
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

chapter 8

It was 6am and Naruto, Shikamaru, and Ino both stood in training ground 10 waiting for their new sensei's.

"Maze and Trixie sensei's will be here soon. They said they need to go get a lazy bump to do his job." Said Naruto as he grinned. They all knew they both women didn't like Kakashi for he was a slacker that lived in the pass and his poor team was going to pay for his weakness if he didn't get his head out of his ass.

"That's fine. It gives me a chance to get a little more sleep." Said Shikamaru as she laid back down next to a tree and fell quickly to sleep.

Ino grinned at Naruto. "You have a lazy girlfriend you know." She told her fellow blonde.

Naruto blushed. "She isn't lazy." He said as he turned away from the gossip princess of Konoha.

"So your telling me she really is your girlfriend?" Question Ino with a Chester cat grin on her face.

Shikamaru woke up and looked over at her friend with a glare as Naruto was blushing even more. "I-I…..." He trailed off as Trixie and Maze showed up.

"That's enough from you Ino. We are in the works for a marriage contract right now." Said Maze with an evil grin.

That was enough for Naruto to pass out and Shikamaru to sit up and glare at Maze now. "That isn't funny Maze-sensei." Said Shikamaru.

Maze grinned as she looked at her students as Trixie woke Naruto up with a bowl of ramen. "Alright you three. There is normally a test I'm to give you. But I know how strong you are, and I know it would be pointless. So I say you pass, and we start with what I want to train you in as well as we are being these lame ass D-rank chore missions. The quicker we get those done the sooner we move up to a C-Rank mission." She told her students as Trixie nodded her head.

"Most likely I will be the one that will be on these D-rank mission with you for Maze will get bored and try to do something stupid. So during those times she will be at T&I making trouble for Ibiki right next to Anko." Said Trixie as she smiled at her students.

"I am glade that we don't have to do the bell test that I read about in dad's notes that he did on his students and what his sensei did with him to see how we work as a team." Said Naruto as he give a foxy grin.

Both Shika and Ino looked over at their blonde hair teammate. "You knew what test we might have to do?" They asked him as one.

"Well yeah. Its normal for us to be tested on teamwork and the most basic of that test is the bell or tracking and we are not a tracking team like what I think team 8 is and what team 7 might be." Said Naruto.

Maze grinned. "Well you are right to a point. Team 8 is going to be a tracking team with one heavy hitter on it. Team 7 is set up to be a front-line team with a tracker and maybe a medic whatever that fangirl gets her head out of her ass and takes being a kunoichi serious." She told her students.

"Then what are we going to be?" Asked Ino not to sure if she wanted to know.

"We are going to be first response with Interrogation and Infiltration with a heavy hitter." Said Maze as she grinned at each of her little Genin.

"So we will be getting a T&I training at Genin level?" Question Shikamaru as she sighed. "Troublesome."

"Yes, That training will being in one week. During that week Anko will be joining us as well as Ibiki for he wanted to see if Ino will show any promise in taking over her father's job in the future." Said Maze as she smirked.

Ino smirked. "I would love to take over daddy's job but I'm having so much fun learning poisons that I don't know if I want to work in T&I." She told them.

"Well you know in T&I they allow you to test out all your poisons on the prisoners that are on death row, right?" Question Trixie as she knew Ino would fall for the bait.

Ino's eyes widen. "You're joking right?" she asked.

"Nope. Why do you think Anko loves it there so much." Said Maze with a devilish grin."

"Then I guess it wouldn't be too bad in looking into maybe taking over daddy's job in the future." Said Ino as she was now smirking at Maze.

"Okay let's see how we want to get started. We can take D-ranks at the start of the day or begin with training. For I believe if we get the training done first, we could be doing D-ranks after lunch and Maze can be off making Ibiki's life a little bit sunnier." Said Trixie as she is smiling at her longtime friend.

"I say we bring with morning training for the cooler mornings would make it easier on us and in the afternoon, we can do those chores that Maze doesn't want anything to do with." Said Naruto as he was smiling.

"Troublesome. We are going to be sore before we even get to our missions in the afternoon." Said Shikamaru as she is glaring at Naruto.

"Well I believe after we finish with mission we return to our compound and see what other skill you girls would like to pick up. We have already had Naruto learning sealing and kenjutsu and others weapons for I want him very well rounded." Said Maze as she studied Ino and Shikamaru as they both just stood there thinking.

"Like I have told you in the past in our group training from the Academy. I need to learn some more jutsus and other fighting styles for my clan style leaves me defenseless when I use it." Said Ino as she stood there thinking more.

"That is something we can work on in the morning and in the evening. For we want you all to be well rounded." Said Trixie as she was smiling at the blonde hair girl.

"I need to build up my chakra reserves and stamina for my family jutsu does take a lot out of me when I try to hold someone down like Naruto who has a lot of chakra." Said Shikamaru as she was still thinking. "Also I need more jutsu and fighting styles and weapons to rely on as well for once I am out of chakra, I'm pretty much screwed and I don't want to be seen as weak." Said Shikamaru as she looked a little annoyed at the idea of coming across as week.

"Those are good things to point out and good things to know about yourselves and these are things we will be working on. Also I have a couple of fools seeing if they could try down a couple extra summoning scrolls while they are out on missions. For I want to make my team well rounded and if I can have you three surpass the Sennin the better." Said Maze as a wicked grin crept across her face. She might not like the angels to much, But at times they could be useful to her.

"Alright kids give us 10 laps around the training field for we will start off light today but by the end of the week I want you all to be able to run 25 laps and it will go up each week by 5 laps and after that we will work on chakra control by tree walking or water walking." Said Maze she was now throwing kunai at the Genin for not running.

"You know you don't have to throw kunai at them." Said Trixie as she looks over at Maze.

"I know but it is more fun this way." Said Maze with a grin.

So they where off as they began their lives as Shinobi even though they are at the bottom. They would soon move up for Nothing was going to stop them and they would be damned if anyone gets in their way of becoming legends of their own rights.