
Naruto Shippuden - Remake

I re-made naruto shippuden as to how I think it could have been better. This includes new characters, new backstory’s, more worldbuilding and most importantly a better ending (IMO, and more). I will keep the plot line a lot like the original (But will also make a lot of big changes, like adding new arc's). (Please keep in mind that this is how I would like the story to be, not that the original is bad by any means, it's just my spin on the series). I don't speak english as my main language so there will probably be grammer problems and writing mistakes.

Ja_Kla · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

Chapter 4. Kakashi-sensei's weakness.

Naruto and Sakura lay concealed amidst the foliage, their eyes darting anxiously from one direction to another, a palpable tension hanging in the air.

"How did your fight with Kakashi-sensei go?" Sakura inquired, her voice barely a whisper. Naruto's expression fell, and he sighed dejectedly.

"He destroyed me," he admitted, his voice heavy with frustration. "I couldn't even land a single hit on him."

Sakura nodded knowingly, as if she had anticipated this outcome. "I knew it," she said softly. "The Sharingan really is amazing."

"And that's not all," Naruto continued, his voice tinged with awe. "His hand-sign making speed is insane. Even if I focus solely on his hands, I can't keep up with the signs he's making." 

"Kakashi-sensei is truly remarkable," she agreed. "If only we could somehow prevent him from using both hands, we might have a chance at getting the bells."

Naruto shook his head resolutely. "No, Sakura-chan," he countered, his voice unwavering. "That's not true. Kakashi-sensei is just too strong."

Sakura's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Huh?" she exclaimed. "What do you mean?"

Naruto's expression grew serious as he elaborated. "Kakashi-sensei's strength is almost unfair," he explained. "He's smarter than Shikamaru, has a better sense of smell than Kiba, his Sharingan is more advanced than Sasuke's, and his taijutsu is superior to Guy's."

Sakura fell silent, contemplating Naruto's words. "That's true," she admitted reluctantly. "But surely, even Kakashi-sensei must have a weakness."

A glimmer of hope sparked in Naruto's eyes as he and Sakura exchanged contemplative glances. Their minds raced, searching for a chink in Kakashi's seemingly impenetrable armor.

Meanwhile, Kakashi sat against the trunk of a nearby tree, his keen senses attuned to the slightest sound and movement. He had managed to escape Sakura's relentless assault by relying on his Sharingan's heightened perception. However, the constant use of the Sharingan was taking its toll on him, and his vision began to blur at the edges. "They've definitely grown," Kakashi mused to himself. "I don't know why Sakura suddenly stopped attacking me, but it gave me the opportunity to disengage. I've been using the Sharingan more than ever before, and my stamina is starting to deplete. If I keep fighting, I'll run out of steam very soon. That's my weakness."

A mischievous grin spread across Naruto's face as he whispered to Sakura, "He has a weakness!"

Sakura's eyes widened in astonishment. "Really?!" she exclaimed. "Are you sure?"

Naruto nodded confidently, his grin growing wider. "If you think about Kakashi-sensei's behavior closely, you'll figure it out," he said cryptically. "Just think about how he's been acting up until now. You'll understand."

Sakura's frustration grew, and she snapped, "Naruto! Stop being so cryptic! Just tell me what his weakness is!"

Naruto chuckled softly. "Alright, alright," he relented. "His weakness is..." At that moment, Kakashi's keen ears detected the sound of movement approaching him. He opened his eyes just in time to see Naruto and Sakura leaping down from the trees, their eyes gleaming with determination.

"Did they really not learn anything in the past two years?" Kakashi thought to himself. "To think they would launch a direct attack on me like this. They should know better."

Sakura called out, "Now, Naruto!"

Naruto grinned and shouted, "Let's go, Kakashi-sensei! The last chapter of Icha Icha Tactics! The truth is the main character..." Kakashi's eyes widened in horror as he realized what Naruto was about to do. He quickly covered his ears, but it was too late. Naruto's words, amplified by the Sharingan, pierced through his defenses and reached his consciousness.

"Oh no!" Kakashi cried out in dismay.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Kakashi closed his eyes tightly, knowing that the Sharingan would allow him to read Naruto's lip movements. He had to block out the forbidden knowledge at all costs. When Kakashi opened his eyes again, he found himself disarmed and surrounded by Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune. 

"Hehe, a ninja shouldn't close his eyes on a battlefield!" Naruto teasingly said. 

"Right Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura joined in on bullying him. They said whilst holding the bell next to their faces.

Tsunade, Jiraiya and Shizune jumped down. "It seems like you've grown Naruto." Tsunade said. 

"Well of course granny tsunade!" 

Jiraiya jumped in on the conversation, "And it seems like you've grown at an other place to Tsuna-"

Jiraiya said, looking at the breast of Tsunade. But before he could finish tsunade, hit him, Jiraiya flew backwards through multiple trees.

"Well they have indeed grown, I'm amazed that you were actually able to get the bells." Kakashi said, ignoring the scene that was unfolding next to him. 

"What are you saying Kakashi-Sensei! Maybe I've even surpassed you Kakashi-Sensei." Naruto said, greedy at his first victory over Kakashi, which was obtained using dirty tactics. 

"Haha maybe, I've got a question for you, Sakura." He said, covering up his left eye. 

"Alright, go ahead and ask."

"why did you stop attacking me?"

"Too keep it shorty, my chakra was depleted and continuing to attack you was only harming myself." 

As Naruto's stomach rumbled, indicating his hunger, he couldn't resist the temptation of Ichiraku Ramen any longer. "Uh..." 

"I'm a bit hungry after training too." Sakura exclaimed.

"let's go to ichiraku ramen!" Naruto Followed up. 


"It's Kakashi-sensei's treat!" Naruto teasingly shouted. 

"Huh, no, why?"

"Since you lost Kakashi-sensei." 

"Fair enough, if Kakashi is treating then I'm coming too." Tsunade said, follwing the two of them. 

Jiraiya, who had just recovered from Tsunade's punch, staggered back into the scene. "Ouch, that hit hurt more than usual, Tsunade." 

"Maybe you'll learn to keep your comments to yourself, Jiraiya." 

Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune headed towards Ichiraku Ramen, leaving the training grounds behind. The sun had set, casting a warm glow over the village as they made their way through the familiar streets.