
Naruto System in a World of Systems

All around the world everyone heard a language they didn’t recognize, but understood. It informed them of the integration of systems into earths populace via a higher power. Individuals were offered countless systems to choose from. And in America, where mostly everyone chose Marvel or DC systems our protagonist chose the Naruto System. Disclaimer - I wouldn’t say I’m an expert of Naruto, I’m just writing for fun. So if someone finds something wrong with what I’ve written please inform me.

Dogiwagi · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

The Beach

David woke up in the morning on a Saturday. He eats breakfast rather fast and heads to school. He meets up with Lucas before class and they talk about their after school plans.

"I heard the best way to make points this early on is to go to the beach and kill crabs and magic birds." Lucas explains.

"Are you sure it will be safe?" David says nervously.

"Only a few people have died to random encounters, it should be relatively safe. Besides higher leveled beasts near the cities have been cleared out nonstop since this all started!"

"Ok, whatever you say... I learned a fireball jutsu, and with you invisibility we should be able to gain points pretty easy."

They chat over a few more insignificant things then head to their respective seats. The teacher starts class after the bell rings and they begin learning. During second period the announcements ring out.

"Blah, blah, blah."

David is paying no attention until he hears a certain something...

"Attention to all seniors, colleges are now including your system and powers in their evaluations! Welp, that's all for today Pointers!"

David is a little surprised. Society seems to be adapting to the new ways of life rather quickly. Already colleges are choosing based on systems. Before he would have been confident in getting into a college, yet now he's not so sure.

The rest of the classes pass by in a flash. Nick and Lucas head over to the beach, which is just a 30 minute walk from their school. As they near the beach the streets get more crowded and they can see people selling a multitude of things. From magic beast cores to food.

"What's a magic beast core?" David asks

"They're what we get system points from. Unfortunately we have to dissect the body to get to them. I brought a knife for just that."

Lucas pulls a kitchen knife out of his backpack. It has a sheath so it doesn't cut into the backpack.

"Did you have that knife all day at school?!?"

"Well yeah, I don't exactly have the money to buy one from the stores around the beach."

"Dude, what if you were caught?"

"Psshhh, at most I'd have been suspended! Anyways let's get hunting, I'm itching to buy things from the system store and upgrade my invisibility!"

The pair head to the beach, only to find it overcrowded with tons of people. Every time a crab comes out of the water tons of people rush to it. The pair are a little dismayed, but they decide to head to a locals beach that few people know about or go to. They step across the sea rocks and come upon a small cove.

There's not that many people and enough crabs to go around. David and Lucas head down the slope and pick a spot close to the water for themselves. They single out the mutated crabs killing one at a time. David will shoot a fireball at it to deal initial damage while Lucas sneaks around it from the back. As the crab charges at David, Lucas gives it the killing blow with his knife.

After a few hours they have gotten plenty of beast cores and a hefty amount of system points. As Lucas is dissecting the final mutated crab of the day the water of the ocean ripples unusually behind him. Nick focuses on the strange occurrence.

Suddenly silently out of the water rise multiple fish men. They have fish heads on a relatively humanoid body. Their hands and feet are webbed and they are holding onto a myriad of crude spears and daggers. Nick calls out to Lucas.

"Run Lucas, behind you!"

Lucas turns to look behind him only to see a spear rapidly approaching him. It connects with his chest and a scream rings out from another group hunting crabs. Lucas falls back with the fish man on top of him. His head turns and he gives David a calm look before throwing the knife at him. The knife twirls in the setting sunlight and lands blade first in front of David.

"Get out of here! Tell my family I love them!" Lucas's words push into David's ears.

As David is looking on in horror, the fish man on top of Lucas pulls out a bone knife and slits Lucas's throat. The light in his eyes die out slowly as the fish men are advancing towards the unmoving David and the other crab hunters.

Lucas was David's only friend since childhood. The only one who didn't look down on him for being socially awkward and fat. Tears slide down from David's eyes. As he lets out a scream the system rings out in his ears.