
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Tranh châm biếm
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242 Chs

Chapter 17: Chunin Exams Finals Part 1: First Round Pt 3 and 5 days earlier


==At the Arena==

Now Gemna arrived the center of the arena and announce. "Alright, now everyone had done their break. So Omoi Vs. Sabaku no Gaara, please proceed in the arena!"

(Story Started)

Gaara had disappeared via Suna Shunshin, while Omoi will taking the stairs.

Omoi and Gaara had both entered the arena and Gaara was just staring at Omoi while the boy sucked away at his lollipop.

"Begin!" Genma shouted as he moved back as Gaara's sand rushed out of the gourd and headed straight towards Omoi who moved back and flashed through several handsigns.

"Raiton: Jibashi! (Electromagnetic Murder)" Omoi shouted as he sent a wave of electricity towards Gaara who only sent waves of sand to ground the lightning before it even got close to him.

"Pathetic." Gaara stated as he started sending his sand into the ground to create more of it.

"Ok...maybe I should try this. Raiton: Inazuma! (Lightning Bolt)" Omoi shouted as he sent a concentrated bolt of lightning at Gaara who brought up his sand barrier and was shocked as it pierced it, and then hit his sand armor before stopping, shattering a portion of it but inflicting no real damage to him.

"Die." Gaara hissed. "Saikō Zettai Kōgeki: Shukaku no Hoko. (Ultimately Hard Absolute Attack: Spear of Shukaku)"

The sand that Gaara had been sending into the ground rose up then and formed a halberd, shaped like a claw. Grinning manically Gaara threw the spear and Omoi blinked before leaping up onto the wall and away from the weapon as it broke through the wall below him.

"That could have killed me, or perhaps paralyzed me and left me vulnerable to him." Omoi muttered as he started going through the handsigns for his final jutsu, the one he planned on saving for the finals but he now realized that if he wanted to stand a chance he was going to need to use it now.

"Raiton: Raigyoku! (Thunder Ball)" Omoi shouted as he created a sphere of lightning in his hand and then thrust it towards Gaara, shooting it off as it expanded and became a massive lightning blast, covering Gaara and a chunk of the arena. When the blast ended and everyone was able to see again they saw a sphere of sand covering Gaara, and that it was now dissipating, revealing the Sunagakure genin to be unharmed.

"I forfeit!" Omoi called out to the proctor who nodded and declared Gaara the winner.

==At the Kage's booth==

"Most impressive." Sarutobi noted, getting a nod from Minato. Since he, Minato and Jiraiya knew about Gaara's condition about he was a unstable Jinchuuriki.

"No kidding. Kid took a Raigyoku without even blinking." Ay sighed. "And that ends my villages part in these exams."

"It was an impressive display though. He clearly researched his opponent and had no way of knowing that Gaara would be capable of turning bedrock into sand." Mei added.

"In the end your son has done quite well Kazekage-sama." Minato stated looking at the man.

"Indeed. He has become quite the shinobi." He nodded while thinking. 'What is that damn jinchuruki doing?! He was supposed to transform and start rampaging!'

==At the audience==

"Well, that was scary, that was intense." Ino comment.

"You said it, Ino." Chouji said. "Let's hope Shikamaru will made it for sure."

"Yeah, if he loses for sure." Ino replied.

With Satsuki with she lower her hood, before she went to her clan to see her father, with Kira will remain patrol so everything prepared until she was congrats by her mother, before the clan head see him and stood, then approaches her and gave her a hug. "I am so proud of you musume."

"Thanks, otou-san. Naruto-nii did a great help for taking my own path." Satsuki said proudly.

Fukage amusing about his daughter's declared, before he asked. "Can I asked you something." Getting a confused look from her, staring at her father. "I heard a humor about you were dating with someone that is one of Naruto's students, can you tell who?" Which made Satsuki blushed embarrassing about Mutsu.

"Well...It was Mutsu-kun." Satsuki replied. "Why...?"

As Fugaku frowned place his hands on her shoulders and said. "Tell me...everything..."

It will be awkward between family...so...it will be quite embarrassed for now knowing...

With the jonins; Kushina and Mikoto were discussion about the fight, until Naruko came in, which made Kushine turn attention to see her daughter around.

"Naruko..." Kushina was bit concern about her daughter's declaring draw from the match.

With Naruko went to her mother and sit next to her, as when she haven't move the next round. Kushina sighed sadden about her daughter want to fight Naruto for the next round.

With Kumo team; since one of them promote to Chunin before Yugito's team; one of them was a female about same age or older then Yugito's team. She's blond like Yugito, short haired, has fairly light skinned, with blue eyes taht showed a small coldness in them. Her clothes consisted pf a grey short sleeved shirt, with mesh armour underneath along with grey Kumo shorts and also has a modified Kumogakure flak jacket that covers her stomach only, similar to a girdle. She wore red arm guards, while she was wearing shinobi high boots. She also had a tanto strapped horizontally to her lower back.

"Damn it Omoi. You were so stupid that if challenge that red-haired sand brat!" Karui comment.

"Cool it, Karui. This boy is like Yugito, so it better that he needs to avoid unnecessary problem." Samui stated. Sine she heard from her team. Since Yugito had made it in the finals.

Karui sighed annoyance, since she lost the match from Neji, his speed and his dojutsu was intense. So her kenjutsu skills were disadvantage. Also there's Naruto and Sakura's skills? Sakura was amazed from her skills with kenjutsu was unreal and also the taijutsu that similar then their Yondaime Raikage.

With Iwa team, since Akatsuchi and Bakutsuchi were watching Kurotsuchi's match against the Nanabi's Jinchuuriki. But turns out she defeat their team leader. Her father and Tsuchikage's son, Kitsuchi was admitted or amusing about his daughter defeat.

The lastly is Chojurou's teammates; Kaizo and Watashi. After the match of Naruto and Sakura, their skills in taijutsu and kenjutsu were amazed, never seen those two had their age grown. But the Uchiha heiress was most amazing part as well. Now things are quite logical for sure. Now they knew Chojurou will fight against the Kumo's Nibi Jinchuuriki. This will be a quite for sure to think.

So now...they'll find out for sure...

==At the Arena==

With Genma clear his throat and announced. "Alright, now Shikamaru and Sabaku no Gaara, please proceed to the arena."

==At the Contestant's Booth==

"Well, guess its Shikamaru's turn." Naruto stated, with a nod from Sakura. Suddenly felt a gust of wind that causes by Temari to use her fan to glide down to the arena.

Shikamaru just sighed. "Troublesome I should just forfeit." he says before a chill run downs his spine and he turns to see Naruto smiling creepily behind him.

As Naruto smiles a Hannya mask appears next to him and leaks blood out of its eyes.

"Shikamaru you better get out there and fight or I will had to tell your mother to slacking off. Oh! I will had to tell her to if I will gave you 'training' when its over..." He says calmly causing Shikamaru to turn paler than a ghost and run into the arena so fast you would swear he teleported.

All of the competitors (minus Sakura, but she did learned from Naruto) near Naruto shiver and are speechless before Chojurou manages to find his voice. "Naruto-san can you put away the hannya mask please." He asked with plead getting nods from everyone else.

