
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Tranh châm biếm
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242 Chs

Chapter 12

Three days passed since the Konoha teams made it Tazuna's house. The citizens of Wave felt like it was a mini invasion of sorts as the teams moved all over the small town during the day. As inconspicuous as they tried to be … certain members stuck out like sore thumbs, mainly Ino and Sakura who didn't seem to own anything that didn't call attention to themselves. Still, the villagers were happy as Gato had backed off and left them alone after losing some of his thugs to the roving teams. Their spirits were starting to rise and all of them could feel an air of change or maybe renewal coming.

Meanwhile at Tazuna's the jonin were busy. "When do you think the little pig will strike back?" Anko asked. "I don't know, but if he does anything it will most likely involve Zabuza. Anko and Hamaki managed to destroy five of his warehouses and businesses before they had to come back, plus we got about 60 of his thugs and mercs when we destroyed that base on the north end of the island. Still, from the estimate Tazuna and his friends managed to get we're still looking at over two hundred of them" Yugao says. "Plus there is only one more camp that we could find with a good number of bandits. A few are spread out on the island(s) in small isolated camps. The rest congregate in his mansion on the East side of the island or in that whore house in the town that I've seen a lot of his goons coming in and out of at all times of the night" Hamaki adds.

"The problem is we can't move against the whore house without a high risk of civilian casualty. Then there is the problem that some of the girls in there are not in the best mental condition, which could make the rescue effort difficult especially if we're fighting at the time"Anko says thinking over some of the things she heard during her scouting. "What about his mansion?" Kakashi asks wanting to move on. "Look I agree we should focus there, but we're saving Gato for last and I want to get those women out of there now not in one or two weeks" Kurenai says firmly. "I agree with Nai-chan" Anko says. Kurenai grimaces at the nickname, but gives a nod of appreciation to Anko for the support. They all turn to look at Yugao as Asuma agreed with Kakashi and Hamaki was abstaining from voting against either side.

"This isn't worth an argument. You both are right, but as Kurenai said we're hitting Gato last or waiting for him to get desperate enough to come at us himself. In the mean time we have a target we can hit that will hurt Gato a lot and all we have to do is the right thing by saving some poor innocent women from a bleak fate" Yugao says. The guys all realized it was pointless and submitted, while Kurenai and Anko flashed a cheesy grin and the V sign for victory. "So how do we attack without them killing people before we can stop them?" Hamaki asks. "That job will be Anko's and Naruto's" Yugao says with a smirk. "What? What can a male genin do in an operation like this?" Kakashi asked truly interested. "Oh you'll see" Yugao says as she leaves the room.

*8:00 p.m. Outside Fish 'n Dips*

Naruto really didn't want to do this. He argued against this every way he could and he only agreed on the condition that he dressed himself … alone no help, and that his method of doing it is secret. Honestly Naruto didn't need nor want to let out this ability. Yugao had promised him she didn't tell them anything except what they already assumed about his ability. That it was just a stupid, childish, and sexist henge. The other genin were all kept away with training as he and Anko made their way to their destination with most of the jonin trailing them after leaving clones to watch out for the kids and clients. Half an hour later they were standing in front of the building. Naruto took a deep breath then walked into the gang hangout/strip joint/whore house Anko in front.

As Naruto walked in and shut the door behind them she looked over the place and had to fight hard to keep frowns from forming. It was large for a strip club … at least bigger than the ones she went into in Konoha. She guessed the walls were white, but with the dim colored lighting that flashed different colors around at least the area she was in it was hard to tell. She saw a large stage with a couple of girls mindlessly dancing to what she could best describe as noise. There was a bar all the way across the room with a man who looked to be about six foot three, bald, and over weight with a few visible tattoo's on him behind it. She could make out 5 ladies of different ages roaming the floor until one took a man and headed up a set of stairs. Naruto took note of the upstairs, but knew what they was looking for would be some place hidden.

Walking over to the bar in a manner he figured only someone like Anko could pull off he watched as the woman grabbed the bartender's attention … literally. Turning the man around to face her she grabbed his crotch and asked, "Is Gato here big boy? I heard he was looking for mercs who could get a job done no questions asked" She says giving a little extra squeeze to his equipment. "I-I dunno. G-Ga-to hasn't been here in weeks" He manages to get out. "Know where I can find him?" She asks leaning over the bar giving him a show that threatened to send him into a blood loss induced coma. "N-n-n-no, b-but i-if y-you wait here he might come in" He stutters having a hard time controlling himself. Anko nods giving the man a smile and a gentle pat before she lets him go and sits down.

Anko waves Naruto over and sits down on a bar stool next to the woman. "Bartender get me and my little sis a bottle of sake with two glasses" She said getting the man's attention again. He quickly grabs a bottle of cheap Sake and pours it into two large glasses. Anko notices him leering at the now female Naruto instead of her and secretly pouted. 'How could any man see this gorgeous body and not be all over it?' She questioned. She had to admit though the transformed Naru-chan was sickeningly cute. 'I still have to find a way to get him to forgive me' She thought catching another heated glance coming from the younger girl.

Naruto so far hated this mission. 'I'm so close to just saying fuck it and kill everybody in here' Naruto thought as he/she caught the bartender blatantly ogling what should look to him like a 12 year old girl. Catching another man who sat on the stool next to her getting a little to close while trying to look down the front of her dress Naruto had to wonder if maybe being called a demon wasn't a compliment. Naruto was brought out of his thoughts by Anko. "Hey, blondie-chan get your little ass moving" the special Jōnin calls out.

