
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

chapter 7

Uchiha District

Fugaku Uchiha with the clan elders and several others radical rebel members on their clan meet in their secret meeting spot under the clan shrine.

"Fugaku-sama. Are you sure it is wise to move against the village at this time?" Asked one of the elders.

Fugaku glared at the man. "With Itachi forsaking the clan and becoming a missing ninja, what other option do we have?" He question the same Elder.

Off in the shadows Ruby and the other hell hounds laid in wait for the time would come for them to kill these fools. For them trying to overthrow the village and take over wouldn't work for her Master nor his Master. She sat in her human form in the shadows holding a video camera recording everything these fools said. She was quite beautiful. With dark chocolate brown hair dark brown eyes and stood about 5'4 with an hourglass figure.

Holly growled to Ruby. 'Its almost time. We just need a little more and we can kill them.' She told her fellow hell hound. Holly nodded her head and went back to watching the foolish humans.

Fugaku looked at everyone in the room. "The 3rd has grown to soft with his old age. We need a leader that will build this village back up to its former glory when Madara first found it with the Senju Clan."

"But Sir that was during the waring Clan times. It has been over a hundred years and none of the clans or anyone of the villages for that matter have been at war. Yes, we did come close with Danzo kidnapped all the heirs and tried blaming it on Kumo or another village." Said a young Uchiha boy.

'He will be one of the first we kill. For those who question me will die.' Thought Fugaku. "I know and my youngest was part of the group of children kidnapped and it was the kami dammit Namikaze that he was return safety to us." He said as he looked around.

"But we need to bath the village in fire and brimstone to make it rise once against as the superpower in was in the past three wars." Said Fugaku.

The others nodded their heads in agreement to this mad man they fallow.

Off in the shadows is a man with an orange spiral mask watching and laughing at his former clansmen. 'These fools. I'll slay them all soon. No one with this bloodline will live.' He thought to himself as he vanished into a void.

Ruby and Holly smelt and saw the man. 'Get to Lucifer and have him look for his former students in the afterlife. For that man smelt like Uchiha and something else. Something planet base.' Said Ruby to Holly. As the other Hell hound nodded her head to her pack leader.

Ruby closed the camera and stepped back into the shadows. This was all that her Master need to move against those fools. In there next little meeting they wouldn't be walking out alive.


Lucifer looked over files and growled out as he was growing tried of this. He wanted to be back on earth with his son. But his father told him his time would come. But he didn't know what he meant by that.

Holly came running into his office. "Master." She called out.

Lucifer looked up from his paperwork as Kushina walked into his office with tea and some cakes she had made for him. "What is it Holly?" He asked the Hell Hound.

"Master I have a massage from Ruby." Said Holly as she sat before her Master. "She said that the orange masked man smells of Uchiha and planet and that to check and see if your two dead students are in the afterlife." She told him.

This made Lucifer arch an eyebrow and strand up from his desk. Ren and Obito where his students in his life as Minato and they both had dead. Or so he had believed.

"Are you sure about that?" Asked Kushina as she was now worried. "Would one of his students go so far as betray us?" She question.

Holly looked over at her Mistress. "Yes, Mistress I believe they would. For have you ever looked at the heart of an Uchiha. All those bastards want is power. For they are planning to overthrow the village. Ruby has the village evidence and is going to be showing it to Sakumo here shortly and if they take the village. They soon will go after the young Prince for the power that is held within him and if they find out he is half angel…..." Holly trailed off for she saw her Master getting upset.

"I'll meet with Death and find out what is going on and see if he has my two former students." Said Lucifer as he stud up and stormed out of his office.

Kushina just watched her husband leave and turned to the hell hound next to her. "This isn't going end very well."

Holly could only nod her head in agreement.

Lucifer walked down a dark and shadowy hallway that lead to an old gothic wooden door. Knocking three times. The door swung open.

"It has been a long time Lucifer." Said a dark voice from the shadows of the dark room with only lite from candlelight.

"Yes, has been awhile Death. But I think you can drop the act." Said Lucifer as he looked around as the darkness faded away and the room brighten up into an old English study with Death sitting behind a large oak desk.

"Tell me Lucifer this isn't a social call." Said Death.

Lucifer sighed and looked at the tall skinny man with gray hair and gray pin suit. "I need to know if my two former students are here in the afterlife." He told Death.