Naruto looks at Chojurou and raises his sleeve to cover his mouth. "Ufufufufu I have no idea what you're talking about Chojurou." He replied calmly sending another shiver down their spines before the mask disappears much to everyone's relief.

Yugito who is shaking said. "That was the scariest thing I have ever seen."

Getting a nod from everyone. Gaara shivers and said. "He scared mother."

Causing Fu and Yugito to pale in fear of Naruto who was able to scare a bloodthirsty-psychotic Biju. After all, they're both Jinchuuriki.

In Yugito's seal: Matatabi felt a cold influence that came from Naruto. Before she saw a hannya mask that came out of nowhere, scarring like a actual cat. And she said. "What the hell was that! I never seen that so terrifying. I CAN'T EVEN SLEEP BECAUSE OF THAT UNHOLY MASK! THE HORROR!" That she was crying.

In Fu's seal: On the same boat, Choumei was shaken about Naruto's fearsome hannya mask. "That thing is UNHOLY! IT'S UNHHHOOOLLLYYYY~~~~~~!"

In Gaara's seal: The Ichibi on Tanuki, Shukaku was on the ground within the 'seal' (since its unstable), rocking back and forth in the fetal position. For once, and rarely. Shukaku was scared shitless from the hannya mask Naruto pulled. "That mask is creepy..."

In outside world; Naruto hearing this, and chuckles for about he did pulled the trick and he thinks. 'Like Ryu-niisan did taught him with that trick since he did use to scold his children for causing trouble...well, can't blame them.'

'Grrreeaatt. This is so~ troublesome. There is no way that sand kunoichi will let me leave after the look I saw on her face. Man. What a drag!' Shikamaru bitterly thought to himself, seeing no one out of the predicament that Naruto forced upon him.

While Shikamaru was internally debating on how to best go about his match without putting to much effort, Naruto watched the audience carefully for any slight difference. However, his thoughts were interrupted with Genma announcing the next match in the tournament.

"Now without further ado, Sixth match of the Chunin Exams Finals: Sabaku no Temari vs. Nara Shikamaru. Begin!" Genma quickly exclaimed. Like the first match, he jumped away from the competitors to allow the start of their fight. As the battle between Shikamaru and Temari began, Naruto was scouting through the whole arena and could locate all his assassin brothers and sister.

'Good, now they are on position.' Naruto thought to himself, using his Eagle Vision. No he can see them with blue auras. 'Seems Kira, Mutsu, Karasuba, Haru, Natsu, Issei and Miya were on the audience. While Satsuki with her clan and parents.'

Now Naruto looked back as Shikamaru to see the Nara had caught Temari in his Shadow Imitation jutsu before he himself gave up, stating how troublesome it would in having to fight another round.

"Winner by forfeit: Sabaku no Temari!" The Genma shouted, not so surprise to see a Nara give up on a fight against a woman. Genma's announcement only caused Temari to becoming even more enraged with Shikamaru for allowing her to win their match. Despite knowing that the invasion would begin before the second round had a chance to commence, Temari was still upset at the fact that she had lost and was only still in the tournament due to the laziness of her opponent. With Temari declared victor, it left the second match of the Chunin Exams Finals as the only match to not be shown.

==At the Audience==

"Wow, never suspected him to give up like that. He already had her." A women with scarlet red hair commented, she is wearing a plain robes (Ezio's Revelation Robes), but her color is dark red with dark gray accents; she was armed with Sicilian Rapier, a crossbow with bolts, hidden blades (with hidden gun and dart launcher), butcher knife, and several pouches, but also one of the slaves, and her name is Erza Scarlet, since she was trained along with the other assassins before Satsuki, Mutsu and Miya were promote into full-fledged Assassin, then she heard a chuckle from Natsu.

"Well, sensei stated that he is a Nara and from what I read in the books. The Nara clan is a clan with strategist but also very lazy people." Natsu said and Erza just let out a sigh as they watch the next match coming next.

"Guess so, don't you think." Another voice came in. Getting Natsu and Erza attention with a smile. A man wearing a red coat with golden accent decoration, white bottom shirt, navy blue shirt, black boots and gloves (Shay's Templar Enforcer) also had a belt buckle with a large red "A" on the silver buckle over his right hip. Also a familiar orange hat, and a string of red beads sitting above the rim. Two long orange side straps hung down sides of his hat and met at a large medallion of a bull's skull with orange tassels. And also he smiled and shadow his eyes. On his left bicep was a elastic band is written as "ASCE". (AN: Guess who?)

On his arsenals; dual hidden blades underneath the sleeves, a tomahawk, an Hook Axe (a keen, sharpened axe with a curved blade and beaded wooden hilt) and dagger sheathed on both hips. On his back was a air rifle (without a grenade launcher). But, without pistols, so he has something in mind.

"It would seems you missed it." Natsu said to someone.

"Gomen, Gomen. Just heading to the bathroom after lunch. So gomen." ? ? ? said. (AN: Just like FF6 or any serious for unknown name.)

"Its no problem, mate. So since sensei gave you and your old man a second chance in this new life." Natsu stated. "So right now, we better get into position."

"Hai, hai." ? ? ? replied with a fierce grin. "After all...I owned him for have me as a second chance..."

==Flashback Started==

A certain black haired man wasn't sure what happened as he slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a few times as his eyes hurt slightly from the brightness of the room. After a moment he looked around, it was a white room that reminded him of the hospital.

"Huh? How did I get here? Am I in heaven?" He muttered as he sat up feeling sore all over. "What happened?"

He rubbed his head and noticed the windows had thick curtains drawn over them. He couldn't see out of them which was a little odd because usually the windows were supposed to be open to let in light he figured. In the end he just shrugged it off. Looking around he saw what looked like a hospital room but not one he knew, then again it wasn't like he knew every room.

He noticed he was in hospital pajamas a top and bottom. Then he looked at besides him was his lucky hat.


He also noticed he wasn't the only one here there in the bed next to him, the bed was 'very' big on his size in the same kind of clothing as his own. He moved off the bed feeling like he had been on the bed for a long time as he walked over to him shaking him. "Oi, Oyaji, wake up, wake up."

Another man with white hair with a crescent-shape mustache groaned. "What's going on? Where are we?"

"I was hoping you could tell me." ? ? ? told him. "I don't remember getting to the hospital do you? I do remember I was killed by Akainu when I protect my brother."

"I see..."

As the man stepped out in the bed and said. "I'm going to find answers." As he went over to the door and opened it only to see an hooded figure standing there. "Uh...hi?"

The man with robes he is wearing was replica of Ezio's robes with lightweight plate armor when he was a teenager (From AC2, minus the cape) seemed surprised but cleared his throat. "Oh, you two are awake, so please wait for the head doctor to take a look at you and also with Mentor to be informed."

"Why?" The man demanded. "What happened to us?"

"Sorry pal, but I'm not at liberty to say. Please wait inside for the doctor to check you out."

The man sighed and replied. "Fine...I'll wait until me and Oyaji will be out of here."

==A minutes Later==

Thankfully the door opened as seeing Sakura along with two nurses walked in as they started looking them over, with Naruto behind them. They did the usual check up things and then they started to draw out blood.