Naruto looks at the woman only to find she's back flirting with the bartender. 'Just do this mission and you'll never have to see her or this place again' Naruto reminded himself. Deciding not to stick around and catch the rest of whatever was going to happen Naruto asked where the bathroom was and went where the bartender pointed. Upon entering the bathroom, which was disgusting , Naruto took off his clothes and sealed them away in a scroll he pocketed, transformed into a spider, and crawled under the door then up the walls and down to the employee only area of the club a level below the club.

Naruto made it to the lower level surprisingly easy even if he was using the form of an inconspicuous spider to do it. They had no traps, or alarms, or even guards to protect the area. There were signs of what went on down there and several clothed captives, but no men to guard them. Seeing a door in a far corner with light shining underneath it Naruto moved towards it leaving the women for now as his objective was to incapacitate as many thugs as he could without alerting anyone and then call in the troops to handle the … darker aspects of the mission. Moving towards the door he notices it's heavier than the rest with a few minor seals on it, but he still made it underneath without detection.

Naruto had to stop and gather his breath to stop from puking. The smell was horrible as it stank of stale ejaculate, piss, and excrement. It was a large area possibly bigger than the upstairs itself with concrete floors and about twenty cement partitions giving the feeling of stalls in a barn. As Naruto moved across the walls he could see girls and women as young as 8 and as old as 50 chained up to the bed looking malnourished and in need of medical care some worse than had bowls or dishes like dogs with what looked like dog food and water in them seemingly untouched and a large bucket next to the bed in place of a toilet. Naruto guessed this is where Gato broke the girls, but figured this was probably just one of many places he did that at.

Naruto walked the entire length in his transformed state, which took awhile but didn't see any thugs just girls. Figuring he had been gone long enough Naruto created ten clones that looked like he normally did and had them start working on freeing the girls from their binds and then hide out until the raid started or one of the thugs decided to use one of the girls in which case the clone would knock him out if possible and if not dispose of him. Some of the girls he had some trouble with as the trauma they had endured so far made them scared of any male even one trying to help them, but he just created a few more clones to help and try to ease the situation before bolting back up the stairs then transforming back into spider form to crawl unnoticed under the door. Unfortunately Naruto missed a pair of green eyes that seemed to glow in the back of the room, but instead of interfering that person slowly followed Naruto up before leaving the club to report in to his leader.

Making it back up the stairs and into the bathroom Naruto quickly transformed back into his 12 year old girl form and dressed before heading back to where Anko was. Unfortunately just as Naruto came out of the bathroom Anko was going upstairs with some guy leaving him/her to sit alone at the bar with the creepy bartender that obviously had pedophilic tendencies. As Naruto sat he noticed the bartender once again eying him thou this time without Anko around the fat man decided to ogle his female transformations body with no attempt to hide it as he stood across from her.

Deciding to speak up Naruto asked, "umm ... bartender-san do you know where my onee-chan went?" The bartender sort of giggled sinisterly for a second hoping the young girl didn't notice. "Yeah she … went upstairs with a friend of mine. Don't worry she'll be fine and I'll look after you while she's gone" he replies. "Arigatou bartender-san" Naruto says. "No need for formalities ga-ru just call me Dai-kun or Daisuke-san if you must" the man says. "Okay Daisuke-san umm would it be possible for me to get a glass of gyokuro?" Naruto asked. "Sorry, but all I have is alcohol or water" The bartender says. "That's okay I'll just take a glass of water" Naruto replies with a smile.

The bartender smiled back and gave a nod, but when he turned around to fill the water his smile turned evil as he plotted to have his way with the girl while his friend took care of her sister. It was less than a minute later when the man came back with the glass of water which Naruto took gratefully. As he drank Naruto noticed there was a foreign substance in his drink. 'Hmm … I think I tasted something like this once when I went to a restraunt in Konoha some years back. Yeah that lady pretended to be nice and said I reminded her of her brother while she slipped me some kind of drug that made sleepy. To bad this guy doesn't know this kinda stuff won't work on me any more, but I think I'll play along and see what he's up to' Naruto thinks.

Drinking the rest quickly Naruto puts the glass down and then five minutes later fakes like he's starting to get drowsy. The bartender watches as Naruto starts to swoon then gets up from the stool mumbling something before staggering towards the bathroom and then falling on her face. After coming from around the bar and making sure she was still breathing the man called out to two patrons who had been watching the whole thing to help him. "I see you caught another Dai" said one of the men. "What can I say Kyo these little bitches wander in here thinking they can get something for free … well, nothing's free in this world and I'm just the man to teach them that" Daisuke replies grinning.

Naruto feels the men pick her up and place him over one of their shoulders as they seem to leave the bar area then head down. Figuring they would take him to where they broke the other women he continues to fake sleep. The men make it to the lower level opening the sealed off door as Daisuke has a special key. The clones seeing that someone is coming in shushed the women and had them pretend to still be chained. They were prepared to attack, but saw their creator and decided to stay hidden.

