would be the easiest way to handle the situation. "The exams are also to show off the strength of the village to the various daimyos and lords. The strength of the village is the strength of its Shinobi and a Shinobi's true strength can only be revealed in life and death combat. By showcasing your strength, we are essentially telling the world our village is this powerful and drawing in more clients to keep the village thriving. By having them compete with other villages not only do each get to test their genin together but we get to see but a small glimpse of how we stack up to each other without an all out war."

"Just hurry up to the battles already." Gaara called out as the talking was beginning to get on his nerves. Hiruzen sighed but nodded and was about to begin when a jonin dropped down and kneeled in front of him.

"Please allow me Hokage-sama *cough cough*" The old man nodded so the jonin stood and turned around to face the genin. "I am Gekko Hayate and I *cough* will be your proctor for the next exam. Before we can get to it though, we will need to have a preliminaries."

"What for?" Kiba shouted out so Hayate coughed again before explaining.

"Because there are too many of you. The final test is one on one combat in front of the various lords and daimyos Hokage-sama *cough* mentioned. As such we can only show a few matches and keep things short. The lords will only have one day and we can't waste all of it by having too many matches. So by Chunin Exam rules we will be having a preliminary round right now to cut down on the number of participants." He explained before pulling out a clipboard. "The preliminaries will be like the *cough cough* finals in that they are one on one combat. The winner is decided when one of you gives up, dies or is knocked out. If I deem a match over then I may also step in and end it. As they are one on one, teams are no longer important. Each of you is on your own now. If you wish to withdraw *cough* you may do so now." He offered but nobody took it. "Alright then. *cough* Since there are twenty one genin one of you will receive a bye to the finals and there will be ten matches following them." He explained as a screen opened up above the statue that started cycling through names.

Sabaku no Gaara

"Alright, Sabaku no Gaara of Suna will receive the bye to the finals." Hayate stated before Gaara interrupted him

"I don't want it. I wish to fight." He stated while Hayate shook his head.

"The machine is randomized. Since you were chosen for the bye you must either accept it or drop out of the Exams altogether." The red head stared at the jonin stoically before growling lowly but nodding his acceptance.

"Don't worry brother, we'll put on a show for you." Naruto chirped from next to him. Gaara merely glanced at him but said nothing as the screen started going through names again.

Kurai vs. Sai

"Lucky you. You get to go first and you get to face one of the wimps under Hatake." Naruto muttered as Kurai looked to Sai to see the boy holding a fake smile in his direction.

"All the genin are to go to the upper area to wait and watch with their sensei's." Hayate ordered as they all filed away for the stairs when they were all up above them and looking down Hayate took a couple steps back.

"It's a pleasure to face you." Sai offered but Kurai tilted his head to the side.

"Why do you give that fake smile?" He asked and Sai answered immediately.

"I read in a book a smile is helpful in earning trust." Kurai was silent before shaking his head.

"Remove it. It is insulting to people like us." Sai did but was now staring at him with narrowed eyes as Kurai continued. "From the moment I laid eyes on you I could tell you were like me. Both of us have discarded emotions to function as better Shinobi, as better tools for our villages. People like us shall never blend in and attempts to do so will come off hollow and recognizable as false, which prevents them from working as you believe. So do not use that smile as it is insulting to the Shinobi you are attempting to be." The teen lectured before turning slightly to his side and bending his knees, his right hand held behind him and open.

"I see. Then good luck to you." Sai remarked as he go into his own stance to start. Hayate looked at both teens for a moment before raising his hand.

"*cough* Kurai of Iwa versus Sai of Konoha. Hajime!" He called out. Sai instantly ducked down and whipped out a scroll for his jutsu while Kurai's eyes flashed purple for a moment.

"Senko no Higure (Flash of Twilight)." None of the genin could follow the move, only the jonin could. One second Kurai was in front of Sai. The next he was behind him spinning his scythe in his right as he crouched down with his back to the pale boy and his let hand forming a half ram sign in front of his face. The teen opened his closed eyes and stopped spinning his scythe before it dispelled into black smoke. "I had hoped that you may provide a challenge as you were like me. That was most… disappointing." He commented before he began to walk towards the stairs. The other genin were wondering why he was leaving before Sakura screamed as Sai's hands fell off and he collapsed onto his back with a massive slash through his chest. Medics rushed out to save his life as Hayate called out that Kurai was the winner.

"Three precise cuts in less than a second…" Kakashi muttered as Gai stood next to him and shook his head.

"It seems Iwa was not joking around with this Exam. They sent their absolute best. I only hope young Sai can be healed to continue his work as a Shinobi. It would hurt to see someone's flames of youth to be put out so young." The man commented while Kakashi nodded. Ignoring the 'flames of youth' part it would be a shame to lose such a promising ninja, especially since Sai was really at chunin level already, which just spoke even more about the Iwa genin's skill level.