The man sighed and sat on the bed and raise his arm. "Go ahead." With the smile from the nurse. That caught him a little off guard as the smile was warm and there wasn't anything hidden behind it.

"It will be over in a moment, until Sakura-sama will giving you results." The nurse told him as she started to draw blood, Naruto flinched as she looked away.

As the man didn't bother the pain from the needle and then with they got the samples and Sakura went to the patients and took out the clipboard.

"So I want to check a few things." Sakura said as he started writing down results. "My name is Sakura Haruno, the head of this hospital."

"And I'm Naruto Altair Cormac." Naruto said. "Do you know where you are and who you are?"

"My name is..." The man is starting to introduce themselves to them.

==Flashback Ended==

"Hehe..." The unknown man chuckled about that memory. After all, since with his new life and along with his father-figure. So he trained to be a assassin with his new life. So the matter of specking and get everything prepared. So his old man will be on the Navy, since its like their world's 'Navy'. So, being pirates that traveled around the seas.

==At the arena==

"Alright, now Chojurou of Kiri and Yugito of Kumo, please proceed to the arena." Genma announced. Getting a nod from the Nibi Jinchuuriki and Blue haired swordsman and went through stairs.

==At the Audience==

"Damn, lets hope Yugito will beat this brat!" Karui exclaimed,

"Cool it, Karui." Samui said to her. "After all, Omoi told me about hanging out that Akimichi boy while eating in that restaurant." That causes Karui blushed about meeting...Chouji~.

As Karui turn her head away with her arms crossed like a Tsundere. "Well...its none your business..." During the one month break, she met Chouji in one of his family restaurants, greet him, talk to him and had lunch together like a so-called 'date'. Since Karui remembered when she met him after the preliminaries.

==Flashback Started - 5 days earlier==

Since Karui got recovered from Neji's attacks that results from her chakra points were blocked. So now she had healed by a Hyuga that working in the hospital. Until she bumped on someone.

"Oi! What's why you're going!" Karui exclaimed.

"Gomen." Someone apologized, which made Karui tensed for seeing Chouji out in the door. "I wasn't paying attention while I was about leave when the doctors discharge me."

"Yeah, but you better watch it." Karui stated for being rude, which made Chouji recognized that girl.

"Hey, ain't you from Kumo team?" Chouji asked. "Karui, was it?"

"Yeah, so, what about Mr. Obvious!" Karui said.

Chouji was nervous and turn away her face for meeting her from Kumo, as he never had a girl before when Naruto date Sakura during the academy. "Say...can let's get something to eat I'm starving."

"Why the hell would I eat anywhere with you?" Karui asked.

"Have you eaten yet?" Choji asked as he turned to face her.

A growling stomach was his only response.

"Alright! Let's go then to my family's restaurant, I'm buying!" Choji cheered as he started to run out of the hotel.

'Hmm maybe it won't be so bad. I mean he is kinda cute.' Karui thought as a small smile spread across her face.

==At the Akimichi Bar and Grill==

Choji and Karui arrived at the Akimichi Bar and Grill; and Karui simply sniffed the air and said. "It smells so good."

Choji nodded and said. "It is! My mom is the best cook in the world."

At that moment his mother walked into the doorway and said. "Welcome…home…Cho…ji…?" Her expression blanked as she took a good look at Karui, she notice a Kumo headband on her forehead that made her know that she is from Kumogakure, since its a first time for someone been in their clan's restaurant and she said weakly. "Wait here."

Choji watched in confusion as Karui just tilted her head.

Choji's mother was then heard screaming. "CHOZA! OUR SON BROUGHT A GIRL HOME, A PRETTY ONE FROM KUMO!"

Choji moaned and Karui blushed heavily. As black skinned kunoichi rubbing her arm, with her eyes rolled.

Both Choza and Choji's mother exited the house and looked at Karui. Choza then placed his hands on his son's shoulders and asked. "How did this happen?"

Confused as to what to say, Choji said weakly. "I saw her before she was bump on me with any her attention, when I was about to heading home, while she came around, so she tag along."

Choza grinned and asked. "And she wanted to pay you back?"

Choji tilted his head and said, "No, she's hungry, I'm hungry and we want to eat."

A dark cloud seem to fall over his parents as his father said weakly. "I…I see. Well then, consider this meal on the house!"

Both Karui's and Choji's eyes lit up and they asked with unanimous excitement, "You mean it?!"

Choza and Choji's mother gained devious glints in their eyes and Choza said. "Of course! We never turn away the starving!"

'Well, this is unexpecting. Who knew his family never turn their backs on a hungry people.' Karui thought.

Almost as soon as he finished the two were gone and already ordering. Choji's parents watched contently as the two ate happily.

Unknown to the two there were three shadows watching them. It was Karui's teammates; Yugito, Omoi and Samui.

"Well, that's cool. Never expecting Karui hang out with him." Samui said while Omoi and Yugito came out of the shadows.

"Hmm we'd rather not interfere with Karui's date. Why are we even here?" Omoi asked before two other people joined.

"Can't believe Choji being so polite with a girl from Kumo." Ino comment. Before she and Shikamaru seeing their friend with Karui while in the hospital before they're discharged.

"Troublesome, Ino, You should not interrupted their moment." Shikamaru said.

"Oh, lighten up, Shikamaru. Heck it's an accomplishment that he got Karui, was it? To even eat with him. She never wants to eat with us." Ino stated while Shikamaru complained.

"Maybe we should leave them be, just in chase." Shikamaru replied while Ino nod agreed and before the two left out of sight. Leaving the Kumo team behind.

==Flashback Ended==

Karui was admitted about spending time with Chouji, so the matter the time for she was quite closed to him, since she and Chouji having a conversation each other for a past days until the finals. She hope she can spend time with him after all. Well, good for her, and same goes with Choji.

Now...on to the next match...

==At the arena==

Now with Yugito and Chojurou were on the arena on both sides. As Chojurou prepared grab the hilt of Hiramekarei, the Soutou (twinsword) with determent. And he bit nervous for facing a Kumo's Nibi Jinchuuriki. With Gemna seeing them prepared.

"Alright, are you two ready?" The proctor asked, getting a nod from both of them and Genma announce. "Now, Chojurou of Kiri vs. Yugito Nii from Kumo will now...begin!" As he start and he body-flickered in the distance.

Now Chojurou made his first move and grab the hilt to drawn his sword, as Yugito charge straight at him, until her nails grown like cat-claws.

Then Choujurou move his sword on the side and yelled. "Hiramekarei Kaihō! (Release)" Then the bandages unravel off, causing a discharge of chakra that surrounds the sword. And he swing it and form a long sword that strikes at Yugito while being charged.

==At the audience==

With Naruko had watch her fellow jinchuuriki of what she can do, before she watch Fu's match. It was intense for someone can control the bijuu's chakra. So she can't learned it as well, during she had made contacted with the Kyubi when she was still young. After all, she did trained for herself. Most importantly, she tried to match-up with Naruto's level, since she was way far behind her brother's back. She saw him in a far distance standing behind her.