Naruto feels himself being put down and placed on the hard cold concrete and then footsteps as the men moved off a slight distance, but it made no difference as Naruto could easily hear them with his enhanced senses. "Kyo go upstairs and let the boys know of our guest here and have Michi bring the older one down here if he's done with her. Noburu find the others and let them know some fresh entertainment is available and to spread the word" Daisuke orders. Kyo started up the stairs, but Noburu decided to voice something. "Hey Daisuke, what will you be doing while we're getting the others?" Noburu asks causing Daisuke to grin widely. "Taking my turn of course. I did drug the little bitch and get her down here after all" he replies. Noburu mutters greedy bastard, but just nods and follows Kyo who stayed to hear the conversation.

Naruto waits until he hears the door open and shut behind the two low life's before opening his eyes to find the bartender leering at his transformations body as he's taking off his clothes not noticing his eyes were open. Naruto quickly jumps up and hits the man once in the throat then sends an open palm thrust to his nose sending it into his brain killing him before he could utter much of a sound. Naruto smiled and sent a quick thank you to Kyūbi for teaching him those moves.

Sealing the body away Naruto did a simple water jutsu to wash away the blood and then called to his clones to come out from hiding. He gave them orders, which was a little odd to them coming from their boss looking like a 12 year old girl. "Alright one of you use the dark teleportation technique to find Anko and let her know what's going on. Then seal the body of the man that took her upstairs away if necessary and henge to look like him while she plays like she's knocked out. Get in the bed and cover both of you up and when the man comes in play like you are with them and will bring her down when you are finished. I also need another one of you to use the dark teleportation technique to go outside and inform sensei of what's going on then dispel to let me know of anything she wants to tell me. The rest of you hide until the fun starts" Naruto orders getting nods as two of the clones step away from the group and do as ordered.

While the clones hid and waited to execute his orders Naruto used another bunshin jutsu and had that clone lay down. Naruto then weaved a genjutsu around the area the clone lay so that when the thugs came down they would see a naked and abused 12 year old girl that looked to be asleep. Stepping back Naruto appreciated his work then stripped and sealed the girl clothes he borrowed away. Then he once again used his transformation technique to look like the bartender then unsealing his body taking the clothes and putting them on then sealing the body back up thou he left the shirt open and used a Suiton jutsu to make himself look wet like he worked up a sweat.

After that Naruto waited until information poured into his head. The clone he sent to Anko created another clone, which dispelled letting him know everything was going as planned. He had to sigh thou at the images of how the clone found Anko and the remark she made flustering him. She was naked on top of the guy knocked out and when Naruto's clone appeared and instead of being shocked or wanting to know what technique that was he just used the woman decided to tease his clone by saying "Like what you see? Want to join us Naruto-kun?". Naruto could only scoff and mumble to himself at that woman's brazenness hoping this mission would end soon. Unfortunately his clones reaction was more in the line of nosebleed and being knocked out before dispelling causing Naruto to have to send another clone.

Naruto soon twinged again as more information came to him. It appeared the others liked his plan and decided to wait for the other thugs to arrive before acting. So the only thing Naruto had left to do was wait. It was only a minute later when the door opened again revealing Kyo and about ten men of varying ages. Naruto disguised as Daisuke moved to stall them. "I see that didn't take you much time Kyo" Naruto says. Kyo for his part looked at him with a bit of confusion in his eyes. "You know Danzo's forcing everyone to keep a low profile. Since those ninja's showed up he's been real jumpy and with so many of our men killed and his buildings destroyed everyone has stayed closer to the base" Kyo says eying his friend closely.

"I know that. I just thought I saw more men upstairs" Naruto lies. "There were a few more, but they said they liked where they were at and staid upstairs. Personally I said 'good less competition' if you know what I mean" Kyo says nudging his friend. Naruto nodded, "should we wait for Noburu?" Naruto asks hoping the man would say yes. "Nahh … besides you already got your turn and now I want mine before that teme shows up with a hundred men all wanting to take their turn" Kyo says undaunted looking over the body of the girl laying on the floor.

"That many huh?" Naruto says in an off-handed manner. "Yeah, maybe more Noburu told me he was headed to the base so I figure a bunch of them will want in on this. You know with those ninja around we haven't been able to snatch anything fresh all week and the ones Danzo keeps he keeps to himself" Kyo says. "Okay, but we should wait for Michi that way there will be two new sluts to bang" Naruto disguised as Daisuke says. Kyo and the men he bought thought about it and nodded, but quickly Kyo said "if he takes too long I'm taking my turn with the girl regardless". The men nodded also thinking the same. Some of the men turned and with nothing else to do started leering at the women already confined in the basement, but went no further as they didn't want to waste a load on already broken whores.

Naruto looked at each of them and wanted to kill them now, but he had time now and would wait hoping the other man would show up with his friends before these bastards grew impatient. Ten minutes later the men started advancing and Naruto was close to activating a technique to kill them all when the door opened up again. It was only the clone he had henge to look like the guy they called Michi. "Hey Michi done already?" one of the men called out. "Yeah and I need some help getting the slut down here" the clone called out. "What? She too heavy for you?" another of the thugs called out laughing.

"She's heavier than she looks alright" the clone sheepishly replied. Naruto decided to step up hoping this would buy him more time. "Fine … two of you go with him and we'll wait to start the fun" Naruto disguised as Daisuke said. There was an argument, but a few minutes' later two men and the clone left to bring Anko down. It was ten minutes later when the door opened. Naruto started to slowly gather chakra just incase it was Anko. It was better to get a few then risk a comrade's life by using a dangerous technique near them even if you hated them.