Death arched his eyebrow as he placed his teacup back down and waved his hand over his desk as a book appeared before him. "Let's see." He said with a hmm…

A frown married his face as he looked for the two names. "It appears Obito Uchiha and Ren are not in the afterlife." He told Lucifer as he looked a little annoyed. "It appears Madara killed my reaper that was sent to reap Obito. As for Ren she was saved and is in Kumo. Survived having the 3 tails still sealed in her. One by the name of Killer Bee saved her life and had her seal fixed."

"I am glade she is alive. But this is troublesome if Obito is alive. For that means he is the one that attacked my wife the night my son was born." Said Lucifer as he was growing enraged by this betrayal of his student. What could have made his fun-loving student fall so far?

"I know that look. All I can tell you. Love can do a lot to a lost soul." Said Death.

"Thank you for your time." Said Lucifer as he turned to leave.

"It appears Sakumo is going to be sending me many souls to be judge before Obito is able to carry out his plans." Said Death.

Lucifer turned and looked over his shoulder. "That he is. He will be sending you most of all the adults of the Uchiha clan along with the elders and clan head." He told Death.

Death nodded his head as a smile graced his thin weathered lips and picked up his slice of pizza, he had made from his from the man that use to own the pizza shop in Chicago so long ago.

Lucifer walked back into his office where his wife awaited him as she looked over files. "Well Death just told me that Obito and Ren are still alive. Ren is in Kumo with the 3-tails in her and Obito is masquerading as Madara." He told his wife.

Kushina dropped the files in her arms and stood there for serval moments before her brain just clicked. "I'M GOING TO MURDER THAT BASTARD!" She screamed. All of Hell shook from her roar of anger.


Tobi sat watching Pain talk with his little gang about gathering the tail beast. Just then a shiver ran down his spine. 'I feel like someone just pulled me out of my grave and set it ablaze and rip my body to pieces.' He thought to himself.

Hidden Leaf

Ruby walks into the train ground to find Naruto flying past her as Sakumo laughing at the boy using his wings to catch himself midair.

"Alright brat. Ruby is here meaning I got orders, or she goes something good for me to see." Said Sakumo as he stood up and pulled the towel, he had in his pocket out to clean his face.

"Al-alright. I need to clean up." Said Naruto as he ran into the house away from his crazy uncle.

Ruby smirked at Sakumo. "Well lover I do have a both for you. Also I very pissed off Kushina wanting to go to war." She told her Master/Lover.

"Really now?" Asked Sakumo as he walked up to the ex-witch now hell hound. He pulled her into a kiss.

"Yes, Obito was behind the attack. He was also at the meeting that moron Fugaku was having tonight." Said Ruby as she saw his eye flash amber for a spilt second.

"I see." Said Sakumo as he turned from her and sat down on a log that was next to the ground field.

"There going to have their meeting tonight during the full moon. Master believes that this will be the best time for you to attack and kill them all." Said Ruby as she sat down next to him.

"This isn't the best time. The foolish angel's are away. But I will make do with Maze and Trixie and the pack of hell hounds." Said Sakumo as he hand his hand though his raven locks.

"I wish you would allow your hair to go back to its lovely silver locks." Said Ruby as she ran her fingers though his hair.

He smirked at her. "You know I am unable to do that. With my son still alive and how he didn't take my death to well and the death of Lucifer. Yeah him seeing me alive. It would drive him to the mad house." He told her as he lean back in catching her lips with his.

"You two do know we have a teenage running around the house and at any given time he has his friends over, right?" Asked Trixie as she was giggling at the two before her.

"He old enough." Said Sakumo as he pouted at the girl before him.

"Looks like boss man has a mission for us?" asked Trixie as she walked over to the two as Maze came out of the house hearing mission.

"Yes, he has sent orders to kill all the elders and clan head of the Uchiha and all those who are going along with his foolish plan. Tonight is the night he wanted you all to attack for it's the night of the fool moon and you might be able to get the fake Madara." Said Ruby as Trixie and Maze both grinned.

Kurama was sitting in a tree listening to them. "Sounds like a good plan. I'll babysit the kit and the angel's should be back tonight." He told them as he jump down at stood next to them.

"I guess that is the plan. Ruby get the pack ready and we will meet at 11:30 outside the Uchiha shrine." Said Sakumo.

Ruby nodded her head and vanished in flames.

"Well things are moving along a lot more quickly then we had hoped." Said Trixie as she crossed her arms and stood before them in her adult form.

"They have tipped our hand. If they take control of the village. Whose to say they wouldn't just use Naruto as a war or just treat him like a beast." Said Maze as she was glaring up to the heavens.