"Good job Kurai." Kurotsuchi praised as he walked up to stand next to his teammates, right next to the Suna team. Temari and Kankuro spared him slightly worried glances as Naruto grinned and slapped him on the back.

"Yeah man, nice work. Kind of short though."

"Your entertainment is not my priority Naruto. Reaching the Finals is."

"Spoilsport." Hikari commented as the board began to cycle through for the next names.

Kinuta Dosu vs. Inuzuka Kiba

The Konoha genin spared a glance at the Iwa team with a shiver before jumping down to the floor for his match. Dosu patiently walked down to the floor himself, in no rush to fight. As he reached the floor he nodded to Hayate as Kiba set Akamaru down and nodded himself. "Kinuta Dosu of Oto versus Inuzuka Kiba of Konoha. Hajime!" Kiba instantly charged forward and slashed at Dosu's head. The bandaged genin ducked before punching Kiba in the gut with his right arm. The boy stumbled back rubbing his gut before his eyes widened and he dropped to his knees holding his ears.

"An Inuzuka correct?" Dosu asked as Kiba's ears were bleeding, Akamaru whining on the ground back where the boy had started from. "That means you're skills revolve around enhancing your senses to be more like the dogs you fight with. Specifically your enhanced hearing in this case. I can manipulate sound waves via my Melody Arm." He explained as he tapped the gauntlet on his right arm. "When I punched you I built up chakra and sound within this before releasing it and sending it straight into your ears. With your enhanced senses, you likely can't even hear me anymore." He taunted as Kiba glared up at the boy. The Inuzuka actually couldn't hear, just as he thought, but the boy obviously knew he was the cause of it.

"Fucking bastard…" He growled as Dosu chuckled.

"Funny." He chirped before bringing his gauntlet down on Kiba's head and knocking the boy out.

"Winner, Kinuta Dosu!" Hayate called out as the genin headed back up to the stands. Again the medics came out and grabbed the losing Konoha genin, one gently picking up his dog, before leaving for the medical bay. The genin looked up to the screen as the names were cycled through again.

Hyuuga Neji versus Hyuuga Hinata

"It must be fate." The older boy muttered with a smirk before he began walking down to the floor. Hinata however glanced at his happy and slightly bloodthirsty smirk before shaking her head.

"I surrender!" She called out as Kurenai sighed behind the girl. Despite the work she had been putting into raising Hinata's confidence the girl would still fall apart the moment anything regarding her clan was brought up, her father or Neji especially. Kurenai knew exactly how the two acted towards the girl and hated them for it.

"Winner, Hyuuga Neji!"

"Tch… a pity." Neji grumbled as he would lose his chance to beat up Hinata in front of everybody. Gai only shook his head at the bad blood between the fellow clan members.

Temari versus Abumi Zaku

"Finally!" Zaku cheered before heading down. Temari glanced at the boy who had both arms in slings before scoffing and following him down. When the two were facing each other at the floor Zaku grinned as he looked over Temari. "Tell ya what hot stuff, give up before I have to rough up that pretty face." He taunted as Temari scoffed again.

"I'd love to see you try cripple." She responded as he growled. Hayate looked to both of them before nodding and starting the match. Zaku growled and rushed forward and leapt into a spinning kick. Temari swiftly moved to the side to dodge as Zaku tried again. Temari leapt back before grabbing her fan but keeping it folded up. "If this is all then you may as well give up before you actually lose those arms."

"Mock me will you?" The boy growled before pulling his right arm out of its sling and pointing the palm at her. "Zankuuha (Decapitating Air Waves)!" He shouted as he blasted out a massive burst of wind straight at Temari. The girl's eyes widened as their was an explosion of smoke and dust while Zaku grinned. "So sorry hot stuff. Maybe you should've taken my offer."

"And you should've taken mine." The smoke cleared to show Temari's fan unfurled and stabbed into the ground like a shield, looking no worse for wear. Zaku gaped as she pulled it out of the ground and held it up behind her with a smirk. "So, is that all you've got?"

"Grr…" Zaku lifted his other arm out of the sling and pointed both palms at her before shoving as much chakra down his arms as he could. "Zankuyokoha (Extreme Decapitating Air Waves)!" He shouted as an even bigger blast of wind flew straight at Temari. The girl smirked as the attack hit, even more dust and smoke flying up that before, some rubble included this time. "Gotcha bitch…" He muttered before a whistle drew his attention upwards. "No way!"

"What's the matter cripple? Can't beat me?" Temari taunted as she was crouched on her fan floating above the smoke from the last attack. "How about I show you a real wind jutsu now?" She asked before gripping her fan and jumping off it while swinging it down at him. "Kamaitachi no Jutsu (Sickle Weasel Technique)!" She cried as she swung her fan. From the swing erupted a small twister that enveloped Zaku as he screamed in pain, multiple cuts forming all over his body before she ended the technique and dropped to the ground. She folded her fan back up and place it back in its normal spot as she began to walk back to the stands as Zaku collapsed unconscious.