However, the fates seemed to smile on Naruto as instead of his clone and Anko it was Noburu with about fifty men trailing in the door behind him. Naruto had hoped for more, but he wasn't greedy. Stepping to the back as the crowd of men poured into the basement Naruto signaled what he wanted his clones to do as they got into position around the large gathering of men. "I thought you guys would be pulling a train on the girl by now" Noburu said. "We were waiting on Michi to bring his slut down, but I guess we waited long enough and can get started" the henged Naruto said getting agreements all around. "Who goes first?" one of the thugs that came with Noburu asked. "I've already had my turn so I'll leave that up to you guys" Naruto said and left the others to fight moving towards the stairs.

The fighting hadn't died down when Michi finally reappeared with a seemingly unconscious Anko and the two men who went with the clone to retrieve her. Just as they started to head down the stairs Naruto activated his trap quietly intoning "Bunshin Daibakuha – Clone Great Explosion". The men that were fighting stopped as the genjutsu fell apart and the clone started to glow before suddenly exploding tearing through the first ten men that surrounded the clone and injuring five more. The rest were mostly just stunned and had trouble hearing.

This was the cue the clones and Anko were waiting for. The clones dropped down from their positions on the ceiling and taking out a kunai began to stab the men farthest from the explosion in their backs and neck. Anko quickly joined in using her "Sen'eijashu – Hidden Shadow Snake Hands" to poison the two men holding her. The men quickly fell to their knees and cluthed their necks where the snakes bit. Anko didn't even wait to see if they died or not instantly running into the crowd of men and using two kunai she began cutting into them.

Naruto sat watching the melee creating a few more clones to help in the attack while he took off the dead man's clothes and put on his normal all black clothes and shoes then tied up his hair. Finished he watched as Anko and his clones ruthlessly cut down one man after another with no pause not even sparing so much as a look back to their victims. He had to admit the woman was good and deadly especially with that snake jutsu of hers. Naruto had other worries thou mostly if the explosion that shook the building a bit would alert anyone upstairs before they could finish and get the girls out.

Naruto decided to head on upstairs when there were all but 5 guys left and dismissed all of his current clones as the remaining ones were covered in blood. He created twenty new clones that would help the women and girls who were still pretending to be chained up out of there and back to their homes. Walking up the stairs Naruto freed the woman on the second level then continued up the stairs. He found everything was empty as it seemed like the explosion scared off the other thugs and the women with his clones long gone. Going upstairs Naruto found more women, but no men so he got the women together who were in better shape than those he found downstairs and herded them downstairs and out of the building.

Getting outside Naruto looked around for any more of the thugs and found the street wet and a few scorch marks on the ground. That was when the jōnin and his sensei leapt down from where they hid on adjacent rooftops. "Nice job Naruto where is Anko?" Yugao asked. "Finishing up … there were only a few left when I had the clones gather up the women and leave so she should be here any minute" Naruto says. Just as he finished saying that a blood stained Anko came waltzing out whistling a tune. "Hey blondie what happened to the dress? I thought it looked really cute on you" Anko teased. Naruto just growled at the woman before walking off back towards the house the male jōnin following.

"Was that really necessary Anko" Yugao chided her friend. "Yes, yes it was" Anko replied before turning a side eye towards her long time friend. "You think he'll forgive me?" Anko asked suddenly. "For the joke?" Yugao asked. "No for … you know" Anko replied softly. It suddenly dawned on Yugao what she was talking about. Naruto never talked about it, but Anko did as the guilty had been steadily dragging her down. To have any part in the abuse of someone who many thought could be her male twin, if you died his hair of course and changed the color of his eyes and made him older, really ate away at the woman. Aside from missions like this where she got to cut loose and spill some blood she was very subdued and it kinda freaked everyone who knew her out.

Yugao could only look at her friend and then down the path the blond went. "I don't know Anko …" she started as Anko looked down towards the ground. "but maybe when all this is over we can work on changing his mind" Yugao says lifting her friends spirit. Anko smiled appreciating her friends support and gave her a nod, but could only frown as she looked towards where the blond disappeared. Catching her friends eyes and knowing what she was thinking Yugao quickly moved next to her as Kurenai came up beside her.

"How about we do something fun?" Yūgao says clasping her hand around Anko's shoulder. "Like what?" Anko asked. "Like maybe send a message to a certain fat tick draining this country dry" Yagao says. "And how do you suggest we do that?" Kurenai asked. Yūgao didn't answer for a minute just looked at the building they cleared out littered with the bodies of Gato's thugs. "Do you have any tags left from your last mission Anko?" Yugao asked with a smile. Anko was about to question why, but then looked at where her friend was looking and started to laugh. Kurenai just looked on confused and asked, "What?" "I think I have a few" Anko answers with a grin on her face.

*11:13 p.m. – Tazuna's Backyard*

Naruto was in his tent relaxing while reading a scroll on a very strong elemental technique he wanted to learn when he felt a presence outside his tent. Opening up his tent Naruto found Team 7's sensei Kakashi Hatake and one of the 'demon' haters thou he wasn't sure if Hatake knew he knew. "What can I do for you Hatake-san?" Naruto asked the silver haired jōnin.

