
Naruto stat leveling system

Tatsumi Uzumaki was tranmigrated as a member of the Uzumaki clan.How will he survive his clans impending doom will he run away and abandon his clan or will he he lead his clan to overcome all its adversaries.

nexusstar21 · Võ hiệp
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51 Chs

chapter 32

The dragon the started to destroy everything in it path as it spotted kushina a6n the others as it attacked them going for the kill.

Kushina was barely able to block the dragons claws but she was blown back by the force getting knocked into some nearby rubble.

Toji rushed to go help her but was struck by the dragons tail as his ribs broke by the pressure of the beast tail.He coughed up blood and fell to his knees in pain.

Takashi grabbed him pulling him out of the way before he could be torn to shreds by the dragons claws.

Mitsumi grabbed kushina as Takashi tried to pick up tatsumi but had to evade dozens of light beams raining down on him.


The dragon let a powerful ROAR as the ground crack as they covered their ears to avoid getting their eardrums blown out.

Takashi released a giant mercury spike at the dragon but the spike simply past through it bodyss he was struck through the abdomin by a light beam.

"Takashi dont die you are one of my best friends!"shouted toji as he rushed towards him despite his injuries grabbing Takashi as the dragon slashed him across the back causing toji's blood to spill all over the ground.

Mitsumi created giant chains to bind the dragon but they shatter under the dragons might as she was hit by its tail breaking her arms.

Kushina could barely stand as she created a large wave of fire and released it towards the dragon.The whole area was engulfed in flames as everything was being consumed by the destructive flames.

The flames died down but the when they saw the dragon they realized that it was completely unshaved.

Kushina fell unconscious as a slash wound was across her chest as she stated to bleed out.Mitsumi who was distracted was struck through the heart by one of the dragons beams as her body dropped to the ground.

Takashi jumped up as he charged at the dragon only to be pierced through the stomach by his tail.Takashi eyes went dull as his body dropped to the floor.

Toji wanted to move but couldn't as he watched his friends fall one by one."Tatsumi I'm sorry don't blame yourself for all of this live on for the clan."said toji as he succumbed to unconsciousness.

Tatsumi heard the faint whisper of toji's voice as he opened is eyes and got up as he noticed the form of his friends bleeding out on the ground.

"This is all my fault I was trying to show off I should have considered the consequences."Said tatsumi as tears fell from his eyes.

The dragon then stated to vanish as tatsumi was left amidst the half dead bodies of all of his friends.

He opened the system space as their has to be something he could do to save their lives.He saw many things that would help but unfortunately he couldn't afford any of it.

He then saw the exchange option as he realized there was only one thing he could do."System take away all my Chakra and my Uzumaki bloodline along with the memories of my family from my previous life."said Tatsumi.

Ding trade has been deemed more sufficient than necessary system will now heal all of your friends along with grant you something in return in for your offer.

Tatsumi fell to the ground as his cells were being rearranged his mind being rid of his memories his chakra and Chakra network vanishing from his body.

Tatsumi was whaling in pain but he saw his friends bodies being healed as a small smile came on his lips.

He got up as his bright red hair has now lost it colour and became a dark blue.Every ounce of chakra had left his body and if his body were to be examined you would see that all of his chakra points had vanished.

Tatsumi's eyes looked dull as he walked up to the bodies of his friends who were unconscious.He placed his hand on the ground as his dojutsu activated.

The forest then started to bloom as hundreds of trees once again rose all the craters he and everyone had caused disappeared.

Tatsumi looked at his hands as he had a strand of his hair in it realizing that his hair had now changed from bright crimson to sky blue signifying the change of his entire body.

"I am no longer like everybody else so I guess this is what the system meant that day it and I aren't two different beings I am not it's master nor is it mine we are two individuals that exist as one and my mistake was seeing it as a tool instead of seeing it as me.

The system gave me task based on my own ego and feelings meaning it was just responding to my desires."said tatsumi himself as he picked up his friends along with nawaki and his team and walked towards the tower.