
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Tranh châm biếm
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242 Chs

Chapter 18: A Cherry Blossom's Freedom

Ruka looked at her husband in pride and condolence, knowing that such a choice was hard for him to make. No matter how much he loves Tsukigakure and Tsukigakure loved him, his heart always had a sport of Konoha and possibly always would. To decide to leave these people whom he tried so hard to love, hurt him. Tsunade was just about to speak when there was knocking on the office door. After getting a nod from both Ruka and Naruto, Tsunade called for the person's entry. It was then Naruto's clone, Sakura, Kubinashi, the Children, Saizō and Kejōrō. When the clone dispelled in a small cloud of smoke, Ruka discreetly took Naruto's hand and held it gently in support and affection after seeing his small reaction. Ruka waited a moment before turning her gaze to her husband's sapphire orbs, In that small window of only a few seconds Ruka and Naruto had a full conversation and Ruka came to a decision that she hoped she wouldn't regret. When Naruto's warm hand squeezed her hand tightly Ruka knew made her decision with her husband's full confidence.

"Lady Tsunade, why don't we make one more deal today?" Ruka spoke to the Hokage with confidence in her voice and mischief in her eyes. Lady Tsunade just raised an eyebrow in response.

"The Osorubeki Clan will provide you with supplies and if needed rebuilding which we will supplement, however, in exchange, We the Osorubeki Clan and Tsukigakure want an unattached Sakura Haruno to join our Clan and Village as a healer." Stated Ruka carefully picking her words and keeping a clear tone of voice. Ruka also kept her expression blank as to not broadcast any emotions or outside reasoning other than the specific reason she gave. This is where a large amount of delicacy had to come into play. Tsunade as Hokage had pretty much marshal law over Konohagakure, there are some small exceptions though and this may very well be toeing over that very thin line.

The issues of Sakura wanting to divorce Sasuke and Ruka conniving Tsunade to hand her to Tsukigakure may seem a simple matter of Hokage approval but due to the founding laws and rules, it's not. What is never mentioned except for those who become Hokage is that other than the laws put in place by the first and his brother, a few rules were created for the future Hokages and governing bodies to prevent corrupt people taking too much power. This was slightly undermined by the previous council that used loopholes to get around the usual rules. It is due to these that the Hokage can't just divorce Sakura and Sasuke, normally the lack of a child in a marriage arranged by the council for that very purpose would be enough. But, due to the age of these old rules involving these matters, it is usually the wife who is blamed for the absence of a child, even if the woman is proven to be fertile like Sakura is. The viewpoint was simply the woman made no effort to try to conceive or even be blamed for her inability to make her self attractive to her husband. Something that Tsunade, Shizune and or any doctor knows, of course, is simply not true. The laws are simply from a very old thought process that had only been proven false much later. Luckily for Sakura, her husband being a foolish bastard was actually helpful in her case.

Since Sasuke is technically the head of the Uchiha Clan his choice to openly offer an Uchiha to Tsukigakure and more specifically, propositioning the head of the Osorubeki Clan, Sasuke Uchiha committed an honour slight against his own wife, Sakura being from a civilian family normally wouldn't gain much if anything from such a thing unless she had been physically harmed by Sasuke, but, Sakura having been an apprentice to the leader and only living descendant of one of the village creators, Sakura is viewed as Tsunade's legacy. Even if the teaching hadn't been done by Tsunade.

Furthermore, unknown to Sasuke but his words are also borderline treachery towards the Hokage and village. Had the offer been agreed to the Leaf would have to honour it. However, the fact would remain that the offer he had made would have been against the Leaf's interest, so Sasuke would have been made to disown his child from the Uchiha clan, which could have been seen as a break in the agreement because Tsukigakure had been promised an Uchiha and once disowned the child would not be an Uchiha. If that issue wouldn't have been enough, but another strong village would have the Sharingan and if not disowned could rightly lay claim to he Uchiha assets in Konoha, therefore allowing Tsukigakure to own half of the village land and rights. So due to Sasuke's rash and arrogant attempt, Tsunade cannot only interfere in the Uchiha Clan's internal issues but can also allow the dissolution of Sasuke and Sakura's marriage if it had not only produced a child.

Additionally, if the marriage had never been consummated, there can be no call to revoke the annulment and the will be absolutely no shame on Sakura or her family for the separation. The only complication in all this is that many may see this as the Hokage overstepping and that could cause issues with punishing Sasuke because many of the clans will try to exert pressure for anything but what Tsunade would want in to prevent her from attempting such with their own Clans. In spite of all that, Lady Tsunade is fond of her apprentice and docent really care for politics, so reaching over that barrier won't be much of a nuisance. No, the true hurdle will be Sakura being transferred to Tsukigakure.

In order for Sakura to come to Tsukigakure unattached, Sakura cannot be a ninja of Konoha, the problem with that is that Tsukigakure wants her as a healer, meaning all of Konoha's healing techniques could be stolen from them by Tsukigakure. Normally, Tsunade could simply state that Sakura was to be the permeant ambassador of the Leaf Village in Tsukigakure, however, despite not being enemies, they aren't allies so having a permanent ambassador isn't necessary. Plus all the good personal reasons that Tsunade would allow the divorce to become problems here because she wouldn't want Sakura to leave. Thankfully Ruka has always known the right things to say when it comes to emotion comes first people. She's married to one after all.

"Why Should I allow Tsukigakure not only take one of my best healer's but also Ninja? Furthermore, even if I did consider it she is married to a Clan Head that you have no doubt already banned from your village." Tsunade's face had gone completely serious. She may have wanted her apprentice's freedom from the Uchiha, but she doesn't want her leaving Konoha. Ruka continued to hold Naruto's hand.