"Winner, Temari!" Hayate cheered. As Temari was walking up though Naruto stepped in front of the girl and held out a hand.

"Nice job. That was a wicked jutsu you used there. I'm a wind user myself." Temari nervously shook his hand with a small smile.

"Thanks I guess."

"Maybe later we could hook up and trade some jutsu?" He offered as she shrugged before walking back to her team.

"Maybe." She replied as she took her place next to Kankuro and Gaara. The red head ignored her while the other flashed her a quick grin. Attention was drawn to the board again as names were cycled through.

Aburame Shino versus Nara Shikamaru

The two Konoha genin walked down to the floor with only minor grumbling from Shikamaru about 'troublesome exams' as they took up their places across from each other. "Good luck to you Shikamaru-san." Shino called out as the Nara nodded with a small grin. At least against another Konoha genin, one from his class no less, he was sure there wouldn't be any overwhelming defeat requiring the medics.

"Yeah, you too Shino." He replied as Hayate started the match. The second he did Shino threw out a couple kunai at Shikamaru that the boy rolled to the side to dodge. Shino pressed his offense however as he rushed in to keep attacking. The Nara ducked under a punch and hopped back to avoid a kick before he threw a kunai of his own that caught Shino in the arm. However the kunai passed through it as the arm and Shino himself all dissolved into bugs that began to swarm him. "Shit!" He growled as the boy used a replacement to switch with a log and appear by the ram sign statue.

"I believe I win Shikamaru-san." Shino calmly declared as he walked out from behind the statue. Shikamaru whipped around to face him but the boy calmly pointed behind him. Glancing back the Nara saw an entire wave of insects crawling along the ground to rush him. Thinking quickly Shikamaru crouched down and ran through hand-signs.

"Not yet. Kage Mane no Jutsu (Shadow Possession Technique)!" He called out as his shadow twisted and rushed forward at Shino. The boy leapt back but then slammed his back against the wall as he hadn't realized how close he was. Suddenly he couldn't move as Shikamaru's shadow connected to his own. "Now call off the bugs and surrender or I'll knock you out by making you slam your head against the wall until you pass out." The Nara ordered. Shino thought over his options before coming to his decision.

"I refuse." He calmly spoke as his body again dissolved into bugs, revealing he was another clone the entire time. Shikamaru only had time to curse as the bugs swarmed him. He leapt to the side to dodge them but found himself being herded to a corner as the new swarm coordinated with the previous. Shino calmly walked out from behind the statue again and nodded to Shikamaru.

"This would be checkmate correct?" The Nara sighed but nodded and forfeited as the bugs closed in. Hayate instantly declared Shino the winner so the boy mentally ordered his bugs to stop which they did immediately allowing the Nara to breath easy knowing he wasn't going to get rushed by insects. The bugs all retreated to Shino's body as the Aburame walked up to Shikamaru and offered a hand. "Excellent match Shikamaru-san." The boy muttered a troublesome under his breath before giving Shino a small grin and shaking his hand as he wished him luck in the finals. The two walked back up to the stands as their classmates and jonin sensei's offered them all their congratulations and praise for a well fought match when the screen chirped as the next fighters were chosen.

Haruno Sakura versus Hanamaru Hikari

Sakura looked over to see the Iwa Kunoichi grinning madly at the idea of facing her. "I don't know if I should." She muttered as Kakashi narrowed his eye at the opposite team.

"Whether you do or don't, I'll be happy as long as you try your best. It's your decision Sakura." The jonin commented as Sakura thought it over before glancing at Sasuke to see him glaring at the Iwa team.

"Do it. I bet the girls' the weakest on the team. Plus think of all the stuff they've done. They need to be brought down Sakura. I say do it." The boy spoke as Sakura glanced back at the Iwa team to see Hikari walk down after getting a kiss from Naruto.

"Do you think I can Sasuke-kun?" She asked as the boy shrugged.

"Maybe, maybe not. But I think you need to try." He replied so the girl thought over all her options before steeling herself and nodding. She flashed her teammate and sensei a small grin to try and hide the nervousness she was feeling before walking down to the floor. Kakashi kept his face blank but was inwardly scowling at how she was once again doing what Sasuke wanted instead of what was smart for her. He wasn't lying when he said it was her choice or that he'd be happy so long as she gave it her best, but the smart thing to do here would've been to forfeit as there was little chance the girl could beat her opponent.

"So weakling, ya ready to lose?" Hikari taunted as Sakura took a deep breath and steeled herself for the match.

"Haruno Sakura of Konoha versus Hanamaru Hikari of Iwa. Hajime!" Hayate called out as Sakura reacted instantly and threw out shuriken at the heiress. Hikari simply used the gauntlets around her wrists to slap the shuriken to the ground before Sakura made some hand seals and rushed her as two more copies appeared. Hikari grinned and waited as the first Sakura through a punch at her. Hikari ducked under it, not knowing or caring if it was an illusion as the second Sakura tried to kick her. The heiress rolled forward under the kick and sprung up in between the three Sakura's before lashing out with a roundhouse that dispelled the clones and knocked the real Sakura back as she was caught in the side by the attack.