"I came to ask if you wanted to train with me and my team tomorrow?" Hatake asked. "No thanks Hatake-san I have my own training, team training, and sparing with Uzuki-sensei" Naruto informs the man. "Are you sure? I can teach you many powerful techniques that I doubt Yūgao -chan will know" Kakashi tries to bribe the teen. "No thanks Hatake, but I appreciate the offer" Naruto says as he begins to close his tent's opening.

"Wait, wait give me a minute" the silver haired man horriedly said. "Fine, but hurry I was in the middle of reading up on a technique I'm trying to learn" Naruto says dismissively. The tone wasn't lost on Kakashi and it infuriated him to say the least. 'How can this demon deny me anything after all he's taken from me. Still, if jutsu doesn't get him to do what I want maybe something else will …' Hatake thought.

Naruto meanwhile could sense the hate coming from the man, but kept quiet. "How about a spar?" Hatake asked. "Against you?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow at the man. "No, no of course not. You are just a genin it wouldn't be fair" Hatake said chuckling. Now this pissed Naruto off greatly, but he learned not just to control his chakra from Kyūbi but his emotions as well. "I meant Sasuke of course" Hatake said still chucking well until he heard laughter himself.

Naruto couldn't believe this teme thought he needed or wanted to spar against his protégé. It was just too funny and he had to laugh at the thought. Sasuke truly was the most talented of the other genin when they were in the academy. A fact the teme would make sure to rub in to any and everyone who would listen. However, since their graduation the rookie 9 as many would call them had changed in a number of ways. Most of the girls stopped their fan girlish ways, Hinata gained confidence in herself and was getting stronger everyday, and Ino and Ami had grown to love training and stopped their foolish diets.

There wasn't as much change among the guys if any and aside from him Naruto would admit Sasuke was still top dog among the male genin. However, if you add in the girls he had been overtaken by Hinata and Ami once both dealth with their issues and took the advice of several high level kunoichi. He could still beat Ino as in Naruto's opinion she still relied to much on her "Shintenshin no Jutsu – Mind Body Switch Technique", but she was learning more techniques and slowly breaking away from relying so heavily on her clan techniques thou she was still learning them from her dad and fellow clan members.

Naruto could only laugh at the lame offer, "Ha .. ha ..haha thanks for the laugh, but as foolish as you think me sparing you is I find it similarly foolish to place me against Sasuke. I know you saw what happened after our graduation and that was using barely a quarter of my raw physical abilities … now I could beat him with one hand. Right now ... your not much of a challenge either Hatake" Naruto taunts. Kakashi's eyes screwed shut in rage. This was it he'd had enough of the smart mouthing demon bastard.

"Big talk … genin. How about we see just how good you are with a little spar tomorrow. If you win I will personally write down all of the B & C level jutsu I know and let you choose 5 that I will write down and give you" Kakashi offers. Naruto was no fool; this offer was too great to pass up. He knew Kakashi's rep as the Copy Ninja … man of a thousand techniques. He wasn't much as a man or a ninja these days, but that transplanted eye of his had stored a ton of knowledge from his many years in service.

"Alright Hatake … I think your full of shit, but your rep speaks for itself. I'll even add that if you win I'll spar with Sasuke and help him train until the mission ends" Naruto says. Both nod in agreement as Hatake walks back to the house.

It was only a few minutes later when another presence was felt outside his tent, but this one was a much more welcomed one. "Hello Yūgao-sensei, something I can do for you?" Naruto says with a smile. "Not real-l-y I just saw Hatake-teme leave towards the house and wondered what he wanted?" She asked. "Oh he wanted me to train with his team tomorrow" Naruto says nonchalantely. "How'd that go?" Yūgao asked knowing his answer without asking. "Oh I rejected it, he challenged me to a spar against Sasuke, I laughed he mocked me, I mocked him & Sasuke, he challenged me, and I accepted" Naruto says all with a grin.

"What! Naruto you can't … not now when we have no idea when the enemy might attack in retaliation. Besides … despite what you may think, Hatake-teme was legendary among ANBU and is still a really strong adversary" Yūgao warned. "I know sensei and I am aware of our situation, but if I do this I can end this once and for all … plus he offered up 5 jutsu of B & C level when I beat him" Naruto responds. Yūgao sighed, "Fine … I doubt I could talk you out of it anyway" she says in resignation. Naruto smiles in response, but Yūgao wasn't done yet.

"But … I will referee the match and when I say it's over it's over. Also no use of … that chakra, any of your elements aside from wind, no summons, and no jutsu above B level am I clear" she says in a tone that brokered no argument. "What? Why? That puts me at a disadvantage when he can use all his elements plus that sharingan of his" Naruto complains. "I will allow him to use his techniques, but to be fair and because I always hated the sharingan's copying ability I won't allow him to use it Naruto" Yūgao said.

Naruto grumbled a bit, but nodded in acceptance. "At least I get to use my swords on him" Naruto thought with an evil grin. Yūgao quickly put a stop to that. "I will only allow wooden weapons to be used" Yūgao says turning Naruto's grin into a scowl. "Look Naruto I know you hate the guy and you have your reasons, but we're on a mission and he's still a valuable tool to use in the upcoming battle. I need to know you'll be professional enough to cast aside old grudges and not permantly injure or kill the man" She asked him. Naruto nodded, but was not happy as while he wouldn't kill anyone from Konoha for the next 3 years he had looked forward to seeing Kakashi's face as he ripped him apart. Though he would still be sure to impart as much pain as possible on the porn addict he just wouldn't cripple the teme.

