
Naruto: Template System

One would think that after dying and losing everything, people would regret many things, but not me. I was born in World War II ninja, and in this time, only the strong and the smart survive, although luck also plays its part. Only my OC, the main character, belongs to me. I don't know enough English to write it myself, so this is translated by an AI.

BaldurOdinnson · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Shinobi Academy

'Hello World.' <--- Thought< p>

- Hello World. - <--- Speaking< p>

Hello World <--- Flashbacks< p>

Hello Master <--- System Time and or Location Marks< p>


Looking at the doors of the Academy and seeing my future classmates entering, I approach to attend the classes. At the entrance, I see a rather quiet red-haired boy compared to the children who talk and play nearby. As we enter, the children, who seem to be the most orderly, are greeted by the future teacher, who I suppose is the future teacher, with a simple nod.

And as we follow him, I can't help but notice how his steps don't even make a sound as he guides us to a room twice as large as my house and tells us to sit wherever we want...

In a large room, there are hundreds of children sitting without apparent order and an adult, around 20 years old, with a serious look, respectfully introduces himself before addressing the children.

- Hello, my name is Kaisuke, and today I will introduce most of you to what chakra is. Some of you, who come from Shinobi families and have open chakra coils, sit behind me. -

Looking at the children sitting in the academy, I can notice some children who seem interesting, and some I'm already informed about, like Sasori, Chiyo's grandson, and supposed puppetry genius, and some other children with interesting chakra reserves.

Among the other children, I also see a boy with blue hair looking at me for a few seconds before he looks away.

'That look... seems much more mature than the other children.'

Around the classroom, some children talk about becoming Kazekage and others about how cool it would be to learn Jutsu, and some clear exceptions, who remain peaceful and unperturbed, simply seem to be analyzing their classmates.

Looking at them, I can't help but feel a little sorry knowing that most will die a few months after leaving the village. If they graduate from the academy, with the growing tensions in the missions, probably a war will start again.

Dismissing my thoughts, I see that blue-haired kid from the entrance raise his hand and ask a question.

- Teacher, how will we learn to sense chakra? -

Looking at the eager child, I patiently respond.

- Your chakra coils will be opened on the first day for those who don't have open chakra coils. Then, I want you to sit in a lotus position and breathe calmly. I will go in line, one by one, explaining how to open your coils. -

After the children sat down, I imbued them with some of my chakra, enough for them to feel it in their bodies and generate a small rejection. Some children showed significant chakra, most average, as expected, but there were some who surprised...



After the presentation of that teacher named Kaisuke, all the children sat excitedly in the lotus position, some went directly behind the teacher since they opened their chakra coils.

Looking at the teacher, or Sensei at this moment, I suppose, as he touches the arms or hands with his finger to the children and then a mysterious aura that cannot be seen but can be felt on the child next to me, and he tells them to focus on a sensation in their stomach, for a few seconds without success. Sensei said that not everyone can open their chakra on the first day, and that we only needed to meditate at home for a week, then he approached me.



Approaching the blue-haired boy and asking his name, one that is quite rare in the land of wind, I couldn't help but comment.

- Quite an extravagant name your parents chose for you, isn't it? Satoru Chunlainn, well... from now on, I'll call you Satoru. -

- Understood, Sensei. -

I notice how the boy concentrates for a few seconds, and for a minute nothing happens, I was about to tell him to continue at home until my senses explode for a second, his chakra... is amazing, barely awake, and has Genin-level reserves, and I notice how they expand, in a slow but supernatural way, expanding at a rate too fast, I'm sure that by tomorrow or in a few days, he will reach the peak of Genin chakra.

- Boy, that's good chakra you have there, go home, tomorrow the first class starts, today was just to open the chakra coils for most. -

I notice how the boy opens his eyes, unfocused, as if he wasn't looking at me, or anything in particular, before speaking.

- Yes, Sensei, thank you. -

I see the blue-haired boy running out of the place, then I turn around and continue with the instructions to the next child, still unable to get that blue-haired kid with such abominable chakra for his age and situation out of my head.



While hurrying my way home, I can't help but remember what I saw when Sensei opened my chakra coils, that screen...


Template system is open, hello master, I am at your service.

I am in shock as I try not to show any expression on my face.

System?, Like the supposed system that enhances strength and helps you?... I don't like this so much, even though I probably have the ability to improve my strength quickly with that, I don't think it's best to have something in your head with unknown capabilities.

Before wasting my time, I ask the system to tell me its functions.

'I want to know what you are capable of, why you chose me, and why you appear at this moment.'

Master, I have an inventory that grows as you have more chakra, an HUD that shows your statistics, and a roulette that gives a random template, it can be someone who only knows how to cook or someone capable of destroying worlds, the possibilities are endless.

Answering the second and third questions, I don't know, you just called me when everything was dark and I approached, after that, I fell asleep until the energy you have woke me up.

'Then I will talk to you after I get home.'

Opening my eyes after a few minutes, maybe seconds, I don't know how long I was in my mind, I notice Sensei's eyes open slightly before telling me I can go home, which I do immediately to continue the conversation with my presumed system.

After a somewhat intense run, and taking some water, I decide to talk to the system. While lying down, I called the system.

'System, show me the statistics.'


Str: 0.7 Dex: 0.9 Int: 1.2

Wis: 0.9 En: 1.6 Cha: 1.4

Str: the strength and defense capability that strong is the body to support weight and resistance.

Dex: the evasion ability, balance, and a sixth sense of danger.

Int: the ability to remember, think faster, and process information.

Wis: wisdom the ability to use intelligence creatively or in different ways.

En: energy/chakra, chakra reserves, how much circulates through the body, speed, and quality.

Cha: charisma, affects people's first thoughts about you, beauty, and natural charm, things like voice and expressions