"Got anything better than basic clones weakling?" Hikari taunted as Sakura got back to her feet, holding her side where she had been hit. Hikari quickly rushed forward and threw a punch at Sakura that the girl raised her arms to block. However she left her stomach wide open in doing so letting Hikari slam her knee up into the girls sternum. Sakura coughed up some spit at the blow before Hikari punched her in the face hard enough to slam her back against the wall. "Ya know, Kunoichi like you make me sick. It's pretty obvious to everyone that you barely, if ever, train like you should. I'll bet you spend all your time trying to look good for someone, likely that little Uchiha wimp up there. Am I right?"

"Wha… what do you know?" Sakura gasped out as she used the wall to help her stand. Hikari scowled as she held out her right arm and pulled the sleeve back to reveal her gauntlet as well as a couple small scars.

"I know that anybody that really trains should have a few of these unless they have some super healing ability!" She said referencing her marks. "Your arms are exposed so it's easy to see the smooth and flawless skin. That right there shows that you never train hard enough to be a threat. Your hair seems to shine a little brighter than mine or the jonin Kunoichi up above us. That shows you put a lot of time into it. But unless you plan on being a seduction expert all of that is worthless to a ninja!" Hikari shouted before flicking her wrist as a blade popped out from the bottom of the gauntlet at her wrist. "You know what I did to little weak bitches like you back at Iwa's Academy? I beat the shit out of them, even scarred a couple for life just because they were so pathetic." She admitted as she ran forward and punched Sakura with her left to slam her against the wall as she then held her by the throat. "But I tell ya what, I'll give you a scar right here so you can try and pass off being a real Kunoichi." She growled before slashing her face with the her blade straight down from the right side of her forehead down at an angle to her left cheek. Sakura screamed before Hikari grinned and spit in the wound. The second her spit connected it began to steam as it burned her.

"I surrender!" Sakura screamed out as Hikari growled.

"Winner Hanamaru Hikari!" Hayate called out but the girl still held the other up against the wall as she whined and moaned in pain from the now burning wound on her face. "I said you won. Let her go or you will be disqualified." Hayate warned as Kakashi appeared behind the girl with a glare.

"Now." He ordered and Hikari scoffed.

"And you call yourself a sensei? Her weakness is your fault Hatake." She taunted before throwing Sakura to the side where she crashed to the ground and began clutching her face. Medics rushed out to help the girl as Kakashi kept his glare on the heiress as she let out a small grin. "What? Gonna attack me? Make me pay for hurting her so? Or maybe for insulting you to your face you one eyed ugly fucking bastard!" She taunted further before walking past him as he stood glaring at her. "Oh that's right, you can't. Because you're weak! This whole fucking village is weak! And we're here to prove it." She shouted before leaping up to her teammates. Instantly she was wrapped up in Naruto's arms and spun around.

"That was so fucking hot, you know that?" He asked before setting her down and kissing her.

"Had fun Hikari?" Kurotsuchi asked as the girl broke from her kiss with the hooded blond.

"Are you kidding? That was boring as hell. If Naru-kun's match doesn't start soon them I'm gonna die of boredom." She teased as Naruto hugged her tighter.

"Oh so it's 'Naru-kun' now Hikari-chan?" He asked as she grinned at him.

"Got a problem with it?" She asked before kissing him again. Down below Kakashi had walked over to the medics that were trying to heal Sakura's face as the girl was crying.

"What's the problem?"

"Whatever that girl spit into the wound is preventing it from healing properly. It was highly acidic and corrosive, burning and eating away at the flesh on your students face. We can't heal it properly without cleaning it out but we can't do that because it infected her bloodstream and is working against us from within the wound." A medic explained as the girl was led away.

"So it's a poison?" The jonin asked with a sigh. The medic nodded before leaving with a parting word.

"A type we haven't seen before making it all the harder to heal. Hopefully it doesn't prove fatal." Kakashi growled as the medic left before turning a glare at the Iwa team, seeing Hikari and Naruto kissing one another while Kurotsuchi just had an amused look on her face. The man walked back up to his other student where nobody tried to speak with him due to the obvious anger he was radiating. Hikari's words had truly stung, and not only him but every Konoha jonin there at how she could insult them all without repercussion. But that was the way of the Chunin Exams, they couldn't touch her unless she broke a rule, and while she had come close Hikari had done as she was told before they could legally intervene. And her insults, while angering, we're perfectly legal.

Kankuro versus Yamanaka Ino

Kankuro let out a small chuckled before he leapt down to the floor as Ino looked down at him nervously before heading down to face him. So far the foreign genin were proving to be monsters. Each one that fought had won decisively and brutally, the last one scarring her best friend with a smile.