*Next Day 1:15 p.m. Tazuna's Backyard*

At one all five teams and their sensei's gathered to watch the spar. The jōnin except for Yūgao were all of the opinion this would be over quickly with Kakashi the victor. The genin also shared that opinion save for a certain pale eyed girl and Naruto's teammates. Some hoped Kakashi would severly injure the blond for their own selfish reasons. Everyone looked out into the clearing making sure to stay a safe distance from the fight.

Naruto just stared at the copy nin as said loser casually read his porn pissing off all the women and Naruto. "Are you going to read porn that you've probably read a thousand times by now all day or are we going to get this over with?" Naruto asked the silver haired porn addict. Kakashi didn't even put his book down saying, "Hmm … you say something?" In a distant land a shout of 'Youth' was heard followed by a similar yet higher pitched shout. Yūgao stepped in and called for the match to begin after reminding each fighter of their restrictions as she added another saying the fight was not to leave the backyard.

Meanwhile in the woods a certain missing-nin and his accomplice were watching with interest. "What do you think Haku?" the taller of the duo asked. "I think the blond one will win especially if that copy teme continues to underestimate him" Haku answered. "So you think the blond is the most dangerous of those leaf nin?" the tall man asked. "No, I think the purple haired woman is the leader and strongest, but I could be wrong. There is something about the blond that tells me he's even more dangerous" Haku analyzes and receives a grunt from the tall man.

Back to the fight Naruto and Kakashi simply stood in their positions for five minutes. Naruto knew the man was trying to bait him into making a mistake and wouldn't move first so he took the initiative. Moving faster than those gathered believed he could Naruto was quickly on the silver haired man as he swung a seemingly wild left hook. Kakashi dodged only to the blond use his moment to excecute a spin kick, which he blocked with difficulty. What he didn't see was Naruto make the hand signs for a jutsu as he quickly turned to face the Copy Cat Ninja and thrust his hands out hitting Kakashi with a "Fūton: Daitoppa – Wind Release: Great Breakthrough". Naruto merely watched as Kakashi sailed through the air and roughly fell on his backside unprepared for the attack and unable to land smoothly.

The gathered jōnin and genin couldn't believe what they just saw. Most had heard the blond was stronger than he let on in the academy, but this was ridiculous. First, the elemental manipulation which so far only Sasuke proved capable of with his fire jutsu then how he used a simple combo to setup the use of the jutsu was simply amazing. Naruto didn't wait for Kakashi to get up quickly using the ram hand seal for another jutsu calling out, "Fūton: Atsugai – Wind Release: Pressure Damage" as a tornado formed in front of his outstretched hands and gradually grew stronger and stronger until Naruto released hitting Kakashi full blast and causing the jōnin to anchor themselves to the ground and protect their teams and Tsunami who wanted to see how ninja fight.

Naruto watched as Kakashi was picked up and slammed into a tree that was soon uprooted due to the pressure of the wind and Kakashi receiving cuts and large bruises. However, as soon as the tree crashed with Kakashi on top of it he went up in a poof of smoke and Naruto felt the ground shake a little as two pairs of hands reached up out of the ground latched onto his legs and pulled him underground. Kakashi soon revealed himself coming up out of the ground a few inches from where Naruto was and walked over to taunt him.

"I see you used a clone to substitute with before my jutsu hit you" Naruto says and Kakashi nods. "I suggest you give up Naruto. You can't beat me" Kakashi says cockily. On the sidelines the group watching were amazed especially by that last jutsu Naruto used which the jōnin recognized as a B rank wind ninjutsu. "Funny I was thinking the same thing" Naruto says before the clone puffs into smoke leaving Kakashi to look into an empty hole.

Kakashi almost didn't hear him as Naruto came charging up from behind, but the former ANBU managed to spin and catch the foot heading for his spine. Pushing Naruto's leg aside Kakashi moved in to deliver a haymaker to Naruto's chin, but the boy was too quick as Naruto moved and hit Kakashi with a quick jab to his stomach. That didn't stop Kakashi from retaliating with punch to Naruto's stomach. What Kakashi didn't expect was for the Naruto he hit to to puff into smoke leaving him unbalanced as another Naruto came from behind and delivered an Axe kick to the top of his head only for a log to suddenly replace Kakashi as the force of Naruto's kick split it in two.

Naruto looked around and spotted the man leaning against another tree. Kakashi was trying to look cool, but inwardly he was frightened at how powerful the kid was. If he didn't know any better he might think the kid was better than him … nahh. He wasn't given more time to contemplate as a fist was heading straight for his head. Ducking underneath Kakashi tried to get some distance between him and the weilder of the fist, but the kid just moved with him and kept punching at his head, body, and tried to kick his knees once.

Naruto just kept up the offensive as Kakashi moved around and kept using the "Kawarimi no jutsu – Body Replacement Technique", but Naruto could sense where he was and was instantly on him. One thing Naruto knew about Kakashi was that he had relatively low stamina or at the very least no where near his level. Tiring Kakashi out would be a simple way to win, but Naruto never liked taking the easy way out.