She tried everything, but turns out...he was grown into a teenage age. Even his level his more higher then her. Even though, Naruto was listed being in the Bingo Book and became famous for his reputation. Being a B-rank shinobi had became the threat to the other shinobi villages. Even he had apprentices too, even though its unfair for being a hero in Nami on Kuni and named the bridge after Naruto.

==Back in the Arena==

As both Yugito and Choujuro did clashes their best attacks they could, which Choujuro's Hiramekarei change shape for sure, while Yugito uses her katon ninujutsu. With Choujuro hjumped in the air, then his sword emitted his chakra that forms a hammer and slam towards Yugito, as the blond kunoichi dodge it that allows the hammer-form sword slam on the ground that creates a crater from the impact.

==With Naruto==

WHile Naruto had witnessed Yugito and Choujurou's match, it will take while for the match ended. So with Naruto was bit distracted about he had thought back in 5 days ago for the one month training. With Sakura, Satsuki and Itachi were be there to entered a special room Itachi mentioned it. So now it better for the time with them, and even his lover, Sakura.

Now...it was day 25th until the finals after Naruto had finished his senjutsu training with the tailed wolves...

...So...this is all started when Naruto had started to making bond with his lover in his life...

==Earlier - 25 Days ago==

It was 5 days back, after the preliminaries and Naruto's discussion with his 'wayward/estrange' parents. It was then Naruto went to the Ten-tailed wolf tribe summoning world. So the blond Mentor Assassin increases his strength. So...he had prepared for everything, along with his order.

After Naruto had finished training with the Juubi no Ōkamis with senjutsu and bond with nature to improve the powers of the animal spirits, also learned with the variants of each of them, and also the most powerful and fourth spirit that he needs to learned.

But with separation of his lover, Sakura and his little sister-figure, Satsuki. And also having Itachi come along, so with Naruto blindfolded him and taking him to Masyaf.

Once they arrived and remove them. With Itachi was disbelief of seeing a stronghold that never been before.

"Welcome to Masyaf, Itachi-niisan." Naruto proclaimed to Itachi for welcome. Since Masyaf is beautiful and , such they had a manpower and skill to win it too as well.

"So, this is Masyaf." Itachi awed, seeing a village (or city) before along with the fortress. "Never thought seeing this beautiful village."

Naruto agreed. "Yes, but..." He point his finger at the stronghold to shown Itachi. "See this fortress here? Its like the Kage's tower. So I am the leader of this village."

"I see..." Itachi understand. Since his surrogate little brother was a leader of this city.

"So let's go on the tour." Sakura asked, with Itachi agreed for he was curious, so they on their way.

==Moment Later==

With Naruto, Sakura and Satsuki guide Itachi on the rooftops. Itachi was amazed about them preformed assassin free-running. That free-run can able to outrun any shinobi that without using chakra. Besides jumping rooftops and trees in the air.

Naruto explained to Itachi about this city is adjusted and with the wall is coated in a solution that wards off chakra, making it impossible to climb, and any ladder tall enough would collapse under it's own weight.

So, they will show Itachi in the large river that docked the ships.

Once they arrived, then Itachi notice something on the docks, as he look closer to see a ship next to Naruto's Morrigan, along with the other ships. He saw a white flag with a Uchiha symbol on the center of the Assassin Symbol.

It was Brig-class ship, the ship is black with navy blue and gold accents. There is figurehead of a Raven with its wings spread set to attack. Also the sails is black and folded.

"Naruto-kun? Why there is a ship with our clan's symbol on the flag?" Itachi asked, before he guessed. "Don't tell me its…"

"Yes, niisan." Satsuki said to her older brother about the answer. "It was my own ship."

Itachi looked at his lil'sister with surprised and asked. "Your ship?"

Satsuki nod and took another gaze at her ship and explained. "Her name is 'Umi no Karasu' (Raven of the Sea), I still had lot to learned to sail her."

With she said about her ship, that made Itachi amazed about his sister learned to sail a ship. Satsuki's ships arsenals are: 46 (23x2) broadsides, 2 Naval Mortars, Burning Oil, Ice Ram, 4 chase cannons, 4 puckle guns.

The most importantly additional for the Crow's nest on the top of the two mast, two rifleman (NPC-like) to support their crew mate that from the crystal ball.

"So anyway, now that tour is done here. But now its time for training for preparation for the finals." Naruto said.

"I agreed, so what are here for?" Itachi asked, which made Naruto smirked about that question.

"We're going underground in the stronghold...so follow me." Naruto answered, as he walk towards to the stronghold.


As Naruto and the girls showing Itachi around inside the fortress to go.

He saw a bustling city, but as they traveled up deeper into the town, they saw more guards, and more armed men (since they're refugees). The fortress city of Masyaf was similar in design to Konoha. When they reached the gate like entrance of the tower, all of them were told that drawing any weapons here was against the rules except in the fighting ring. Naruto informed Itachi that if he did so he would likely be killed, or imprisoned and tortured, then killed. They went up the slope and into the building, the main hall was guarded by twelve men, each flanking the entrance in two rows of six.

Then at those stairs that on both sides and pointed at above were Naruto's office, its like the room that resembled the Hokage's in some ways. Itachi nod understand about this.

Until someone came into his presence. She was about late 16s, she has cerulean hair, red and cerulean eyes each due she has heterochromia, with a calm expression. She also wore a lab coat and small glasses.

"Mari, is the room ready?" Naruto asked the girl named Mari. (AN: From Grand Chase.)

"Yes, Mentor. Its ready." Mari replied.

"Good, now everything prepared." Naruto asked.

"Yes..." She replied with a bow.

With that Mari left to heading to the stairway, then Itachi stepped and asked Naruto.

"Who's she?" The Uchiha prodigy asked.

"That's Mari Ming Ornette, she is the Professor and Head of the R&D department." Naruto answered.

"Oh, so you got yourself a manufacturer." Itachi stated.

"That's right, niisan." Satsuki stated. "Since Naruto-nii need some help, so he had her and anyone to joined and live here for now."

"Alright...So let's go." Naruro then lead the three to the same way Mari went to the stairs.


Sakura, Satsuki and Itachi followed Naruto through the fortress. They were currently heading downstairs far beneath the fortress. Once they reached the bottom of the stair they found themselves in a very large room.

"Whoa!" Satsuki said amazed causing an echo.

"This room is huge." Itachi commented just as amazed as Satsuki.

"Alright, follow me." Naruto then went into a walk, with Sakura behind. Itachi and Satsuki were surprised, but soon followed along.

The group ran across the room until they reached a very large steel doors. Both steel doors had a large "Zero" that seemed to be part of number wheel. In front of the doors was Mari with a clipboard on her hands, along with her workers, with her back turned away from the group. When she heard the sounds of footsteps, he turned around to see Naruto and Sakura, and the Uchiha siblings.

"Mari, get everything prepared."


"Naruto-kun, what is that door?" Satsuki said pointing to the big doors.

"And why's there a big zero on the door?"

Everyone looked over to Itachi as he looked up at the door.

Satsuki looked at the doors. It was weird that the doors had a big zero on them.

"It looks like a timer…?" Satsuki said observantly.

"Because it is…"

Itachi and Satsuki turned to Naruto.