"Ya wanna give up blondie? I won't blame you if you do. I mean, you look like a twig and all." Kankuro taunted as he took the bandaged bundle off his back and set it next to him. Ino looked to the item before looking back to Kankuro and shaking her head.

"I've gotta try." Kankuro shrugged as Hayate started the match. Before Ino could do anything Kankuro let go of his bundle and his fingers glowed as the bundle unwrapped to reveal a puppet that began firing kunai at her. The blond began to dodge as she took out a kunai to deflect a couple that came to close when the puppet lurched forward and rushed in front of her. The girl let out a shriek before being wrapped in the wooden arms as Kankuro chuckled.

"Give up now? I'll break your bones if you say no!" He told her as she tried to wriggle free from the puppet but its grip tightened. "Last chance!"

"I surrender." Ino growled out so Kankuro chuckled but the puppet dropped her before it went back to Kankuro's side. Hayate declared him the winner as he quickly wrapped his puppet back up and placed it on his back again. Ino gloomily walked back up to her teammates as the Suna boy did the same.

Akamichi Choji versus Tenten

Tenten grinned and leapt down as Choji followed after her. Much like Shikamaru's thoughts earlier, he knew that against a fellow Konoha genin he wouldn't be horribly mutilated so he was willing to give it his all. Tenten gave him a small grin that he returned before the jonin coughed and started the match. Choji quickly made a hand seal and his body expanded into a sphere. With a pulse of chakra his head and limbs retracted into the sphere as he started rolling at the bun haired girl. "Nikudan Sensha (Human Bullet Tank)!"

Tenten leapt to the side while reaching into her weapons pouch and throwing kunai and shuriken at him. The weapons were deflected as Choji's high speed rotations made them bounce off his form. Growling lowly in her throat Tenten made a plan as she dodged the boy. Choji crashed into the wall and was stuck for a moment before reversing his spin and pulling out after Tenten again. The girl grinned as she got an idea. Tenten took up a spot next to a wall and waited for Choji to charge her again. Right before he collided the girl leapt over him as he crashed into the wall again. She quickly dropped an uncountable number of caltrops around his still frame before jumping back. Choji reversed his spin and rolled out but because he hadn't had a chance to build momentum the metal spikes all dug into his from making him cry out in pain. He ended his jutsu to force the spikes out and the second he did Tenten appeared behind him holing a kunai to his throat. "I'd give up if I were you."

Choji took a look down at his bloody chest and arms before nodding as she was declared winner and medics came out. The girl put her kunai away and gathered up the spikes to put away before sending the boy an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that. I couldn't think of a better way to stop you." The boy just nodded as the medics helped him out. Up above Naruto narrowed his eyes and glanced around.

"Let's see; me, the Oto girl, that kid in green and the Uchiha…" He mused before grinning. He instantly slammed his hands together and started muttering under his breath.

"What're you doing Naruto-kun?" Kurotsuchi asked as he paused and looked up.

"Praying to get the Uchiha."

"Why? I thought he pissed you off for being so weak." Hikari pointed out and the boy nodded before pointing something else out.

"True, but so far, you and Kurai have faced and beat his teammates. If I fight and beat the Uchiha then that means all three of Hatake's kids will have been beaten and mutilated by Iwa and he won't be able to do shit about it. Can you imagine the insult that would be? Or the laughs everyone back home would get?" Naruto asked as the two grinned at his words as they could see exactly what he pointed out. Naruto went back to his mutterings of prayers as the screen flashed through names.

Hikari groaned and poked Naruto once they stopped for him to look.

Tsuchi Kin versus Uchiha Sasuke

"Ah damn it! I wanted the Uchiha prick." Naruto shouted as said genin growled from across the room. Kin just rolled her eyes at the Iwa boy's behavior before jumping down to fight Sasuke. If she was lucky she could complete their mission from earlier and kill the boy as well. Sasuke scoffed at how confident the girl seemed before jumping down himself. He remembered her from the forest and while he didn't see what she did, he figured it wasn't worth worrying about since she wasn't going to win.

"You're going down Uchiha."

"Keep telling yourself that." He quipped as Hayate started the match. Kin quickly tossed senbon that Sasuke dodged with a smirk, idly noticing the bells on them. The girl tossed more senbon that he dodged before hearing the sound of bells. However what puzzled him was it came from behind him. Kin took advantage of his momentary lapse of concentration to stick a couple more senbon in his arms. "Grr… I got enough of senbon from that hunter in Nami." The boy growled as he ripped the needles out. Kin smirked as the bells rung out again. Sasuke growled but kept his eyes on Kin before dropping to his knees as multiple copies of the girl appeared and his balance left him. "What the hell?"

"Finally taking affect huh? I used the sound of my bells to trap you in my genjutsu Uchiha. Now you're easy pickings for me." She taunted as she raised a couple needles to attack. She was not expecting the boy to start laughing.

