
Naruto : Sensual Adventures

let's do this shit huh, MC gets transmigrated into the world of Naruto. Now, he fucks arounds and find out how to get strong Expect the unexpected. Tags : Naruto Small Harem Smut R-18 Action Rich MC Advise : hold your undies tight.

Imperial_Writer · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

Chapter-3 : Meeting

After a quick round of teasing Hinata in the bathroom and making her orgasm a few times more, It was time to finally have a talk with Hinata.

Both of them, now completely dressed, sat in the drawing room facing each other, pondering on what to do further now that they have come so far in their relationship.

Both of them started taking as Hinata started explaining her situation to Hiro.

"That man doesn't even considers me his daughter Hiro kun, for him, I'm just a disgrace to the Hyuga main branch, same for every elder in the family, for them it would have been much better if it was Neji who was born in the main family, not me...." Hinata spoke in a somber tone.

More she spoke, more she realised how lonely she had become in just a few years, her family, her own people with whom she shared blood with loathed her for her weal mentality, calling her a waste of good talent.

Hiro just listened to her entire story once again but this time Hinata neither cried nor did she tear up, this time, she spoke with anger and determination in her voice.

"My only way of getting away from this maddening loneliness has been you, and that's why Hiro kun, it doesn't matter if you have one wife or five, doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, doesn't matter if you are weak or strong, as long as I am here and you love me, I will remain happy, and would love you till the end of time" Hinata said with small smile on her face as she hugged Hiro while being as gentle as she could.

While this happened, Hiro stood there with a stunned expression, he was half expecting the relationship that he had cultivated till now will get worse once he introduces the idea of having multiple wife's.

Never had he considered that Hinata would be the one to bring up the topic first, amd even give him a green light from the get go.

Altough her unknowingly calling him 'weak' poked on his ego as a man, he kept that matter aside from now.

It seemed like reading fanfictions had messed up with his head, he had honestly thought that Hinata was more of a yandere, but it all seemed fine now.

Hiro patted her on her back as he said to her "No matter what happens, I won't give you up Hinata, you are mine, and will remain mine, not even god himself be able to seperate you from me."

Hinata didn't speak any further amd just replied with a courteous "Yes", she could feel the love and care in Hiro's voice.

"Ummm, soooo, Hinata..."

"Yes Hiro kun?"

"There's something that I would like to ask of you....."

Hinata nodded with a slight movement of her head as Hiro presented his request.

"Ummm, so I was wondering if you could teach me about ninja arts, you know with how things are going nowadays.

And with the upcoming changes I'm gonna do in my business , I think I would fare better if I know how to defend myself.

So how about you become my teacher?"

"Of course Hiro kun, is that even a thing to ask, plus, I won't give up any chance to spend time with you" Her face lit up as she unknowingly tightened her hug and almost crushed Hiro.

She might not be a jonin right now, but her Taijutsu was definitely not weak.

She was very strong in her own right.

## Two Hours Later ##

Walking through the streets of konoha side by side with Hinata, Hiro could be seen moving towards Hokage tower, which was located in the centre of konoha.

Instead of being in a kimono, or a hyuga traditional haori, Hinata was in a chunins attire with the standard issue chunin jacket as she moved with a serious expression on her face.

Officially, she had been on a mission to protect Hiro on his way to the land of cotton where he went for his latest business deal.

Hiro had asked of her services and paid her extravagantly for the mission, plus, they did not encounter any disturbance on their way.

They were a couple days early than schedule suggested because there was no rain that was suspected, making the route easily traversable.

Giving them time to do their 'activities' together with plenty more time to spare.

Hiro, entered the hokage tower as he showed his VIP pass to the shinobi's and they allowed him on the second floor of the building where only high level people of the village and Jonins were allowed.

There he sat in the waiting area while Hinata went off to the Mission center to submit the report of the mission.

Soon, a lady in her early thirties walked out through the stairs as he was led to the floor above, the office area of Hokage and thr Village council.

The lady escorting Hiro was Shizune Kato, an Elite Jonin of Konoha, a respected Medical Nin while most importantly being Hokage's right hand woman and her secretary.

She looked at Hiro and Invited him into the Hokage's office for further discussion.

Hiro entered in the office as he looked at the hokage and courteously bowed in front of her to pay his respects.

Altough he had quite an interest in Tsunade, he couldn't just ignore the difference in power level and seniority, plus, she was the Hokage, just her presence demanded respect.