"A timer? For what?" Satsuki asked confused.

"It's for this room, the Time Chamber of Training." Naruto said gesturing to the doors. "In it time and space are distorted. It's part of a new training program. We can literally train assassins nor ninjas in one day."

"What? How?!" Satsuki shouted unable to understand what Naruto was saying.

With Mari stepped in and explained. "It's because of a 'apple' itself that Naruto-sensei possesses. And thanks to it, so Sensei and I had developed it, so...one day out here is equal to one year in there."

That making Sakura, Itachi and Satsuki eyes widen surprise.

"Really then what's the problem?" Satsuki asked with an excited look on her face.

"That's right, the sooner we trained and the sooner we'll get stronger so any of us will be able to beat a tail beast with a simple punch." Naruto stated.

"Baka..." Sakura admitted. "You should had told me about this."

Naruto smiled. "I know...so let's get inside." As he turn to Mari with a nod.

That signals Mari and turn to the employers. "Alright everyone! Open the door!"

With her command then with anyone prepared to open the door by unseal the tags, due Naruto and rest installing fuinjutsu to learned.

Now the seals were went to the center, then the large door opens.

"Alright, let go inside." Naruto declared, before they entered and turn to Itachi and Satsuki. "So what are you two going to recommended your schedule?"

With Satsuki answered. "Hmm...maybe I will take a year...you?"

"Four years." Naruto replied. Getting a nod from Itachi and Satsuki.

So Naruto, Sakura, Satsuki and Itachi entered the room, until the double doors slowly closed.

Now the door is closed and sealed, then a kanji of number appeared to "Zero" starting to turn, very slowly.

==Inside the Time Chamber of Training==

Now they entered the room which made everyone was shocked (minus Naruto with a smirk) when they got there first look inside.

The room, if you could call it that, was huge! Beyond huge even, it had a forest and even some buildings. It looked like a village. Not only that, but there was even sunlight and a sky, like they had just stepped outside. Satsuki even looked back behind to be sure. Behind them was the closed completely before she noticed.

"This room is..."

"Mysterious." Sakura said finishing Satsuki's sentence.

"Yeah…" Satsuki agreed.

"We had everything prepared food and water. Since I installed a stasis seals in the fridge to keep the resources without inspired." Naruto said. "So...before we begin..."

"What is it, Naruto-kun?" Itachi asked about the training will begun.

"If you and Satsuki leave, please press the button of the Ruby Den Den Mushi."

"Ruby Den Den Mushi?" Satsuki asked. (AN: inspired the Golden and Silver Den Den Mushi.)

"Ah, but it similar then the Golden version. But signals the Sapphire one like the Silver version." Naruto explained.

"So, where is the Ruby Den Den Mushi?" Itachi asked, with Naruto responds and pointed at the door, which made the Uchiha Siblings turn to see there is a mailbox post without a flag.

As Satsuki approaches to the mailbox.

Then she opens the mailbox and appeared to be a ruby colored snail. "Oh! So this is the ruby Den Den Mushi."

"Yup...but right now...its begin our training...it will a long time get everything prepared." Naruto said.

So...the training is now begun...

==1 year later (26(=25+1) Days in Outside)==

A long year for the Uchiha siblings. Since its already now a year in a day. So now Satsuki had changed into age 14, she's taller then the other rookies, and same height as Neji and his team.

Now...they are about to prepared to leave the Chamber.

As Satsuki appeared, now she was now that age over a year. With her older brother in tow. As she open the mailbox and the same Ruby Den Den Mushi.

Now Satsuki press the button on the top of the snail, and...

Ding Dong~!

"Yes?" Mari's voice came in.

==At outside of the Time Chamber==

Mari was sitting in the deck with a Sapphire Transponder Den Den Mushi. Before answered.

"Mari-san, its Satsuki. Me and niisan were about to leave the training chamber." Satsuki respond via ruby snail.

"Have you done?" Mari asked.

"Yes, we're done, since Naruto-nii and Sakura will remain in the chamber." Satsuki replied."So please open the doors?"

"I understand." Mari replied then place the receiver on the top and...


"Alright, everyone! Unseal the door!"

"Hai! Mari-san!" Her workers respond.

==At the inside the Chamber==

Now with Satsuki and Itachi saw the door slowly opens, as they went out in the chamber for a one year so long.

With that, now the double doors are now closing once more...

So let's wait for Naruto and Sakura left the chamber when they done their training...

==3 years later (29 (=26+3) Days in Outside==

Now three days left for upcoming Chunin exam finals and also the invasion.

On the entrance of the Time Chamber of training. Until...

Ding dong~! - A sapphire normal Den Den Mushi rings. As Mari respond.

"Mentor?" She asked.

"Yes, Mari...me and Sakura finished our training. So open the doors." Naruto's voice in the snail.

"Hai!" Mari respond. As he hang the snail with a 'kacha' then she called. "Alright! Unseal the door! Our master and mistress are coming out!"

Now the seal from the double doors on the center were now removed and slowly opens the door.

Once the doors were open, until two figures stepped out in the door. Now...both Naruto and Sakura had change their age as seventeen.

Naruto had become stronger and powerful, with his assassin uniform is still the same. He is now became the most strongest Assassin in the Nation and the Order.

For now...he will be the legend. With the animal spirits on his side. With the powers of eagle, wolf and bear. He is now the Ultimate Hunter. With the power of Haki, the power of nature, and the power of the sage.

And Sakura had became beautiful and deadly. Just like Aveline when she uses charm to attracted man to kill her target. Her chest size is B+ almost C, after her intense training made her the same level as Naruto.

But the most of all...she had a diamond-shape seal on her forehead... Sakura had able to create the Byakugo no In, the Strength of a Hundred Seal, but the color is crimson red. With a genjutsu conceal her forehead until the time comes.

Then there's Mutsu along with the five apprentices. Greeting for their mentors return from training.

As Naruto step forward towards Mutsu and informed. "Mutsu, is everything ready?"

"Yes, mentor. We been prepared for anything." Mutsu replied.

"That's good. So far, let's get everything prepared and ready to mobilized, and also informed Admiral Edward and Gist will be ready for tomorrow." Naruto said.

"Hai!" Mutsu, Natsu, Miya, Haru, Issei and Karasuba replied.

"Good, now dismissed!" Naruto exclaimed, as they disappeared with shunshin. Since his apprentices will increases their skills until then...

"Well...that's it for today, but we better get some sleep for tomorrow's finals." Naruto declared.

"Yeah, after all. I need to take a shower." Sakura said agreed with her lover.

"So let's go." Naruto said, as he wrap his arm around Sakura on her shoulder and disappeared via flash-step. So, will be going on a date until the finals. But, they will be going to somewhere else around the town for something fancy.

==At the Naruto's Mansion - In Masyaf==

With a series of Shunpo, the Assassin couple arrived at Naruto's mansion. As the leader of the Assassin brotherhood, the mansion is insert with seals. Wipe a simple swipe of his Fuinjutsu key, Naruto disabled all of the locks on the door and guided Sakura inside with an arm around her waist.

