
Naruto: Shisui's Little Brother

Yasui reincarnated into the body of Shisui Uchiha's little brother on the day of the Uchiha Massacre. Yasui doesn't shy away from the main cast and tries his best to live to the fullest. He befriends Naruto and others, creating a bond that's thicker than blood. Even though he did not receive any godly power after reincarnating, Yasui felt that becoming an Uchiha is already a cheat by itself. He has good looks, and he also has a body that can become strong. When paired with his knowledge of the Shinobi world and the knowledge of the modern world, Yasui finds ways to have an edge over others.

Yasui · Tranh châm biếm
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51 Chs

C Rank Mission

Yesterday was a crazy day! It started off with an early warning of the crowd emerging in Kono Burger's business district, and it just went downhill from there. First, there were entertainers that appeared out of nowhere. Then, the people of the business district even joined in on the fun and made a whole festival out of it.

To top things off, Yasui even made things bigger by providing free Kono Burgers with the help of Naruto! Thousands upon thousands of free burgers were given away for free, attracting even more people from around the village.

As the third Hokage, this massive event couldn't go on in the village without surveillance. So, Hiruzen had to divert a lot of manpower into keeping the streets safe. He also spent the whole day watching from his crystal ball.

Hiruzen had taken off his Hokage hat and rubbed his temples. He had always thought that Naruto was the only troublemaker that could make him stand on the edge of the cliff.

However, who would have ever thought that Yasui Uchiha is a troublemaker that's even worse than Naruto?

If Naruto is a person that makes him stand on the edge of the cliff, then Yasui is a person who will dare to push him into the cliff! He will even laugh and say that it wasn't intentional!

This isn't the end either.

In front of him in the mission room were the people that he wanted to see the least.

Yasui and the team didn't take a break from yesterday's event. They even accepted a cat mission in the morning, and they easily found the cat named Tora from just outside of the village. Currently, they were submitting to the mission while a fat/rich lady was hugging the poor cat, Tora.

"Now then… The next available missions for Kakashi's seventh squad are… An errand to the neighboring town to babysit the chief Councilor's boy… Helping with digging for potatoes…" Hiruzen read out the list of missions. He just wanted these troublemakers to get out of his sight.

"Noooo! No more of those missions, thank you! For me, I want to do a more exciting mission! Give us something else!" Naruto came forward and opposed Hiruzen's stupid missions.

"I agree with Naruto! These missions are too boring." Yasui also stepped up and supported Naruto.

Sasuke didn't speak, but he agreed with the two. Going around catching cats isn't exactly helping him become a better ninja.

Kakashi sighed with droopy eyes while thinking that it is definitely around the time when his team would get fretful.

"You fools! You're all still bottom rookies! At the start, everyone moves up the ladder by gaining experience from simple missions!" Iruka slammed the table and scolded them for being too eager. He had been temporarily moved by the Third Hokage to the mission room.

"But! But! It's been nothing but bleh missions for far–! Kek!"

Kakashi gave Naruto a knucklehead sandwich for speaking up to the Hokage. Kakashi didn't want to get scolded later for Naruto's complaints.

"Okay, fine! If you insist… I'll have you do a C-rank mission! You'll be bodyguards for someone." Hiruzen chuckled after seeing the team's enthusiasm. Although the team in front of him were troublemakers, he indeed has to acknowledge that their skills are above the level of entry Genins.

Also, C-rank missions aren't that difficult. If things go as expected, the most that the team meets will only be bandits.

"Really!? Who? Who are we going to become bodyguards of!? Is it a feudal lord!? Or, is it a princess!?" Naruto got excited after hearing that they will be doing a C-rank mission.

"Don't get hasty. I'll introduce you now!" Hiruzen smiled as he smoked on his pipe.

"Could you please come in?" Hiruzen shouted to the waiting room that is connected to the mission room.

"What's this!? It's just a bunch of darned brats!" An old man with glasses came out. He was drinking some alcohol that he had bought in the village.

"Huh?" Naruto saw that the old man wasn't someone elegant like he expected.

Yasui was also a little surprised when he saw the person. The time for the Land of Waves mission already came. It came a little bit faster than he anticipated.