Keeping Kakashi on the move Naruto drew in a deep breath and then blew out a stream of air, "Wind Release Stream" that impacted Kakashi right on his chest leaving him off balance. Naruto took the advantage and used a jutsu that made Asuma gasp cocking back his fist and gathering his wind chakra so it swirled around his fist he called out "Fūton: Senpūken – Wind Release: Whirlwind Fist" as he landed a hard punch into the copy nin's stomach. If that was all he did it would hurt, but Kakashi would have shrugged the attack off. Instead he got the force of Naruto's punch which nocked the wind out of him and the wind which turned into a whirlwind that instantly engulfed him then drilled him through two trees and into unconsciousness.

Kurenai quickly ran to Kakashi's side and checked his pulse. "He's fine just some cuts, bruises, and he is unconscious" She calls out. Naruto no longer caring walked away heading towards his tent. He didn't get far before he was bombarded with a bunch of questions.

"How did you get those jutsus? Teach me" of course came from a self proclaimed avenger. Naruto just ignored him and looked at the rest enraging the last 'loyal' Uchiha who mentally ranted about blond bastards that didn't know their place. "Actually, I would like to know that as well. Where did you get those jutsu?" Asuma asked. "I guess your referring more to your jutsu 'Fūton: Senpūken - Wind Release: Whirlwind Fist'" Naruto says getting a nod from the man. "Your father the Hokage decided as a … I guess you would say repayment for all the abuse I suffered until recently and as a reward for my help against Danzo and Mizuki the Hokage decided to let me learn some jutsu and that one and the others were a few I chose" Naruto says.

"Dobe I demand you give me those jutsus as only an elite like me should learn them and not some loser like you" Sasuke demands only to be ignored again. "Hey! Sasuke wants those jutsu so hand them over!" shouted his loyal lap bitch. She was ignored all the same making the two turn red with anger. "How did you get so strong so suddenly when you were so weak in the academy?" Ino asked not believing what she saw.

Naruto looked at her then the group that had grown quiet wanting the answer as well. "I only attended the academy 4 times … the first two days, the exam, and then when we received our team assignments" Naruto says stunning everyone. "What! That's impossible! We saw you there everyday!" She shouted with the others shaking their head in agreement. Naruto just sighed, "What you saw was the same clone technique I used against Kakashi. Kage Bunshin are not only solid, but they take at least half of a normal shinobi's chakra making it hard to tell the clone from the user. They also have the side benefit of the user gaining their memories and experience when they are dispelled. The down side is they are easily dispelled by a solid hit, which is why in the academy I declined all those spars and appeared to be weak. I spent every day training with someone who … took an interest in me and helped me train" Naruto replies.

"Who trained you? Answer me!" Sasuke demanded once again. Naruto looked at the boy with an even gaze. "Why should I answer you about anything?" Naruto asked. "Because I am an Uchiha and deserve it more than some low class orphan whose parents deserted him" Sasuke says angrily. That didn't last long however as Naruto punches the Uchiha right in the face with all of his strength knocking the boy to the ground. Sasuke groaned as he raised his hands to rub his cheek. It felt like a couple of teeth were broken by the fist that smashed into him.

However, Naruto wasn't done and quickly stomped on Sasuke's stomach then placed his foot on his neck and slowly increased the pressure. The others that were frozen first by the insult then how quickly Naruto had knocked the Uchiha to the ground unfroze and moved to stop the boy from killing the arrogant boy. Shikimaru quickly activated his "Kagemane no Jutsu - Shadow Imitation Technique" and captured Naruto using his shadow jutsu, but when he tried to make Naruto move nothing happened.

"What's going on? Why won't my jutsu work?" Shikimaru asked, but he got no answer. Ino tried to run up and hit Naruto with her improved speed, but soon founder herself sprawled out on the ground from Naruto hitting her before she could hit him. The same thing happened to Chōji, Kiba, and Ami. They couldn't throw kunai or shuriken at him for fear of hitting Sasuke so the rest stood back.

"Naruto stop this at once!" Kurenai shouted. Naruto didn't answer or even look at her so Asuma took a shot. "Genin stand down!" Asuma barked at Naruto who only laughed. "I think you forgot jōnin that I am only obligated to take orders from Yūgao – sensei" Naruto says going back to applying pressure on the Uchiha's neck. Sasuke at this point was letting out high pitches squeals and sounds as he was once again reduced to clawing at Naruto's leg to get out from under him.

"Now listen to me you arrogant little prick. I have no love for my family, but that does not mean I will allow some insignificant little insect like you to denigrate them. I'm tired of your attitude. I thought you got the message last time, but here it is again. I am not a dobe, your punching bag, your shield, nor your friend. The only thing we have in common is our service to the village and in that vain I will work with you in a civil manner, but I do not like you and will never answer to your silly and petty demands. You are not my better and I could careless about your almighty dojoutsu that you haven't even attained yet. So next time think before you speak and remember that I can always end you … I just choose not to" Naruto said and then walked off leaving a stunned and agreeing crowd behind as he went off into the forest.

*With Zabuza & Haku

"What do you think Haku?" the tall man asked. "I … don't know Zabuza-sama. It's clear he's very powerful, but Kakashi wasn't using his sharingan for some reason" Haku replied. "I saw that too, maybe they were holding back in case we attacked soon" Zabuza said rubbing his chin in thought.

A voice broke them from their thoughts. "Enjoy the show?" A voice from above them said. "Who's there … show yourself!" Zabuza shouted. "Now why should I do that? I suggest that you move along before I alert the others of your presence" The voice says. Zabuza and Haku didn't need to be told twice as they quickly sushined out of the area. Naruto stood on a tree watching as they fled and made new clones to follow them.

