
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

chapter 25

Naruto stands before the gates of the Academy. He looks to his right and left. Shika and Ino stand at his side with smiles on their faces. "Are you ready?" He questions his two teammates.

"Yes." Ino exclames with a bright smile.

"Troublesome. Sure." Shika grumbles out as she stuffs her hands into her pockets.

"Alright you three. Stop wasting time and get your asses moving before I light a fire under your asses." Ace tells them with a devilish grin on her face.

The three sweat drop at their part-time teacher antics. They just turn away from her and begin walking towards the doors of the Academy as they are taking their first steps to their future.

Ace crosses her arms watching them walk away. 'I hope you are ready for what will come, little brother. For the winds of change are blowing. What direction are they blowing? I am not sure. For my soul tells me that there will be a great fire burning within this village soon.' With a shake of her head she spins on her heel. She looks up to the sky watching a large fluffy cloud drifting by. "Oh Lu. If only I had you here to help me." She whispers to herself.

On Board The Thousand Sunny

Luffy looks around the dock of The Thousand Sunny with an odd feeling overcoming him. His eyes drift over to his special seat. There his eyes meet with violet eyes of a crimson hair woman standing on his special spot. She waves at him with a soft smile on her face as she places something down.

Luffy's eyes widen as he rushes over to his special place. "HEY! WHY ARE YOU IN MY SPECIAL PLACE!?" He yells demanding for the woman to explain to him why she was standing there.

Now this has Zoro shooting to his feet with his single eye widening as he spots the woman as well. Yelling could be heard coming from the kitchen. As Sanji comes walking out of the kitchen.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" Sanji demands as his own eyes land on the woman. As well as he spots Luffy rushing towards her.

With a final wave the woman falls backwards into the sea below. Now this has the two men doubling their speed. When they arrive they see the woman standing on the sea below smiling at them as a ring of fire appears before her. "PLEASE READ THE LETTER I HAVE LEFT YOU!" She tells up towards Luffy as she steps into the flames vanishing from sight.

Luffy looks down to the scroll resting on Sunny's head. Slowly he bends down picking up the scroll. On it he spots his name. "Luffy, only for your eyes." "Huh." Is all that escapes him as he turns around on his heel. Leaving Zoro and Sanji standing there. As he didn't even bother to say anything as he stretched his arm up towards the crows nest. As he knows no one is in there.

Baltigo Sabo's office

Sabo walked down the long lonely hallways towards his office and personal quarters. He spots a crimson hair woman walking out of his office. He arches a brow at her as he doesn't remember ever seeing a woman with crimson hair like that before.

Before he could even think about speaking she turns around as her violet eyes meet his own. "I have left you a message from the past." She tells him as she vanishes around the corner.

Running down the hallway towards the corner she had vanished around. He sees her standing before a doorway surrounded by flames in the middle of the hallway. "Do not worry. I have only been sent to deliver a message for a Ghost. This may be the last time we will be meeting." She tells him to vanish into the flames.

Pulling himself back together he turns on his booted heel. Rushing back down the old stone hallway. Tolds his room. Slamming his door open he spots an orange scroll resting upon a book that rests in the center of his desk.

Slowly he walks towards it. Spotting writing on the scroll. "Sabo. For your eyes only!" He stood there for several minutes just looking at the scroll resting before him. "Huh?" Is the only sound escaping his lips as he slowly walks around his desk. Removing his top hat. Slowly resting it down on the corner of his desk. Pulling back his chair he slowly sits down as his eyes never leave the scroll resting before him. His black gloved hand slowly moved towards the scroll.

Lucifer's Office

Kushina appears before her husband. "I have developed the two scrolls Ace-chan has requested of me." She tells him with a soft smile on her face.

Looking up towards his wife. He smiles up towards her. "I am glad to hear that. For I have gotten word from Ruby. They have found out several troubling things. Things that will be placing our children in the line of danger." Lucifer tells her with a frown now marrying his face.

This brought a frown to her own face. "What has she found out?" She questions slightly demanding from her husband.

Training Ground 10

"The exams will be here within the month. I do have hope that you three alone will be making it to Chunin. I will be doing everything in my power to keep those old fuckers from stopping you from moving onto Chunin. For if they try once more getting in my way. They will be burnt to a crisp." Ace tells them as she has a slight growl in her voice.

Michael stood off to the side with his arms crossed over his chest. A smirk on his face. "Do not worry Ace. I have been taking matters into my own hands as of late." He tells her.

This makes the raven hair girl to snap her head towards him. "What do you mean Uncle Michael?" Questions Ace as she has a little confusion in her eyes.

