
Naruto: Senju Reborn

Just another reincarnation story in the Naruto(AU) world. A young man who died after the celebration party of his high school graduation, he died for a small mistake of the being that took care of the universe he inhabited, and won the chance to be born in the naruto world as compensation. This is my first story, I'm just doing this out of curiosity so don't charge me for anything I do. tag: romance?, no harem, op mc? r-18?

Cadmus_black · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Chapter- 6

I just keep thinking, my grandfather is very strong. How did someone so strong, and who still has such a strong summons, die? I could ask my obaasan that, but I think it will make her remember and end up being sad.

"We don't know how your ojiisan passed away, Satoru-chan... "I widen my eyes, how does she know I was thinking that, what she said afterward enlightened me "fufufu your face is very easy to read my cute grandson, and don't worry!!! I won't be sorry and sad about it, there was a time I would be. But like your name, you have brightened my life! Not only mine, everyone around us. Your birth was the greatest light in our lives!"

She reached down and hugged me, I can feel from her emotions and my senses, that everything she spoke was sincere and true. I am glad that I matter so much to my family. "Grandma, you are all important to me too! I love you so much, not even the kyubi chakra could overcome!!!" I say as I arm her, by the last part we had drifted apart a bit so I raised my head and spoke heroically!

To which my obaasan closed her eyes and laughing form and giggled while smoothing my hair "fufufu it's good to hear that satoru-chan, especially seeing you making so many cute expressions!!!! Your mom will die of envy when I tell you that! Hihihi" he finishes saying pulling my cheeks... I can only bear it and hope I get older so I won't be seen as a child in everything I say!!!

My grandmother takes a deep breath and says "continuing where I left off. According to his ojiisan disciples, he stayed behind to hold off the enemies as they fled. But your grandfather is a clever man and a genius! He wouldn't die so easily, he has many ways to escape alive even in the face of two monsters like Madara and hashirama! So we always think that it must not be so simple since we didn't find his body, there was only his blood in the place, you can think that the enemies could have taken his body right? But we of the Uzumaki clan, have a way to recover the body of our allies.

Hashirama's death is another unknown that we don't know, one day he just disappeared and we can't get his body back either. Yes, disappear. We never found his body, we only found his arm and a lot of blood at the site, which we put his arm on his grave since we didn't have the whole body.

I am surprised by this, as these things did not exist in my previous world. Both of hashirama's bodies were recovered and buried in the Senju compound graveyard, that is how madara and the quartet that is in the hokage's power took them to create white zetsu and experiment and use the impure world jutsu.

It seems that this world is more AU than I thought, everything I know about the future and past can be completely different.

Since with my parents and the Senju clan itself currently has still a great power. And it has many ways to contact the Uzumaki clan, I know they will not be destroyed by the 3 big villages.

And they have a formation created by my ojiisan in conjunction with Ashina Uzumaki and my obaasan and Mito-obaasan. This follows the same pattern as the flying thunder god jutsu, where it can teleport our members within the formation to the place where the other formation exists, and the same goes for the Uzumaki clan formation, where they can come directly here using the formation.

And I know that all of that didn't exist, as far as I know of course. And as far as I know, tobirama-ojiisan didn't have a wife, right?

All this is a lot of information that I will need to think carefully about in the future, right now I want to enjoy my life as a child with my family!!!

-A few minutes later

After a short walk with my grandmother, we arrive at the courtyard of mito-obaasan family. And what is in front of us is a beautiful courtyard, almost identical to ma my obaasan's, which I forgot to tell you about, but it looks like we will be living there with her next year!!! According to my parents and my obaasan, it is too big a place for her to live alone. Our current house will also be left for when I get married, and not wanting to stay with them right after marriage, that's what my parents did, they lived in a two-person world first, so as not to feed my grandmother every day with single dog food, in her case an almost 70 year old widow.

Turning my attention again to the big courtyard, there is a gate with walls in front of it that leads to a walkway that is over a lake, on the walls, there are coats of arms of the senju clan, on the way to the walkway there is a detour that leads to a hanging foundation and a young girl is sitting there. (here are some reference pictures, I still don't know how to describe everything)

The house comes after the walkway, which looks like it has 3 floors. On the sides of the house, there are what I think are other areas of the house, which may be separate houses for the members, in the central area is where I know mito-obaasan lives, on the left lives Tsunade and on the right lives nawaki with his parents.

Yes, they are alive. I said that the senju clan is very different from what I remember, nawaki's father almost died in a mission, but my father came to his rescue along with other members of the clan.

But Yuriko-obaasan and my mother are very good at medical ninjutsu, and both have the same ability as karin, only instead of biting they can guide it through medical Jutsu, so it was easy to save her, even Tsunade came back from near-death with Karin help.

And why does Tsunade live alone? Hahaha she is a noisy person, she destroyed the house training like 2x before my obasan sends her to the other side of the yard. I can only assume she was trying to create her trademark jutsus. Of course, her being addicted to betting also contributes, she even wore a unique earring that my obasan got from my ojisan as a bet...and lost, my mom and I think she was kicked out for it and the way she trained at home was just a way to cash it in hahaha, seems it was the item she loved most and the first gift from my ojisan.

The woman on the suspension bridge turns to me and my obaasan and gives a smile full of affection "fufufu look who has arrived, it's my oneechan and my beautiful Satoru-kun!!!" the girl speaks with great affection, in the last part which she quotes me, she had more enthusiasm which was evident as my obaasan spoke "take your eyes off my grandson you brat!!! You already have two!!!"

Yes, the brat my grandmother just spoke of is her younger sister and the current jinchuriki of Kyūbi no Yōko, Mito Uzumaki!

She is still as young as a 25-year-old girl even though she is almost 65...the Senju and Uzumaki clan really are amazing right? That vitality is scary. Her hair is long and red, only hers is darker than my grandmother's hair which is vibrant. Her eyes are black without pupils.

Mito pouts as he hears her onnechan "Humph! Those two aren't as cute as Satoru-kun! Tsunade just keeps training and Nawaki just wants to play with his mother and sister. Uhuuuhuuuuu my life is so lonely without my Otto!!!" she starts to pretend to be sad and wipes her fake tears to which my grandmother replies with a "Humph!" and rolls her eyes at her antics.

I go to my second grandmother and hug her "it's ok obaachan, I've come to keep you company!!! Here take this as an apology for taking so long" I kiss her cheek and enter into her hugs.

Mito has a big smile on his face "fufufu yes, only my Satoru-chan can understand me!!! My little light! I knew you would never leave me sad alone, unlike my cold oneechan"

My obaachan can only roll her eyes and laugh at the antics of her Imouto and her adorable grandson.

I made a change and I ask for your suggestions in the auxiliary volume!! if there is any mistake in the new chapter i would also appreciate it if you let me know

Cadmus_blackcreators' thoughts