"You don't know anything do you?" He taunted as she growled before he stood up confidently and tossed a kunai directly at her. The girl yelped as she rolled to the side.

"But how? My genjutsu-!"

"Genjutsu doesn't work on the Sharingan!" Sasuke shouted as he revealed his eyes had changed to blood red with two tomoes in each eye. The girl gasped at the how he was immune to her attacks before he rushed in and kicked her hard across the face while she was stunned. She flew back to the wall and slumped down as she growled. However Sasuke rushed up before she could recover and kneed her in head, knocking her out.

"Winner, Uchiha Sasuke!" Hayate called out as the boy smirked and walked back up to the stands. "Would our last two fighters come down now?" Hayate called out.

Rock Lee versus Namikaze Naruto

(Author's Note: The entire time I was typing the following portion of the chapter I had Ghost by Gackt set on repeat. Personally I think it sets a nice pace for the fight.)

The name flashed onto the board and the reaction was instant. The second the Konoha ninja saw the Iwa genin's name shouts of 'impossible' rang out, none louder than Kakashi's. "That's not possible!" He shouted as he gaped at the name. Sasuke looked over to it and shrugged.

"What's so hard to believe about some no-name nothing?"

"Sasuke… Namikaze was the surname to my sensei, the Yondaime Hokage Namikaze Minato." Kakashi growled out, getting the Konoha genin to gape in shock as the boy grinned from across the room. How was that possible? If the Yondaime had a child wouldn't they be a Konoha Shinobi? Plus why hadn't anyone ever heard of the existence of him?

"Naruto-kun, I think the hood is useless now." Kurotsuchi muttered as she sighed. She had forgotten to tell Naruto not to put his full name down for Konoha to discover him. Though judging from the boy's chuckles she wondered if he would've followed that order regardless. The boy laughed before jumping down to his spot on the floor and waiting for Lee.

"Well, come on then! I want a challenge!" He called out as he flipped his hood back revealing his spiky blond hair and bright blue eyes with three whisker marks on each cheek.

"Impossible! He looks just like Yondaime-sama!" Gai remarked as he looked down and Kakashi paled. He had only seen Naruto once before he was sent away and the boy had blond hair and whiskers. The same whiskers that were on the Iwa genin's face. "This must be some sort of trick by Iwa. Yondaime-sama never had a child." The green clad jonin stated with certainty as he nodded to himself, not seeing Kakashi's shocked and pale face. "Lee! Go down there and show this unyouthful genin from Iwa that Konoha does not tolerate such tricks." The man ordered as Lee saluted and jumped down.

From his place at the head of the room Sarutobi's face was blank. His thoughts though were another matter entirely. 'HOW?! How did Iwa get there grasp on him? It just can't be possible!' He thought of the warning that apparently Naruto himself had given as he frowned slightly. 'To claim what's his means the inheritance Minato and Kushina left for him. Iwa must suspect I'm holding it as there's no possible way from them to know it's true. Since two genin have already passed, Onoki will be coming himself within a month. He'll try to pressure me but I can't give in. I'll have to try and get Naruto back somehow. He cannot be allowed to remain in Iwa!'

"Yosh! I shall defeat you for such an unyouthful trick such as claiming to be related to our Yondaime!" Lee declared as Naruto ignored that and rolled his head on his shoulders.

"Tell ya what 'brows', I want a challenge. What d'ya specialize in? I'll restrict myself to the same art and beat the shit out of you." Naruto offered as Lee got into his stance.

"I specialize in taijutsu as I am unable to use any ninjutsu or genjutsu." Naruto grinned at the answer before getting into his own stance.

"Sweet, that's my specialty too. This'll be fun." Lee gave him a somewhat eager grin as he was wanting to fight as well as Hayate coughed.

"Rock Lee of Konoha versus… Namikaze Naruto… of Iwa. Hajime!" He slowly declared, trying to figure out just what was going on. The second he declared the match was started Naruto and Lee darted forward, Lee leaping into a spinning kick as Naruto threw out a punch to match. The two attacks collided with an echoing bang before Naruto pulled back and Lee landed as they leapt at each other with a flurry of rapid punches and kicks. Everything Naruto would throw out would be blocked and parried while everything Lee retaliated with was ducked and weaved around. It quickly became apparent that Naruto was the faster of the two as he started to land a few small punches and kicks as Lee had yet to land one. Giving a hard kick that was blocked the blond then struck Lee in the chest with an open palm to send him skidding back. Naruto leapt after him, flipping through the air to build momentum before dropping down in an axe kick. Lee put his arms up to block and another bang echoed out as the floor cracked under the clashing genin.