He smirks at her. "You as the others shall be finding out in the coming days." Michael told her with a playful but sinister smile on his face.

"Honestly. You are more like the Devil than the Angel you are." Ace tells him with her own cheeky smirk on her face.

Michael just gives her a hearty laugh at her words. "Maybe I am." He tells her as he turns around walking into the forest that surrounds them all. Vanishing from sight and mind.

Secret Meeting Room

Several men from the Civilian Council sit around an old round wooden table. As a man with white hair stood up placing his hands on the table before him. "The Lord of Snow has sent me a request." He tells them all as his outburst has now quieted everyone in the room. His pink eyes gilded around the table looking at the man seated before him.

"What does the Lord of Snow request of you?" Questions a man with lavender hair.

A wicked gleam appears in the man's pink eyes. "He has requested the hand of one Namikaze D. Ace. The daughter of our late 4th Hokage. As he has been seeking a bride worthy of a man like himself. As well she had caught his eye during the Chunin Exam she had taken part in several years ago. When he had heard she had left the village to go on a journey of her own. He had sent out main bounty hunters to find her and bring her to him. Each of them had always been sent back to him in a nicely packed box with a few ryo to give them a nice funeral." He tells them all as his grin grows even larger.

Another man with raven hair laughs. "I had gotten a letter myself from the Lord of Fang. He also requests the hand in marriage of Ace and her brother Naruto for his son and daughter." He tells the others. Snorting at the idea of selling them off to the highest bidder.

"How much have each of them offered for their hands in marriage?" Questions the man with lavender hair.

"A million ryo. From the Lord of Snow." Said the pink eyed man.

"What of the other Lord?" Questions the same man.

"The Lord of the Land of Fang has offered over 4 million ryo as well as two ruby mines and one chakra metal mine." Offered the raven hair man.

"I do believe they would be mostly suited for the children of the Lord of Fang." Said the man with pink eyes.

Off in the shadows stood Michael as well as Sakumo with devilish grins on their faces as they had gotten all of this recorded. So if they are questioned by anyone why these men have been murdered. They would have evidence as well as keeping Sakumo's threat that he had promised the Hokage.

"Shall we?" Questions Michael with a dark glint in his eyes.

"We shall." Sakumo agrees with the ArchAngel standing next to him.

Within seconds Sakumo had transformed into a massive werewolf as well as his hellhounds surrounding them both. As Michael's wings appear from his back as a black flaming sword appears in his right hand.

Thnt night blood screams of horror and pain come from an old building in the center of the marketplace. ANBU was too frightened to even dare to step foot into the building. Even the Shinobi kept to themselves. Just heading home or to the bars. Turning a blind eye to the horror that had been coming from the building.

When the rays of the rising sun broke past the trees and walls of the village. One brave soul entered the building. A brave Panda Mask ANBU. Only to return within seconds with his own blood curdling scream as he falls to his knees with his mask moving up as vomit comes flowing past his lips.

Dragon had to be summoned. After the brave fool who had gone in. All others had refused. Demanding for someone of higher ranking to enter the build. For they do not want to see the horror that Panda had seen as Inochi had been summoned to tend to Panda. Not sure if he even wanted to enter the man's mind to seal away the memory of what he had seen.

Training ground 10

Michael and Sakumo stood in the center of the training ground. Like they had just woken their student's up early to train. As the three of them didn't have time to waste as there is a dark horizon looming over the village. Mostly over two siblings.

"We need to make sure you three will be able to take down a Sannin." Sakumo barks out at the trio.

Panting Naruto rests his hands on his bent knees. "Why not make sure we are able to take on an Archangel or a High ranking Demon." He questions the man before him with a sake boot held in his right hand.

Sakumo smirks. "Well you are able to fight on par with me for 30 minutes. There will be others coming out of the woodworks that might outsmart you or even stronger than you. Or even be able to outlast you in battle. For Naruto. The main thing going for you is your stamina. For you are a stamina monster. Even then you will grow weak after a while. For you are not a God. Only part Angel or Devil. Whatever you would like to claim to be." He tells the boy as his eyes harden at what he had learnt last night.

Kurama appears before them out of his seal. "He is right brats. As of today, each of you will be battling me. I want you three to be able to fight as if you are facing one of my siblings." He tells them as each of them pale at the idea of fighting him.

"I am going to die." Ino whines as she falls to her knees losing all hope for her future.

"Don't be a silly child. We wouldn't allow you to die." Michael tells her with an evil smirk on his face.

'We are doomed." They thought as one.