"Welcome to my humble abode..." Naruto said with a grin on his face. Since Naruto's mansion is a Malibu. (AN: Like Tony Stark's Malibu Mansion in Iron Man.)

So, Naruto had build his own mansion with cement he found. With his hundreds of kage bunshin (shadow clones) to work. That next to the Fortress. So he will be living there for sure, just like the Hokage Residence. Now Naruto had tons of money that he creating new fuinjutsu with a alternate seal, so no one can't copy Naruto's work? Its because if any enemy shinobi will attempt to copy Naruto's work like his "Conversion Seals".

Naruto had become famous fuinjutsu master for creating new seals. He had grown over the three years. He became obsessed with training, and as an Assassin. He spent almost all his time at home, training like there was no tomorrow. Roles had been reversed.

Kushina and Minato now tried to get his attention, however he simply ignored them or gave them a cold gaze. They did everything. Minato had ANBU round up everyone who had tracked Naruto and somehow he disappeared in thin air, and return without worry. But nothing seemed to work. Naruto also took to reading a lot, unlike before. If he wasn't training or spending time with Sakura, he would be reading.

In fact, he became very popular among the female populace. This was mostly due to Fuinjutsu (Sealing Arts), as Naruto had taken it to heart to master. He had developed the seal for all the girls, and even some guys wanted: Anti-Rape seals. Everyone got some as soon as they could, civilians and Kunoichi alike. Even Shinobi took some.

Sakura rolled her eyes at her lover's balant huberous behavior. "Very funny Naru-kun..."

Sakura pulled Naruto in by his hand and swayed her hips as she walked in. Naruto's eyes were glued to Sakura's ass, it was so soft to touch and looked so plump and full.

Naruto sat down on his couch with a sigh...he had missed his home. Sakura took out a sealing scroll as she looked around. "Naru-kun, can I use your shower?"

Naruto smiled at her and nodded.

"Of course Saku-chan..." Naruto walked into the guestroom and got some towels for Sakura. "Here a towel for you, I'm going to take one too in the other bathroom..."

Sakura smiled back and nodded.

Naruto walked into the bathroom of the guestroom and sighed as he removed his clothes and gear. He walked into the shower and let the warm water cool him down and relax his nerves, he sighed in pleasure as he felt a burst of relief down his spine.

Naruto smiled as he cleaned himself, he just has to wait another three months until he and Sakura would be engaged and his darling can live her real life. He had always wanted to take her out on a date, Naruto made a note to himself that he would take Sakura out every night after everything was settled.

The blond assassin leader also needs to buy a wedding band for the two of them...he would have to do that soon...

Naruto finished his shower and dried himself with some fire and wind chakra. It was much better than using a towel and also much faster.

The young man was very happy to put on his casual clothes after so long, they were more comfortable than his assassin clothing. He was wearing a black muscle shirt with red shorts, he didn't bother with any socks or slippers.

He walked back out into the living room and saw that he was the only one there, leaning his ears into his room, her could still hear Sakura in the shower.

Naruto shrugged and grabbed a fresh em*a*u*l*e book from his room bookshelf, he enjoyed the carpet on his bare feet as he sat down on the couch with the book in his face. (AN: I can't tell you the full title of the movie, so I censored the name to be sure.)

Since em*a*u*l*e is a the biggest hit, its way more better then Icha Icha. Its about love and greatest romantic. It cost a lot of worth of fortune.

He let himself relax as he immerse himself in the book, he really liked these books, mainly for the plot but the sex scene were very hot too...overall a perfect book for a man his age.

Naruto heard Sakura shut off the shower but he didn't look up to check...

He heard Sakura walk over to him, he could smell the fresh scent of cherry blossoms, it was very refreshing and delightful...

"...Naru-kun..." Sakura whispered with a husky voice. The rosette pulled the book away from Naruto and sat down on his lap.

Naruto's eyes widened when he saw Sakura...she was still a little moist from her shower...and she was only wearing a towel. "S-Saku-chan?"

Sakura smiled with a cute blush. "We do you keep reading those perverted books Naru-kun...?" She leaned down to kiss lightly him for a few seconds.

"When you have me..."

Sakura them slammed her lips on Naruto's own, forcing her tongue into his mouth as she grinded her bare pussy against his crotch.

Naruto moaned into the passionate kiss. "Mmmmmm..."

Naruto groped Sakura's ass with one hand as he grabbed one of her breast with the other. He kneaded her soft, plump rear as he pinched her nipple through the towel.

Sakura moaned loudly into the kiss as she felt her first orgasm coming. "Na-Naru-kun..I-I'm..."

Naruto felt Sakura's body shake out of control as her pussy gushed.

Sakura's eyes were in a daze as Naruto kissed her hard and sucked on her limping tongue.

"You are so sexy Saku-chan." He said.

(Lemon Scene - Age 18+ only, so please skip it to below, if you ain't that age.)

Naruto shunshin the two of them into his room, placed Sakura on his bed and removed his clothes, making Sakura blush at his naked form.

Naruto jumped onto Sakura and attacked her neck while groping her tits. He growled against her neck as he pulled the towel off of Sakura's body, revealing the pinkette in all here naked glory.

Sakura moaned as her nipples hardened and her pussy flood, feeling the heat in her loins Sakura flipped them over and laid herself over Naruto.

"Naru-koi!" The girl kissed and nibbled at Naruto's neck, leaving a hickey right neck to his Adam's apple. Sakura continued her way down Naruto's body...she licked his chest as she scratched his sides, making Naruto moan out in pleasure.

"Someone's getting excited." Sakura said.

Sakura felt Naruto's member poking her stomach and grabbed it tenderly with her hand, she stroked it gently, making Naruto yearn for more.


Sakura blushed but complied. The girl made her way down to Naruto's crotch and looked at his penis intently, studying every vein during every pulse. Sakura gave the head a tentative lick, moaning out in pleasure as she did so, she liked the way Naruto tasted. The pink haired girl put the entire head into her mouth and sucked, making Naruto moan out loudly and gripped his sheets.

"Sa-Sakura-chan...that feels...incredible!"

Naruto held the back of Sayuri's head as he help her maintain a good tempo.

Sakura started to take more of Naruto's member into her mouth each time she had to breath, and soon she had the whole thing in her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down. Naruto felt his release coming, not only does his first blowjob felt amazing, the image of Sakura bobbing her head up and down on his dick just tipped Naruto over the edge.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto exploded into Sakura's mouth, making the girl gag when the first shot hit the back of her throat.

Sakura pulled away when Naruto's orgasm was over and swirled the semen inside her mouth, tasting it as she did so. She finally swallowed the whole thing after thirty seconds. Naruto's penis shot back up at the thought of Sakura swallowing his load, he was so in lust, he pushed Sakura onto her back and spread her legs.

The blond plunged his head down to Sakura's pussy and started to lick her outer folds, making Sakura scream out in pleasure, she wrapped her legs behind Naruto's head to push him further against her crotch.

Naruto's tongue spread the outer lips and began to explore the insides of Sakura, and he found the taste to be better than ramen. He reached his hands up and grabbed Sakura's tits, squeezing them between his hands and pinching the nipple slightly with his fingers.

