
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

chapter 9

The Angels had return with four summoning scrolls they had found on their missions outside of the village.

Naruto was sitting outside with Kurama working with the Fox summons as a black and white fox kits ran around the Lord of all the Biju's and Fox summons.

Naruto looks up to see the three Angel's to walk into the courtyard. "Hey everyone." He called out with a huge grin.

Amenadiel smiled at his nephew as Azrael waved at him and Uriel just nodded his head to the boy.

"How has your training been coming along Naruto?" Asked Amenadiel as he walked up to his nephew.

"It has been going well. It has sucked that the old man has been sending you three out of the village a lot. Sakumo has been doing his best to train me in my angelic powers along with Kurama here." Said Naruto as he looked over at Kurama who was still playing with the kits.

"What does a werewolf and a fox know about angelic powers?" Scuffed Uriel as he was growing annoyed with playing with these humans. He rather be back in Silver city.

"You would be surprised what one learns though out the years." Said Kurama as he looks up at Uriel as he didn't care very much for this angel. He would rather rip him to pieces send him back to Silver City in a pretty little box.

Uriel glares at him as he didn't care much for the Biju. He blamed the fox for his troublesome brother's death. Also the creature was unnatural to his world. It wasn't demon and it wasn't angelic. It was a creature created of pure energy and it could change their father.

"That is enough out of you Uriel." Came Maze's voice from behind the three.

They turned to see a pissed off raven hair woman. She wasn't in the mood for a pissing contest with this angel and the Biju. "If you do not like it here. Why don't you return back to Silver City and send someone else that could aid us better." She told him.

"I would if I was allowed." Growled out Uriel as he turned away and left the group.

Amenadiel looks to Naruto. "Please forgive him. The mission went south, and he almost lost his wings against an Iwa ninja." He told his nephew.

Naruto just smiles. "Its alright. He is always like this when you guys get back from a mission. I have told the old man to make him a desk ninja for Uncle Uriel isn't a field ninja anymore. He is too old to be playing with the young pups." He told the older man before him.

Amenadiel smiled at the boy. "Very well spoken. There are times we angels do need to take time away from field work and just take it easy and train to rebuild out strength and I believe it is his time once more." He said.

Azrael looked up to the heavens. 'Father it might be time to recall my brother. I don't things will end well for him here.' She silently prayed to the heaven's.

Silver City

God watched over his children and his grandson. He heard his daughter's prayer. He could agree with her. Uriel has been pulling himself away from everyone and hadn't been wanting to spend as much time with Naruto anymore. Even when missions would come up, he didn't want to take part. He did all what he needed to do just to make it by and made the other two carry all the weight of all the missions they had been taking.

"Uriel should return back to Silver City. He doesn't care at all to train Naruto. I think Amenadiel and Azrael are doing well on their own with training the boy. I do not need Lucifer coming for his brother. For if anything happens to his son and Uriel hadn't done nothing to save the boy. It will not end well for him. So tonight. Send him a message and have him return." Ordered God to a random Angel as they rushed away to fallow their orders and make a scroll for the Hokage of Uriel passing away in his sleep and the family taking care of the body already.


Lucifer had been watching what has been going on with his son and saw his brother just not wanting to be around. This angered him.


Maze looks at her ex-lover Amenadiel. "What summons have you found?" She asked him as they all walked into the house as the kits had return home to their mother.

"We have found The Dire Wolves, Tigers, Panthers, and oddly enough a very old scroll for hell hounds." Said Azrael as she looked at the others.

"Naruto should sign the wolves and hell hounds contracts." Said Kurama.

This had all eyes on him as they looked at him.

"Why?" Asked Naruto as he was wondering. "I already have the fox summons contract." He tells Kurama.

Kurama looks at him. "Because the villagers will freak out if you ever have to summon me on a boss fight inside or outside of the village walls." He tells the boy. "Not many people really like me for what happen last time." He tell him.

Naruto nodded his head. He understood where Kurama was coming from. He would just use the fox summons mostly do recon and other things and will train with the other two summon contracts that he was told to sign as Kurama was the boss summons he didn't need to ask if it was alright.

Amenadiel pulls out the two scrolls and gives them to his nephew. "I hope they sever you well Nephew."

Naruto nodded his head and unrolled both scrolls and bit his thumb and signed both summons. He ran thought the hand signs and shouted out for both summons. "Dire Wolves! Hell Hounds!" HE yelled as there was two large puffs a smoke before him.

There before him was the Three headed hellhound Cerberus and Chaos of the Dire wolf pack. Both the Boss summons of each summons.

"Who summons me?" Asked one of the three heads of Cerberus as his crimson eyes looks around as Naruto stands before him strong and tall.

"Who has the gall to summon me?" Asked Chaos as his amber eyes fall on the blondie hair before him and Cerberus.

"I do." Said Naruto as he looks at them both.

Kurama takes his nine-tails form as he stands behind Naruto. Just incase he needs to fight for the boy's life against these two.

"A human child has summoned us?" scuffed Chaos as he was now laughing.