"Strong…" Gai muttered as he watched his student struggle against the Iwa genin, in his own art no less. Naruto flipped off Lee as the boy rushed in and tried a sweep kick at the upside-down blonds' head. Naruto shot his hand out to push off the ground and flipped over the leg before landing on his feet and aiming a knee at Lee's ducked head. The green genin pushed it aside with his arm before rising up with an uppercut that Naruto leaned back to dodge before smashing his head forward in a head butt, his headband's metal plate striking Lee's unprotected forehead with a painful smack. The boy stumbled back as Naruto pressed his advantage by kicking his right leg up to strike Lee's chin. As Lee's head snapped back Naruto leaned further forward and brought his outstretched leg back down on the boy's chin from another angle to make him bend forward as his head was struck down. Still balancing himself on only his left leg, Naruto kicked the other forward again hard enough to send Lee back into the wall as he flipped from the force of his own kick. Naruto landed from his flip in a crouch as Lee got up from hitting the wall and rubbed some blood off his chin as he spit out a small bit of blood.

"You are strong Iwa-san. I am honored to be facing you." Lee praised as he got back in his stance to charge again. Naruto chuckled lightly and motioned with his hand for the boy to bring it so Lee grinned and charged in again. Despite the reasoning behind the fight, nothing got Lee's blood pumping faster than testing himself against another and Naruto was proving to be the greatest test he had ever faced outside of his rival Neji. Lee came in with an axe kick that Naruto stepped to the side to avoid before he continued the move by sweeping Naruto's legs out from under him. Rather than fight against the attack Naruto let his legs be taken out from under him as he shot his arms down to brace himself to mule kick Lee. The green genin rolled to the side as Naruto spun his hands beneath him to begin spinning and sending multiple kicks at the taijutsu focused genin. Lee blocked kick after kick before Naruto dropped his legs low and used one to sweep Lee's out from under him in a mimicking of the boy's previous move. With his other leg he kicked Lee into the air as he flipped back upright. Leaping up Naruto buried his knee into the airborne boy's gut before unleashing a furious combination of punches and ending with a spinning kick that sent Lee through the uppermost fingers of the statue. Naruto landed in a crouch before standing up and crossing his arms.

"Come on 'brows' I can tell that hurt but you aren't done yet." He called out as the other genin were gaping in shock. The jonin were staring stunned at how a genin was fighting at such a high level when Lee leapt up from behind the statue and landed on the broken fingers and sent the boy a grin.

"Truly a wondrous match is it not Iwa-san?!" He asked as Naruto chuckled and nodded. He was actually having fun. Seeing how Lee was having trouble Gai called out to his student.

"Lee! Take 'em off!" The boy gaped as Naruto narrowed his eyes. Lee was about to ask if he really meant it and Gai interrupted him "You're going to need to go all out to win this Lee so I'll allow it. Now show everyone your flames of youth!" The man cheered as many people in the room shuddered at the flames comment. The boy saluted his sensei before sitting down on the statue and pulling off the orange leg warmers on his legs to reveal weights. Seeing them Naruto let out a grin.

"How much?" He asked as Lee pulled them off and put his leg warmers back in place.

"Three hundred pounds each!" Most of the room was now gaping n shock at the boy's insane weight limit as Naruto shrugged.

"Not bad. I left mine back home so I wouldn't have anything holding me back. I only went up to two-fifty on each limb though. Arms too." He commented as a few looks were sent his way.

"Then let us continue such a youthful battle!" Lee cheered before tossing his weights to the side where they crashed into the ground, each digging their own crater. Lee vanished in a burst of speed as Naruto ducked down to dodge the punch that flew where his head was a second ago. The boy then flipped back as a kick landed where he had just been. A swirl of green appeared as Lee began racing around Naruto. The boy kept his grin up as he looked from side to side.

"You're fast alright, but you wanna hear something?" He asked before vanishing as Lee was struck back by a punch to the face. "I'm faster!" Naruto shouted before vanishing, Lee doing the same a moment later. Loud echoing blows began to ring out throughout the room as the two genin began to battle at speeds no genin could follow. The jonin were following the match quite easily as their eyes darted from place to place, keeping track of every punch or kick launched. Without a word both Kurotsuchi and Asuma pulled their genin away from the railings as Naruto and Lee appeared balancing on them for a second before kicking off them hard enough to dent the metal as the battle continued. More bangs followed before Gai's eyes widened and he grabbed both Tenten and Neji.

"Down now!" He ordered as he ducked and pulled them down with him. Just in time as Lee crashed into the wall behind them. Naruto appeared on the railing on his hands as he stuck his feet under Lee's armpits and used the boys arms as leverage to toss him back over the arena.

"Excuse me. Not done with this kid yet." He apologized as he swung himself to his feet on the railing and leapt to the ceiling. Flipping so that he could use his feet to push off the top of the room Naruto rocketed down to the mid-air genin and slammed him into the ground before landing on him with a powerful axe kick to the chest. Naruto flipped of the boy and stood at the ready as Lee coughed up blood. "So, we finished or not?" The blond asked as Lee shakily got to his feet. The boy crossed his arms in front of his chest as chakra swirled around him.