"Ohhhh, Naru-kun..." Sakura sucked on her own finger as she moaned out her lover's name. Naruto was really enjoying himself, he always read scenes like this in em*a*u*l*e, but the words in the book didn't begin to describe the pleasure of the real thing. Naruto recalled something from the books and he began to lick Sakura's clit, sending his tongue under the hood and probed the sensitive knob.

That did it for Sakura, she felt her loins tighten as she clamped down on Naruto and cried out in pleasure. Naruto kept licking her Sakura climaxed, so a stream of her juices were flowing against his tongue and into his waiting mouth. Naruto had juices dripping down his chin as he cleaned Sakura up, he really loved her taste and wouldn't mind having it every night.

Naruto crawled up over Sakura's body and laid on her, looking at her dazed face as he lined up his erect penis against her wet pussy. He kissed her on his lips and forced his tongue into her mouth and Sakura instantly responded to the kiss and began to suck on Naruto's tongue. Naruto pulled away after a few seconds and looked into Sakura's eyes.

"Sakura-chan...I want to make love to you..." Naruto's eyes at that second contained nothing but pure love and lust, making Sakura melt under his gaze.

Sakura pulled him down for another kiss before speaking. "Take me Naru-koi..."

Naruto leaned down close to Sakura face as he pushed himself into her, his eyes never leaving hers. They both moaned when Sakura's pussy lips opened, moaned louder when the whole head went in. Naruto pushed deeper and eventually felt Sakura's hymen blocking him.

Naruto looked at Sakura for permission and she nodded. Then, with one full thrust, Naruto penetrated the hymen and planted himself fully inside Sakura, he almost ejaculated right then, the tightness and wetness of Sakura's pussy was overwhelming.

The girl cried out in pain as she lost her virginity, her nails were clutching Naruto's back as her legs wrapped themselves around Naruto's waist to keep in from moving. Naruto felt some blood seep out of Sakura's vagina and saw a few tears flow down her eyes. He felt a little guilty but this was a natural process...he leaned down and kissed her tears away, whispering words of comfort in her ear as he did so.

After a few minutes of not moving Sakura nodded. "It's fine now...you can move Naru-koi..."

Naruto nodded and began to move his hips, slowly pulling a few inches out before thrusting it back in. The sensation of actually fucking Sakura was wildly better than what he had imagined, her walls were so tight and she looked so sexy as they did it.

Sakura still felt a little pain, but the pleasure masked over it. Just the thought of actually having sex with Naruto was erotic enough, but the actual feeling was pure euphoria to Sakura. All her nerves were being stimulated and the fullness she was feeling made her feel complete.


Naruto groaned in pleasure and slammed into Sakura harder, making slapping sounds fill the room as their crotches slam into each other. He kissed Sakura as he continued to fuck her hard, the girl he loved was moaning into his mouth and rubbing her tits into his chest.

"Y-You are so tight Sakura-chan..." Naruto got off of Sakura's body and onto his knees, he grabbed her thighs and started to pull her into his thrusts. At this angle Naruto could look down at Sakura as she pinched her own nipples and was moaning out in pleasure, just that sight was almost enough to make him climax.

He deactivated his restraint seals to forever engrave the image into his mind...

Sakura moaned harder when she saw his blue eyes, it made Naruto look so sexy and added to the overall hotness of their first time. "FASTER NARU-KOI!"

Naruto channeled chakra to his knees in order to stick them to the bed, with more leverage, Naruto thrusted into Sakura as fast as he could, his hips were a blur and vein were showing in his arms.

Sakura scream as loud as she could as her body shook around in orgasmic bliss.

Naruto felt his climax coming and sped up his thrusts...the shaking orgasm of Sakura made her wall tighten around Naruto's dick and made it even hotter.

"S-Sakura-chan...I'm gonna cum..."

Sakura was having a continuous orgasm and was in a sexual high. "C-Cum inside me!"

Naruto lost himself at those words and was taken over by his wanton lust. He pulled Sakura into his thrusts as he sped up, his balls were smacking Sakura's ass with the fast movement and his whole body was shaking in anticipation for his upcoming orgasm.

With a roar Naruto slammed into Sakura as deep as he could and ejaculated directly inside her, almost flooding her womb with his sperm.

Sakura's orgasm amplified when she felt Naruto's seed inside of her and once again shook out of control. Naruto pulled out of Sakura slowly, both moaning as he did so because they were both still very sensitive. Once the penis was out fully, sperm began to leak out of Sakura's vagina, making Naruto moan at the erotic image.

(Lemon Ended)

The Assassin Leader fell down next to Sakura, he felt like he just had a five hour training session with a hundred Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clones)...we was so tired and relaxed...he almost passed out during his orgasm. Naruto fell onto the bed next to Sakura as she girl snuggled up to him. Looking over Naruto saw that Sakura had fallen asleep, he smiled to himself and pulled her in closer. He pulled a blanket over them and drifted into sleep.

==Day 30 for the finals 6 am==

Morning struck and the sunlight illuminated the room as the lovely couple slept with small smiles on their faces. Naruto had his chest against Sakura's back and his left arm around her waist as his left arm was used as Sakura's pillow. Naruto's bed was quite big so it had more than enough space for the two of them, a soft blanket covered the two lovers as they slept well into the morning.

Naruto began to stir and his eyes slowly opened, the first thing he saw was the alabaster white shoulder of Sakura and her beautiful black flowing hair softy cradling her face. Naruto smiled at the scene and pulled her closer to him, he sighed in content as Sakura gave him more warmth, he rested his face on her shoulder and snuggled into her neck while taking in her scent.

(Another Lemon Scene, a Half-one - So please skip it if you're 18+)

The Blond Cormac licked the flesh on Sakura's neck and started to kiss from her throat to her shoulder. His fingers massaged her stomach and slowly travelled up to her breasts. He kneeled the soft mounds with his palm and rolled her nipple with his fingers. He loved her breasts, they were perfect...not too small nor too big, perfectly round and perky, and her nipples were a very pretty pink.

Sakura moaned in her sleep as she wiggled around in pleasure, her eyes drifted apart as the girl registered her condition. Sakura felt a hand massaging her breasts and someone kissing her neck, she smiled when she figured out who it was.

"Are you enjoying yourself Naru-koi?" Sakura smirked when she felt Naruto flinch at her voice.

Naruto pinched her nipple lightly making the girl moan and bite her lips. "You know I am Koishii..."

Sakura rolled over to face Naruto and pulled him down for a searing kiss, her tongue explored his mouth as his tongue massaged hers. Naruto climbed on top of her without separating, Sakura's tits were mushed up against his chest and his hardened penis was aligned with her pussy.

Naruto rubbed the tip of his member against Sakura's outer lips, making himself shiver and Sakura moaned. Naruto attacked Sakura's throat and kissed his way up to her ear to suck on her earlobe.

"N-Naru-koi...stop teasing me..." Sakura's pussy was soaking wet, making it nice and slippery, perfect for Naruto to thrust inside.

"As you wish Hime..." Naruto put the head in before he thrusted his entire length into Sakura.

The rosette screamed out in response and cried into Naruto's mouth. Naruto did not wait like yesterday and immediately started to pound into Sakura as hard as he could, the wet walls of Sakura's pussy made it easy for him to speed up, but it felt just as tight as it did last night.

