
Naruto: Template System

One would think that after dying and losing everything, people would regret many things, but not me. I was born in World War II ninja, and in this time, only the strong and the smart survive, although luck also plays its part. Only my OC, the main character, belongs to me. I don't know enough English to write it myself, so this is translated by an AI.

BaldurOdinnson · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

A Ninja Combat?

'Hello World.' <--- Thought< p>

- Hello World. - <--- Speaking< p>

Hello World <--- Flashbacks< p>

Hello Master <--- System Time and or Location Marks< p>


When Makoto enters the arena, each of us prepares in our own battle stance. Sensei gave the signal to start the battle.

I immediately dashed towards Makoto at full speed. He couldn't react in time to put up a full defense, and my blow landed directly on his stomach.

Makoto jumped back to create distance, and I followed, not giving him a moment's rest, pressuring him. What he didn't expect was that as I closed in, he spun on his front foot and struck me with his heel on my left shoulder. Though it caught me off guard, I was fortunate he didn't have the strength or position to hit me with full force.

After that blow, I see him coming at me with all his speed. While he's not slow, he certainly isn't faster than me. Before he reacts, I deliver a direct hook to his front, to which he defends correctly.

What Makoto didn't expect was the kick I delivered, using his own familiar Taijutsu style, directly to his jaw, knocking him out.

After a few more battles, few people remained, and all the others, except Makoto, didn't come from ninja families or show particular talent, whether in Taijutsu or Ninjutsu.

'I felt a bit tired from the continuous fight. It seems they won't let us rest because in a continuous battle, we won't have breaks, and our enemies will be stronger or weaker than us.'

'The fight against Sasori will be tough. He's a puppeteer. During his battles, they couldn't even get close to him, and he always kept the fight at a distance. That will be my biggest advantage, trying to keep the fight close with my speed and catching him off guard.'


"That sound..." - A smile formed on Satoru's face, already anticipating what's coming.

Incoming Mission.

[Win a fight against Sasori]: 5% of the Sand Man's template.

In the circle formed by students and some academy teachers, anticipation quickly built up as word spread that Chiyo's grandson, the young rising puppetry genius, would face off against the civilian child prodigy with great talent in ninja combat.

And it didn't take the voice of the teacher or anyone else for slowly, two boys to approach the arena.

The tension was palpable in the air, touching the skin of the academy's young students.

The young master, Chiyo's grandson, and genius in the realm of puppets...

Against the civilian prodigy who climbed the ranks from the bottom to the second place.

And when they stood face to face and Sensei announced the start of the match, they engaged one another in Taijutsu combat.

An uppercut from Satoru was the start, but the blow couldn't connect...

Sasori easily predicted the strike and with a step back, let Satoru advance a bit to launch a knee strike to the jaw. When it didn't connect, he didn't have much time to react to Satoru's kick to the stomach, which quickly pushed him away.

A chakra-charged blow...

Satoru, with a provocative smile, encouraged the Taijutsu battle to continue, but Sasori only smiled back and moved a little farther back before unfurling a scroll and opening it, infusing chakra, causing a smoke explosion.

As the smoke from the scroll cleared, Sasori stood at a not-so-long distance, and Satoru didn't give him time to adapt to the chakra threads. With more strength in his legs than before, a powerful jab with all the force of accumulated speed, weight, and chakra struck Sasori's chest, sending him flying near the circle formed by the people.

Sasori, a bit dazed and taking advantage of the situation, skillfully pushed his puppet with his chakra threads, gaining incredible speed and hitting Satoru's stomach with an even more incredible kick.

Wanting to maintain the advantage, he pushed the puppet towards Satoru again, not giving him time to think or space to close the distance.

Focused entirely on Satoru, Sasori didn't see how a small mound of sand rose in the path of the puppet.

If that sand had been normal, the puppet would have landed an uppercut on Satoru and wouldn't have had the chance to continue the battle.


That wasn't normal sand; it was chakra-infused, controlled sand, causing, with the speed the puppet was approaching and how close it was to the puppet when it gained speed, its leg to explode into hundreds of wooden pieces...

Surprised, Sasori quickly withdrew the puppet without a second thought, with evident concern for its construction. He hoped the damaged part would be easily replaceable and wouldn't hit a key part of the puppet.

Seeing Sasori paying more attention to the puppet, Satoru seized the opportunity and exploded in speed again, dangerously approaching Sasori.

By the time Sasori turned around, Satoru was in front of him, preparing a chakra-charged blow that struck Sasori in the chest, pushing him out of the circle of students and teachers that had formed.


The voice of a Sensei immediately subdued the children's euphoria at such a display of skill in a place like the academy.

But while all the children dispersed discussing who was the better of the two fighters, and the teachers debated the talent of the young geniuses of their village, only one Sensei remained in place, with a furrowed brow.

Kaisuke was the only Chunin among the teachers, so he was the only one who noticed how the sand rose in front of the puppet and destroyed a large part of its leg.

And he was the only one who, with a strong movement, disappeared from the training ground, quickly and quietly to report to the Kazekage about the battle between the village's geniuses...

Still in the training field, a boy with blue hair and a triumphant smile looked at the screen that only he could see.

Congratulations, Master.

Reward: 5% of the Sand Man's template.

'System, Show me my status.'


Str: 2.0 Dex: 2.1 Int: 2.7

Wis: 1.2 En: 3.1 Cha: 1.1


Sand Man: 20%/100%




'I feel like I can somehow transform my limbs into sand and reform them in seconds, this technique is a natural lifesaver, although I don't know how often I'll be able to do it.'


Author's Note: This was my idea for writing character fights, although with more people and with dialogues in the protagonist's future fights, I believe the idea is understood.


Monday at 8:00 PM

Wednesday at 6:00 PM

Friday at 2:00 PM

I will schedule new chapters on those days; the times will likely change.