*9:00 p.m. – Tasuna's House dinning room

Naruto was eating dinner with Tazuna, his family, and all of the Konoha teams and their sensei's. It was quiet so far as everyone save for Naruto and his team were thinking about what took place earlier and wanted to question the blond about what he did and said. The tension was palpable as Naruto and his team sat on one side of the dinner table across from Tazuna, his family, and Team 8 while the rest of the teams were situated around the room all occasionally looking or glaring at the blond teen as he ate.

Finally someone snapped. "Why? Why are you all here? There is no such things as heros and Gato will kill all of you. Why don't you all just leave and go back to your comfy homes and live your safe and priveldged lives where you don't even know the meaning of suffering like we do!" Inari shouts.

At this everyone looked at Naruto expecting him to explode, but Naruto just kept eating ignoring the little boy. Inari didn't like the fact that Naruto kept eating during his tirade since he was the main one he was aiming his comments at. Fed up with the blond Inari reached across the table picked Naruto's plate up and threw it to the ground.

However, this didn't get the response Inari was looking for. Naruto calmly looked at Tsunami and asked, "Would you mind if I had seconds Tsunami-san as I didn't seem to get my fill from the first serving of your delicious food". The others looked on shocked not believing the Naruto they knew would take Inari's tantrum so easily. Tsunami for her part was embarrassed at how her son acted and was impressed with the blond, but sadly replied "No, I'm sorry Naruto-kun that was all the food we had left".

Naruto nodded then reaching into a pocket on his vest where he hid his seals, he unsealed a previously prepared ham sandwich and started eating. Tsunami and her father looked on in shock wondering where the sandwich came from. The genin minus those on Naruto's team also made similar faces and the jōnin weren't doing much better wondering where the blond learned fūinjutsu. Inari was absolutely livid that Naruto didn't even acknowledge him or his pain and reached across to snatch the sandwich out of his hands.

That was a bad move as Naruto was always protective of his food due to … lack of availability of it and the many times he'd had it stolen from him as a kid. Naruto quickly smacked the kids hands hard creating a painful stinging sensation making the boy retract his hands and rub them as he glared at the blond. "Listen here brat … I grew up not knowing when my next meal would come, if it would be edible, if it would be poisoned or tampered with, if it would be stolen from me, or if I would enjoy it. To get by I would eat the bugs and rats that infested my apartment just to survive day to day" Naruto started.

To say the other genin were shocked by this revelation would be an understatement and a few thought it was mere lies. The jōnin however knew of the blonds suffering and looked down in shame showing those who cared to look that what he said was true. Only Kakashi had a look of indifference as he thought the demon deserved to live that way.

"I had to live in that condition from the time I was 4 when they kicked me out of the orphanage for good til the time I was 7 when I got smarter and started hunting and living in the forests. I had to watch as others lived that cushy life you are talking about as they looked down on me barely sparing a glance or if they did they took what little I had and beat me or worse. Yet here you are with a mother and grandfather to look after you in a nice house with warm meals provided to you and you call this suffering" Naruto says in a dark but calm voice.

"The pain of losing someone precious to you is great and I know you are suffering as the old drunk told us about Kaiza and what he meant to you. It as a pain I know all to well as I was forced to watch one of the few friends I ever had as a child tortured along side me and killed. I survived … unfortunately (he whispered thou a few heard him or were able to read his lips) … but I'm not crying or seeking revenge. Instead I'm doing something about it and soon my dream will come true" Naruto says.

This had an affect on almost everyone as even Inari was near tears at the blonds' story. Naruto decided to get up and leave not wanting to answer any questions, but was stopped by a gentle voice. "Naruto-kun, what is your dream?" Asked Hinata hoping to help him in any way possible and possibly fulfill her own dream. "That is simple …" Naruto said gaining everyones attention. "My dream is to be free of the chains that currently hold me down" Naruto says as he walks out the door.

*Later that night with Haku & Zabuza*

"Have you heard from all of them Zabuza-sama?" Haku asked. Zabuza just nodded prompting Haku to ask, "Are they all coming?" "No, two of the weakers ones declined as did Raiga unfortunately and a few more are dead from what I have been able to find out" Zabuza said wishing he could of said yes. "How many were you able to get?" Haku asked. "Chōseki and Gantetsu of Iwa, Meizu and Gōzu, Taro, Taichi, and Michi all said they will be here within the week" Zabuza says.

"What?, but Zabuza-sama you saw that boy and his group. None of those guys will be of any use. They'll just slow them down a little and get us all killed" Haku said surprising Zabuza as she never went against him. Haku though was shaken by what happened in the forest. For someone to sneak up on her without her sensing it was scary to her.

"I know that Haku, calm down. I could use Gato's men, but ever since that group got in town they've been killing them off left and right while destroying the little pigs businesses. Honestly, I'm not sure anything less than a reuionion of the 7 swordsmen will help in this situation and we both know that ain't happening" Zabuza says.

"Then what are we going to do?" Haku asked fearfully. "Honestly, I don't know. The midget wants us to move into his mansion and when the guys get here we'll go. At least then we'll be surrounded by his thugs giving us the numbers advantage. We just need to hold on until they arrive in a few days" Zabuza says as Haku nodded. Unbeknownst to them a near silent poof went off causing a certain blond miles away to smile.