"Do not laugh. I am the son of Lucifer Morningstar and Kushina Uzumaki. I am Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki-Morning Star." Said Naruto as his wings came out of his back as he was claiming his birth right.

Cerberus looked at he boy with shock written on all three of his heads. "So Moring Star did have a son after all?" He question as he looks at Kurama that stood behind the boy. "So what is he your master now?"

"No he isn't my Master. I am sealed within him. For the humans fear what they do not understand Cerberus. So do not mock me. For it could easily be you or one of your children in my place." Said Kurama as his gaze turns to Chaos. "That goes to you as well old friend."

Both boss summons looked at Kurama with understand. For they had gone through their own time periods where people hunted and feared them.

"I see you also hold the Kitsune summons. So why do you sign with us both?" Question Chaos as he wanted to know.

"I was the one to tell him to sign both those summoning scrolls. For He wouldn't be able to use my summons within these village walls. So having powerful summons as you both will make up for when he isn't able to call for me." Said Kurama as he knew this always pissed the two off. It too the two of them to take down his sister the two-tail cat and they stood to chance of taking him down.

Chaos glared at Kurama for his little shot at him and Cerberus. "What makes you think we will allow this child here to be our summoner?" Question Chaos.

Naruto smirked at this. "For Cerberus already works closely with my father and my Uncle Sakumo Hatake." He told the two bosses as Cerberus stiffen at this little bit of information.

"So he is your Uncle? I thought he was a lazy drunk that was go for nothing but killing and screwing several of my female hellhounds." Growled out Cerberus as Sakumo appeared from the shadows.

"You don't have to be rude about it and I am only with the former witch Ruby. The others I will not lay with for I respect Ruby to much." Said Sakumo as he was grinning at the large three headed hell hounds before him.

"More like an afraid before she cut the balls off her last lover for laying with another." Said Cerberus as he saw Sakumo shift a little.

"THAT IS ENOUGH! WE ARE HERE ABOUT THE KIT. NOT ABOUT WHO IS FUCKING WHO!" growled out Kurama as the house shook from his power alone. He was showing them who was the boss and king of all demons and boss of all kitsune summons. "I do not have the time for you three fools to waste. You will allow the kit here to be your summons. I will know if you refuse to allow him to summon you and I will pay you a little visit. Even if that means bring the kit to your summoning realm, I will stomp you into the ground like I have for centuries and prove my power once more over the two of you and anyone else who has the gall to face me on the field of battle." He growled out as thee flames of hell licked at his open mouth and his paws. He wasn't playing with the two of them and he will train Naruto to have his kind of power. But he will make sure the boy still holds his heart of gold for he was the purest soul he had ever felt in his life. Something that was too good for this world. But who was he to make that choose.

Both Chaos and Cerberus took a step back from the Lord of all demon and bowed their heads in fear and respect. "Yes, my Lord as you request." They said as one.

"This isn't right. I should have them coming to aid me out of fear and respect for you Uncle Kurama." Said Naruto as he was feeling sad and uneasy about this all.

Kurama looks to the boy knowing his pure heart was hurting him watching these two being forced into his service. "Then what do you want to do about it kit?" He question.

Naruto looked at Kurama and then back at the other two. A small smiled graced his lips as he walked up to the two-boss summons. He held out his hand to the two of them. "Hi I'm Naruto. We got off on the wrong foot and I just want to be your friend. I don't want you fear me because of Kurama or come to my aid at his request or demand. I want you to help me because we are friends." He told the two before him.

This shocked the two before him.

"You mortal child want us as your friends?" Question Cerberus as his three heads looked at the boy as he was up to some kind of trick. They couldn't find anything. They couldn't fell and negative energy or that he was lying to them. He was being honest to them. For the first time in a long time. A mortal had told them the truth.

"Why would you want to be friend us? Are you not scared of us?" Asked Chaos as he watched the boy closely.

"No. I'm not." Said Naruto as he shock his head at the Dire Wolf boss. "I have been around Kurama and Maze all my life as well as the crazy snake lady Anko. I'm not scared of you. Once you had giant snakes chasing you it takes a lot to scare you." He told them.

Chaos smirked. He has heard about how Anko of the Snake summons is very playful with her summons and loves having them scare and play with people all the time. "I see." Was all he said as he turned to look at Cerberus.

Cerberus met his gaze and slowly nodded his heads. "We will give you this chance to prove you are different from the humans we have trusted in the past. But if you ever betray this trust. Not even Kurama can save you from us." He told the boy.

"That sounds fair." Said Naruto as he nodded in agreement.

"The kit will surprise you." Was all the Kurama said as he watched the two friends vanish in a poof of smoke. He just hope that the power he let loose didn't scare the shit out of the villagers. If it did on well, they could suck it. "In the morning you will give your mate the panther summons and the other blondie the tiger summons. I had wished they had found something that would have been poisonous, but baggers can't be choosers." He said as Naruto nodded his head. He had been a long night for the boy. He was ready to turn in. His nerves where on edge from face two of the scariest summons he had ever seen in his life. With that said he had passed out before everyone. Kurama just chuckled as he picked up his kit and took him to his room to get some rest. He needed it after tonight.