"That is why we are here. To tip the hands of fate back in our favor." Said Sakumo as the others just nodded their heads.

For tonight many things where going to come to light and some things that belong in the dark would find their way to the light.

Uchiha District

Sasuke sat in the kitchen listen to his mother talk about something as he was looking over a scroll, she had given him to read.

"Sasuke I want you to grow stronger than your foolish father and your brother. You do not belong in their shadows." She told him making him look up from the scroll.

"Okay mom. But is bring this on tonight?" Question Sasuke as he placed a side the clan law scroll.

She sighed and looked over at her youngest. "Your father might be doing something foolish that will damn this clan. If that happen and he fails I want, you to be protected. If that happens, I want you to go to Naruto's family and have them take you in." She told her son.

"I'll do as you ordered but father is always up to something and nothing ever comes of his plans or scams. I don't think this one will happen like all the others." Said Sasuke as he stood up and hugs his mother. "Good night mother."

"Good night Sasuke." She told him as she kissed his forehead and went back to cleaning her kitchen. Waiting to see if her husband was going to carry out his new plan and if she would live through the night.

It was already 11:59pm. "We move tonight. Does everyone know who they will be killing?" Asked Fugaku.

All the men and several women nodded their heads to their clean leader.

"I am truly sorry about this Fugaku. But tonight the only ones on Death door will be the ones here in this shrine." Came a dark male voice from the shadows of the shrine basement.


Out stepped Sakumo in his true from. His silver locks glowed in the moonlight. "Death has sent me to stop this fool plan of yours." He told the man.

"How are you even here Sakumo. Your dead." Said Fugaku in a calm but fearful voice.

"Like I said. Death has ordered me here tonight to kill those of the Uchiha clan that plan to turn on their village." Said Sakumo as his eye began to glow and turn amber and before them was now a werewolf. His hell hounds stepped out of the shadows on each side of him as Trixie and Maze fallowed suit.

"Tonight the full moon with be bathed in blood." Said Maze as she licked her blade and they attacked.

Muffed screams could be heard from the shrine. But no one came to see what was happening for they had been placed under a peaceful sleep.

Tobi stepped into the shadows of the shrine to see if the plan was underway. But what he found made him sick. Before him was nothing but blood and guts and several body parts being eaten by hell hounds.

"It is a pleasure you join us tonight Obito." Came a soft female voice.

He turned to see a young girl seeing next to the wall watching the hounds eat. "What happen here and why are you calling me Obito? I am Madara Uchiha."

"Drop the act Obito we know you didn't die that day during the 3rd war." Came a deeper male voice from behind him.

He turned to see a werewolf standing behind him throwing a hand to a hell hound. "What the hell are you?" He asked with fear in his voice.

"Just a ghost from the past that has come back to protect the future." Said Sakumo.

"Well kid its time to die." Said Maze as she rushed Obito.

But before she could kill him, we vanished into a black void.

"Bastard." Growled out Maze as she hit the wall with her blade.

"No matter we have time. He will be coming back, and we will get him them." Said Trixie as she stood up and turned back into her child form.

"Let's go before someone finds us here." Said Maze as they vanish into the shadows as the basement door opens. There stood Itachi Uchiha. Who was planning to kill his father and his whole clan if need be to save his little brother and the other children from the faith of hatred. But the sight before him shock him.

Quickly he rushed home to see if his mother was still alive. As he open the back door, he found his mother in the kitchen putting the last of the dinner way. For she had grown tried of waiting for her good for nothing husband to come home.

"Your alive!" Said Itachi with shock in his voice.

She looked up at him. "Huh? What are you talking about dear?" She asked her son.

"Father and the others are all dead. There is nothing left of them but a few body parts and blood and a few guts." Said Itachi as he was growing paler and greener.

"So someone found out about their stupid plan and killed them? Good." She said as she turned away from her son and sat down. "I know that isn't very kind of me. But I told your father that this wasn't going to end well for him and the others."

Itachi looked at his mother with shock. "You knew what father was planning all along and haven't told anyone?" He asked her.

She looked at him as if he was an annoying little child. "I went to the Hokage and he told me he would talk to your father and the elders. But it appeared his talks went no where with that foolish man." She told her son.

Itachi nodded his head dumbly.

"Well get some rest for tomorrow you and I will have to clean the shrine." She told her son as she rose and went to the stairs. "Good night dear." She told him with a smile.

"Good night mother." Said Itachi.

'I wonder who I would have to thank for taking care of that asshole for me?' She thought to herself.