
Naruto: Skill Copying System

The main character reincarnated into the Shinobi world as Sasuke Uchiha. He gained the ability to copy skills from girls to his own skill list by having orgasms with them. In a sense, the main character is the REAL COPY NINJA! He manages to copy the skills from the girls of the rookie 12! Ino's mind transfer jutsu? Yerp! Hinata's gentle fist and Byakugan? Yep! Even the most useless Tenten will eventually have to hand over her ninja tool abilities. While fighting Kaguya... let's leave that for later. :D ------- ------- REALISTIC images are now available on Patreon! This novel is also posted on Lunenovel.com Throughout the story, there will be images posted in the comment section and possibly on a patreon (patreon.com/AzureRaven) or something for more exclusive visuals. Looking for my social media? Check out: twitter.com/SunlessRaven I will occasionally post 'cool' photos.

AzureRaven69 · Tranh châm biếm
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128 Chs

Daughter Roleplay (R18)

"Mmmh, daddy! Did I do something wrong, why are you touching me like this?" Karin coyly said with an innocent face, looking at me with pitiful eyes. 

Her change from a pet to my daughter was so smoothly done that even I'm amazed by Karin's acting skills. She is a natural born roleplayer! 

"You did nothing wrong. Daddy just wants to try out something pleasurable. Don't tell your mommy though." I said as I heard Karin's labored breath. 

"Okay, daddy… I won't tell mommy. But… but you have to let me ride you for a bit, okay?" Slowly, Karin got up and pushed her daddy onto the ground. All the while, his hands were cupped onto her breasts, giving squeezes as he rubbed her nipple peaks with his thumb. 

I allowed Karin to get on top of me and sat onto the dirt ground. If my Uchiha predecessors were ghosts, they'd be seeing a beautiful sight right now. 

While she continued to ride on top of my cock, I could feel her weight pressing down on my body. The harder she tried to fuck me the deeper she slid onto me until we were completely connected and every movement grinded against the base of my cock. 

Sliding my penis into Karin this time is making me rather happy because she's showing a side of her to me that she hadn't shown before. Moreover, this is only the prologue to my incestuous story in the future! 

"Keep riding daddy, baby!" I commented as I ran my hand along each cheek before softly smacking and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Annh~ Daddy! You're such a bad man!" 

"Don't you like it? Don't you like it when daddy fucks your little cunt!?" I held my daughter Karin tightly in my arms, and she squealed with delight as I bounced her up and down on my dick. 

"Yes, daddy! I wuv it, daddy! Mmhhm~!!" Karin placed her hand down on her daddy's chest and moaned in bliss. 

"Are you gonna put a baby in me today daddy? Are you going to ravage your daughter's whole future?" Indulge in her fantasy, Karin spoke like a spoiled daughter who has been exposed to her daddy's dick for a while.

Listening to Karin, my dick was as hard as ever as it expanded and strengthened to its peak. 

I replied to this daughter of mine: "Of course! I will eagerly rub my swollen cock against your soft, wet lips until it lets out a hot, thick load of cum, baby!" 

Karin squeezed her glutes and applied pressure to her daddy's penis from all sides as she said: "Do it, daddy! Impregnate your daughter with your thick cum!" 

As Kairn's moans grew louder,I firmly grabbed her behind and rose to my feet. Then, using her body as if it were a plaything, I forcefully shoved her down on my like a little doll and pummeled her with my rod. 

"How do you like daddy's penis now, kid?" I asked her once more as she looked up at me with adoration and obedience. 

"I love it, daddy!" Karin said with an orgasmic face. 

"Then why don't you shout it out?" I asked, knowing that there's a slight chance of a few people roaming about near the Uchiha compound. 


Karin wasted no time and shouted out her lustful feelings. Shame? How can she have that when she even dared walk as a dog in public? 

Her cries were music to my ears, and this made me start to reach my climax. Her daughter roleplay was just too incredible! 

"Such an amazing fucking slut of a daughter you are, Karin!" I smirked as I pulled Karin down all the way onto the base of my penis. 

My tip reached all the way to the end of her insides, it twitched and let out a bunch of white ooze that was filled with a billion strong swimmers. It was extremely fertile and this ooze would soon swim into her womb and turn itself into babies ready to fight for food and affection, so that they could survive and be born.

However, due to the overloading of cum inside of Karin, a bunch of it was dripping out from her small pussy. 

"Daddy, you've cummed! You've finally taken the first step to impregnating your daughter!" Karin heaved heavily as she reached out her hand to wrap around Sasuke's head and pulled herself in for a deep kiss with her daddy who had just impregnated her. 

While her daughter cunt was still being plugged by her daddy, Karin separated from her daddy's mouth and spoke: "This was amazing, daddy. I would love to do it again next time." 

3/30! Check out Patreon for Karin's Nudes and check out the website for Karin's NSFW animation.

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