"Ohh Naru-koi...that feels so good..." Sakura moaned as she ran her finger through Naruto's hair.

"Y-You are so tight Yuri-chan." Naruto had his arms and elbows on the bad as he humped his hips back and forth, he then put Sakura's nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it as he sucked on hit hard. Sakura moaned in pleasure, she was loving this and wouldn't mind doing this every single morning and night.

Naruto closed his eyes in pleasure as he reached his hand down to their adjourning sex and rubbed her clit with his thumb.

"Your pussy feels so good Koishii..." Naruto looked into Sakura's eyes with his eyes of the wolf as he said that, making Sakura even hotter than before.

Sakura's eyes widened at this, there was a suddenly as rush of pleasure as Naruto rubbed her most sensitive spot and with a silent scream Sakura climaxed. Juices splashed against Naruto's dick and it continued to plunge in and out into Sakura, the wetness made sloshing noises throughout the room and made Naruto crazy with lust.

Sakura pulled Naruto into a kiss as she thrusted up to meet his moving hips. "OH I LOVE THIS! I love how we are together like this..."

Sakura's pussy became tighter and tighter as she came, and it was milking Naruto's penis. Naruto growled against Sakura's ear. "I'm going to fill you again Saku-chan!"

Sakura almost had another orgasm as she heard his words and wrapped her legs around his waist to keep him from pulling out.

"CUM INSIDE ME NARU-KOI!" Sakura was tipped over again when she felt Naruto's seed hit the back of her womb, the white liquid soon filled up Sayuri, making Sakura scream out in pleasure. Naruto groaned as he hit orgasm and his body shook from the immense pleasure. Once again, Naruto pulled out of his lover and his sperm was leaking out of her.

Naruto laid down besides Sakura as the girl laid her head to his chest. Sakura's legs were still spreading out and her gushing pussy was leaking Naruto's sperm and her own juices.

Naruto kiss Sakura gently on the lips and looked at her lovingly in the eyes. "I love you Sakura-chan..."

Sakura smiled at this and nodded. "I love you too..."

Sakura rubbed her pussy, smearing both of their cum around her crotch and some back inside her vagina. "By the amount that you cum inside me, I might be pregnant soon..."

Naruto smirked before rolling on top of her and slammed his still hard penis into Sakura abruptly, making Sakura cried out in surprise pleasure, her folds were still very sensitive from her previous orgasm. Naruto didn't move his hips, he just enjoyed the physical connection between him and the woman he loves.

"I would be happy about that..." Naruto smiled down at his lover. "We are engaged...and we so having a our own family..."

Sakura smiled. "You know...I've always wanted a little girl with long blonde hair and emerald eyes like mine..."

Naruto smiled back. "That would be great...I bet she would be as beautiful as her mother. Or maybe twins or triples."

Naruto saw the happy look on Sakura before he kissed her with all his love and passion, his hips moved along with his tongue as they both gave pleasure to Sakura.

The girl was on cloud nine, just a few days ago she would have thought that sex was something a little dirty and perverted...but now she knows that making love with the person that you love is something very precious and beautiful...

(Lemon Ended)


Naruto was happy for Sakura spending time with her, still, he was still remember that today when he proposed Sakura. It was the most wonderful life, ever.

==Flashback Started==

Naruto and Sakura arrived in Naruto's mansion, since yesterday, they're having a date in Tanzaku Gai, that the blond assassin decide to heading there with Sakura to buy new clothes with Sakura with their usual assassin clothing, since that they're going on the training trip. With the Hokage had accept permission to going outside for training.

Naruto smiled before he hugged her while he shunpo back to his home. They got back hours ago before they're making out.

Sakura bought a lot of clothes from the market as well as many decorations, so she had a great time making Naruto's home fit her tastes along with him.

Naruto didn't mind at all, he enjoyed the woman's touch in his home.

Sakura was wearing a new red qipao, but only leaving a expose her belly, with waist duster is about reach to her knees (like a family picture of Naruto, Sakura, Shinachiku and Hanami), with a hair clip on her right side and white pants, she was kneeling down on the carpet on the coffee table arranging some flowers with a smile on her face.

With Naruto's clothes, he is wearing a jacket look like Connor's hoodie. The color is Black and red accents. And double zippers. Also wearing black ANBU pants, and sandals. (AN: Searched AC3 hoodie jacket.)

Naruto felt incredibly happy at the sight before he knelt behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"You are so beautiful Koishii..." Sayuri smiled and leaned into Naruto's warmth.

"Thank you Naru-koi" Sakura turned around and kissed her lover on the lips.

Naruto lifted Sakura up into his arms and jumped down onto his couch, their lips never parting the whole way. The male blond assassin pushed Sakura on his back as he continued to kiss her as well as discreetly slipping a ring onto her finger.

Sakura felt this and broke the kiss. "Umm...What did you put on my finger?"

Naruto smiled down at Sakura. "Take a look..."

Sakura pulled hand up and saw a beautiful silver ring with cherry blossoms and crosses all along the band and noticed the sapphire and emerald crystals in the middle.

"T-This is..."

Naruto held Sakura's hand tenderly. "I always wanted to be with you Sakura-chan, so I ask you..."

Sakura's eyes widened. "Y-You mean... Then that means...?"

Naruto smiled before he pecked Sakura on the lips. "Yes...We are going to be engaged soon...so I thought that I should propose to you..."

Naruto got off of Sakura as she sat up on the couch, he went down on one knee as he held Sakura's hand. "Sakura Haruno...will you marry me?"

Sakura had tears of happiness flowing down her face. as she rammed into him and pushed him to the floor. Naruti looked up to see a still crying Sakura but she looked at him with so much love in her eyes. "Sakura-chan? Does that..."

"Baka! Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" She smiled as a gigantic grin came across his face, then she hugged Naruto tightly and buried her face in his chest. "I love you so much!"

Naruto smiled brightly and hugged her back with equal passion.

"Thank you my cherry blossom...I love you too..."

==Flashback Ended==

Naruto smiled abouthe and Sakura will be married, very soon after the chunin exams...

So, with Naruto turn attention at the arena, he was distracted for long enough.

==At the Arena==

Yugito was remain standing, seeing Choujuro on the ground from chakra exhaustion and then he was covered in bruises and cuts. With Genma stepped in and gave a nnouncement. "Winner by knockout, Yugito Ni!"

With announcement causing the crowd clapping and cheer for Yugito's victorious. Now the medical team came in and took Choujurou out in the arena to the infirmary, along with his sword.

Now that its cleared as Genma made another annoucement. "Everyone may I had your attention, we will taking a break until the second round until many contenters will tended their condition, so will be a one hour break!"

==Chapter Ended==

(Omake - Hi mailman!)

As Satsuki approaches to the mailbox.

Then she opens the mailbox and...

"HI, MAILMAN!" A certain yellow square pants yelled for jump out.

Satsuki shriek in fear, and runs off.

"OK," Spongebob called, "see you tomorrow!"

Itachi stared at Spongebob with a blank look. "Did you had to scared my little sister."


(Omake Ended)