"Heeee. Particularly you, the smallest one with the idiotic face. Are you really a Ninja?" The old man spouted those hurtful words in his drunken stupor.

"Ahaha! Who's the smallest one with the idiot's face that he's talking about? It must be you, Sasule! Haha!" Naruto laughed but he suddenly realized… He's the shortest one on the team! Both Sasuke and Yasui are taller than he is!

"Who are you calling an idiot!? I'll kill you!!" Naruto wanted to go up and pummel the old man down to the ground, but Kakashi held his collar and prevented him from doing so.

"What good will come from the old man that you're supposed to be guarding, you moron?!" Kakashi felt a little helpless after seeing Naruto's reaction. Ninas are supposed to prioritize the safety of their employer, even if they are asses.

"Heeee. I'm Tazuna, a veteran bridge builder! You'll be risking life and limb in guarding me to the max until I return to my land and complete my bridge!" Tazuna exhaled and explained the details of the mission that he submitted.

"Alright!! We're off!!" Naruto's hands reached for the sky and celebrated while being extremely excited.

"Why are you so excited?" Sasuke asked with a straight face.

"You see, I've never really left the village before to go on a journey! Euhehehe!" Naruto looked around all over the place, pretending that everything is foreign.

"Hey! Will I really be okay with this squirt!?" Tazuna complained about Naruto after seeing that he isn't exactly as chill as normal ninjas.

"Haha. I'm a Jonin. I'll be watching him, so there's no need to worry." Kakashi played damage control again for Naruto.

"Squirt!? Hmph!" Naruto didn't like being called a squirt. He swore that Tazuna must be the worst client in the whole universe.

He turned back to Tazuna and pointed at him. "Hey, old man! Don't be mocking Ninjas so much! I'm super awesome, you see! I'm a super elite Ninja who will be called the Hokage one day! My name is Uzumaki Naruto! Remember it well!"

The whole team and Tazuna moved slowly on foot.

On the way, Naruto kept trying to make Tazuna believe in his skill while Tazuna kept scolding Naruto for not being a qualified Ninja. Despite the bickering, they ended up finding that time was passing by quickly.

Yasui spent this time looking around. Like Naruto, he hadn't really left the village to travel.

The scenery was beautiful and peaceful, and the fresh air filled him with a sense of joy and contentment. He admired the rolling hills, lush green trees, and sparkling river that occasionally appears.

He watched the birds soaring in the sky, and the gentle breeze rustling the leaves. This made him think that the shinobi world is rather appealing.

"Heh! I'll never acknowledge you, squirt. Even if you become a Hokage one day." Tazuna snorted at the annoying Naruto.

"What!? I'll kill you!!" Naruto wanted to go up and pummel Tazuna again, but he was stopped by Kakashi.

Tazuna turned away and continued walking. He felt that if Naruto kept threatening to kill him ever so often, he would definitely submit a complaint. If he is to die, it should be to an enemy, not the person who is supposed to protect him.

Their journey went on for a while. There was nothing major happening the first few days of travel, but Yasui remained vigilant, even when they camped out at night.

On the third day, Yasui and the crew walked past a puddle of water.

"Hmm." Yasui glanced at the puddle of water as they walked by it. His heart raced in excitement. He's finally going to be able to engage in a real battle soon.

He had seen this trick in the anime. Hidden mist shinobis tried to hide as puddles even when there wasn't any rain the past few days.

Kakashi also took a glance at it and continued walking like nothing was unusual. He didn't even warn his students.


The two hidden mist shinobis appeared out of nowhere and used sharp chains to wrap around Kakashi.

"Kakashi sensei!!" Naruto turned back around looking in shock.

"What!?" Sasuke was also surprised by the sudden attack.

Yasui didn't look as shocked as the other two. He knew that Kakashi was going to be fine. An attack of this level isn't going to hurt him.

Crunch! Kakashi's image was crushed into pieces and it fell onto the dirt road, making a little dust storm.

"The first one!" The two hidden mist shinobis accomplished their sneak attack on the Jonin. They then appeared behind Naruto, going for the second Ninja!

Finally, the bussiness chapters are ending. It would've been so much easier if I just insterted a "System" into the story from the beginning. xD

Power Stone Reset! Send Power Stones.

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