"Before I continue Lady Tsunade, Why don't we ask your healer what she desires first? I think what she has to say will enlighten all of us." Ruka felt a bit bad for putting Sakura on the spot but she knew Tsunade needed to hear the truth from her near apprentice and no one else.

"Sakura?" Tsunade had turned to the pink-haired woman, who once would have been her true apprentice had she not had Shizune train her instead. Everyone watched her try and gather her nerve to speak. Kejōrō placed a hand on her shoulder for encouragement.

"Lady Tsunade, I would like to…" Sakura's voice was clearly full of nervousness, she was stuttering and biting her lip when speaking, clearly trying to say something difficult. She took a deep breath with Kejōrō rubbing her back. "I want to. No, need to divorce Sasuke." Her words came out in a rush and were nearly eligible. Tsunade blinked. She blinked slowly once, then twice, opened her mouth before closing it. Her brain registering the words of the woman in front of her.

"Sakura, Why do you want to divorce your husband and are you certain this is the course of action you wish to take?" Tsunade's face was iced over, nothing to hint away anything. Internally however Tsunade's mini-me was doing a dance for joy. Sakura nodded her head quickly and looked in-between reassured and exhausted.

"Lady Hokage, I am honestly miserable in my marriage to that man. I only married him because of the council and my mother and I hate every damn minute of it. It has been nearly seven years since we married and we still don't have any children, which is why we were made to marry, to begin with. I really, really don't want to stay married to him any longer than I need to!" Sakura looked relieved to have the opportunity to say how she felt and get it off her chest. Everyone was surprised at how honest she actually was with how she felt.

"Sakura, is it just a lack of children that has led to this choice and unhappiness? Because that's something that takes time. I can't divorce you on just that, especially if you have consummated your marriage." Stated Tsunade regretfully and is mentally hoping someone has figured out a loophole for this. Sakura however simply looked determined.

"Lady Tsunade, it is not simply the lack of a child, and I don't think that time is something that'll fix that. It has been almost seven years and we haven't even consummated our marriage! Unless you know how we could have a legitimate child with doing that I'll be amazed." It was clear that Sakura had been holding this in for quite some time. Tsunade herself was in shock at the information, but it still wasn't grounds for a divorce. Divorce especially with Clans is a big deal and requires to have certain specifications that have to be met in order to have one. Since both Sakura and Sasuke are capable of producing a child, the lack of actually having one after so long could have possibly worked. But, with the marriage not actually consummated it's not likely grantable, substantially due to the fact it was the council who paired them together for that purpose. Ruka who knows exactly where Lady Tsunade's thoughts were going, decided it was time for her to speak up.

"Lady Hokage, If you remember correctly apart of my Clan's grievances with the Clan Head of the Uchiha Clan was the disgusting proposition he made to myself. It was in regards to having his child in order to have an Uchiha within my Clan so that I would help your village. Originally this offer disgusted me because he knew I was married and he implied that I should be honoured by his offer because his Clan was better than mine, within my own home and compound." Ruka showed her righteous anger on her face and in her voice and Naruto looked ready to kill the bastard just from the retelling of it. Tsunade was wondering were Lady Ruka Osorubeki was going with this.

"What offended me most, however, was the fact he stated this while seated right next to his own wife. I did not know that he did not have a child at all though. So Lady Tsunade, do you feel that this stain on her honour is not enough to grant Lady Uchiha her divorce? He offered another woman not even connected to Konoha, to birth his rightful heir while his childless and capable wife was sitting next to him, in a room full of witnesses. Some of which are your own ninja." Ruka explained carefully picking her words and weaving in the emotions she honestly felt leak in at the right moment and when she finished, she knew she had her. Lady Tsunade had already decided to grant the divorce before Ruka had even finished speaking.

"That is without a doubt more than enough to grant the divorce and with Clan Head Uchiha's actions and words, Miss Haruno is in her rights to restitution, let's make it half the clan's assets. After all, she was an Uchiha when he slighted her honour. But, that doesn't simply mean I will simply hand her over, will you give your reasons now?" Lady Tsunade was positively giddy and wasn't even bothering to hide it.

"Of course Lady Tsunade. My clan and village healer Zen is thinking about retiring soon but has never had children of his own nor does he currently have a student. He claims and most agree that he does not have the patience to teach the basics. However, Miss Haruno is extremely well-versed in them and from what I've been told is incredibly intelligent and a natural at healing, making her able to pick things up quickly. I believe that she would make an ideal student to Zen. There's also no doubt in light of Miss Haruno's separation many, would not react positively. This will protect her and give her a fantastic opportunity without any strings. Should Sakura Haruno wish to leave after her training is complete or any other time afterwards, then we will respect her wishes. The only thing we would require in the case of this event is her training her own replacement." Ruka spoke soundly knowing that behind her Sakura was still surprised over her divorce being granted and the miniature fortune she gained, now she's being told that she'll be apprenticed to a person who is considered the leading expert on healing next to Tsunade. Lady Tsunade herself was surprised but the offer and could not find a way to actually refuse it. Genuinely happy for the pink-haired woman she smiled.

"Very well, you've convinced me. Sakura Haruno is now granted freedom of citizenship between Tsukigakure and Konoha." Sakura in her joy hugged Kubinashi and Kejōrō, the children joined by hugging their legs distracted from Saizō entertainment in seeing the already three-way hug. Tsunade smiled and Naruto laughed happily at everyone before Ruka settled everyone down so they could continue discussions.

"Now let's discuss Sasuke Uchiha's Punishment."