"So, Hiro, how did your deal with the land of cotton go?" Tsunade came directly to the point without beating around the bush, she had developed this habit since becoming the hokage, her time was extremely valuable.

"It went exceptionally well lady Hokage, we have come to an agreement of 15 kilotons of cotton each year for the next 5 years, with this, cloth making capacity of Konoha would skyrocket by atleast 10 times" Hiro said with a slight smile on his face.

Ever since he came to this world, he came to realise that this world lacked in fashion, by alot, wanting to capitalise on it to the max, he had been developing two factories on the edge of the village.

One was a fabric manufacturing and the other of clothes making.

Each was equipped with machines and ideas he drafted a couple month back, they were nothing new to him, but in this world, that was still developing, these were revolutionary.

Electrically operated mills, sewing machines along with 'hightech' techniques like a production line, the volume of production could reach levels that were never seen before by the world.

This would not only make him rich, it would also boost Konoha's dwindling economic condition since the one tail attack few years back.

Alot of people had died at that time, altough Ninjas mostly survived, craftsmen and regular labour from normal civilian population had took a strong hit.

Effectively halving Konoha's production Ability, while causing shortage of skilled labor, skyrocketing the price of even the daily use items.

Tsunade had to open the coffers of Senju clan to stabilise the economy, using almost 8 tons of gold from senju reserve in the process.

This was partially the reason why Tsunade was made the Hokage, Senju clan being the founder of the village, had left her a monumental inheritance, just the rent from the land that was leased all around market areas of konoha exceeded her salary by almost ten times.

with billions behind her back, there was no better option than to make her Hokage to stabilise the devastated condition the village was in.

That's why he proposed this Idea to Tsunade a couple weeks back, who was desperately in need of something like this, she didn't like the idea of using Senju money for the village, Senju's had already done so much for the village, she didn't want to do any more.

Hiro, who was known as a business hawk and a prolific inventor of new things due to his works in the past few months, showed her and the council the production capabilities of his new developing factories, as such Hiro gained alot of investment from Konoha for his ventures he was planning.

By aiming to make Konoha the fashion capital, he would rake in millions, even billions in the process.

With the projected sales and the grand scale of operation, konoha would make a profit in just a year of their investment and would keep making them profit.

"So how long until the factories are operational?" Tsunade asked him.

"With the current estimate of things, in two to three weeks, we can operate at 50% capacity, after a couple months, we can run at 100% capacity until raw material runs out"

"That is good, this calls for a celebration, kid, you drink?" Tsunade asked him, taking out a traditional sake bottle and poring it into a cup.

"I Don't lady Hokage, it's a family tradition" Hiro said while courteously saying no to her.

"Tch, what a killjoy you are" Tsunade said as she drank the cup of sake in one gulp with a laughing expression on her face.

Soon, after a couple minutes of chit chat Hiro bought up the thing he came here for today "If you don't mind, I would like to add another mission to the board"

Raising her eyebrows a bit, Tsunade asked what Hiro was talking about.

"Even though I am rich enough, I don't necessarily have power to defend myself if I ever get seperated from my bodyguards, that is why I wanted someone to just teach me the basic ninjutsus and combat techniques to evade if any such attempt is made

And for this role, I would like to hire someone that I know and trust already...."

"Hinata??" Tsunade asked with a frown on her face.

"Yes lady Hokage, her, I don't need jonins around, just a chunin will work fine, plus I already trust her from our recent mission"

"Its gonna be difficult to convince Hyuga Clan to send their princess out for a long time for a mission such as this, even if it is in the village" Tsunade said shaking her head slightly

"Don't worry about that, I'm thinking of something about 200 000 Ryo per month for the mission, along with extra one million just as a 'donation' to Hyuga clan, for that much money, I don't think they're going to pose much problem." Hiro said as he laughed it off.

Tsunade almost sweat dropped for a second, she had forgot that she was sitting with one of the richest people in konoha, and by extension, the whole world.

A million was small money for someone like him, but for a ninja like her, it was a year full of hard work.

Altough she was Princess of the Senju clan, and their last pureblooded heir, she did not like using the clan money for herself and believed in her own hardwork and used the money she earned.

If she wanted, she could live an extravagant life with the inheritance senju clan had left for her.

Even her salary as a Hokage didn't exceed 5 million a year, and that was already better than the upper class.

'Rich people things' Tsunade just shook her head and agreed to the Mission, no clan would say no to such easy money.


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