"Gate of Opening; Kai!" He screamed as the chakra erupted.

"The gates?!" Naruto gasped out in shock, an act mirrored by every jonin of the room save for Lee's own. Seeing how Lee was still in position to open another Naruto charged forward. "Oh no you don't!" He growled as he spun into a straight kick that struck Lee's crossed arms and stopped him from opening the second gate. The green genin pushed Naruto back and tried to kick him but Naruto ducked under it and kneed Lee in the gut before punching him in the face. Lee skidded back as Naruto rushed in again and began to rain down a heavy combo of punches to the boy's chest and face before grabbing him by the neck and slamming him to the ground. He kept his hand there and dropped a knee into his chest. "If you don't give up or I'm not declared winner in the next three seconds I'm snapping your neck!" Naruto declared. Lee struggled under him but was too weak from the beating to get him off or open another gate. "One!" The blond shouted as he applied some more pressure to Lee's throat. The boy tried to struggle harder so Naruto growled. "Two!" Still Lee refused to give in and Naruto raised his other hand to bring it down on the boy's wind pipe to kill him. "Three!" He shouted as he brought his hand down.

It never reached though as Naruto was kicked off by Gai at the last possible second, the jonin standing over his now shocked genin and Naruto digging himself out of the wall he had been sent into. His teammates and sensei all leapt down in front of him as Gai stood over his genin with a solemn look. "You better have a damn good reason for attacking my student!" Kurotsuchi yelled as Kurai summoned his scythe and Hikari helped Naruto out. As soon as he was on his feet the blond shook his head and growled as his whiskers thickened and his eyes changed into red with vertically slit pupils. "Well?!"

"I didn't want Lee to die." Gai stated before helping his student up. "It was obvious yours had claimed victory but because the proctor would not call it and my genin would not surrender I took matters into my own hands. I apologize for attacking him but it was the only thing I could do fast enough to save Lee." He apologized as he bowed deeply to the Iwa Shinobi. Hikari growled as Naruto glared and Kurai glanced at their sensei. Kurotsuchi grit her teeth as Hayate walked up.

"Winner, Namikaze Naruto!" He declared while the woman crossed her arms as the entire problem could've been avoided had he called the match a second earlier. Naruto shook his head and let the Kyuubi's chakra fade as his whiskers and eyes returned to normal. Hikari hugged him and pecked him on the cheek while the blond stared from the bowing jonin to the genin look-a-like he had been fighting.

"I don't accept that. He didn't give in and the proctor didn't call it. We'll have to have another match some time to finish this." He declared as Gai sighed but stood.

"Again, I apologize for attacking you. Come Lee." He ordered as the genin looked down in shame at how his sensei had to intervene for him but followed.

"Would all the winners please come forward?" Hayate called out as he tried to get things back on schedule. Kurotsuchi nodded to her students so they walked forward as the other winners came forward. Anko dropped down with a box so he gestured for them to line up in order of their matches and told them to grab a paper from the box for their match placements. They went down the line until finally Naruto drew his and Hayate asked for them to call out their numbers one by one.

"Four." Gaara growled.

"Three." Kurai commented while glancing at the jinchuriki. This was a match Kurai didn't know if he could win. Or if he would want too. Gaara was supposedly a central part to the Invasion plan Oto and Suna were planning. While they didn't know if Iwa was participating or not, it wouldn't be good to injure the jinchuriki too much and stop him from whatever he would be meant to do.

"Five." Dosu called out.

"Six." Neji answered with a smirk. It seemed fate had provided him with what he perceived as an easy victory.

"Eight." Temari's voice rang out.

"Two." Shino muttered.

"One." Hikari stated with a grin. She was getting a chance to pound another Konoha genin away. And in the opening match too.

"Ten." Kankuro groaned.

"Nine." Tenten called while glancing at Kankuro. His puppet could be a problem.

"Eleven." Sasuke grunted, not liking that he got the last number.

"Seven." Naruto finished with a small glance at his fellow wind user as Hayate wrote the names down before turning his clipboard around.

R1 - Hanamaru Hikari vs. Aburame Shino

R2 - Kurai vs. Sabaku no Gaara

R3 - Kinuta Dosu vs. Hyuuga Neji

R4 - Namikaze Naruto vs. Temari

R5 - Tenten vs. Kankuro

R6 - Winner of 1 vs. Winner of 2

R7 - Winner of 3 vs. Winner of 4

R8 - Winner of 5 vs. Uchiha Sasuke

R9 - Winner of 6 vs. Winner of 7 vs. Winner of 8

"This is how the matches will go. In thirty days you will all compete in the Konoha Arena in front of various lords and daimyos for the glory of your respective villages." Hayate explained before the Hokage dismissed them all to leave. No doubt some wanted their rest after the forest and he also needed to make a few plans for Onoki's eventual appearance.